I know this ancient god

Chapter 6 Did I create an ancient god? (Please collect the new book, recommend it, and invest in it!

Small golden letters: "You have become [Ancient], please leave a secret. This secret will become your identity certificate in the void."

Tang Xuan was stunned for a moment and then said: "Secret security question? Let me think about it, I like to eat Kung Pao Chicken, is this okay?"

Small golden letters: "As an ancient god from a long time ago, he likes to eat stir-fried dishes from later generations of humans. This is enough to become a secret. Please remember this secret and don't tell anyone, because this machine can only keep one secret for you. , this will be your only proof of identity.”

Lines of small words scrolled out on the screen:


Thrown space-time anchor point (10%)

The space-time anchor has landed (20%)

Covered by Time River (50%)

Time and space segments have been fixed (80%)

Archive successful (100%)

Reward distribution: [Common language], [Minimal physical strength]

Tang Xuan looked at the reward and pouted.

There are three rewards in this mission, among which [Heroic Power] is definitely the most precious, while [Common Language] and [Minor Physical Strength] are obviously filler, you can tell it from the names.

Small golden letters: "Shutting down and recharging soon."


The screen went completely black.

A lightning logo appears in the upper right corner of the virtual screen.

Tang Xuan stretched, closed the virtual screen, then stood up and looked down at his watch. He was surprised to find that he had been playing for three consecutive hours and it was already dark.

(The virtual screen is two magnetic metal strips. When they are pulled apart, a solid light screen appears in the middle. When they are closed, the light screen disappears.)

Tang Xuan quickly returned to his dormitory.

The planet he is on is vast and sparsely populated, so he has a luxuriously decorated single room of 40 square meters. After taking a shower, I felt a strong sense of tiredness. Tang Xuan put the virtual screen on the table, fell on the bed, and fell asleep without even a quilt.

the next day

Tang Xuan sat up from the bed energetically.

He had never felt in better spirits.

The first class today was history class. He came to the classroom early with his textbook and chose a good seat to sit down.

His history teacher was a bald middle-aged man. He walked behind the podium and said hello to the students before getting straight to the point.

He held the podium with both hands and said: "Students, as we all know, human civilization has lost a period of history. Humanity was once ruled by ancient gods. For a long time, this history has been hidden behind the fog of mythology. Until humans marched into the galaxy in large numbers, in Many evidences were discovered on other planets, which finally confirmed the authenticity of this history.”

Tang Xuan is one of the top students in the school, with a stable grade point number one in the department and among the top three in his grade. He pressed the notebook with one hand and held the pen with the other hand. He listened with concentration and took notes while listening.

"Subsequently, our textbooks were revised to include content about ancient gods. Today we will study the first lesson of the ancient gods chapter and get to know an ancient god who currently has the least relics but may be the strongest. The following is the chapter One important point, please take notes.”

The teacher leaves time here to wait for students to get things.

Tang Xuan felt a little thirsty, so he reached out and picked up the water glass, put it to his lips, and raised his head slightly.

The teacher on the other side continued to talk.

"The name of this ancient god is Jigu."

"The logo is January Six Stars."

Tang Xuan habitually thought silently in his heart.

Extremely ancient, six stars in a month.

Pretty smooth.

Emmmm? !

Tang Xuan's eyes suddenly widened, his Adam's apple stopped shaking, and the water in his mouth overflowed down his neck and into his collar.

Isn't this the game character I created yesterday? !

Tang Xuan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

A long series of questions popped into his mind.

How is this going?


"Each ancient god has a specific way of offering sacrifices, and some ancient gods also have requirements for sacrifices. This ancient god named [Jigu] requires that the blood of cattle, sheep, and pigs be mixed in a ratio of 1:1:2 Mix to draw His logo, and make it clear that twice as much blood should be used to draw the stars as to draw the moon.”

Tang Xuan was struck by lightning.

Exactly the same!

During the entire history class that followed, Tang Xuan was confused and his thoughts were extremely confused.

At the end of the class, Tang Xuan raised his hand to ask a question.

The history teacher smiled and said, "Classmate Tang Xuan, do you have any questions?"

Tang Xuan slowly stood up.

The students in the audience whispered.

"Tang Shen actually asked a question in history class?"

"Tang Shen can ask no more than two questions in one semester."

"I feel like I'm witnessing history."

Tang Xuan took a deep breath: "Teacher, does [Jigu] have a secret?"

Tang Xuan was startled when he saw the history teacher.

"Well, this question from Mr. Tang Xuan is beyond the scope. In fact, students are not required to master this knowledge at the undergraduate level. But since Mr. Tang Xuan asked it, I will briefly mention a few words here."

The history teacher said with a slight smile.

"All the ancient gods known so far have left one to three secrets. It is said that their power is hidden in these secrets, and those who crack the secrets will receive their gifts. The Federation has a department that specializes in studying ancient gods, but After so many years of research, I haven’t found even a single secret.”

The students whispered: "As expected of Tang Shen, he doesn't ask whether he is right or not, but when he asks, he goes beyond the limits."

Tang Xuan suppressed the emotions in his heart: "How many secrets does [Jigu] have? Where can I get his gifts?"

"There is currently only one known secret of [Extreme Ancient]. Theoretically, you can get a gift by telling the secret in any [Extreme Ancient] ruins." The history teacher smiled at Tang Xuan and said: "Classmate Tang Xuan, about the ancient gods Just listen to the secrets and don’t take it seriously. If anyone had cracked the ancient god’s secret and successfully obtained the gift, the media would have reported it.”

Tang Xuan did not ask further about the location of the [Extreme Ancient] ruins. He was worried about arousing the teacher's suspicion.

Tang Xuan sat down: "Thank you, teacher."

The history teacher smiled: "You're welcome."

Tang Xuan rubbed his hair without saying a word.

What was happening was beyond his comprehension, and he didn't know how to react.

The name, logo, and secret all fit.

This can't be a coincidence,

Who is that game board?

Tang Xuan left the game board in the dormitory without bringing it over, otherwise he would have opened it and asked about it now.

Was he hypnotized while playing a game?


He made history.

In the year 8024 of the New Calendar, human beings have theoretically proven the feasibility of cross-time and space interference. Although it feels ridiculous, the game board may not be an epoch-making space-time interference device, and the scientist who built it accidentally left it on this planet.

Tang Xuan's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and he had to pull out another hair to calm himself down.

If that game board is really a space-time interference device, should I turn it over to the Federation, or should I keep it for myself?

As soon as the bell rang, Tang Xuan picked up his schoolbag and ran towards the dormitory.

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