I know this ancient god

Chapter 41 Hidden Levels (Additional Updates)

"ladies and gentlemen!"

"The spaceship has arrived at the Black Bird Spaceport"

(Please click here to continue listening)

Tang Xuan slowly opened his eyes. He turned his neck and moved his body, with a slightly tired smile on his face.

finally reached!

Since he was traveling in economy class, he only had a chair that could be slightly tilted. The three-day flight made him feel like his body was rusty and rusty. Fifteen minutes later, the spacecraft docked at the port. The passengers began to leave the ship in an orderly manner, and Tang Xuan also grabbed his bag and walked into the aisle.

"Mom, I'm going to Dashang Amusement Park to play King Zhou!"

"Our wedding photos were taken here?"

"Brother, you stepped on my foot."


"You stepped on my foot!"

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention while listening to the song."

The cabin became lively.

Listening to the conversation of the passengers next to him and feeling the hustle and bustle of being away from home for three days, Tang Xuan's mood became much more relaxed. It didn't take long before he and the other passengers walked out of the spacecraft and stepped onto the floor of the Black Bird Spaceport.

When the first ray of cool breeze from the spaceport penetrated Tang Xuan's collar and cuffs, Tang Xuan became energetic.

He looked around and couldn't help but sigh.

When he left here half a month ago, he still felt that the Black Bird Spaceport was very well built, not only with gravity and life support systems, but also with vegetation and simulated insects and birds. But when he came back half a month later, he felt that the Black Bird Spaceport was just average. The LED lights above his head were even a bit dazzling. Compared with Daxing Space City, there were traces of machinery and design everywhere, making it impossible for people to feel that they were on the ground.

This trip broadened his horizons a lot.

Tang Xuan thought to himself, it had only been half a month, and his classmates should still be struggling with their final exams, right? I wonder what happened to Lin Wan after he left. She should be firmly ranked first in the department now, right?

Tang Xuan sighed softly in his heart. He thought to himself that he would not go to Lin Wan, after all, he was already a person on two levels. He didn't want to have a burden holding him back while saving the world.

Oh, how can a woman compare to saving the world?

He looked down at his watch and confirmed that today's game would start in an hour. He thought he still had time to go to the hotel on the ground to take a shower to wash away the smell of dust and leave a good impression on the little lolita.

Tang Xuan came to the baggage claim area, picked up his 'magic weapon' to catch the little loli, and then walked to the place where the space shuttle was rented. People lined up in a straight line inside the fence. Space shuttles came and went frequently here, so it was Tang Xuan's turn soon.

As soon as Tang Xuan got into the car, the game board in his bag vibrated. He was stunned for a moment, thinking, wouldn't the game start in another hour?

As he set up the space car to head to Chaoge University, he took the game board out of his bag and opened it.

Small gold letters: "The police have five minutes to catch her."

Tang Xuan was stunned: "What's going on?"

Small gold letters: “Police officers also check Moments after get off work.”

Tang Xuan figured out the whole story in an instant. Someone had previously taken a video of a little loli going berserk and uploaded it to the Internet. It happened to be caught by the police. In addition, someone may have called the police before, so...

Tang Xuan frowned: "What should we do now?"

Golden text: "This welfare game triggers a hidden level. You have three minutes to adjust the police's action path. You need to ensure that the police's action path does not coincide with hers, otherwise a violent conflict will break out between the two parties, which will seriously affect the mission benefits. As a reward, you will Visually see where she is.”

Immediately, the game screen lit up, and a detailed map appeared in front of Tang Xuan's eyes. Tang Xuan saw a red dot with a warning circle on the map and a green dot with the image of a silver-haired little lolita on top. He himself had four direction keys.

The game didn't give Tang Xuan any time to think. As soon as he saw the game interface clearly, two dots started to move. The red dot was obviously much faster than the green dot, and it went straight to the green dot. And go.

Tang Xuan subconsciously pressed '←', and the red dot on the map suddenly turned left, turned into a street, and sped towards the top of the map.

Tang Xuan suddenly understood.

The rules of the game are simple, that is, never let the green dot appear in the warning circle of the red dot.

Tang Xuan began to concentrate on operating the game.

A few seconds later, the red dot that had soared far away from its original trajectory due to '←' suddenly turned around.

So Tang Xuan pressed '←' again.


The game board vibrated slightly.

The red dot actually refused Tang Xuan's control!

Tang Xuan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. This was his first time playing a game and being resisted by a game character.

This shock not only caused the red dot to return to its original trajectory, but also brought it closer to the green dot. Tang Xuan, who came back to his senses, was frightened and quickly pressed '←' again.

Fortunately, this time the red dot did not refuse Tang Xuan's control, and there was no danger. Its warning circle rubbed the edge of the green dot, and Tang Xuan's efforts over the past few days were not in vain.

Tang Xuan didn't know why the red dot could resist his control, but he understood that as long as he moved fast enough, the red dot could not escape his grasp.

In the next two minutes, the red dot turned left at the intersection and began to circle around a large shopping mall. It occasionally resisted Tang Xuan's control, and even resisted several times in a row, but in the end it continued to spin in circles, just in a fresh place.

At the third minute, another red dot and four other direction keys suddenly appeared on the screen.

Tang Xuan gritted his teeth and used both hands to operate. He pressed '←' with his left hand and '→' with his right hand to make the two red dots rotate crazily.



As time passed, the two red dots seemed to be in a hurry, moving almost twice as fast as they initially did, and even left an afterimage on the map. But even so, they still can't escape the fate of turning left (right) when they encounter an intersection.

A huge countdown pulses in the center of the screen.











mission completed!

The screen gradually dimmed, and a line of small text announcing mission rewards scrolled out on the screen.


[Complete Collection of Biological Cooking] \u0026 [Comprehensive Collection of Dead Food Cooking]

Tang Miaomiao's real-time location

A stream of information poured into Tang Xuan's mind.

This information flow contains many contents: 'One hundred ways to eat potatoes', 'Charizard and chili peppers', 'Salty and sweet tofu curd', 'How to compress a black hole into a chocolate-flavored jelly bean with a diameter of 1.5 centimeters' .Except for common creatures and fantasy creatures, even high-energy stars are among the ingredients in these two recipes.

This is probably [Jigu]'s own recipe, right?

But Tang Xuan was more concerned about another thing.

Silver-haired lolita named Tang?

Tang Xuan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated: "She has a relationship with me, right?"

Small golden letters: "Yes."

The answer in small golden letters was uncharacteristically crisp.

Tang Xuan frowned: "What's the relationship?"

Small golden letters: "I have told you what I can tell you, and the rest should not be exposed to you now."


No extras today!

But there are more updates!

Today’s single-day recommended votes have reached 500. From tomorrow on, every single-day recommended vote of 1,000 will be added.

Hey, feeling hard?

Then write a chapter and say it! ! !

Send a chapter and say it (shocking sound)!

New chapters will be released. If an average of fifty chapters per chapter is reached within 24 hours, one update will be added!

In addition, one update will be added for every hundred additional investments.

Investment and updating may be tightened in the next two days, and I'm afraid that I will suddenly go from having a little saved manuscript to being heavily in debt. But don’t worry, everyone, just because I don’t update it now doesn’t mean I haven’t updated it, it just means that the update has been saved.


Temporary extra (does not affect the number of words in the main text):

"I Have a Dream" - I love you all

I have a dream!

I dream that one day, even "I Know This Ancient God", a book where justice (readers) have disappeared and oppression (authors) has become common, like a desert, will become an oasis full of votes and chapters.

I have a dream that one day my books will live in a country where they will be judged not by their length but by the seriousness of their authors.

I have a dream today.

I dream that one day, things will change here. Although some readers still insist on updating and object to the word count, one day, the sea and ocean here will be able to share the same flesh and blood with readers and move forward hand in hand.

I have a dream today.

I dream that one day, the number of chapters will increase, the number of reminders will decrease, the bumpy and tortuous road will become smooth, and the Holy Light will be revealed and shine on the world.

On the day when this happens, all the letters on the keyboard will sing this song with new meaning: "Crack, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle.

Love you!

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