I know this ancient god

Chapter 7 There is only one question (please collect the new book, recommend it, and invest in it!)

Tang Xuan threw his schoolbag on the bed, picked up the game board on the table and pulled it to both sides.


Between the two metal strips, a dark virtual screen slowly appeared.

Small golden text: "The recharging progress is less than 30% and a new game cannot be started. Please wait patiently."

Tang Xuan shook his head: "I'm not here to play games. I want to ask you, why does [Jigu] appear in the history of the real world?"

Small golden characters slowly typed out a question mark.

Tang Xuan frowned: "Don't pretend to be confused."

The small golden characters slowly output: "You have been playing with this machine for more than three hours pretending to be confused, and you have also received [Common Language] and [Minimal Physical Strength]. Don't you realize that this machine is different?"

Tang Xuan was stunned for a moment.

The small golden letters continued: "I suggest you search the Internet for an ancient god inscription and take a look."

Tang Xuan's eyebrows jumped twice.

Ancient god inscriptions are a special type of inscription that are often found in ancient god ruins. This kind of text carved on the stele by ancient humans or ancient gods is completely different from modern text. It contains word-making rules that are difficult for humans to understand. The entire federation Top scholars of linguistics have so far deciphered only twenty-three ancient god inscriptions.

Tang Xuan turned around and whispered: "Search for the ancient god's inscription."

As soon as he finished speaking, the wall he faced quickly faded from its comfortable beige color and turned into a deep black.

A search box appears in the center of the wall.

Ancient God Inscription-Search

The information flow fell like a waterfall. After a few seconds, the information flow froze, and regular search results appeared on the wall.

Tang Xuan tapped lightly from the distance.

A photo in the corner was enlarged, and there was a simple stone tablet in the photo.

Tang Xuan stared at the stone tablet and read word for word: "In the year 2546, the ancient god [Molotig] from the border of the Northern Star Territory led an invasion and started a fierce battle with my god [Aslington]. The war lasted for a long time. In the year one thousand two hundred and eighty-one, more than 300,000 stars were destroyed, both sides suffered losses, and both fell into a deep sleep. Since then, we have continued to fight for our god [Aslington], almost annihilating our race, and it has taken us 3,520 years. After seven years, all the believers of [Molotig] were finally annihilated, and the possibility of their resurrection was eliminated. A monument was erected as a memorial. ——Kang.

Tang Xuan stared at the stone tablet in the photo blankly. He was sure that he had never come into contact with the words on the stone tablet in the photo at any time, but he knew these words.

Tang Xuan's voice trembled slightly: "Is the inscription on the ancient god's inscription [common language]?"

The mission reward was actually given to him!

Small golden letters: "[Common Language] was created by several first-generation ancient gods, including [Extreme Ancient], and was mastered by the vast majority of ancient gods. It was the language of the ancient gods, and later disappeared with the end of the age of the ancient gods. "

Tang Xuan pulled off a piece of hair and asked: "Who are you? How much does the ancient god [Ji Gu] have to do with me? Are the ancient gods really as powerful as described in the inscriptions? Why did their era end?"

Tang Xuan now has questions in his head.

The small golden letters slowly replied: "I can only answer two of your four questions. The relationship between [Ji Gu] and you is similar to that of a clone, but it is not an ordinary clone. The ancient gods in the past are more than described in the inscriptions. The gap between [Molotig] and [Aslington] and the top ancient gods is as big as that between them and ordinary humans. The other two questions are secrets in the void and cannot be explored by you at this level. Please forgive me for not being able to tell.”

What is the relationship between being an approximate clone but not a clone? How did the gap between the ancient gods widen? Will you die if you listen to the secrets in the void?

After answering in small golden letters, Tang Xuan had more questions in his mind. If he were a game character, his question mark would have covered himself.

Small golden letters: "Limited by the rules of the game, I can't tell you too many things. Before you complete the next game, you can still ask one question. Think about it before asking."

Tang Xuan took a deep breath.

He now has no fewer than twenty questions.

If I could only ask one question.

Tang Xuan said in a deep voice: "What will happen next?"

Small golden letters: "A very smart question. Starting from the year 8024 of the New Calendar, the ancient gods who fell into collective slumber due to a major event have gradually awakened, and the frequency will become higher and higher, from one every year to one every six months, and then Almost all of them have deep-rooted prejudices against humans, and they will do whatever they can to re-enslave humans.”

Tang Xuan's heart sank.

Is this the way the future is headed?

Those ancient gods can easily destroy hundreds of thousands of stars. The federal army is no match at all. Is human civilization coming to an end?

Small golden letters: "They have lost everything, and humans are fully capable of killing them. This will be a long war that is close to evenly matched, and you are the key to deciding where the balance of victory leans."


The screen vibrated and then turned off. A lightning logo representing charging appeared in the upper right corner, and there was a number below the logo: 21%. When this number reaches 100%, Tang Xuan can start a new game, but he will definitely not be as relaxed as the first time he played it.

Tang Xuan frowned.

He does not question what the small golden letters tell him, because he has indeed obtained the [Common Language] and can freely read the ancient god inscriptions that have only been deciphered by anthropologists for 23 times.

This cannot be done falsely.

He is worried about the future.

As far as he knew, mankind's most powerful weapon could only destroy one star, and its production was restricted. The total reserve of the entire Federation did not exceed 3,000.

But those ancient gods are monsters that can destroy 300,000 stars, and the ancient gods at this level are not the strongest. Tang Xuan can be sure that even one ten thousandth of the strength of the ancient gods is enough to defeat the federal army.

Tang Xuan can only hope that they will be weaker, such as only one billionth of their strength, otherwise this cannot be called a "nearly evenly matched" war.

Tang Xuan faced the wall and said: "Search for jobs related to the ancient gods, keyword: fresh graduates."

The first few items in the search bar are all advertisements, and the side is popular events. At the top of the search bar is a message called "Lao Shen Ma's chili sauce is free for tens of millions of dollars in advertising and marketing."

Tang Xuan flicked his fingers through the air, flipping through seven or eight pages, and finally found the job he wanted.

Researcher at the Institute of Ancient Gods of the Federal Academy of Sciences!

Tang Xuan clicked in to check the details.

Every year, the Federal Academy of Sciences recruits new researchers from fresh graduates from all over the federation to add dynamic fresh blood to scientific research.

The Ancient God Research Institute is a relatively unpopular one among the many research institutes under the Federal Academy of Sciences. Researchers at the Ancient God Research Institute have low wages, boring work, and narrow promotion channels. The entry requirements are as demanding as other research institutes, and it takes several years to recruit one person.

Yesterday afternoon, I received the confirmation that the contract was signed. Please feel free to invest. Thank you all! If more than 100 people invest, my book will have a small recommendation spot.

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