I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 148 I Have Met This Sister Before

East Shinjuku area.

This is the busiest and most chaotic traditional commercial street area.

The famous overseas red light district, Kabukicho.

Here, there are about 3,000 bars, clubs, hotels and other entertainment venues of various sizes and styles.

Even these venues are not only for heterosexuals, Shinjuku's 2-chome is famous in Asia as a famous male ketone center, and 3-chome also has many lesbian places.

Therefore, here in Kabukicho, you can see all kinds of foreign tourists who come here to have fun.

However, most of these tourists have only one fate when they come here——

The wallet was brutally slaughtered.

In addition, the situation in Fubuki Town in Shinjuku District has always been relatively chaotic, with various underworld forces intertwined.

Many of these gangsters have turned from good to good on the surface and transformed into club chaebols who can stand on the stage, but they are still using the same old methods behind the scenes, greedily eating up the fat that can create huge income in the red-light district.

Because the situation inside is too complicated, the Metropolitan Police Department has never been very willing to take care of things in Fengsu Town.

For example.

For the Tokyo police, Shinjuku Fukimachi is like a gorgeous carpet.

The surface is glamorous and luxurious, but everyone knows that there is a huge, ineradicable cockroach nest under this blanket.

The Metropolitan Police Department is not willing to lift the whole blanket.

Because once this happens, the cockroaches below will run all over the house and get out of hand.

The Metropolitan Police Department will only walk on the edge of the carpet.

If you see a few cockroaches going too far, instead of doing their shady and dark activities under the carpet, but running into the house openly, shoot them to death, and kill them as an example to others.

But tonight is different.

Because the matter of Zhifenxian involved the strange talk incident, and it was very serious, if left unattended, it would definitely lead to catastrophe.

The special search countermeasure room under the Metropolitan Police Department had to take action against Fusukicho.

Tonight, a corner of this gorgeous, dirty blanket is about to be lifted.



The black Mazda drove to the intersection and stopped at a random spot.

Yuki Makensuke got out of the car with Kamiyagawa.

As for the gap girl who was originally sitting on the co-pilot, she has temporarily disappeared.

On the streets of Fubukicho, there are many glowing lights.

Because of the heavy rain tonight, there are not many pedestrians with umbrellas on the street. Most of the people who come to Fengsu Town should be immersed in a soft and gentle village at this time.

Uncle Yuki held an umbrella and led Kamiya into a body wash shop called "LVOE100%".

This is the first time for Kamiyagawa to visit this kind of store.

But looking at the signs outside and the billboards in the aisle, he roughly knew that "LVOE100%" is a store where girls wear cosplay costumes and bathe customers.

The store doesn't seem to include "custom service" that really hits home plate.

In addition, "LVOE100%" has a hidden identity. It has a "white background" and is actually run by informants from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Tonight, this place has become a small stronghold for temporary activities of members of the special search countermeasure room.

A large private room in the body wash shop.

In the room, the large round bathtub is very eye-catching.

Kamiyagawa followed Uncle Yuki into here, and then saw a small number of other people who participated in the operation together tonight.

All were dressed in relatively low-key, everyday attire.

Among them, the combination of one old and one young is more eye-catching.

The old one is a kind-hearted but extremely dignified blind old lady.

Shen Gu kept an eye on the blind old lady: "The little old man said before that the blind old lady who can sense his existence from a long distance should be her."

In addition, there was a girl sitting beside the blind old lady.

She looks about the same age as Kamiya, maybe a little younger.

The long black hair is coiled and fixed with a simple hairpin, and a pair of beautiful almond eyes are smart and soft.

It was obviously the first time for the girl to come to Fengsong Town, so she felt a little cramped in the room, but she couldn't hide her curiosity.

Kamiya looked at the other party, but a weird idea came up in his heart for no reason:

"I have seen this sister before."

Where exactly have you seen it?

Kamiyagawa couldn't put it into words, and in the end he only attributed this kind of feeling to the kindness of old friends he glanced at:

"To put it bluntly, it's just that the greedy people are good-looking. Damn, am I so cheap?"

But in fact, it's not that Kamiya has lusted after a temporary colleague during the serious operation.

Onizuka's little witch on the opposite side had the same first reaction when she saw Kamiyagawa.

When the two met, their eyes met.

After staring at each other for a few seconds, the little witch finally turned her face away with a little shame.

Kamiya and Onitsuka.

Above Stranger and Purple.

A pair of good friends who have never seen each other's photos on the Internet, in this strange environment, caught off guard unexpectedly.

Of course, they don't know each other's identity yet.

As for the mutual understanding between the two parties, if it was told to a third person, I would definitely think that the two of them fell in love at first sight.

But in fact, the real source of this familiarity was a few months ago.

At that time, Hanako from Tokyo Hualing High School had just been expelled.

Kamiya and Onitsuka were near the school, and they happened to meet each other, but they passed each other without any incident.

That time they rubbed shoulders, they both spoke highly of each other's appearance.

However, neither Kamiya nor Onitsuka are overly nympho.

Isn't it just a good-looking face, no matter how handsome and beautiful it is, it is impossible to remember it after only a glance and then not seeing each other again for several months.

As a result, the appearance of each other is naturally blurred in the mind, becoming a shadow in the subconscious.

But today's reunion awakened this shadow again.

However, both of them thought it was the first time they met on the special occasion of Fusumori Town.

The first impression they left on each other is naturally amazing.

Fate is wonderful.


The personnel in the "LVOE100%" private room are only a very small number of middle and high-level people who participated in the action of Tonight's Custom Town tonight.

More personnel have been scattered around Kabukicho to stand by.

"Okay, that's about it. Each group starts to act according to the plan, manages the people under their own control, and keeps in touch with the walkie-talkie."

As the commander here, Uncle Yuki made some adjustments to the planned plan for tonight in the large private room.

After that, tonight's action begins.

Among them, Granny Blind, Little Priestess Onizuka, and Makensuke Yuuki himself will participate in tonight's attacking team.

There must be a lot of white powder women's flesh spirits descending from the Zhifenxian meeting point, and there must be strong people to lead the team, and then the official spiritual masters and special police officers without extraordinary abilities will be mixed to break through.

Originally, with Kamiyagawa's strength, it would be no problem to join the assault team.

However, due to his status, he was a temporary member who joined yesterday because of Uncle Yucheng's face. Naturally, it was not his turn to do such an important matter.

The task assigned by Kamiya is——

Together with another young male psychic master at the scene, the guards blocked an alley in Fubukicho.

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