"Don't do anything to it, this monster is one of the erosion phenomena!" Menyashi quickly flew away from the monster's side, "Quickly inform Lu Mingfei and let him put some pressure on the people of Cassel Academy!"

"So shall we just let it go into the human city?" How many ordinary people can such a big guy slaughter?

Chen Ming asked the heavenly doorman while holding the snow under the snow and avoiding the pursuit of the giant beast in the water.

"Shogo can turn back time when everything is over and bring back all those who died in this disaster to life. Of course, the premise is that the phenomenon of erosion is successfully solved by the people of this world. "

Although the dead can be resurrected, people still die, which makes the face of the monyaji, who cannot accept it no matter how many times he has experienced it, look ugly.

"Now is not the time to blame yourself, go back to Mingfei and see if there is anything we can help with."

With a wave of his hand, Tokiwa Sho teleported everyone back from the sea.

It was still the silent and uninhabited platform, only the sunlight shining on the ground, which seemed so peaceful.

Magic Time King: @Sakura, send a positioning, we are coming.

Sakura: (positioning) 3D stereoscopic projection.

Sakura: Are you coming now? I have a few dragon-slaying heroes and good men here, you guys won't cause misunderstandings when you come, right?

As soon as he finished this sentence, Lu Mingfei looked up and saw his group members appear in the conference hall of the Executive Department.

"It's over." Lu Mingfei closed his eyes.

Ange, as the fastest reactive among the people present, began to tense his muscles the moment someone he didn't know appeared, and the realm of Speech Spirit Time Zero enlarged in an instant, shrouding the entire conference hall.

There are many people on the Kassel Academy who are shrouded in zero time, and they are directly in tune with Ange, and in their eyes, time has become something to hold in the palm of their hands.

Everything becomes languid from their perspective, even giving them the illusion that "I am the god of this field."

But this illusion only lasted for a moment, and then they found that before they could start acting, the role of the field simply disappeared.

"Guys, don't be nervous, we're here to help you."

As the king of time, although he will be stopped by some old yin when he is crazy when he is young, it is a stage where he has not yet developed. Now... Hmph, if he dares to attack, he will be defeated!

"Although I know that our sudden appearance here is very suspicious, but you can't beat us anyway, how about everyone sit down and have a good talk?"

As a top negotiator, Menyashi firmly attracted the hatred of everyone to himself as soon as he exited.

"What are you guys? Dragons, or people? "

Ange, as an old youkai who has lived one hundred and thirty years old, Menyaji's words did not affect him at all. He only cares about one thing in this world----- dragon. As long as it's not a dragon, he can work with anyone.

"Actually, we have neither humans nor dragons here, but that's okay, we think we're human anyway."

Menyashi glanced at the Star Core Essence and the Realm Demon, and said without changing his face.

Ange's bottom line is actually very simple, as long as you are not a dragon, or are not on the side of the dragon, and have the strength to talk to him on an equal footing, then he is willing to negotiate with you.

"At the moment we don't even know what's going on in the Pacific Ocean, and the satellites only see a succession of hurricanes that generate and disappear without warning, and huge creatures that suddenly emerge from the bottom of the sea. How do you know how to help us? Ange

is still questioning, but has actually shown a negotiable intention.

"It's simple, we're from other worlds, and we're here to help you."

Menyaji said this directly.

"Hey, hey, isn't that right?" Lu Mingfei ran out of the pile of people at Kassel Academy, "You guys told them about it?" Aren't such organizations generally not allowed to reveal such things to the outside world?

"What does it matter, anyway, in the end, everyone's memories will be erased, and you won't remember us."

Menyaji smiled and said the words that made everyone in the Kassel Academy tense again.

"What do you want?"

After thinking for a moment, Ange asked as if he had given up resistance.

"Headmaster!" A few people were immediately anxious, and quickly surrounded and pulled Ange's clothes, "Principal, such a suspicious character, do we really have to believe it?" And, this catastrophe we ourselves cannot prevent?

"Eighty meters tall and estimated to weigh 5,000 tons of monsters, how are you going to deal with it?"

Ange shook off their hands and looked at the doormen.

"We're just here to help you, and you don't have anything worth looking forward to."

Hearing such an answer, Ange did not know for a moment whether he should be angry or happy.

"I don't believe there's a pie in the sky, and if a person who helps others doesn't want to be paid, then he may want more than just a pay."

Ange lived one hundred and thirty years, spanning World War I and World War II, and saw too much meanness and deception. He now does not want to believe in any so-called human goodness, he only believes in power and reality.

"Lu Ming is not our good friend, we just want to help him."

Menyaji pointed to the way, taking this as a reason.

Ange was silent for a moment, and accepted the reason for the time being. After all, now is indeed not the time to entangle these trivial matters, the other party is willing to perfunctory him, at least it shows that it is not completely impossible to communicate.

"Now with that monster's swimming speed, it should have landed on at least a certain continent, right? Is it really good that you are still so calm? Although Chen Ming is still a human being, he is very uncomfortable with such a traditional human operation of dividing interests and showing loyalty at present.

"In fact, he landed in Australia just two minutes ago and is now wreaking havoc on the Cobourg Peninsula and heading towards Kakadu National Park."

A man wearing a mask and pushing an oxygen cylinder never looked at Chen Ming and the others, his iron-gray eyes staring at the satellite image, on which a huge heat source was constantly moving.

"While you are still suspicious of each other and proving your innocence, twenty F-22s have taken off from Hawaiian airfields and flew to Australia with a full load of ammunition."

Although the old man's voice is as ugly as a broken bellows, he is still very reliable in doing things.

"Why is the F-22 departing from Hawaii? They don't have enough fuel to support their flight to Australia, right? Ange frowned when he heard the minister of the Violent Law Enforcement Corps, which he valued most.

"The fighter refueled on the aircraft carrier halfway. And why the F-22 ...

Not knowing why, Ange felt Schneider look at him.

"Because the test driver of the F-35 is now working as a dedicated driver for someone, the lieutenant general who was dug into the wall refused to send out his fighter formation, but just perfunctory us with retired fighters."

Oh, it turned out to be really because of me, Ange smiled a little embarrassed.

"Wait for the first attack of the fighter members, let me see what this monster is."

Schneider looked at the big screen, which now has twenty small screens, inside which is the first-person perspective of each driver.

About eighty meters tall, the weight alone is estimated to be at least 5,000 tons, if the body structure is exactly the same as the creatures on the earth, then it has long been crushed by its own weight, so the body of the monster must be very hard, at least alloy level.

The F-22 and the Rattlesnake and GBU small-diameter bombs it carries basically represent the highest level of human air-to-ground monolith, and how much damage these things can do to monsters almost directly determines the fate of mankind.

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