I know this ancient god

Chapter 88 [Pendant from Hometown]

Tang Xuan said helplessly: "The quality of the ability is related to the user's temperament, and not everyone can summon it. I have just obtained this ability, and I still need to explore for a while to learn more information."

"I understand. It's understandable." The person in charge of the military nodded and said, "You have special abilities. I may be looking for you again in a few days. Please be mentally prepared."

Tang Xuan nodded lightly.

He understood that the word "resurrection" was too tempting. Even if the summoning of heroic spirits and resurrection were not the same, they would still attract the attention of many people.

"I met that guy who was playing on the ice. He clicked and my legs froze. I couldn't break free, and it was ruined. I have to make some suggestions to the federation. Next time, I can just fix two doors on the suit. The machine cannon on it, if there is another emergency, like this time, it will be taken away without a chance to get the weapon, and it will not suffer the disadvantage of not having a long range. "

The people sitting around all agreed. They all felt that if Magma hadn't suddenly pulled them into the sequence space and left them without weapons, there would never have been such heavy casualties.

"You guys chat, I'll make a call."

Lin Wan raised her head and glanced at the extinguished lights upstairs, then stood up and walked to stand under a tree away from the crowd, turned on her watch and dialed a number.

As soon as the number was dialed, I was picked up.

"Miss, what are your orders?"

Lin Wan said calmly: "Tang Xuan has just awakened the ability to summon heroic spirits and resurrected all the more than 60 people who sacrificed this time. We are trying to minimize the subsequent impact and win the research rights into our hands."

The other side of the watch said in surprise: "Resurrection?!"

Lin Wan lowered her voice: "The specific information is unclear, but he did resurrect everyone who died this time."

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the crowd in the distance.

Lin Wan turned around and looked.

The heroic spirits turned into golden light one after another. They rose from the crowd and shot toward the distant building, seemingly looking for Tang Xuan.

"This ability is limited." Lin Wan paused, "Anyway, do you understand what I mean?"

The other side of the watch: "The impact may be huge. Do we need to inform the master?"

Lin Wan thought for two seconds and then replied: "Notify my father, but you have to express my attitude clearly. Tang Xuan is very important to me, and I will not allow him to be harmed in the slightest."

On the other side of the watch: “Understood.”

Lin Wan hung up the communication.

The resurrection may cause a minor commotion within the Federation, but she is confident that she can protect Tang Xuan in this commotion. Because the Federation's understanding of God's Favored Ones is very shallow, if they want to understand Tang Xuan's resurrection ability, they must turn to the Lin Group. Once they reach the Lin Group's territory, Tang Xuan will be safe.

Lin Wan walked back to the barbecue grill and asked the scattered executives: "What happened? Why did they all fly away?"

An Bei sighed: "They said they couldn't stay outside for too long. It's time today and they have to go back to Tang Xuan's Temple of Heroes to rest. I don't know what the Temple of Heroes is, it's probably something like a house. ”

Lin Yun poked him gently: "Don't you watch anime? The Temple of Heroes is the home of the heroes!"

Qiao An, who was sitting in the executive officer of the Northern Star God-killing Division, wiped his tears and whispered: "It is better to rest than to die. I heard from my brother that they are in a special state now and will continue to participate in battles in the future, but As long as you participate in the battle, you can live forever, which feels pretty good.”

Lin Wan asked doubtfully: "What if I die again in the battle? Will my soul be gone?"

Qiao An shook his head: "My brother said that heroic spirits are immortal and will only become weak. After they become weak, they will automatically return to Tang Xuan's temple of heroic spirits to recover."

Lin Wan blinked and said: "How can the heroic spirits fight? They don't even have physical bodies. Can they hit anyone?"

Qiao An was stunned for two seconds: "My brother didn't say this."

The heroic spirits all turned into light and fled away, and the others had no intention of having a cemetery BBQ, so they cleared up the atmosphere and dispersed. The heroic spirits had made it clear before leaving that they needed to rest, so no one went to Tang Xuan.

Tang Xuan himself returned to his room.

He discovered that there was not only the sacrificed executive officer of the God-Slaying Division in the Temple of Heroes, but also a special heroic spirit whose Q version he had only seen on the screen before.

"Are you my master?"

The assassin frowned slightly.

After transforming into a heroic spirit, she no longer had a veil on her face, and her already extremely beautiful face added a bit of divinity under the golden light, making her so beautiful that it seemed unreal.

Tang Xuan nodded: "That's right."

The assassin was confused: "I don't even know who you are, how can I become your heroic spirit?"

Tang Xuan smiled bitterly: "It's a long story."

[The Lord of War Spirits] considered the assassin as someone who fought alongside him, which was unexpected and reasonable for him.

He once manipulated Anbei through the game board, and the assassin helped Anbei. He also opened a path for Anbei to face Magma in the second time loop in an almost tragic way, so he judged her to be someone who fought alongside him. Nothing is wrong.

Tang Xuan made a brief self-introduction and then asked: "What is your name?"

The assassin frowned slightly.

She was still wary of Tang Xuan, and out of professional instinct, she didn't want to answer Tang Xuan's questions.

Tang Xuan's thoughts changed slightly.

[Friends of Women] activate!

[Hero Arms] Activate!

You got [Hometown Pendant]!

[Hometown Pendant]: Give it to the person in front of you. While it will make the other person miss your hometown, her favorability towards you will also increase (Note 1: Only give the right ones, not expensive ones. It’s not because of financial constraints; Note 2: You can also try to tear it off and start another story line).

Tang Xuan looked at the second note and fell into deep thought.

At the same time, a straw rope necklace strung with three unknown animal teeth appeared in his hand.

This necklace instantly caught the assassin's attention.

"Why is it here with you?"

The frost on the assassin's face completely melted.

Tang Xuan came to his senses. He stretched out his hand and handed the necklace to the assassin: "When we first meet, there is nothing we can offer. This necklace is for you."

The assassin carefully held up the necklace like a priceless treasure and met an old friend from the past.

Unlike the heroic spirit incarnated as the executive officer of the God-killing Division, she has a physical body, which may be related to her strength during her lifetime.

The assassin picked up the largest tooth pendant with his little finger.

Tang Xuan noticed that there were some characters engraved on both sides of the tooth that he could not understand. They were not [Common Language], but seemed to be some kind of indigenous language.

The assassin was so surprised that she couldn't speak. She was silent for a long time, and then looked up at Tang Xuan: "Yes, that's it. I wore it to challenge Magma and was roasted alive by Magma. This necklace should have also melted. It’s just ashes, where did you find it?”

Tang Xuan estimated that this thing was probably related to 'time', but he couldn't be sure.

Tang Xuan shook his head: "I got it by accident."

The assassin said sincerely: "I want to thank you anyway, because this necklace is really important to me. It is the only relic of my grandma."

"The best destination for this necklace is to return it to its original owner." Tang Xuan asked gently: "Can you tell me your name now?"

The sudden feeling of having something very important lost and found is enough to make a person open up, or at least introduce himself in a less defensive way.

The assassin smiled brightly: "My name is."

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