I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 204 My head, I can't reach it, I can't reach it

"Everyone, please follow me."

After placing the belongings, the "nurse" who led the way took Shengu and others to the depths of the passage, where there was a rusty iron gate, which was currently closed.

Next to the iron door, there is a room with a sign saying, [Waiting Room].

The lighting in the waiting room was fairly bright, with a few tables and chairs scattered around.

The four tourists, including Kamiyagawa, found a table and sat down at random under the gesture of the nurse.

On the table, there is a document, which is the waiver agreement.

The above details the rules that should be followed when playing in Ciji Hospital.

Kamiya picked it up and looked at it. The rule that "the staff can touch, insult, and imprison tourists according to the needs of the plot interpretation, and tourists are not allowed to attack the staff" is also written in it.

In addition, at the end of the agreement, there is an important reminder in capital letters.

It's about safe words and safe actions.

During the process of playing the haunted house, if tourists feel obviously unwell, or want to quit the challenge due to excessive panic, they can quit the challenge by shouting safe words or making safe actions.

The safe word is "good luck, good health".

The safe action is to cross your hands and raise them above your head.

Safe words and safe actions can be done to any NPC in a haunted house, or done under any surveillance camera, and they are considered effective.

At that time, staff will rush over to take tourists away from the haunted house.

"You can withdraw at any time. It seems that Ciji Hospital has somewhat guaranteed the safety of tourists." Shen Gu simply read the agreement and signed it without hesitation.

The nurse leading the way took away the agreement signed by the four people, left behind a flashlight, then turned around and left, and slammed the door of the waiting room hard with a "bang".

Almost the moment she left.

In the originally bright waiting room, the lights began to flicker violently, flickering on and off.

The projector hanging above everyone's heads made strange noises and started to work.

The black-and-white video was projected onto the white wall of the waiting room, and the displayed image was shaky, with snowflakes flickering from time to time.

The content played on the screen seems to be the Ciji Hospital that everyone is in now, but it is not as it was when it was abandoned. You can see bright rooms, neat medical facilities, as well as medical staff and patients in hospital gowns that flash back and forth in the images.

This looks like video data preserved decades ago, and it feels very real.

As the video played, a woman in a nurse uniform appeared on the screen and began to explain the case:

"What I'm talking about now is an old story that actually happened. The stage where the story takes place is the Ciji Hospital where you are. You may have heard that before it was transformed into a haunted house, it was an abandoned hospital that actually existed. hospital building."

"Ciji General Hospital, located in Nerima District, used to be a very large hospital with excellent doctor resources and various excellent equipment. On the surface, this hospital treats patients and saves lives, but in fact, it is doing some shady activities behind the scenes. "

"The dean and some staff members of the same hospital conspired to randomly prescribe medicine and surgery to some patients, and to conduct live experiments. Many patients suffered from unbearable pain and became mentally disturbed, and then died."

"Dead patients have their organs removed, soaked in chemicals, and the remaining body parts are randomly packed in large wooden barrels."

"No one knows why the director of Ciji Hospital did such a horrible and unconscionable thing."

"This kind of thing continued for a long time, until the undead of patients who died in vain appeared. They slaughtered all the doctors and nurses, and the whole hospital was abandoned like this."

"To this day, if someone walks into this gloomy hospital, they will still see those dead patients, doctors, and nurses wandering around with their heads in their hands... So, be careful what you see when you explore here Ghosts, maybe...are they real?"

At the beginning, the nurse's speech was quite normal, but when she spoke later, her voice became low and empty, she began to cough up blood, then disfigured, and finally her hair was disheveled, and the background behind it also became bloody and unsightly.

The movie stops here.

"It's kind of scary. Why do I feel that the content played on the projector seems to be real?"

The curly-haired girl in the college couple was a little panicked after watching the video, and grabbed her boyfriend's hand.

His boyfriend tried to comfort her, but his voice was a little bit lacklustre:

"Don't be afraid, Liumei. Haunted houses are like this. They are so true that you can believe it. But if you really believe the words in the movie just now, then the purpose of the haunted house will be achieved."

The muscular man wearing glasses on the side also answered, his state was a little calmer:

"Yes, I have watched this video several times, and it will be fine. If we are scattered inside, any of you will be too scared to bear it, just yell safe words."

Among the group, only Kamiyagawa, who was a stranger, sat silently.

He is thinking about one thing.

Since Ciji Hospital can be selected as the fourth map in "Ghost Story", it should at least be regarded as a supernatural point in reality.

The kind that would really be haunted.

So, the things mentioned in the case description just now... Could it be just a fictional story used by the haunted house to deepen the immersion of tourists?

It always feels bad to say.

In the waiting room.

The three college students exchanged a few words internally, and then the muscular man turned his head and looked at the fourth person in the same carpool: "Hey, little brother over there."

"Well, call me?" Shen Gu stopped thinking and came back to his senses.

"Of course I called you. Why, are you too scared to make a sound?" The muscular man laughed jokingly, and patted his strong chest, "Don't worry too much, we can play together The game can also be regarded as fate, big brother, I have played this haunted house several times. While taking care of my two juniors, I will also cover you."

It seems that Kamiyagawa was sitting on the seat, frowning and thinking, which made the familiar muscular man think that he was afraid.

However, when such a small misunderstanding occurred, Kamiya did not explain anything, but just said to the other party: "Then please."

"By the way, little brother, you look like a high school student, right? Is it really okay to play in such a scary haunted house by yourself?" The young couple also turned their attention to the fourth person in the temporary team body.

Before Shengu could reply, the muscular man stood up from his seat: "It's okay, it's okay. Even if my little brother fainted from fright, there's still a first aid station here."

Then, the muscular man picked up the flashlight left on the table in the front row by his sister who had guided him earlier, and hurriedly walked towards the door of the waiting room.

It seems that I can't wait to challenge the haunted house.

The couple looked at each other and got up to follow.

Finally, it was Kamiyagawa. He looked at the backs of the three college students walking out, but smiled helplessly. Then, he turned his head and glanced at his side.

On both sides of him stood a few "people" invisible to ordinary people.

It's also interesting to say that the previous group of people who called Kamiya "little brother" is now standing beside him, acting as his little brother.

"Then let's go too."

Kamiyagawa lowered his voice to greet the hearse group, got up and left the waiting room.


When the four of them left the waiting room, they briefly introduced themselves.

Three college students who explore a haunted house with Kamiya. The elder brother with muscular body and glasses is called Shiratori; the young couple, the boy is named Fumio, and the girl is named Rumi.

In the corridor of the hospital.

Brother Shiratori has already started to push the rusty gate ahead.

The iron door made contact with the ground, making a jerky friction sound, and opened slowly. Behind the door is the real play area of ​​the haunted house.

When the door was opened, a gust of cold wind could be felt, and the surrounding temperature seemed to be even lower.


Shiratori turned on the flashlight, and through the light of the flashlight, he could see that there was still a corridor behind the door.

However, unlike the outside, there are dried red marks on the walls of the corridor inside.

This mark doesn't look like it was left by paint, it looks like it was smeared with real blood. Kamiya, who is more sensitive to this kind of smell, can even smell a very faint smell of blood spreading in the air.

In addition, nail scratches can be seen on the wall, deep and shallow, densely packed.

As soon as the faint light shone through, it was a bit permeating.

"Everyone listens to my instructions. Although the content of this haunted house is constantly changing, and the experience is different every time, I have played it several times, so I have experience."

"At the end of the corridor on the first floor, there is a plane map of the hospital. On it, you can see the fastest route for customs clearance. The route arranged is different every time. Everyone must remember the route well."

"Remember, the shortcut route is equivalent to the strategy for clearing the level. Follow the route to get out. If you run around and deviate from the correct route, you will encounter extremely terrifying things. Those who are scared to climb out or carry them out, basically That's all the case."

"In addition, after entering, there may be 'ghosts' appearing and rushing to disperse us. When encountering 'ghosts', we must run, and immediately return to the original road after getting rid of them. NPCs in haunted houses are allowed to contact us and catch us Yes. Being caught by them and taken to the depths of the hospital, it will be very difficult to leave and return to the correct route.”

"Do you understand everything? Especially the little brother Shengu, follow me closely."

Shiratori shook the flashlight and led the way. At the same time, taking advantage of his status as a veteran player, he talked a lot, and finally named Kamiyagawa.

The four of them walked to the entrance of the passage like this.

The old hanging lamps in the corridor are flickering, and you can see a few bulging sacks at the foot of the wall here, and you don't know what's inside.

Because the lights are too dim, and there are many large and small bags along the road, which seem to be piled up with medical waste bags, so these sacks are actually not very eye-catching.

There is a notice board on the wall on the other side, and there is indeed a map posted on it.

Everyone followed what Shiratori said, and seriously began to memorize the marked route to get out of trouble this time.

But in fact, Ciji Hospital is so big, it is impossible to write down the route completely, and it is considered pretty good if you can remember it in a short time.

Among the four, Shiratori had the most advantage in memorizing the customs clearance route.

Although the routes he passes are different every time, as a veteran player, he is more or less familiar with and understands the unchanging terrain in Ciji Hospital.

While the others were busy memorizing the escape route in their minds, Kamiya reached out and took out the copper mallard bird from the [Mirage Bag].

A little old man who had grown to more than ten centimeters tall appeared on his shoulders.

The three college students couldn't see the existence of this naked little thing.

"Remember the map, especially the third floor, it should be useful later." Shen Gu whispered to his scouts.

"Aba! Aba!" The little old man said "OK, leave it to me" to his master, and excitedly began to observe the contents of the map.

Memorize the terrain of the hospital in advance, combined with follow-up field surveys.

As a professional scout, as long as these two steps are completed, the little old man will be able to transform into a cheat of Shenguchuan Exploration Ciji Hospital.

The specific effect is equivalent to opening a small transparency of the whole picture.

This can't be blamed on Kamiya's playfulness.

I heard from Shiratori before that part of the third floor may be banned.

If the marked point is really located in the blocked area, it is understandable for Shengu to prepare for some external moves in advance.

After all, his coming to Ciji Hospital for leisure and entertainment is only secondary, and it doesn't matter whether he passes the level or not. The real purpose is to open the markers on the fourth map.

It takes almost five minutes for everyone to memorize the map.

Afterwards, Shengu, who had the most sensitive senses, heard rustling noises behind him, which came from the sacks on the other side of the wall.

Like something is moving in it.

Kamiyagawa glanced at the sacks.

In fact, when he just passed by, he noticed those bags, and he knew exactly what was in them.

Those in the sack were living people.

It was arranged by the haunted house, and an army is ambushed here, ready to give the tourists a bad actor.

"Not to mention, being an NPC in this haunted house is quite hard." Shen Gu sighed casually in his heart.

The actors in those sacks start to move, which means it's time to memorize the escape route.

The game is about to officially start.

"Wait a minute, did you hear anything?" Rumi, a college student who was concentrating on memorizing the map, asked in the team.

Others looked back belatedly.


The opening of one of the sacks was loosened, and a limp object fell out of it, hitting everyone's feet.

Only when the flashlight shines on it can it be seen clearly that the thing that was shaken out is a piece of fat intestine that has been cut open. Creamy, sticky lymphoid granules, and turbid yellow fat lumps.

Immediately afterwards, a smeared pale human hand stretched out from among the several sacks!


Shiratori, who was at the front of the line, yelled loudly, shook his flashlight and fled.

Others followed immediately.

On the other side of the corridor was a huge room that looked like a morgue.

Because there are iron beds neatly placed here, and each iron bed is covered with a white cloth, which seems to be covering something.

There are several passages in the morgue, which seem to extend in all directions, as if they can lead to all parts of Ciji Hospital.

As soon as the four of them entered here, the iron beds all shook together, and figures covered in white cloth sat up on each bed.

The white cloth was pulled off, revealing several NPCs in coffin makeup.

"You shouldn't be here!"

They roared and performed with all their strength, and rushed towards the four tourists who were just in shock.

The layout of this well-connected mortuary was originally there to disperse the tourists.

In the chaos, Brother Shiratori made a decisive decision, found the passageway of the correct route this time, and rushed in without hesitation.

And the remaining young couple didn't react, they held each other's hands tightly but didn't escape in time.

Kamiyagawa didn't stand in a good position, being blocked by a few movable iron beds with pulleys, and in front of him was blocked by a couple of college students, so he didn't leave.

"You shouldn't be here! Take you away, take one away!"

The NPCs in coffin makeup had already rushed in front of the three of them, scaring the young couple into screaming.

Kamiya was not flustered, or in other words, there was no disturbance in his heart.

From what the NPCs said, it seemed that because the three of them didn't run away in time, one of them was going to be taken away as punishment.

"If you choose one of the three, the couple held hands so tightly, I should be the one who was taken away."

Kamiya estimated so.

But this kind of thing doesn't matter.

Brother Shiratori previously introduced that being taken away by NPCs and "imprisoned" in the haunted house of Ciji Hospital does not mean the end of the game, but will be taken to the depths of the hospital, completely leaving the escape route this time, and encountering even more terrifying Challenges and "raids".

Anyway, my real purpose lies in the marking point on the third floor. After being taken away by the NPC, it is not a bad thing to start acting alone.

On Kamiyagawa's side, they are already planning to cooperate with the NPC and leave.

But I saw those actors wearing funeral makeup, one after another began to pull the young couple.

"Don't! Don't, Rumi!"


The pair of fateful mandarin ducks were abruptly separated, and the boys among them were picked up by several NPCs, and then rushed into a side passage noisily and disappeared.

Only Kamiyagawa and the girl named Rumi remained in the entire morgue.

This is a little embarrassing.

Borrowing the cool flickering light in the room, Kamiyagawa glanced at the other party. There were obviously tears on Liumei's face, and the original delicate makeup was a little faded.

It seems that the scene just now had a great impact on her.

"Well, if you can't stand it, should you yell safe words at the surveillance camera. Look, there is a camera over there." Kamiya suggested.

But before Liumei could respond, there was another commotion in the morgue.

The voice came from the largest passage that everyone had just entered. It was those NPCs in sacks, twisting and crawling out!

Surrounded by flickering lights and a shaking iron bed; on the ground is a distorted body with pale skin.

All kinds of extremely impactful pictures are blended together, and wherever the eyes can see, it is another extremely terrifying visual feast!


Ms. Liumei, who was shocked just now, how can she accept this.

She screamed and backed away in a hurry.

But because he was too frightened and flustered, he was unfortunately caught by the iron frame bed next to him and fell down suddenly.

Just when the poor Miss Liumei was about to fall to the ground, a figure suddenly appeared beside her.

It's the younger sister in the hearse troupe, and Xiao Yuan has long since disappeared.

She was standing closest to Rumi, seeing that she was about to fall, she subconsciously showed up to Rumi alone.

And pulled him into his arms.

Although Ms. Liumei is a college student, her figure is petite.

She fell down in a panic, only feeling that someone was supporting her body, and her face was buried in a piece of cold, elastic softness.

When I looked up with difficulty, I saw a girl with short hair who was almost a college student but was completely unfamiliar, hugging me.

"A tourist with me? No, there is no such person who came in together. The NPC of the haunted house? But she didn't wear any scary makeup, and she even looked cute. What's going on?"

The stunned Liumei was about to wonder.

At this moment, the short-haired girl who hugged her shook slightly.

Probably because Liu Mei bumped into her arms too hard just now, which made the other party not slow down a bit.


Rumi heard such a sound, which sounded from the neck of the short-haired girl.

Immediately afterwards, the girl's head suddenly rolled down, floating up like a hydrogen balloon.

The short-haired girl hurriedly let go of Rumi, tiptoed and reached out to grab the air.

"Oops! You knocked my head off. My head... I can't reach it, I can't reach it..."

The empty body at the neck is raising its hand.

And the head floating in the air was speaking.

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