I know this ancient god

Chapter 50 Return

After receiving the emergency recall order, Tang Xuan could no longer fish in the water.

He heard the sound of water in the bathroom was still very loud, and guessed that Tang Miaomiao would have to wash for a while. After thinking for a while, he directly dialed the communication code Wang Anya left for him.

"Hello, I'm Lu Chunyi. Excuse me?"

A strong and steady male voice came from the other end of the communication.

Tang Xuan smiled and said: "Hello, my name is Tang Xuan. Sister Anya arranged for me to take your battleship back to the Northern Star."

Lu Chunyi replied: "Yes, besides you there is a little girl, right? When will you enter the space port? The battleship is already on standby."

Tang Xuan thought for a while and then replied: "It's nine o'clock in the morning. We will go to the space port at eleven o'clock. I will contact you when we get there."

Lu Chunyi agreed: "Okay, we will wait for you here."

Beep beep beep (communication hung up)

Tang Xuan silently estimated his time. He set off in half an hour, then spent an hour shopping for local specialties, and then another 20 minutes to go to the space port, finally arriving 40 minutes early.

After a while, the sound of water in the bathroom gradually decreased, and the sound of bath towels wiping the body could be heard. A few minutes later, Tang Miaomiao walked out of the bathroom wearing a pair of men's slippers that were obviously several times too big.

Hibiscus comes out of clear water, and the carvings are naturally removed.

Tang Miaomiao's face was flushed red, and her silver hair was dotted with many small sparkling water drops. The white legs were exposed to the air, and the corners of the black skirt were slightly raised. The whole radish is like a small flower in bud.

Tang Xuan also smelled a faint fragrance.

He stood up and said to Tang Miaomiao: "Things have changed, we are leaving now."

The dull hair on Tang Miaomiao's head swayed: "Okay!"

Tang Xuan curled his lips: "Didn't you say that you 'love this city so much'? Why do I think you seem a little impatient?"

Tang Miaomiao didn't answer. She walked up to Tang Xuan and shook her head vigorously, shaking Tang Xuan's face like a kitten shaking water.

Tang Xuan wiped his face: "You actually know how to use shampoo with the scent of jasmine?"


Tang Miaomiao raised her chin.

Tang Xuan’s brain-filled translation: Na na na! Of course I know!

He shrugged: "Then let's go now."

Tang Xuan carried the big bag with food on his back, took Tang Miaomiao out of the dormitory building before most of his classmates got up, and left Chaoge University by bicycle (unmanned vehicle).

He probably won't come back for a long time after leaving this time. He hopes that the next time he comes, Chao Singxing will still be in peace.

Time was tight, so Tang Xuan only bought a few famous local specialties: Qiqiao Linglong Fruit, Bigan Tea, Youhun Exploded Beans and Daji's figures.

Bigan tea was given to Wang Anya, and Qiqiao Linglong fruit and Youhun fried beans were eaten on the way.

As for Daji’s figure, Chaoge’s Daji figure is not the most exquisite, but it is the boldest. He knows that Chen Nanxi is good at this, so giving Chen Nanxi a Chaoge version of Daji’s figure is not in vain for them to work together. .

Tang Miaomiao lay beside the window of the space shuttle and looked down.

"Aba Aba."

It sounds a little melancholy.

Tang Xuan was also looking down. Last time he saw Lin Wan standing on the rooftop and silently saying "Waiting for you" to him. This time he saw nothing, only a blank space.

Tang Xuan sighed unconsciously. After sighing, he realized that he didn't know what he was sighing about.

Lin Wan must be number one in the physics department now.

He silently blessed in his heart.

The space shuttle flew higher and higher until it broke through the atmosphere and flew towards the only bright light on the dark background.


The space shuttle passed through three gates and finally came to a stop.

Tang Xuan sat in the car and dialed Lu Chunyi's communication: "Hello, I am Tang Xuan. I have entered the spaceport now. Where should I find you?"

Lu Chunyi smiled heartily and said: "Can you authorize us to track your data signals? Within the scope of the space port, we can locate you through communication signals and then send people to pick you up."

Tang Xuan nodded: "I authorize you to track my data signal."

a few seconds later

Lu Chunyi said in surprise: "Hey, you are very close to us."

Tang Xuan looked out the window and saw two flying motorcycles painted in military green rising not far away.

Tang Xuan waved through the window: "Can you see me?"

Lu Chunyi rode his motorcycle and looked in the direction of the data positioning. As his eyes focused, the helmet visor automatically magnified the scene in the distance, allowing him to see Tang Xuan sitting in the car waving at a glance.

Lu Chunyi nodded: "You are waving, right?"

Tang Xuan nodded.

Lu Chunyi smiled and said, "I think I saw you."

He gently turned the throttle and flew in the direction of Tang Xuan with his companions. When they flew to Tang Xuan's car, Tang Xuan also got out of the car with Tang Miaomiao.

Lu Chunyi lowered his motorcycle and raised his face shield to reveal a young and handsome face. He extended his hand to Tang Xuan enthusiastically: "Nice to meet you!"

Tang Xuan was about to step forward to shake hands with him, but Tang Miaomiao suddenly jumped forward and reached out to pat Lu Chunyi first.


A certain Luo: "Aba (excited voice)!"

Tang Xuan reluctantly withdrew his hand.

Lu Chunyi's eyes fell on Tang Miaomiao: "Is this your sister? So cute!"

Tang Xuan nodded: "Tang Miaomiao."

Lu Chunyi stared at Tang Miaomiao for more than ten seconds. He was inexplicably attracted and couldn't move his eyes away.

Tang Xuan reached out to cover his mouth: "Ahem!"

"Ah! She is so cute, even prettier than those child stars on the Internet." Lu Chunyi came back to her senses: "Get in the car, we will take you to the battleship."

Tang Xuan glanced at the back seat of the motorcycle. There was only one compartment in the back seat and there was no room for two people.

Tang Xuan said to Tang Miaomiao: "Shall we take one car each?"


Tang Miaomiao's eyes suddenly became alert. She quickly reached out and grabbed the strap of Tang Xuan's backpack, so hard that her fingernails turned white.

Tang Xuan thought to himself, I knew this would happen.

He tried to comfort him: "Remember, we made an agreement, I won't run away with your food on my back."

Tang Miaomiao only heard the last word.

Escape? !

This seriously irritated her. Not only did she not let go, she also stretched out her other hand to grip the strap tightly. It’s like ‘everyone is safe and no one is dead’.

Backpack weight↑

Tang Xuan:.

He sighed, turned around and dragged Tang Miaomiao to Lu Chunyi's motorcycle, then bent down and walked around Tang Miaomiao's knees with one hand, and picked up Princess Tang Miaomiao.

Tang Miaomiao looked up at Tang Xuan blankly.

She murmured: "Abba?"

Tang Xuan sighed and sat on the back seat of the motorcycle with Tang Miaomiao in his arms. Although there is only one grid, Tang Miaomiao is petite and can still sit down if she is hugged tightly.

Lu Chunyi smiled and said, "You really dote on her."

Tang Xuan lowered his head and glanced at Loli in his arms, and then let out a long sigh of unknown meaning.


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