I know this ancient god

Chapter 85 Counting Rewards

Tang Xuan, who was far away in the Fuxi flagship, clenched his fists.

It's done!

Mission accomplished!


[Hero's Heart]

[Hero's Armor]

[A small amount of physical strength]

Three invisible forces penetrated into his body, making him feel warm all over. He won three rewards at once, which was his first big harvest. Good things come in pairs. He also saw a cute red dot light up in the achievement column, which means that the silver award of [Facing Life and Death] can also be collected.

Two pieces of information were instilled into his mind.

[Hero's Heart]: Any title you get after this can be upgraded once on the original basis. Note: Without the heart of a hero, you cannot control the power of a hero.

[Hero's Armor]: No matter what title you activate, you will get at least one piece of equipment that enhances the title, which can be stacked. Note: When fists can't solve the problem, you may need a knife, or a Gatling gun with blue flames?

Both abilities can increase the power of the title. [Heroic Armament] aside, [Heroic Heart] alone makes Tang Xuan feel that he has made a lot of money in this mission.

Any title can be upgraded once!

If the No. 1 auxiliary character's [Fearless God Slayer] can be upgraded, this time we don't even need to know Magma's weakness, we can just go up and push it.

[Heroic Power] can be activated three times, Tang Xuan is looking forward to what kind of surprises [Heroic Heart] will bring him in the future.

Strike while the iron is hot, Tang Xuan clicked on the achievement interface again, and his consciousness came to the display case, reaching out to touch the window of the [Facing Life and Death] Silver Award. The bronze glow was replaced by a bright silver glow, the whole window glittered, and another piece of information entered his mind.

[Facing Life and Death] Silver Award: Your auxiliary character can switch between daily/combat form. In daily form, it can appear for nine days per month, and [Fearless God Slayer] cannot be activated; in combat form, it can appear for three minutes per month. The time consumption of the two forms is proportionally converted, that is, for every three days of daily form activities, the available time of the combat form in that month is reduced by one minute.

This silver award makes the auxiliary role more flexible.

Tang Xuan clicked on the auxiliary interface and was surprised to find that a new slot was added to the equipment column of the No. 1 auxiliary character, inlaid with a beautiful orange-red gem.

[Godhead Magma]: The godhead from the ancient god of magma, with the ability to manipulate high-temperature liquids.


Most ancient gods regard the godhead as more important than their own lives. From ancient times to the present, no godhead has fallen into the hands of humans. At most, it is transferred from one ancient god to another.

Tang Xuan tried to remove the godhead from the equipment column of the No. 1 auxiliary character, but he failed. The auxiliary interface reminded him that the godhead had been combined with the No. 1 auxiliary character. Forcible stripping would not only cause the No. 1 auxiliary character to be unable to appear for three years, but also permanently reduce his combat time by one minute.

The huge price made Tang Xuan give up the idea.

(.): "Aba Aba?"

A familiar baby voice came from his ear, making Tang Xuan's bones soft, and he immediately returned to reality.

Tang Xuan asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Tang Miaomiao sat next to him like a duck, holding her head up and sniffing, as if she smelled something that attracted her.

Tang Xuan blinked.

[Friends of Women] is activated!

[Hero Armed] is activated!

Congratulations on getting [Hero Lollipop]!

A flash of golden light, Tang Xuan found a pink lollipop in his hand out of thin air.

[Hero Lollipop]: Big and hard, it will not get smaller even if you lick it until the end of time, fully satisfying the sweet needs of girls of all ages, whether it is a blind date, taking care of children or being a sea king, you deserve it.

Tang Xuan's expression froze.

He felt that there seemed to be something wrong with this introduction.

After thinking for two seconds, his eyes gradually became subtle, and he slowly drew a question mark in his heart.

(ˊˋ): "Aba!"

The little white-haired ball climbed onto Tang Xuan by pulling his trouser legs, clamped his waist with his two short legs, stretched his body into the air, and bit the [Hero Lollipop].

Tang Xuan worriedly said, "Be gentle!"


A cracking sound came from the white-haired ball's mouth.

Tang Xuan nervously lifted her up.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

The harsh cracking sounds continued, and the [Hero Lollipop], which claimed that it would not shrink even if you licked it until the end of time, quickly ended its short life.

Under Tang Xuan's concerned eyes, the white-haired ball spit out a bare lollipop stick, and then looked at him with a silly look.

"Aba Aba Aba."

It seems that the teeth were not damaged.

Tang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. He carried the white-haired girl to the sofa and put her there, and stuffed a bag of potato chips into her arms.

The white-haired girl was fixed in this way.

Looking at the white-haired girl who was eating diligently like a little hamster, Tang Xuan smiled dotingly. To be honest, compared to playing games with tension and excitement, he prefers this relaxed atmosphere.

Tang Xuan sighed silently.

He can control every member of the God-killing Division who enters the Kingdom of God through the game console, and naturally he can also understand their situation. Although he has tried his best, the God-killing Division still suffered heavy casualties.

His energy is limited, and it is impossible to control dozens of people to fight at the same time. He can only try his best to take care of the members of the North Star God-killing Division. In addition to the gap in strength between the enemy and us, some accidental sudden factors also led to a lot of negative effects.

For example, when Magma was furious in the last few seconds, the strength of all enemies increased several times, instantly breaking the original balance. Most of the people who fell fell at this stage.

He only managed to save ten members of the Northern Star God-Slaying Division, five of whom were in good condition, and the remaining five were either unconscious or seriously injured. However, with the assistance of the Black Dragon Suit, they should not be alive immediately after leaving the Kingdom of God. They can hold on until rescue comes.

This is already the best result.

"Tang Xuan, it's over!"

Lin Wan's excited voice came from Tang Xuan's watch, and Lin Yun's sobbing could also be heard vaguely.

Tang Xuan replied softly: "So fast? That's great!"

A broadcast sounded in the combined fleet:

"All units please remain vigilant!"

"Avoid any oversights!"

"The Marine Corps and the God-killing Division are about to return!"

"Please invite scholars from the Federal Academy of Sciences to come to the command room immediately to discuss matters related to establishing a laboratory!"


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