I know this ancient god

Chapter 51 Tang Miaomiao’s ability (please recommend)

Tang Xuan and Tang Miaomiao took a warship from the local garrison in Chaoge to the Northern Star. They spent nearly three days on the road. When they landed at the Ancient God Research Institute, it happened to be nine o'clock in the morning.

Tang Xuan held Tang Miaomiao's hand and walked into the building.

Nine o'clock happened to be the time when the researchers started working. Everyone was in the office, and the only person in charge of cleaning was the aunt in the corridor.

Wang Anya said she was waiting for him.

Tang Miaomiao looked around: "Abba?"

Tang Xuan whispered: "This is where I work."

Tang Miaomiao was confused: "Abba?"

Tang Xuan sighed: "A place to get food."

Tang Miaomiao suddenly understood: "Abba!"

Tang Xuan:.

He led Tang Miaomiao to his room, put down the backpack containing food, and then led her out again.

He and Tang Miaomiao have reached a certain tacit understanding in the past two days. As long as he was around, Tang Miaomiao could allow the food to leave her sight. It seemed that he was equated with food, forming a strange concept in his little mind that "this human being can be exchanged for food."

But he didn't notice that whenever his eyes left Tang Miaomiao, Tang Miaomiao would quietly look up at him. This had started since she was hugged by his princess three days ago.

Tang Xuan held Tang Miaomiao's hand through the utility room elevator and arrived at the floor belonging to the Response Department. He had frequently been in and out of the Response Department some time ago, so he was familiar with some of the floors, including the floor where Wang Anya informed him of the meeting.

This floor is where the Department of Response holds meetings and handles paperwork. When [Wallis] was translating the ancient god's inscription, he had a temporary office here for three days.

Ding dong (ring the doorbell)


The heavy metal doors slid open to the sides, revealing the scene inside. Twenty-three young men in black uniforms sat around a long pure white marble table. None of them spoke. They sat as if they were carved from a mold. They all turned to look at Tang Xuan.

Tang Xuan's expression did not change.

When he was in school, he had the experience of being watched by more than 200 people, so he didn't panic at all.

"Tang Xuan, you are finally here." Wang Anya introduced with a smile, "Many of you here may not have seen him yet. He is the outstanding scholar who deciphered the ancient god's inscription. From now on, our communication with the ancient god will be completely It’s up to him.”

Tang Xuan saw An Bei.

An Bei sat at one end of the long table. He smiled at Tang Xuan and took the lead in applauding, conveying obvious goodwill.

Bang bang bang bang (applause)!

The executives applauded together, led by An Bei.

Wang Anya's voice was caught in the applause: "Tang Xuan, come and sit next to me, I'll be waiting for you alone."

Tang Xuan nodded.

Wang Anya sat in the first position on Anbei's right hand, leaving him with the second position on the right hand.


Why doesn’t anyone watch Tang Miaomiao?

Tang Xuan found strangely that all eyes were on him, as if Tang Miaomiao could not be seen. He lowered his head and was surprised to find that Tang Miaomiao's body was covered with a layer of pale silver light like moonlight.

What ability is this?

Tang Miaomiao tilted her head: "I don't like them."

Tang Xuan was curious: "Why?"

Tang Miaomiao frowned: "They smell bad."


Tang Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly. There was only one difference between these people and the people outside, that is, they were favored by gods and carried the ancient god factor with them.

Rounding things off, does Tang Miaomiao hate the Ancient God Factor?

But why?

The applause has stopped, Tang Xuan is still thinking.

Wang Anya asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Tang Xuan sighed, and he said seriously to Tang Miaomiao: "A bag of tomato-flavored potato chips to say hello to everyone."

There was a hint of hesitation in Tang Miaomiao's eyes.

Tang Xuan was shocked. This was the first time he saw Tang Miaomiao hesitate in front of food.

How much do you hate the Ancient God Factor?

No more food?

Some of the executives looked puzzled, some frowned slightly, and some looked dissatisfied. Everyone stared at Tang Xuan silently.

Tang Xuan added: "Two bags of potato chips."

Tang Miaomiao was tempted: "Tomato flavor and barbecue flavor?"

Tang Xuan nodded: "Okay."

Tang Miaomiao nodded, and the pale silver light covering her body quietly broke from the dull hair down, turning into a burst of silver light that floated upward.

The young executives were stunned.

No wonder Tang Xuan could talk to the air. It turned out that there was an invisible little girl standing next to him, and the messages were connected immediately.

An Bei said doubtfully: "This little girl."

Tang Miaomiao said loudly: "Abba!"

Anbei's words were interrupted.

Tang Miaomiao continued: "Abba, Abba, Abba!"

No one understood what Tang Miaomiao was talking about.

The air was dead silent.

Tang Xuan suddenly felt embarrassed. He was about to explain, but Wang Anya said: "Hey, Tang Xuan, why don't you sit down?"

Tang Xuan was stunned.

This tone

He immediately lowered his head and found that Tang Miaomiao was covered with that light silver light again, and she was looking at him expectantly.


(Do you still want to say hello?)

He looked at the others present.

Others: (_`)

They seemed to have forgotten what happened just now.

Tang Xuan was shocked.

He has experienced this scene himself!

Tang Xuan asked: "What's going on?"

Tang Miaomiao whispered: "I don't know either."

Tang Xuan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

This effect was exactly the same as the last time he asked Jigsaw when his memory was cleared. Could it be that Tang Miaomiao had another void treasure on her body?

Tang Xuan's eyes quickly moved to the dull hair on Tang Miaomiao's head. To be honest, from the first meeting, he always felt that this stupid hair was too lively.

Dumao: shake (innocent)~

Tang Xuan watched the hair on Tang Miaomiao's head swaying back and forth, and finally couldn't bear it any longer and finally stretched out his sinful hand.


At this moment, Tang Miaomiao's expectant eyes froze. She first stood there dumbfounded for two seconds, then her little face twisted in pain, and her eyes flashed fiercely.

Tang Xuan's heart skipped a beat.

"Axiba (angry)!"

She jumped up angrily and hit Tang Xuan's knees with her small fist.

(/// ̄俣)○|

Tang Xuan was so frightened that he quickly let go and ran away.

"You have something to say! Two bags of potato chips!"

"Abba (still very angry)!"

Tang Miaomiao ran after Tang Xuan all over the field.

"Three bags of potato chips! Three bags!"

"Abba (still a little angry)!"

The executives looked at Tang Xuan in confusion.

"Four bags of chips! No more!"

"Humph, Abba (never do this next time)!"

Tang Miaomiao pouted and put her hands on her hips.


Article 2 of the "Manual for Raising Tang Miaomiao":


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Tang Xuan wiped his sweat, took Tang Miaomiao back to the original place, and then said to Tang Miaomiao under the questioning eyes of a room full of people: "If you say hello to them again, the compensation will be doubled."

A minute later, Tang Xuan took his seat safely.

The executives had no memory of the thrilling chase that had just occurred in the conference room.

But two questions also arose in Tang Xuan's mind.

Why wasn't he affected?

In addition, the day he asked the game board about the 'puzzle', did something happen in the middle, but he just didn't remember it?


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