I Live Forever With My Proficiency

Chapter 169 Leaving Yunzhong City

Chapter 169 Leaving Yunzhong City

late at night.


Chen Ping was lying on the bed, holding Yu Lingchun's delicate body, not sleepy.

His big hand touched her delicate cheek and said softly:

"I'm planning to go on a long trip. This trip will take a long time. It can take as little as six months to come back, or as long as three to five years."

This afternoon, after returning from Tangfu, I carefully read the book "Why Body Refining?" ", decided to go to the Southern Barbarian Territory.

Foundation Building Stage is the best Body Refining stage.

If Body Refining is successful at this stage, it is equivalent to laying a solid foundation, which is the guarantee for the subsequent construction of high-rise buildings.

The foundation doesn't take a lot of time to lay, and the building looks faster and more efficient to build up front. But it is a castle in the air and cannot be built too high.

Otherwise it will collapse.

Foundation Building Stage lays a solid foundation, which is of great benefit to the entire career of cultivating immortals.

It’s something worth slowing down to do.

Many monks do not choose the second method of Body Refining, or give up on the Body Refining Late Stage like Yun Wenting, because it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

With limited lifespan, these monks prefer to spend their time improving their realm.

The Foundation Building monk is also more than 200 years old.

After all, it is limited.

'But I'm different. I practice Qingyuan Gong, which can extend my life by itself. I can live longer than ordinary Foundation Building monks. And with the panel, time is not the main factor limiting my breakthrough. ’


Chen Ping also wants to go out and have a look. Since Lingxiao Sect is not a place where he will stay for a long time, it is better to learn more about the outside world in advance.

This time we go to the Western Barbarian Region and we can achieve multiple things with one stone.

Yu Lingchun was originally nestled in Chen Ping's arms, enjoying the full sense of security brought by her man. When I heard this, I suddenly raised my head:

"where to?"

"Southern Barbarian Territory." Chen Ping said:

"Body Refining is a very important part of the Foundation Building Stage. Many monks will start Body Refining soon after entering the Foundation Building Stage. I am already on the third floor of the Foundation Building, and it is time to start Body Refining. This Nanman Domain is one of them that must be visited. link."

Yu Lingchun's body trembled, her red lips quivered, and she hesitated to speak, but in the end she just asked:

"Is it far?"

She actually wanted to go with Chen Ping and stay with Chen Ping all the time.

She goes wherever Chen Ping goes.

But she knows that this kind of thing is like Chen Ping's original Foundation Building, and there is no room for carelessness.

Going alone will only become a burden to Chen Ping.

Then he forcibly suppressed the thought in his heart.

Chen Ping saw her thoughts and smiled:

"It's not too far, more than eight thousand miles."

"Don't worry, this time Body Refining is no better than Foundation Building. Even if Body Refining is necessary, it will still be life-threatening. Although it may take four to five years, I will come back as soon as possible."

Between Heiyan Gate and Tian Dao Palace, weighing the road conditions and distance, Chen Ping chose Heiyan Gate, which is relatively closer.

More than eight thousand miles is not far or near.

It's probably a round trip from Guangzhou to BJ.

Of course, it is more appropriate to go out at this stage.

Five years have passed, and the demon cultivator is no longer staring at him. In addition, in recent times, the Lingxiao Sect monks have been patrolling the perimeter intensively, and the demonic cultivators have been missing recently, so the probability of encountering the demonic cultivators has been greatly reduced.

"Yeah." Yu Lingchun hummed.

He buried his head in Chen Ping's arms and whispered:

"when are we leaving?"

Chen Ping has decided:

"Now that we have decided, it is useless to stay any longer. I will go and talk to City Master Yun tomorrow. I will leave the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"Don't go out while I'm away. Just stay in the inner city. If you have anything to do, go to Yun Lingshan. The Yun family is the owner of Yunzhong City after all, so there are more ways to do it."

"Yeah, I know." Yu Lingchun hummed.


That night, neither of them could sleep, and they talked privately all night.

The next day.

Chen Ping went to Yun Mansion early in the morning.

Since I was going to take annual leave, I naturally wanted to say hello to Yun Wenting. Yun Wenting asked Chen Ping which sect realm he should go to, but Chen Ping only said that he was still considering it.

I went to find Yun Lingshan again and asked her to look after Yu Lingchun more.

At the same time, I went to the shop and spent ten Middle Grade spiritual stones to replenish some elixirs and talismans such as rejuvenation pills and golden armor talismans.

I spent 84 Middle Grade spiritual stones to buy a set of Five Elements Psychedelic Array equipment. I spent 66 Middle Grade Spirit Stones to buy a set of Rank One Spirit Gathering array equipment.

He has already begun to set up an entry-level Rank One psychedelic array.

The whole day is in preparation.

The next day, get up early.

Under the service of Yu Lingchun, he put on the Rank Two Middle Grade robe that he bought, an ordinary Taoist robe on top, and a magic sword.

"If my husband's Foundation Building can be successful, this little Body Refining will definitely not be difficult." Yu Lingchun said with a smile, arranged Chen Ping's clothes, hugged Chen Ping again, and took a deep breath.

Chen Ping smiled:


Draw out the Rank Two magic sword.

Recite the law silently.

Big, big, big!


The magic sword clangs clang clang clang and becomes bigger.

Chen Ping jumped onto the magic sword and shouted softly. The magic sword carried Chen Ping and suddenly rose into the sky. With a swish, it plunged into the distance and brought up a whirlwind.

All the way west.

The place where Lingxiao Sect is located is the Qingyun Territory, which is adjacent to the Tianyan Territory to the north and the Ximan Territory to the west.

Chen Ping wielded his sword carefully along the way, guarding against all possible dangers.

Every once in a while I'll take a Heqi Pill.

Always keep at least half of your spiritual power in your body.

During the flight of the sword, according to the markings in Yun Wenting's atlas, try to avoid other people's sphere of influence as much as possible. It doesn't matter if you prefer to fly a little more detour.

In flight, looking down.

In the beginning, there were farmlands, land created by burning wasteland, and villages along the way.

But the further west you go, the fewer and fewer people there are.

The forest is getting thicker and thicker.

In the afternoon, at a glance, the end of the field of vision is full of stretching forests. It is late autumn at this time, and it is like swimming in a golden ocean.

The deeper it goes, the slower Chen Ping flies.

At this time, the roar of the Demonic Beast can be heard, and some ferocious birds can even be encountered.

at this time.

"call out!"

An eagle beast that had been following Chen Ping for a long time was still hovering in the air and eyeing Chen Ping. Now it saw that Chen Ping had slowed down and swooped over immediately.


Chen Ping stretched out his palm and hit the eagle beast with a 'Tiangang Thunder'.

The eagle beast let out a mournful cry and suddenly fell down in a spiral shape, its body burned black.

‘Oh, you, a small and inferior eagle beast, dare to treat me as prey? ’

‘Now that’s good, there’s an extra dish of roasted whole eagle tonight. A proper forest delivery person. ’

Chen Ping's sword fell slowly.

It's getting late now, and we need to spend the night in the forest tonight. The forest will only become more dangerous after dark, so it's not advisable to rush on the road rashly.

Chen Ping put away his flying sword, looked around, then found a towering tree with a diameter of seven or eight meters, and dug a tree hole in the trunk, which he assumed would be his overnight residence.

Open map browsing.

According to the mark in the album, this place is about 1,000 miles away from Yunzhong City.

Flying a thousand miles in one day.

He calculated that it would take about eighty or ninety miles in half an hour.

This speed is really not fast.

It was slower than when Yun Haitang took him to the Lingxiao Sect Foundation Building.

There's no way around it.

Low cultivation level.

He currently only has the third floor of the Foundation Building, while Yun Haitang originally had the sixth floor of the Foundation Building. There is a huge gap in the spiritual power reserve itself.

There are advantages too.

His sword-handling skills are already at the 'grandmaster' level, which is beyond the comparison of Yun Haitang's sword-handling skills back then.

Good sword control skills can save spiritual energy consumption and increase speed.

One plus and one minus, probably at this speed.

‘At this speed, it will only take seven or eight days to reach the destination, which is not too long. ’

(End of chapter)

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