I know this ancient god

Chapter 40 Crisis

Dong dong dong (knocking on the door)

"The door is unlocked."

An Bei opened the door and came in: "Teacher, are you looking for me?"

Deputy Director Qian Yanyan nodded.

An Bei looked around: "Teacher, why is your room so cool? Is the air conditioner on?"

Qian Yanyan sighed: "Xin Jing is naturally cool."

An Bei couldn't help but smile, he knew what his teacher was talking about. Because of the renovation of the dormitory back then, Qian Han's salary has not increased even once after so many years. It's quite interesting if you think about it.

Qian Yanyan raised his hand: "Sit down."

Anbei sat down opposite Qian Yanyan obediently.

He respected Qian Yanhang from the bottom of his heart, because he felt that Qian Yanhang might be the person who had the deepest understanding of the ancient gods in the entire federation. No matter what questions he asked, Qian Yanyan was able to answer them, and they were all well-founded and not made up.

The Ancient Gods are dangerous creatures. Every time you learn more about them, you can reduce the risk of coming into contact with them in the future. So Anbei was very grateful for Qian Yanyan's careful teaching to him.

An Bei waited for Qian Yan'an to speak with glaring eyes, but Qian Yan'an seemed not to notice at all, and slowly bent down and took out a tea set from under the coffee table.

An Bei's eyes suddenly became solemn, and he suddenly realized that Qian Yanchen must have something important to discuss when he called him here this time, otherwise he would not be treated with such courtesy. So he was not impatient at all, his face and posture became more respectful, and he waited silently for Qian Yan to make tea.

The room became quiet, and the sound of water was particularly clear.

The boiling water at about 80 degrees flies from the spout into the tureen, allowing the slightly cool body of the cup to be heated. Then the water inside is poured into the fair cup, and then the water in the fair cup is poured into the two teacups.

This step is called warming the cup.

Qian Yanyan silently poured the water from several teacups into the bowl, then picked up a bamboo slice containing a few tea leaves, and used a golden teaspoon to stir the tea leaves on it into a tureen.

This step is called tea pouring.

After adding the tea, pour water again. White smoke floated from the tureen, and the rich aroma of tea overflowed from the tureen, quickly permeating every corner of the room. The tea brewed in the first place was too strong to be drunk, so Qian Yanyan poured the cup of tea into the bowl.

This step is called washing tea.

By this time, most of the tea-making process had passed, but Qian Yanxin still didn't say a word, which made Anbei feel even more depressed.

What on earth is the teacher going to say?

An Bei's calm heart began to become a little anxious.

As if aware of Anbei's anxious mood, Qian Yanyan finally spoke: "Anbei, have I told you before that tea is actually a kind of sacrifice to the ancient gods?"

An Bei was stunned for a moment: "No."

Qian Yanyan said slowly: "Some ancient gods love to drink tea, so they set tea leaves as their own sacrifices and let believers pick the best tea leaves to offer to themselves. If the ancient gods cannot be satisfied, the believers will be planted in the tea trees by the ancient gods. superior."

An Bei frowned: "This is too cruel."

Qian Yanyan smiled and shook his head: "It is indeed too cruel. The ancient gods rarely treat their believers well. But the ancient gods treat their own kind differently. Although they conquer each other, it is no different from the wars in human history."

An Bei's eyes were a little confused. He felt that there was something behind Qian Yanyan's words, but he couldn't hear it.

Qian Yanchen did not continue, but picked up the teapot and poured water into the tureen again. This time the tea is ready to drink. Qian Yanyan strained the tea in the tureen into the fair cup, and then used the fair cup to pour the clear tea water from which the tea leaves had been removed into the teacup.

Qian Yanyan brought a teacup to Anbei.

He said gently: "Tea, please."

The physique of the God's Blessed One allowed Anbei to withstand the eighty-degree temperature, so Anbei directly picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp.

The tea is bitter and has a strange aroma.

An Bei praised: "Good tea!"

Qian Yan's face darkened.

"Evil traitor!"

"Is this how you drink tea?!"

An Bei shrank his head in embarrassment.

Tea, isn’t it still water?

Qian Yanyan sighed: "I shouldn't make tea for you. Life is already so difficult, and I have to add more trouble to myself. This world is not worth it."

An Bei giggled twice and then asked: "Teacher, please stop trying to tantalize me. What's going on?"

Qian Yanyan leaned back on the sofa.

"Anbei, the Special Affairs Response Department is going to be reorganized into the God-Slaying Department. What do you think about this?"

An Bei scratched his head: "The name is a bit fantasy."

Qian Yanyan stared: "Apart from this?"

An Bei said happily: "I got promoted in disguise!"

This villain

Qian Yanyan rubbed his temples.

"Don't you think the Federation's murderous intentions are too serious?"

Qian Yanyan asked, staring into An Bei's eyes.

Confusion appeared in An Bei's eyes: "Is there anything wrong with being murderous? The ancient god will definitely want to develop followers after his resurrection, and developing followers means enslaving federal citizens. The contradiction between the two parties is irreconcilable."

Qian Yanyan shook his head: "Of course the contradiction is irreconcilable. But have you ever thought that the consequences of an all-out war with the ancient gods may be something the Federation cannot afford?"

An Bei pursed his lips.

He knew that a newly resurrected ancient god had slipped away under the noses of the Fuxi Legion some time ago, and had not been caught until now. He might have started to spread his faith in some corner.

Anbei thought for two seconds and then argued: "The failure of the Fuxi Legion was only because the Federation wanted to capture the ancient god alive for research. If the space bomb was directly dropped, the ancient god would definitely not be able to escape."

Qian Yanyan sighed: "Even if the space bomb can kill the ancient gods, how many space bombs does the Federation have, and how many warships can drop space bombs? What if more than two digits of the ancient gods resurrect at the same time? What if the ancient gods resurrect in the future? What to do with the administrative planet? Have you considered this?"

"The ancient gods shouldn't be able to resurrect many times at once, right?" An Bei said slowly in an uncertain tone, "And I haven't heard of any administrative planets that have ancient god ruins?"

"There are more than 3,000 ancient god ruins that have been discovered so far, and there are still more than 20 new ones added every year, so the total number of ancient gods may exceed 10,000." Qian Yanyan said in a heavy voice, "And Relics of ancient gods have been discovered on more than a dozen administrative stars.”

An Bei was stunned when he heard this. He didn't know these things before. If this is the case, the Federation may face its greatest challenge ever, a challenge that could turn everything upside down. A strong sense of crisis arose in his heart.

Qian Yanyan sighed: "Do you still think that the Federation's tough attitude towards the ancient gods is a good thing?"

An Bei struggled and said: "What if the ancient gods only revived piecemeal? In this way, we can defeat them one by one, kill one after another, and sooner or later we will be finished."

Qian Yanyan frowned: "Then what if it's not?"

Anbei finally fell silent this time.

He knew it was a foolish idea to place hope on the enemy, but it was the only way he could think of to break the situation.

He suddenly fell into a trance.

What is the purpose of the teacher telling me this?


The purpose is to ask for chapters and votes!

So hungry, phew!

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