I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 138 Wu Jun, Wu Jun, please answer

Weird world.

Corresponds to the inner world of Akihabara, Tokyo.

Similar to reality, Akihabara in the world of ghost stories is also tall and skyscrapers.

But here is the underworld after all, the overall tone is a haze.

The light of neon lights, like rotting plaque, sticks to the surface of the building, staring at it for a while will make people feel uncomfortable both psychologically and physically.

A certain room on the 13th floor of a tall building.

The small room is crowded with TVs, computers, landline phones, and game consoles.

The appliances look new and old, but are all working fine.

There are no lights in the room, only the cold lights flickering on the screens of various TVs and computers. The light is superimposed, some gray, some white, some black.

It hurts the eyes.

Looking at the content on each display, there are——

In Contra's eight underwater levels, the macho character with a gun is constantly twitching.

In the 256 underwater levels of Super Mario, the sky and the ground are mixed together in the picture, and it seems uncoordinated everywhere.

There is also an episode called "The Entertainer" in the Doraemon series. In the video, the characters of Lan Fatty and Nobita are distorted and scribbled, like children's graffiti.

The plot of the story is even more fragmented and weird...

In short, all the screens displayed are games and anime episodes that exist in Urban Ghost Story.

A roomful of children's cults.

In the center of the room sat a girl who looked about thirteen or fourteen years old.

He has twin ponytails, wears a white dress, and has very fair skin, the kind of sickly white that hasn't been exposed to the sun for a long time.

The girl is bored, watching TV occasionally, and occasionally grabbing a handle to play games at will.

It gives people the feeling that she is just like a small house girl.

But those who are active in the world of ghost stories, except for a certain ghost and spirit master who is growing up, are undoubtedly ghost stories.

So does this girl.

Her name is Wu.

In the relevant urban legends that have been circulated in reality, people also call her "Little Wujun who knows everything".

It is said that as long as you put 10 yen into a public phone, you can call your mobile phone. After the call was connected, read out into the microphone of the public phone, "Wu Jun, Wu Jun, please answer."

In the next 24 hours, Wu Jun will call your mobile phone.

Once connected, Wu Jun will answer any questions you may have.

Jingle, jingle—

In Xiaowu's messy room, a certain phone rang.

She stood up a little excitedly, crawled over the pile of electrical appliances, and picked up the phone: "Moses, Moses~"

"Really...really connected!?"

On the other end of the phone was the voice of a little boy, who sounded young, probably a primary school student.

The kid who called was obviously stunned for a while, and then he stammered and continued: "Wu Jun, Wu Jun, please answer."

I stumbled and read it three times.

Xiao Wujun, who was holding the receiver in his hand, quietly listened to the other party's speech, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly cunningly.

She corrected her playfully, "This is Wu-chan!"

beep -

Satoru hung up the phone.

Then, she quickly picked up the receiver and played back.


It was still the little boy's hesitant voice: "Hello? Wu-chan...?"

"It's me." Xiao Wu laughed, "You can ask questions now."

"Oh! Oh, that... Wu-chan, Wu-chan, please answer. What should I do to get a good result that everyone envies in this final exam?"

"Hee hee, you asked the right person. This kind of thing——" Xiao Wu smiled brighter and more cunningly.

But then, she changed her cordial and enthusiastic tone: "Of course I'm going to study hard! Idiot brat! Rice worm who loves to relax! Idiot who sits and enjoys what he gets! Idiot! Idiot!"

Wearing a pure white dress, Xiao Wujiang looks like a harmless little sister next door, but she has an unexpectedly poisonous tongue.

There can be more than a dozen sentences of swearing and mocking words without repetition.

Even if the person on the other end of the phone was frightened and hung up the call in a hurry. She can also be forced to keep the call open and continue to sarcastically output.



There was a loud cry over the phone.

The little boy who called, burst into tears for Wu Jiang.


Hearing the other party's wailing, Xiao Wu hung up the phone contentedly, flaunting his might as if he had won a battle.

After that, not long after.

Another call came.

"Moses, Moses~"

"Wu Jun, Wu Jun, please answer." There was a woman's voice on the other end of the phone.

"This is Wu-chan!" Xiao Wu corrected the caller again.

Woman: "Go-chan...? Then, Go-chan, Go-chan, please answer. What can I do to make Yongtaro come back to me?"

After listening to the question, Xiao Wu, the customer service officer, raised the corner of his mouth, and started to serve enthusiastically once again:

"What a stupid woman you are! People have abandoned you like a worn-out rag! Are you out of your mind? Still trying to get him back to you? While you're whining and whining, you The Yongtaro is probably already in the express hotel, making love with other girls!"

There was another burst of merciless ridicule, and Xiao Wu hung up the phone happily until the woman opposite was crying.


Goku-kun who is active in the world of Akihabara.

Or, Xiaowu sauce.

Strictly speaking, it is a strange tale of an alienated body.

Her alienation direction is a bit strange, belonging to the kind of crooked type of skill tree.

Xiaowu hardly has any fighting ability, and it is estimated that a headless Xiqi boy can kill her alone, but he has the sanity that only high-level ghost stories possess.

Actions and speech are extremely fluent, no different from a living person.

Similar to Meow Meow in Team Rocket...

"Hey~ I made several stupid humans cry again today. I, Xiaowu-chan, are really a heinous super weird story!"

After a few rounds of business, scolding and frightening everyone who called, Wu was in a very happy mood.

This alternative telephone evil spirit, since it was born in the world of ghost stories, has set up a lofty ambition——

Wu-chan, I want to do the most evil, most terrifying, super strange story that will make human beings frightened!

And she's almost there now.

After all, so many stupid human beings were made to cry by her.

Wu sauce, I am super strong!

Not long after Xiao Wu was happy, a phone in the corner of the room rang.

Jingle bells—jingle bells—

"Hmph~ Which unlucky bastard is going to cry again?"

Wujiang trotted over, the corners of her white skirt fluttering.

Pick up the phone.

This time, she was so carried away that it was odd that she didn't see the calling number.



The phone connects.

Xiaowu: "Moses, Moses~"

After a brief blind tone.

On the other end of the phone, a somewhat familiar female voice came from without any emotional fluctuations: "Hello, I'm Miss Mary."

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