I know this ancient god

Chapter 87 Resurrection or evil wizard?

Suddenly, a light breeze blew by, blowing away the continuous rain curtain, blowing away the gloomy dark clouds, blowing away the depressed emotions, blowing away the tense atmosphere. Suddenly but not abruptly, a low-pitched hymn and exciting drumbeats rang in people's ears. They turned around in confusion and saw dozens of complex-striped circular formations suspended above the tombstones. These magic circles gradually turned from virtual to real and emitted a brilliant golden light that could not be seen directly.

What's this?

A few people with keen observation noticed that each magic circle corresponded to a tombstone. Their hearts suddenly lifted, and there was a trace of expectation in their minds that even they themselves found ridiculous.

Could it be. But is it possible?

The education they received from a young age did not support their belief in that kind of thing.

Tang Xuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

[Lord of War Spirits]: All those who have fought alongside you will automatically become your dependents after death, sharing some of your abilities and fighting for you.

Immediately afterwards, everyone witnessed an unforgettable scene. One after another, figures emerged from the circular formation. Their bodies were made of golden light, and their faces were extremely familiar. A careful count revealed that there were no omissions among the sixty-nine executive officers who died in this crusade.

Their black and white photos are still below.

Tang Xuan felt that he had established a secret connection with each of them, and could do many things through this connection. But what exactly it can do, he still needs to study further.

Everyone was stunned.

A young man standing in the air looked down.

"elder brother?"

The fire ring that could not be extinguished by heavy rain was instantly extinguished. Qiao An took two steps forward with tears streaming down his face. He called softly with a trembling voice: "Aping, is it you? I'm not dreaming?"

This young man is Qiao An's younger brother Qiao Ping.

Qiao Ping flew down: "Brother!"

Qiao An opened his arms in hopes of hugging Qiao Ping, but Qiao Ping's body passed through his arms.

Qiao An's tears were like flash floods that burst the embankment. He turned to look at Tang Xuan: "What's going on? What did you do to my brother?"

Qiao An was so excited that she was a little incoherent.

Tang Xuan thought for a while and then replied: "This is an ability I have just awakened. I still have to explore the specific situation. You can listen to your brother himself."

Qiao An turned to look at Qiao Ping.

Qiao Ping said softly: "Brother, you should thank him, he resurrected me."

Qiao An strode up to Tang Xuan without hesitation, stretched out his hands to hold Tang Xuan under Lin Wan's vigilant gaze, and contrary to his previous hostile attitude, said to Tang Xuan: "Thank you!"

It wasn't that he didn't want to say more, but that he was already crying. He bowed deeply and cried like a tearful man. Only those who have lost a loved one can understand his tears.

Tang Xuan thought silently in his heart: Everyone, come down.

All the resurrected heroic spirits flew down from the sky, and they each came to the people they were familiar with, including the ten members of the Northern Star God-killing Division who died in the battle.

The two men ‘hug’ together.

"It's so damn good that you're alive!"

"Haha, I thought I was completely cold, but I didn't expect that I could be saved! Let me ask you, what is a fucking surprise? This is a fucking surprise!"

"Be serious, don't make me lose my mood!"

"You're so serious, but you make me laugh!"

The cemetery, which should have been filled with grief and depression, erupted in laughter.

The funeral director was dumbfounded.

Mass resurrection on the day of the funeral?

He stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, feeling overwhelmed for a moment. What to do now, need to tell a couple of jokes to liven things up?

"Did you just awaken to this ability?"

Lin Wan asked Tang Xuan in surprise.

As far as she knows, it is very difficult to rely solely on spiritual awakening after the age of eighteen.

Tang Xuan nodded: "Well, I didn't expect that I would suddenly awaken and have such a useful ability."

Lin Wan did not ask further: "I believe you."

It doesn’t matter if it’s true or false, I’ll believe it if you tell me.

An Bei, who was next to him, wiped his tears and said to Tang Xuan: "With your interference, the funeral will not be able to go on. I think we should set up a few tables to celebrate?"

Celebrated at the funeral, people who didn't know better thought he had a grudge against the deceased.

Tang Xuan smiled.

Hao Hao Bai Shi had to make him famous, but there should be many people willing to let him stir it up.

Lin Wan nodded: "Okay, I'll make arrangements."

She also felt the need to celebrate to relieve everyone's mental stress.

A call was made, and not long after, trucks bearing the Lin Group's logo drove to the entrance of the base one after another. They brought ingredients and shelves, which were moved to the cemetery by the members of the Killing God Division themselves. .

Half an hour later, a barbecue grill was set up in the aisle of the cemetery, and the aroma of barbecue filled the air. Everyone wiped away their tears and sang and danced around the barbecue grill. The atmosphere suddenly became very happy.

A military leader came after hearing the news and was shocked when he saw this scene.

"What are you doing?"

"Why are you still having a barbecue?"

"This is a cemetery!"

"Aren't you here to hold a funeral?"

The military leader was confused.

He looked at the more than sixty little golden figures in the field and felt very confused. He wondered if the abilities of the God's Favored Ones could be replicated wholesale. Where did they get this performance troupe? All of them can shine?

Tang Xuan made fun of An Bei.

An Bei stood up and smiled: "Sir, the funeral is not going to be held. They are all back. Do you want to come and have a drink too?"

The military leader frowned: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Hello, sir!"

The little golden people all waved and said hello.

The military leader was stunned.

in the office

"So you awakened a power that can resurrect people?"

The military leader asked with fiery eyes.


This is a mysterious and unattainable word.

I don’t know how many people throughout the ages have had the dream of immortality or resurrection from the dead, but they didn’t expect that it would actually come true today.

Tang Xuan shook his head: "This is not considered resurrection."

The military leader frowned: "Doesn't it count?"

He saw with his own eyes that people who had been registered in the roll of honor, cremated to ashes, and photographed in black and white turned into golden figures sitting by the fire chatting with their friends. Isn't this resurrection?

He added: "Comrade, you don't have to worry about your own safety. Tell us frankly. The Federation will not do anything against you."

"This is a summons, not a resurrection." Tang Xuan insisted, "They have no entity, just like ghosts, and are restricted by my ability and may die again at any time."

The military leader was confused: "What restrictions?"

Tang Xuan said: "First, they cannot be too far away from me, nor can they stay outside for too long, otherwise they will dissipate; second, they must continue to participate in battles to maintain their existence, otherwise they will also dissipate. ”

Tang Xuan did not tell nonsense.

[Lord of War Spirits], you can tell from the name that this is a combat-related ability that focuses on him. These two restrictions do exist. And in addition to these two restrictions, there are also unspoken rules such as life and death and permanent loyalty.

The head of the military frowned slightly: "This sounds a bit like the evil wizard in movies and TV shows."

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