I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 149 The Facial Fairy (Two in One)


It rained especially heavily in Shinjuku tonight.

It poured down from the night sky almost spoon by spoon.

After a brief deployment meeting, Kamiya came to his post for this operation.

His duty is to control the road and prevent suspicious people from entering or leaving. In addition, there are many police officers with walkie-talkies around the block to cooperate.

In short, it is a fishy, ​​and not so important action position.

The young spiritual master who is partnering with Kamiya tonight is named Kanazawa Xingluo.

Buddhist origin.

But the kind of personal disciples of eminent monks who don't need to be shaved, can marry wives, and even occasionally hold an electronic music ceremony.

This kind of wild monk is quite common in Japan.

A street corner in Kabukicho.

Kamiya and Kanazawa stand together under the eaves of a closed custom shop.

"By the way, how much do you know about the powder fairy girl?" Kamiyagawa watched the continuous rain, turned his head and tried to talk to his temporary colleague, "Mr. Yuki didn't go into details when we were just deployed. .”

At this time, Monk Kanazawa was busy fiddling with a strange device that looked like a metal detector:

"Fairy Fairy... the Metropolitan Police Department has very little information about her. However, I remember that in the previous psychic report, even believers in the Fairy Facial Organization don't know who their leader is. , what does it look like?"

"Ah? Have you started closing the net without collecting information about Fairy Faun?" Shen Guchuan was a little surprised.

"There is no way. I heard that the remnants of the ritual circle found by the organization before are quite weird. We must get rid of them as soon as possible to prevent the Zhifenxian organization from continuing to carry out similar rituals.

In addition, after destroying their gathering point, there will be more opportunities for inquiry and psychic communication. By then, they should be able to grasp more effective information related to Fairy Faun. Then, the next operation against the Fairy Fairy can be carried out. For now, that's the only way to go. "

As Jin Ze said this, it seemed that the strange device in his hand had finally been turned on by him, and the red and green lights on it were flashing continuously, and at the same time, there was a piercing "Didi" alarm sound.

"What is this?" Kamiyagawa looked at the instrument in Monk Kanazawa's hand and changed the subject.

"Psychic detector, when there is a monster with a certain strength nearby, this thing will ring."

Kanazawa said, and then used this thing like a metal detector to scan Kamiya's body.

The alarm sounded louder.

Kamiya: "Is this thing ringing because of me?"

"Well. Mr. Yuki said that you have a shikigami, and there is also a strange talk from the ghost to assist. So it's normal." Kanazawa nodded and fiddled with the instrument again, "Reset the current parameters to zero, so... um , all right."

After some fiddling, the instrument quieted down.

Monk Jinze: "Okay. Next, it will only explore other ghost stories that appear within a dozen meters of us."

Kamiya was silent.

Xin said that the Metropolitan Police Department has really kept pace with the times, and all the strange talk instruments on the technology side have been developed.

Tens of seconds later, Kamiyagawa scratched his cheek and said again: "Is this thing reliable? Will there be no false positives or false negatives?"

Jin Ze just waved the psionic detector lightly in his hand: "There are very few false positives. As for false negatives, the organization says that there are no... But I personally think that if there are true false positives, we don't know."

Kamiyagawa: ...

Makes sense...

Got it, an instrument with zero negative reviews, right?

After staying at his post for a while, Kamiya saw several official cars of the Metropolitan Police Department driving by. The secret service personnel sitting in the car are armed with live ammunition and equipped with anti-riot shields.

Tonight's fortified operation should officially begin.

Kamiyagawa glanced at Monk Kanazawa beside him, and began to think about it in his heart:

"I have to find a way to use [One Thousand Silver Needles] and [Ghost Leather Clothes] to get out of the post. I also have my own tasks to do. The information about the Fairy Fairy and the Devil's Time Organization is still very vague. Tonight's time Don't waste it here."


There are many membership-only establishments in Shinjuku's Fukimachi, which only allow members to enter and are not open to the public.

One of them has a two-story underground bar, which is the target of tonight's special search of the countermeasure room.

This is the meeting place organized by the Faun Fairy, with a huge space.

The vision was dim, the lights of the laser lights flickered randomly, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air.

In the middle of the first floor of this bar, an open space was cleared out.

A ritual array with complex patterns is drawn on the ground.

In the center of the magic circle, there are four wooden crosses, and each cross is tied with a corpse.

Judging from their size, the four bodies all belonged to women, and they were young women. Their faces and scalps have been completely peeled off, and their dark red and dried flesh is exposed.

More than thirty people, both men and women, dressed in uniform white, prayed around the four crosses.

They are the murderers of the disappearance of women in Tokyo, they are the believers of Zhifenxian, and they are the living flesh of Baifenpo walking in the world.

The appearance of these men and women is very beautiful, but there is a sense of weirdness, which is a kind of uncoordinated beauty.

It's as if their exquisite facial features didn't belong to them originally, but were put together on their faces temporarily.

From time to time, the spotlights cast light on the dark red naked flesh of the dead, and on the white clothes and strange-looking faces of the "living flesh". This underground bar, which is closed to outsiders, has a terrifying and permeating atmosphere.

"The Facial Fairy will bestow beauty on all devout believers."

Among the believers of the Faunxian, there was a young woman wearing a retro cloak who chanted like this.

The shadow of the cloak obscured most of the woman's features, but as she bowed her head in prayer, she could glimpse bright eyes with a clear tear mole at the corner of her right eye.

She is the moderator of tonight's assembly.

The host of each Fafen Fairy's gathering is different.

Last time it was a woman with a high nose bridge; this time it was a woman with tear moles at the corners of her eyes; next time, if there is a next time, it could be a woman with luscious lips.


The hosts of the rally are all women without exception, beautiful young women of different appearances.

But under the skins of these different beautiful women, they actually have the same heart, the same restless, paranoid, and extreme soul.

That kind of heart and soul belongs to a man.

At least biological sex is a man.

He is the powder fairy.

To be precise, it is the living flesh that has been descended by the powder fairy.

The fat fairy girl has a thousand faces and a thousand skins.

He never showed his true colors to others, and even the believers of the organization didn't know what he looked like, or even who he was.

Because all the girls' skins collected by Baifenpo will eventually gather at Fafenxian.

As long as he wants, he can put on the face of any woman and become anyone.


"For beauty." Zhifenxian chanted again.

All the believers bowed their heads in agreement with him.

On the intricately patterned ritual formation, there is a strange aura invisible to the naked eye. Accompanied by this ritual, it rises and tumbles, converging on the body of Fairy Faint Fairy.

boom! !

Suddenly, there was a deafening explosion, coming from above the underground bar.

Someone can be heard shouting: "The Metropolitan Police Department! Open the door!"

All the live meats at the scene showed annoyed expressions on their delicate faces.

Tonight's assembly ceremony was interrupted.

At this time, the Fairy Faun, who showed the face of a woman with a tear mole, stood up, raised her arms and shouted: "Fairy Fairy Faun! There are ugly people who are trying to stop our ceremony and deprive us of our beauty!"

"No!" "No!" "Kill them!"

Believers quickly responded.

These living flesh have long been depraved and mad, and they can do anything for the sake of beauty, and they will not allow anyone to interrupt the ritual that can bring beauty.

No one can take away their beauty.

No one can!

A thick layer of white powder quickly appeared on the faces of the live flesh, and their appearance became slack, like an ugly old woman.

Their voices became hoarse, and it was as if two people were talking when they opened their mouths.

"For our beauty!"

The living meat shouted irrationally.


Inside the ritual circle, thick white powder flew out and spread around.

The live flesh that has turned into a pink lady, with a hunched figure, but with exceptional agility, appears and disappears in the flying dust.

The spiritual masters and special police officers who broke into the underground bar had their vision and movements restricted by the strange white powder.

But the live meat became more mad and violent when they came into contact with white powder.

As soon as the battle between the two sides started, it turned out that the Metropolitan Police Department suffered first, and several people were reduced in a short period of time.

Fortunately, the main players in the attacking team were active.

The blind granny tapped the end of her blind stick on the ground lightly, in the white dust, there seemed to be floating scarlet eyes that slowly opened.

Where red eyes exist, white powder is forced to retreat.

Onizuka Kiri Hotaru was standing on the edge of the speakeasy's entrance.

The red eyes raised by the blind mother-in-law can help her see the general situation in the white powder.

The little witch is holding a Japanese bow and an arrow drawn by the string. The arrow is interspersed with a piece of yellow talisman paper with Seimei bellflower on it.


The Long Arrow Locust shoots out like a migratory locust, and explodes in the white powder, overturning several living flesh.

There is also Yuki Makensuke, who has summoned his beloved shikigami.

The Gap Girl holds huge scissors, like a roaring meat grinder, fighting in the dust, and the white powder that stops the living is unlikely to affect her activities.

The situation was stabilized at once.


Among the flying white powder.

The second basement of the bar.

A small number of people from the Metropolitan Police Department have captured the second floor.

However, the situation here is a bit complicated. There are many independent boxes, so it is definitely not so easy to be taken down.

Zhifenxian, who was in a certain box, had already seen that the situation was over, but he did not panic.

Under those bright eyes, the clear tear mole carried a different kind of charming feeling.

Outside the box door, there was a voice.

Fairy Zhifen waited for an opportunity, stood up, opened the door, and sneaked into the corridor.

With the help of white powder, he sneaked behind a male spy.

He hugged the other party from behind, covered Teqin's mouth, and dragged him deep into the white powder.

"I actually hate men very much. I always feel a little disgusted. But right now I can only choose you."

As Zhifenxian said so, she hugged her delicate hands tightly.

The controlled Secret Service struggled, but couldn't make a sound. The strange white powder in the air covered his whole body.

After a few seconds, Secret Service's face began to peel off.

His face appeared on Zhifenxian's face, even the clothes and equipment on his body were the same.


Zhifenxian discarded the naked and faceless corpse in her hand at random, and walked towards the basement floor of the bar with a gun and shield.

The fighting there was chaotic.

But he acted very indifferent.

Zhifenxian used the secret service's gun to repel several living flesh who could not identify him and tried to attack him.

Then, he casually pulled a seriously injured and unconscious police officer from the ground, supported him, and quickly walked out of the flying white powder.

No one noticed Zhifenxian's actions.

Even the blind mother-in-law, who has the strongest official perception ability, does not have the ability to see through the disguise of the rouge fairy girl.

There were even people besides Baifen who offered to give way to him because they saw him carrying the wounded.

Just like that, Fairy Fairy left the underground bar.

Surrounded by officers from the Metropolitan Police Department.

However, no one stopped Zhifenxian who came out with the wounded.

After handing over the injured person who was supporting him to the officers of the Metropolitan Police Department outside, the leader of the Fenzhixian organization quietly left while no one was paying attention.

He first walked to the back of an empty official car.

A few seconds later, when he came out again, he was no longer the original male spy.

Instead, she changed back to the appearance of a young woman with bright eyes and moles of tears at the corners of her eyes.

Wearing a white shirt, hip skirt, and black silk pantyhose, it looks like a workplace OL.

In addition, there is an extra black umbrella in his hand.

As for the secret service's clothes and bloody face, they were provocatively stuffed into the unmanned police official car by the powder fairy.

"The people from the Metropolitan Police Department came really fast." After turning into a woman, Zhifenxian seemed to be a lot happier:

"It's a pity. If they come more than a month later, maybe I can really advance to the B-level. But forget it, I have become a lot stronger in the past few months in Tokyo. Ushi and Utoki Those guys, they should not be able to look at me arrogantly now."

He flicked his long hair, and the tear mole at the corner of his eyes seemed to be a little more charming.

Afterwards, Zhifenxian raised her umbrella, stepped on high heels, and stepped into the pouring rain of Fengsong Town with a charming posture.

And behind him.

The members of the Metropolitan Police Department surrounding the bar all looked nervous, staring at the entrance of the bar.

The sound of fighting in the underground bar continued.

The fighting there is estimated to continue for some time.

But all of this has nothing to do with Fairy Faun.


At the corner of a certain alley in Kabukicho.

It was still raining heavily.

All kinds of luminous signs in the red light district carry light pollution, and the light emitted is refracted in the splashing water vapor, which is a bit dazzling.

Kamiya and Monk Kanazawa stand under the eaves of the closed custom shop.

Seeing the raindrops pouring down from the top of their heads in a thread, both of them were a little bored.

There was the sound of explosions in the distance.

The siege battle tonight has been going on for a while.

The commotion alarmed the customs girls and guests in Yanliu Lane.

After a while, frightened tourists began to disperse out of the town.

Even on such a heavy rainy night, there are quite a few guests who come to the town to have fun.

Moreover, this place extends in all directions, and the Metropolitan Police Department's attack here means that the underworld's cockroach nest will be removed. The cockroaches will run all over the room, and the commotion will be very loud.

Therefore, it is impossible to stop everyone with the scattered manpower of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Anyway, according to the original plan, as long as the psionic detector does not sound, all the scattered tourists can be released.

Kamiyagawa stood under the eaves for a while.

He glanced at Jinze beside him, put his hand in his pocket, and held the 【One Thousand Silver Needle】.

"Kinze, I..."

Shen Gu was about to fabricate a reason, but just as he was about to speak, his eyes fell on a black umbrella moving outward in the alley.

It is nothing unusual for someone to walk out of Fengsu Town through this alley.

A lot of people have just passed by.

Moreover, the psychic detection instrument in Monk Jinze's hand did not ring.

However, Kamiya took a hasty glance, only to feel that the person holding the black umbrella looked familiar.

White shirt, hip skirt, black silk tights, high heels. Under the edge of the umbrella, bright eyes, and a clear tear mole, appearing and disappearing with the pace of the other party's walking.

"Miss Maruta?" Kamiyagawa was a little puzzled.

It's the OL in the convenience store who Okamura-kun has a crush on.

How could she appear here at this time, should she appear here?

Kamiya turned his head to look at the detector in Kanazawa's hand again.

The thing remained silent.

"If there is no sound, it means there is no problem, right?" Kamiya thought.

But vaguely felt something was wrong.

At this time, a sentence that Okamura has been repeating for the past two days echoed in his mind: "Miss Maruta still has an extra thousand yen in the shop."

The rain poured down.

The black umbrella moved past in front of Shengu, and the rain rolled down along the edge of the umbrella and hit the wet ground with accumulated water.

Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I've seen Maruda-san come to buy oden in a convenience store.

"Miss Maruta still has 1,000 yen more in the store..."

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