I know this ancient god

Chapter 42 Lao Li, are you drinking fake wine?

"Lao Li, did you drink fake wine?"

Dissatisfied shouts from colleagues came from the communication channel.

Lao Li felt very nervous.

He didn't know what was going on with him. After coming out of the police station, he wanted to turn left when he saw the intersection, as if turning left contained the poetry and distance he longed for.

He said guiltily: "I don't know what's going on. I drank two glasses of that medicinal wine yesterday, and now I feel a little dizzy. How about you give me orders?"


"Turn around now!"

The voice of a colleague giving directions came from the communication channel.

Lao Li controlled the flying motorcycle to complete a beautiful 180-degree U-turn in the air.


Lao Li turned the accelerator.


Suddenly, his eyes drifted to the left involuntarily. The beautiful girl on the left has really round legs, a white waist, and thin breasts. Go get a communication code before leaving.


Lao Li came to his senses: "Oh, go straight!"


The flying motorcycle flew straight forward.

Lao Li was blown away by the cool breeze and felt refreshed. He quickly moved forward along the route planned by Zhi Nao without squinting. In order to make up for the lost time, he deliberately increased the accelerator this time to ensure that the arrival time was consistent with expectations.

He quickly drove to a place only one intersection away from his target. He vaguely saw a little girl with silver hair at the end of the road ahead. He thought to himself that this should be his target.

To catch her, you should turn left now so you can cut her off from the front. Although this is inefficient, easy to lose, and very unprofessional, it is still handsome!

Lao Li turned left confidently.

The anxious voice of a colleague came through the communication: "Lao Li?! Didn't you see her? She is right in front. Why did you turn left again?"

Lao Li said arrogantly: "Leave me alone, I know what to do!"

A colleague complained: "Yes, you can still fight back!"

Old Li laughed loudly: "I really know how. The old man talks about his husband and the young man is crazy. He leads the dog on the left, and walks with the yellow on the right! He rides to the north on a motorcycle with a brocade hat and fur coat."

colleague:? ? ?

Lao Li completely ignored the scolding from his colleagues in the earphone, and turned left onto another street and drove to the intersection of this street in one go.

He looked up at the traffic light.

If I turn right now, turn right again, and turn right again, I can stop the little silver-haired girl head-on, restore the reputation I just lost, and complete the police indicator again.

But if I turned left, it would only add to the drama of the police call and I would get scolded.

Then I choose

Turn left!

Lao Li's face flushed: "Let's go!"

Colleagues were shocked and angry: "Old Li?!"

Lao Li didn't care: "Don't worry, I know it!"


Lao Li drifted around the corner and turned left gorgeously.

"You have a bad idea! Are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing?" The colleague was furious, "If you miss the target later, will you be responsible? Aren't you afraid of having your salary deducted!"

As soon as the words "wage deduction" came out, Lao Li's mind suddenly sobered up. He trembled in shock and thought, What am I doing?

Lao Li suddenly braked.

"Sorry, I'm going to the hospital after get off work."

Lao Li also felt that something was wrong with him now. He clearly saw the goal, but he actually changed the mission route planned for him by Zhinao just to be handsome.

Can handsome people be used as food?

Are you a reader of Inner Demons?

The colleague grabbed the microphone and shouted angrily: "Turn around!"

Lao Li quickly turned around, but halfway through, he suddenly felt that he was an old policeman after all. Why was he scolded like this?

He said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you shouting so loudly? You just want to catch a little girl. Even if I drive around here ten times, she won't be able to escape!"

After that, he turned the motorcycle back to the left-turn route, turned on the accelerator, and continued his left-turn path.

The colleague asked in disbelief: "Lao Li, are you angry with me when you are performing a task? You will be punished!"


Lao Li calmed down for a moment.

Why don't you look back? I am an old policeman after all. I have to know how to measure myself and be able to do it at critical moments.

Can you bear this anger?

Lao Li's face turned red with excitement.

Do not look back! Never look back!

Even if the director comes today, it won't work!

Turn left!


The flying motorcycle with red and blue police lights flashing was spinning wildly around the large shopping mall next to it. The siren on the car was clearly heard in the shopping mall, immediately disturbing the customers who were shopping inside.

"what happened?"

"I don't know. There aren't bad people in the mall, are there?"

"Go, go, go!"

"The police are here to arrest someone!"

The mall became desolate in the blink of an eye, and the customers receded like a tide, leaving only a bunch of shopkeepers and a few people with long reflexes sticking around.

Shopkeepers called the police to complain.

"Hey, Sir! Is there anything wrong?"

"We are doing serious business!"

"What, a temporary worker?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you to deal with it, hurry up!"

In the police station, several police officers looked at each other. They couldn't understand how the always calm Lao Li could suddenly do such an incomprehensible thing.

What stimulated this?

Not afraid of salary deductions, not afraid of being punished, not afraid of leadership, and not afraid of not meeting monthly task targets.

Are you really fearless?

A middle-aged policeman frowned and said: "Old Li's mental state is not right. He has stopped answering now. Who is going to check on him?"

Another policeman put down the microphone in his hand and shouted angrily: "I'll go!"

He is the policeman who just talked to Lao Li on the communication channel. He wanted to see if Lao Li really didn't want to do it anymore. Huh, he's still an old policeman, how can he set an example for the newcomers like this?

He threw up his sleeves and left, walked out of the door, and stepped onto the police flying motorcycle in one swift step. Twist the accelerator and fly away.


The other policemen sighed: "Lao Wang has a bad temper. After bringing that little girl back, he will definitely have a quarrel with Lao Li."

A few minutes later

The police began to contact Lao Wang: "Lao Wang"

An extremely excited voice came from the communication channel, so excited that the police almost thought they had typed the wrong communication code.

"Turn right, turn right, turn right!"

"Oh! Yeah! I'm so happy!"

The policemen hesitated and asked: "Old Wang, what's wrong with you?"

They had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Lao Wang said excitedly: "Haha, I'm fine!"

Now the policemen were even more shocked because that's what Lao Li just said. One person may be crazy because of some stimulation, but it is not that simple for two people to be crazy. What's more, the second crazy person just angrily wanted to settle the score with the one in front.

The policemen came to the microphone and said: "Lao Wang, calm down! Calm down! You are now just like Lao Li! We ask you, have you inhaled any hallucinogenic gas?"

Lao Wang curled his lips: "What kind of psychedelic gas can catch up with me flying at a height of 100 meters?"

"One hundred meters! Old Wang, are you crazy?"

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