I know this ancient god

Chapter 86 Funeral

More than a dozen small spaceships left the harsh conditions of Iron Guard and entered space, spitting white flames and heading straight for the Fuxi Legion. These spaceships carried the surviving members of the God-killing Division and some injured Marine Corps soldiers.

The spaceships entered the port one after another.

The Fuxi has made space for them and arranged for the best medical team to wait here.

Spaceport Broadcast: "Welcome home!"

An Bei helped a wounded man get off the spacecraft.


Lin Yun cried and rushed forward.

Anbei avoided it gently.

Lin Yun was startled for a moment, then turned around and realized that An Bei was holding someone in her hand. Her mood that had just become clearer suddenly turned gloomy again.

She sobbed, "How is everyone doing?"

Anbei sighed: "We suffered a lot. Eleven people died and five were seriously injured."

The casualties of his companions made Anbei feel heartbroken, and what made him even more uncomfortable was that they clearly paid a heavy price, but they didn't even see Magma's face. In the end, the divine soldiers descended from the sky to eliminate Magma, and they seemed to have died in vain.

The reason is...weak!

These two words deeply hurt An Bei.

An Bei's eyes were filled with sadness and self-blame. He silently clenched his fists until his fingernails turned white.

Suddenly, a resentful voice came from behind.

Just hearing it can make people feel uncomfortable.

"Only the people from your Northern Star God-Slaying Division are human beings, and those from other places like us are not human beings. Is this what you mean?"

This question is very acute.

Of course Anbei didn't mean this. He just cared more about the partners he spent time with, and inadvertently ignored other people.

He whispered: "I'm sorry, I offended."

He knew that everyone had gone through a life-and-death experience and everyone was in a bad mood, so he didn't want to provoke conflicts.

"Haha, get out of the way!"

The owner of the voice jumped out from the side and accidentally bumped into the injured person being supported by An Bei.

The wounded man cried out in pain: "Ah!"

There were two angry thunders in An Bei's eyes.

She attracted the attention of the people around her, and the other members of the Northern Star God-Slaying Division came closer and surrounded the guy who deliberately rushed into the wounded.

"What's wrong?"

They looked at this guy eagerly.

"You, North Star, have a total of twenty people here, how can you expect ten to survive?" The person who bumped into someone said with resentment, "There must be something fishy here, maybe you are the one who harmed the others."

Lin Yun said angrily: "You are talking nonsense!"

The black dragon suit obscured this man's face, but Anbei could already tell who he was. Qiao An, a member of the fire system. Anbei was impressed by him because he had a younger brother who also participated in this operation. Speaking of which, the Qiao An brothers have always been inseparable, so why did they only see Qiao An this time?

An Bei understood where Qiao An's resentment came from.

"I understand your pain, but you can't vent your pain on others." He turned around and asked, "I haven't met anyone else in the Kingdom of God, have you met them?"

People around shook their heads: "No."

Qiao An said bitterly: "Of course you said no!"

He pushed someone away and walked out quickly.

Lin Yun cursed: "Crazy!"

An Bei sighed: "His brother is dead."

Happy people are all similar, but unhappy people are each unhappy in their own way.

Lin Yun was stunned.

The medical team that had been waiting nearby stepped forward and took away the wounded who were being supported by An Bei.

An Bei hugged Lin Yun's waist and said to the others: "Let's all leave, have a good rest, reflect on what you did wrong this time, and try not to make the same mistake next time. I really hope that in the next year I can see you all year round.”

"I understand, Boss Anbei."

"I'm tired of crying. See you later."

“It’s so damn good to be alive!”

The members of the Northern Star God-Slaying Division dispersed. In principle, they had three days of rest and could move around freely.

"Anbei! Is everyone okay?"

Tang Xuan and Lin Wan arrived late.

An Bei smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Many people are gone, so don't mention this again. I have some other gains, do you want to hear them?"

Tang Xuan nodded: "Of course."

Anbei recalled: "I met a very special person in Magma's Kingdom of God."

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The three generals of the combined fleet did not explain any information to the bottom. They just silently closed hundreds of millions of space buoys and sent battleships to send the people of the Killing God Division back to the Northern Star.

The North Star prepares a funeral for all the victims.

Swish, swish, swish.

Sparse black umbrellas walked into the rain, and they gathered together in twos and threes, moving in the same direction in silence, with heaviness written on everyone's face.

The cemetery is built on the back of the building and is very large. There were not many participants, with less than thirty people surviving.

The vivid life quietly turned into black and white photos embedded in photo frames. On the tray covered with red silk are placed the black box containing the ashes and the medal recording the meritorious service. These are the last things left by the deceased to this world.

Watching the trays being buried in the cave one by one. Some people had complicated expressions, and some had tears streaming down their faces; some cried unbridled, and some cried silently. There is no need for words at this time. When the feeling of sadness permeates the air, the picture of getting along with the deceased will naturally flash in your mind, and this will produce a huge sadness that can touch you.

The funeral official, who was wearing a black suit, said with a solemn expression: "Nothing in the world lasts forever. If it flows, it flows away; if it remains, it dries up; if it grows, it withers. The difference is What's left behind after it's gone.

May every window have warm dreams, may every candlelight have a romantic figure, may every festival be filled with joy, may every season be filled with happiness. Three hundred and sixty-five wishes a year, that is the peace and tranquility you release for us. "

"In another world, I hope you are happy."

At this time, the rain was still falling, and it was getting heavier and heavier.

Is God sad too?


Everyone raised their hands.

Tang Xuan could not describe his feelings. He did not expect that he would approach death in this way.

It was the first time he attended a funeral, and the people buried there were actually young people of similar age to him, several of whom he had even talked to. I will never see their faces again or hear their voices. Every time I think of them, I think of black and white photos and urns, and I can't help but feel desolate in my heart.

He ended his life so young.

What a shame.

"It would be great if you could come back."

Tang Xuan heard An Bei's low groan beside him.

He sighed softly: "I really hope this is just a nightmare, and when I wake up, I find that everyone is still there."

Something unexpected happened to Tang Xuan.

A deep male voice sounded deep in his mind:

[Heroic Power] activates!

You can meet this need!

Because you have become the [Lord of Heroic Spirits]!

[Lord of Heroic Spirits]: You can summon nearby heroic spirits who are willing to serve you to become your followers, share part of your power and charge into battle for you.

[Hero's Heart] activates!

You will upgrade the [Lord of Heroic Spirits]!

Please describe the upgrade direction in your mind!

[Hero Arms] Activate!

You have obtained the [Temple of Heroes]!

[Temple of Heroic Spirits]: A powerful noble phantom with the effects of containing, nourishing, and healing heroic spirits. It can accommodate three thousand heroic spirits in its basic state (can be upgraded).

A series of notification sounds bombarded Tang Xuan.

His face showed uncontrollable surprise. He didn't expect that the memory of his comrades could also trigger [Heroic Power].

A deep male voice urged him to describe the direction of the upgrade.

Tang Xuan temporarily suppressed his joy. He turned back to examine the [Lord of Heroic Spirits] and quickly caught the two limiting words 'near' and 'willing'. He thought for a moment, and then recited silently in his heart: Throughout the ages, all people who have struggled with life, old age, illness and death like me should automatically become my dependents after death.

The deep male voice suddenly fell silent.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Tang Xuan muttered: Am I going a little too far?

[Hero’s Heart]’s response came.

[Lord of Heroic Spirits] is upgraded to [Lord of Heroic Spirits of War]!

[Lord of War Spirits]: All those who fight alongside you will automatically become your dependents after death, share some of your abilities, and fight for you.

[Hero's Heart] failed to upgrade [Lord of Heroic Spirits] according to Tang Xuan's request, because Tang Xuan's request was so outrageous that almost everyone who had died in the universe would become his heroic spirit, which was far beyond the limit. 'One upgrade' category.

Tang Xuan felt that his vision suddenly became brighter, as if he could see several more colors that he could not usually see. He looked at the tombs in front of him with awareness, and found a golden egg floating above each tomb, and he had the urge of 'I can change something'.

Because Tang Xuan had used the game board to control everyone, they were all judged as those who fought alongside Tang Xuan, and they automatically became Tang Xuan's dependents after death, just waiting for a call.

He couldn't help but smile.

Lin Wan, who was peeking at him from the side, was stunned.

Thoughts of something happy at the funeral?

Lin Wan was a little hard to understand, just when she was about to remind Tang Xuan to stay serious.

Tang Xuan laughed out loud: "Hahaha!"

This smile was like poking a hornet's nest.

Everyone turned to look at him.

Lin Wan coughed lightly and tried to draw attention to herself to save Tang Xuan.

Lin Yun asked with red eyes: "Why are you laughing?"

"Tang Xuan, right?"

"Do you know what the occasion is?"

Someone asked in a bad tone.

Tang Xuan bowed slightly: "I know, but I have a happy thing to share with you."

Lin Wan lowered her voice and called: "Tang Xuan——"

Tang Xuan turned a deaf ear.

He raised his right hand and pointed it at the grave.

The funeral mourner yelled: "What are you doing?"

A grumpy man came up with his sleeves rolled up.

Lin Wan silently took a step forward, and the surrounding shadows floated into the air and turned into sharp black flakes, spinning around Tang Xuan and her.

The two faced each other three steps apart.

An Bei dissuaded: "Calm down."

"Hey, do you want to fight at someone else's funeral?" Qiao An looked on coldly, "He is truly worthy of being a member of the Northern Star God-Slaying Division."

Lin Wan sneered: "Hermaphrodites, are you coming together?"

A ring of fire ignited at Joan's feet.

More people gathered around. They all had friends who died in this operation. Friends who didn't want to die didn't even get a decent funeral.

The solemn atmosphere suddenly became tense in the blink of an eye.

Tang Xuan whispered: "There are really happy things."

[The Lord of War Spirits] activates!

In the past two days, the plot has been changed and some political content has been deleted. Too much has been deleted, so two chapters have been merged into one.

If everyone gives me a few more votes today, I will add an additional chapter to fill in the missing content.

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