"Free fire! Free to fire! "

The soldier who served as the captain of this flying squadron can clearly see that the monster that is as tall as a building, just standing there, even if it is motionless, can cause great psychological pressure on ordinary people.

The formation of the plane suddenly spread out from the "V" shape, and several squads began to circle around the monster, looking for an opportunity to pour fire on the monster's huge body.

The twenty-millimeter caliber M61A2 poured out towards the monster's almost fixed target body at a terrifying rate of fire of 4,000 rounds per minute, and tracer bullets every five rounds were almost connected into an uninterrupted golden line.

The high-explosive bomb exploded on the monster's hard skin, but there seemed to be no way to do any damage to it, just to attract its attention.

The ugly-looking monster roared and swung its forelimbs nearly twenty meters towards the fighter's hovering trajectory.

No one expected that such a huge body could actually make such a flexible and fast response. When the forelimbs swing, they cut through the air, emitting a piercing screeching sound.

"Spread out! Spread out! "There were pilots shouting at the squad channel with a look of horror.

But because this forelimb is too large, one plane was still slashed through the fuselage by its claws and exploded directly into a cloud of fireworks in the air.

"What are you doing? Keep your distance! With the missiles you mounted! "

Nothing has been tried, and the sacrifice is worthless. This made Schneider's blood pressure rise slightly.

"Keep your distance and height! All members, use Sidewinder missiles! "

The squadron leader had to raise the height of the fighter and then use his mobility to deal with the monster.

"In the face of such a thing, dare to be arrogant and unguarded to stick so close..." Ange was disappointed by the level of these soldiers, "When I think that these may all be comrades-in-arms, I feel a pang of despair."

And the soldiers then expressed their strength as "Want to be teammates with me?" There are no doors! Because I'm going to die here today!" "Average, like headless flies, has no rhythm of attack at all.

Schneider, the cold-blooded war god of war, saw that these pilots couldn't support the wall, so he simply ignored it and called the people from the executive department to look at the screen and do analysis.

"Eighty-two meters tall, the weight was estimated by the Australian commissioner to be about six thousand tons. The skin hardness is equivalent to light aerospace alloy, there are no burn marks by visual inspection, and it is at least resistant to high temperatures below 3000 °C. The level of intelligence is equivalent to the level of human toddlers, and there is no combat or hunting experience, presumably it should be clones or cultivated biological weapons.

After a few people gathered around and whispered, Schneider reported to Ange with a freshly baked report.

"The Executive Department never disappoints me." Ange took the report paper and finally looked at the chattering crowd with raised eyebrows, "Guys, take a look at this report, I personally think that this should be considered more detailed." The

people in the chat group looked at each other, and finally the bravest party passed directly and passionately: "This thing Uncle Ben knows at a glance, do you still need to measure it like this?" And what is the use of this thing to Uncle Ben? If I wanted to make it, it would be just a moment!

Ange's originally good mood was directly extinguished by a basin of ice water, so that he no longer wanted to communicate with such a rude person as a party, so he turned to Schneider again.

"What methods can we use to kill this thing at the moment? Is it safe to use only missiles? Faced

with a species he had never seen before, Schneider's tone was much more cautious.

"This monster is completely different from the dragons we've ever killed, so I'm not sure what level it is. Whether or not you have a supernatural ability like Yan Ling still has a great impact on the battle.

Ange thought for a moment, "The national park that the monster is about to enter is now the hunting season, first transfer a missile to blow up a try, and by the way, call Director Arcadullah out of Watt Alheim." Hearing

the name of the hot man, Schneider, who had always been cold like a robot, showed a hesitant expression.

"Your Excellency Headmaster, although I don't want to say this, if you want Akadullah to leave his equipment department, it is almost impossible."

Ange threw him a handful of Glock, "It's okay, if you use this to invite him, he will come out, believe me, try and try." The

amount of information implied in this "tried and tested" is a bit huge.

Schneider, who finally knew how to get the head of the equipment department out of his turtle shell, was a little sympathetic, but he still appreciated Mr. Ange's eclectic brain hole.

After a while, Schneider carried a middle-aged man wearing a spacesuit to the command hall with a gun.

"Long time no see, my dear Director Akadullah! How have you been lately?

Ange greeted him warmly, his words full of intimacy and concern, and skillfully removed Glock from his head and into his gun bag.

"It would have been fine, until I saw this pistol." Director Akadullah nodded as he spoke.

Yukishita looked at the sad-faced man with a serious face, wondering why he was obviously angry but still nodding. Is this the legendary masochist?

"This director is a Middle Easter, and in them, nodding is tantamount to shaking his head." Chen Ming on the side explained in a low voice.

"So it is... In other words, how do you know what I'm thinking? Can you read minds? Yukishita covered his chest guardedly, "I just had a little affection for you, pervert!"

However, Chen Ming just looked at her with loving eyes: "Don't cover it, there is no original, so there is nothing."

Yukishita let go of his hand in humiliation, but he didn't expect that his poisonous tongue would be defeated so easily.

"Missiles are useless, or rather, of little use."

Just as she broke her defense and wanted to fight Chen Ming for three hundred rounds, the voice of Director Akadullah came.

"The speed of short-range or even medium-range missiles is too slow, and they are dodged before they hit, and the flames and high temperatures are scraping the monster." At least the speed and explosive range of the ICBM are barely enough. "

The missile launched from Australia landed next to the monster, but was easily dodged, and the flames from the explosion were completely useless.

"Monsters should be fought with mechs or Ultramen." Lu Mingfei, who has seen the full Ultraman series and Transformers, subconsciously said his inner thoughts.

"You think reality is the same as in the movie? The human form is a very inefficient and fragile structure, even if you want to build a robot, you will never build it according to the human form. One

person went back at the time, saying that this whimsical method was purely watching too many movies.

"Shhhh Makes sense! We can build a giant robot!

Unexpectedly, Director Akadullah actually agreed with the wasteful idea when he heard it, and even had a feeling of finding a soulmate.

"Director Akadula, are you serious? Robot robustness, combat efficiency, maneuverability... It's exactly what only a director who writes a script without a brain can shoot!

"I know, I know what you're saying. But the robot it... Handsome! Director Akadula's eyes lit up, "It doesn't matter if you are strong or not, but handsomeness is a lifetime thing!"

"And such a large mech, its own weight crushes it, right?" There is no such toughness and strength of metals or alloys on the earth today.

Director Akadullah was asked this question, and he thought about it carefully, thinking of something in the academy.

"Headmaster, that keel cross is still in the school, right?" Akadullah stared at the corpse of a previous great monarch with malicious eyes, "The toughness and strength of the keel are enough, and there are even spiritual attributes contained in it that allow people to enter the mecha driving!" The

more he spoke, the more excited he became, and the more he felt that the feasibility of this matter was very high.

"One keel cross can craft the core parts of two mechs, and it can be completed in just a few months! Isn't this much more efficient than throwing bombs? "

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