I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 137 Mary: I woke up

Ten p.m.

Kamiyagawa clocked in from the convenience store to get off work, received a bento box that had passed the tasting period as usual, and was going to go home and eat it hot.

The poor ghosts and gods have not yet realized open source in a real sense, and can only cut expenditure where it can be cut.

"Speaking of which, the 1.4 million that Uncle Yucheng promised to remit to me hasn't arrived yet. He doesn't want to play tricks, does he?"

With the plastic bag of bento in his right hand dangling back and forth, Kamiya walked slowly towards the tram stop.

It's late summer now, and the weather is unbelievably hot.

In the bushes by the roadside, cicadas are tirelessly struggling to sing.

After walking seven or eight hundred meters away from the convenience store, Shengu passed a small park.

It was very late, and there were no people in the park, only the swings in the park were shaking.

Squeak - squeak -

Kamiyagawa glanced at the position of the swing.

[Spirit Control Technique] After the level is increased, his spiritual vision is not bad. In the dark small park, no ghost stories were seen.

It's just the sultry night wind blowing the swing.

"Why is this scene somewhat familiar?" Shen Gu thought suddenly.

Oh, I remembered.

It seemed that it was the first time I received a call from Mary, and it was the same way I got off the night shift and walked home.

Kamiyagawa turned his gaze away from the small park, and planned to continue walking forward with his lunch box.

At this moment--

"Big husband, いつか big husband になる, なんて思う日々を几つ重ねた, Today だって勤りTokyoの景に通ける拍は, 幽霊みたいだ"

Kamiya's cell phone rang.

The calling number is displayed as 1234567890.

A very strange number that should theoretically not exist.

However, Kamiyagawa was very familiar with this number.


This is the calling number for Phone Ghost.


Shen Gu's movements were faster than his thoughts, before the phone was automatically picked up, he swiped up the screen and connected the call.

There was a short and rapid blind tone on the other end of the phone.

However, no one spoke.

So Kamiyagawa directly asked tentatively: "Mary?"

After three to five seconds, there was a gentle answering sound from the phone.


It was a familiar cold female voice, but there seemed to be a little imperceptible in it, similar to the confused tone of just waking up.

Judging by the voice, it was really Mary.

"You're awake." Kamiyagawa's tone relaxed a little.

It has been a long time since the evil phone ghost fell asleep.

Kamiya also thought about whether Mary would just sleep like this and never wake up.

But today he received another call from the other party, and he was inexplicably relieved.

"Yeah." Mary on the other end of the phone finally started her usual set of words at this time, "Hello, I'm Miss Mary. I woke up and I missed you."

Kamiyagawa: ...

Is it so straight?

Even Kamiya, who has never been too thin-skinned, felt his face blush when he heard Mary's words.

After taking two deep breaths, Kamiya calmed down, and said again: "Well, the injury on your body?"

He recalled the scene after Mary retired from Hanako.

The phone ghost is like a porcelain doll that has been smashed and bonded, with cracks all over its body, and it seems that it hurts.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." The cold female voice rang again on the other end of the phone, but there seemed to be some imperceptible fluctuations in the tone, "Thank you for caring about Mary... I like it."

"That's good." Kamiyagawa nodded while holding the phone.

Then, he vaguely felt something was wrong.

Isn't the timing of Mary's awakening a bit odd?

Just woke up during the time when the girl in Fengsu Town was missing?

Thinking of this, Kamiya furrowed his brows.

The disappearance of the customs girl, it must not be related to Mary, right?

The phone never hung up.

After weighing it up, Kamiyagawa tried to ask: "Have you... been sleeping all this time?"

Mary didn't know what Kamiyagawa was suspicious of, and after hearing the question, she gave a straightforward answer: "Mary, I've been sleeping. I'll call you when I wake up."

Kamiyagawa: ...

Good guy.

The atmosphere feels a little weird.

What's the matter with this feeling that is similar to reporting the itinerary between couples?

However, Mary's answer made Kamiya let go of her doubts.

Generally, ghost stories are not good at lying, and what they say is more credible.

Mary, in particular, is a model of honesty and trustworthiness in ghost stories.

When reporting the time, say where you are, that is where you are; when you say on the phone what time to kill you, it will kill you at what time, rain or shine.

Never lie, just play the truth.

"Besides, all the missing girls in Fusuki Town are young and beautiful girls. In all the urban legends related to Miss Mary, she doesn't have this kind of specific attack needs." Kamiyagawa thought in his heart.

Thinking about it this way, the matter of Custom Town should really have nothing to do with Mary.

She probably really just happened to wake up at this time.

"Then when will you come to play with me?" Shen Gu asked.

He currently has an empty shikigami iron figure, which can restrain the C-rank ghost.

The iron statue has been placed next to the shikigami, waiting for the second shikigami to move in and return home.

In addition, Kamiyagawa still has a dead paper figurine as a backup, which can be used to enter the world of strange stories at any time with [Gao Tianyuan Shenyu].

Everything is ready.

After four or five seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, Mary's voice came again: "I'm sorry to wait another two days."

Kamiya's heart tightened.

Wait two days?

What does Miss Mary want?

So he hurriedly asked: "Do you want to find someone else to play?"

Ever since the phone evil spirit retreated and cured Hanako, Kamiya had the idea of ​​restraining her to become a shikigami.

After all, in the final analysis, Mary is a strange story with a foreign visitor. The "play" she understands is to cut people into two with a machete.

If Kamiyagawa does not intend to retreat from her, the best choice is to accept her as a shikigami and restrain her by his side.

Since he is his quasi-shikigami, Kamiya can't accept Mary going to "play" with others and hurting innocent people.

It's fine if you don't know it, but since you already know it, you still have to take care of it.

Mary on the other end of the phone quickly opened her mouth to explain, in her cold tone, she seemed a little wronged:

"Mary has never played with anyone else, and she only wants to play with you in the future."


Kamiya choked up.

Have you ever "played" with others?


This is the meaning of the alien visit so far, and only one person has been cut off.

Then, I just want to "play" with you in the future.

It means that from now on, you only want to kill me alone.

Kamiya Chuanxin said: "Mary's words are flattering at first. But if you understand her meaning carefully, it really makes your spine chill..."

Is this what it feels like to be entangled by a sick girl?

However, since Mary, who is very committed, has said so, it should be certain that she will not visit reality to kill others.

Wait two days and wait two days.

I just hung up the phone and swiped [Spirit Control] to increase the probability of catching Mary.

As for why the phone evil spirit couldn't rush over and kill him right away.

Kamiya speculates that it may be that she has just recovered from a serious injury and has not recovered quickly, so she cannot return to reality for the time being.

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