I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 168 Little Body Refining

Chapter 168 Little Body Refining

"Is Fellow Daoist Chen going to start Body Refining?"

In Yun Mansion, Yun Wenting was a little surprised when he heard Chen Ping's intention. But then I remembered Chen Ping's reaction when he saw the monks from Red Rock City during the Four Cauldrons Competition, and felt that it was normal.

Chen Ping said calmly:

"I just saw in the relevant books that Body Refining is of great value to Foundation Building, so I thought of asking Lord Yun for advice."

Yun Wenting took a sip of spiritual tea:

"Yes, not quite."

"For us monks, everything uses ourselves as a container. Whether it is the improvement of realm, the perfection of spells, or specialized Body Refining, it is actually the tempering of oneself."

"Flesh Refining the body, Soul Refining the soul, and refining the mind."

"The Body Refining mentioned by Fellow Daoist Chen is usually the Flesh Refining body in the Foundation Building Stage. The body is tempered, and the upper limit of the container's capacity will become larger under the same realm. But this is a comparison under the same realm. , the most important thing about the size of this capacity is the realm. As monks like us at the Foundation Building, our time is always limited, which is why I say 'right, not right'."

Yun Wenting calmed down and Chen Ping listened carefully.

Learn more and more.

The monk itself is a capacity, which determines the spiritual power it can store, the backlash it can withstand, all the foundations needed to cast spells, and even its lifespan.

The core determinant of this capacity is realm.

And Body Refining can make capacity even better.

The most obvious external manifestation is: Body Refining monks in the same realm have much higher reserves of spiritual power than other monks in the same realm.

But there is no trick to Body Refining, it has to be done step by step.

It consumes a lot of resources and is time-consuming.

In this respect, it's a double-edged sword.

According to Yun Wenting, most monks are more willing to use this resources and time to improve their realm.

It depends on personal choice.

"However, the benefits of Body Refining are long-term. If Chen Fellow Daoist can obtain Gold Core in the future, he can also obtain the benefits of Body Refining, which will be of great benefit. Of course, the premise is that Core Formation is required. This is It’s up to Chen Fellow Daoist to make his own choice.” Yun Wenting added.

Chen Ping expressed his understanding:

"What's the point of this Body Refining method?"

Yun Wenting nodded:

"There are two methods of Body Refining."

"The first type Chen Fellow Daoist should be familiar with. It is based on swordsmanship and spear skills to strengthen one's body. At the same time, it is supplemented by medicinal baths and elixirs to strengthen the body."

"The second method of Body Refining is much more precise. Based on the technique of Body Refining, Flesh Refining, skin, blood, bones, internal organs and other physical bodies are quenched in stages to achieve true Body Refining."

“As for the pros and cons”

The first method of Body Refining.

Advantages: Simple and clear, no threshold, everyone can practice.

For this reason, this is the Body Refining method that most Independent Cultivators choose.

Chen Ping himself practices the 'Nine Breeze Swords' every day in order to keep fit.

Lin Changshou also used this method of Body Refining when he was in Cloud Link City.

Disadvantages: Limited upper limit.

After all, he is not the most professional.

The second method of Body Refining.

Advantages: The real Body Refining method is carried out in stages, has a very high upper limit and is effective for life.

Disadvantages: Difficult to get started, difficult to Body Refining, time-consuming, and slow to take effect.

Chen Ping, with the mentality that there is no harm in knowing more, asked:

"I have heard a little bit about this first Body Refining technique, and I have seen many monks who practice Body Refining according to this method. I would like to ask Lord Yun to clarify my doubts about this second Body Refining technique."

Yun Wenting recalled it and said:

"I don't know much about the second Body Refining method. I also started the Body Refining road when I was on the fourth floor of the Foundation Building, and I followed this second Body Refining method. It's only the sixth floor of the Foundation Building. After the level, the realm breakthrough slowed down, and there was not much life left, so I gave up Body Refining and devoted my whole body and mind to conquering the realm breakthrough. It is not just me, but also fellow Daoist Tang."

"If Fellow Daoist Chen really wants to take the second path, he needs to go somewhere."

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment:


"Western Barbarian Territory." Yun Wenting said.

Chen Ping doesn’t know why:

"The Western Barbarian Region? Is it the only place where the art of Body Refining exists?"

These are his knowledge blind spots.

"That's not true." Yun Wenting smiled and said: "It's just that this second method of Body Refining requires you to temper yourself first and reach a certain state. Only the Western Barbarian Region can achieve this tempering."

turn out to be.

The body of a monk is integrated, and it is necessary to temper itself in stages.

The first thing to do is to allow the body's orifices and meridians to achieve natural barriers between tissues, so that when a certain tissue is specifically tempered, the medicinal and spiritual power will not flow to other parts of the body.

Only in this way can an organization be efficiently tempered.

This 'barrier' must be opened and closed manually.

The process of achieving this goal is called ‘Little Body Refining’.

Similar to the ‘little reflection’ in front of the Foundation Building.

The process of 'Little Body Refining' is extremely special. In ancient times, it was considered that there was no shortcut, so very few monks succeeded in the second technique of Body Refining.

But later I gradually discovered that some special circumstances were conducive to the success of ‘Little Body Refining’.

This special environment is difficult to describe and varies from place to place.

In the Western Wilderness, the best environment for ‘small body refining’ is in the Western Barbarian Territory.

"In the Western Barbarian Territory, there is a large tree called blood vine, and there is also a special concentrate called Liuyun Cuishan Stone, which is buried deep underground. Driven by these two special resources, the aura there is quite special. , known as the 'Blood Vine Aura', this aura is the best resource to promote 'Little Body Refining'. It is as important as the Foundation Building Pool and Foundation Building Pill to the Foundation Building." Yun Wenting introduced.

Chen Ping took a deep breath.

I didn’t expect that there are so many ways to do Body Refining alone.

I am really ignorant.

"How to get to this Western Barbarian Territory? How to find this place of Body Refining?" Chen Ping investigated deeply.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, wait a moment." Yun Wenting waved to the servant to pour tea for Chen Ping, then left and went to the quiet room behind the living room.

He came out after a while and handed Chen Ping a booklet:

"There are two best places for Body Refining in the Western Barbarian Territory, one is in the area under the jurisdiction of Black Rock Gate, and the other is in the area under the jurisdiction of Tian Dao Palace."

"I went to the Black Rock Gate back then. This is the album from that time. Fellow Daoist Chen can pick it up and take a look. As for the Tian Dao Palace, Fellow Daoist Chen has to ask Fellow Daoist Tang Junyi for advice."

Chen Ping took the booklet.

I opened it and looked at it. It was the route map from Lingxiao Sect to Black Rock Gate.

It is densely marked with potential dangers and spheres of influence along the way.

"Then thank you City Master Yun. I'll take it for a look and return it to you after use." Chen Ping thanked him.

"It's a small thing, no need to say thank you. If I can't Core Formation, I'm afraid I won't be able to do Body Refining in this life. Haha, of course, if I'm lucky enough to Core Formation, then what's the use of this album to me? I can Just lie down and fly over." Yun Wenting laughed.

Then he said:

"I heard that Shi Chensheng from Red Rock City is also planning to go to the Black Rock Gate to strengthen the Body Refining after the third floor of the Foundation Building. Yes, he is the monk who was about to lose and was pulled back by Chen Fellow Daoist. If Chen Fellow Daoist wants to go there, you can go there with Shi Chensheng is a Fellow Daoist."

Chen Ping:.

It's not what you old silver coin asked for.

Chen Ping ignored Yun Wenting's complaints. He said without comment:

"The purpose of coming here this time is to learn a little bit about the art of Body Refining. I haven't confirmed whether I will go, nor whether I will do Body Refining. I won't bother Shi Fellow Daoist."

If that guy holds a grudge against me, it will be troublesome.

Besides, we are not familiar with each other.

Even if you want to go, it is best to go alone.

Yun Wenting chuckled, and then said seriously:

"Although Little Body Refining is not dangerous, it is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It can be as short as half a year or as long as four or five years. In the twenty years that Chen Fellow Daoist has been a guest in Yunzhong City, he has only been free to leave the city for two years. More than 2 years, the total period of serving as guest minister will be automatically extended, and I hope Chen Fellow Daoist will be aware of this."


That is, there are two years of accumulated ‘annual leave’.

If you exceed the limit, you will have to work overtime to make up for it.

After coming out of Yun Mansion, Chen Ping went to the store and spent 5 Middle Grade Spirit Stones to buy a book called "Why Body Refining?" 》's register.

Then I went to Tangfu.

I paid homage to Tang Junyi with twenty bottles of Heqi Dan as a meeting gift.

I got a picture album to go to Tian Dao Palace.

(End of chapter)

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