I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 205 Are You Really Won't Lose Money Like This?

Miss Liumei entered Ciji Hospital, but it was only about ten minutes.

In just ten minutes, she was frightened several times——

The people in the sacks, the corpses in coffin makeup, and the confused Xiao Yuan Zao Wei.

Among all the frights, the scariest was the performance of Xiao Yuan's decapitation.

When Ms. Rumi buried her head in Ohara Zaomi's chest, she could feel the other's soft but strangely cold body.

So this short-haired girl of the same age actually exists, not a hallucination or projection.

But why is her head floating like a balloon?

Why can the expression of the floating head be so vivid, and even open its mouth to speak?

Miss Liumei can't figure it out, really can't figure it out.

Even now she can't even control her own brain and can't think normally.

Xiao Yuan hadn't supported Miss Liumei earlier, giving her a sense of security, but just when she let down her vigilance in her heart, she suddenly moved her head.

This kind of emotional ups and downs, as well as the creation of a terrifying effect, can be called lore.

It easily broke through Liumei's psychological defense line that was about to collapse at the touch of a button.


Poor Miss Liumei's vision slowly turned black, and only the floating head and the headless body that kept jumping on tiptoe could be seen.

There was only one sentence in her mind that kept repeating: "The girl said she couldn't reach her own head."

Can't get enough of my head...


Liu Mei gasped heavily, and fell limply to the ground, overwhelmed by fright, and passed out.

At this time, Xiao Yuan's body was still tiptoing, reaching out, and jumping.

While muttering in the air, her head nodded desperately and slowly fell: "Oh, I almost... I almost touched it."

Kamiyagawa who witnessed Ohara Zamisao's operation was almost stunned.


What is Xiao Yuan doing?

Want to scare people to death?

He hurried forward, squatted down, and sniffed Miss Liumei on the ground.


There is also breathing, and it is relatively stable.

It should have just passed out from shock.

"I'm so sorry." Kamiya stood up from the ground again.

Xiao Yuan hadn't been there for a long time, but now he finally reached his own head.

She hugged her head and stood still for a few seconds. Finally, imitating her boss, she buried her head in her chest and whispered shamefully: "It's not long ago. I'm really... sorry."


Wrapped in the sacks, the several actors who kept moving forward watched the female tourist in front of her collapse.

At this time, I couldn't care less about continuing to be scary.

After all, they are just actors, not real ghosts.

Several NPCs took off their rough sacks and hurried up to check the situation.

Among them was a female employee with pale makeup who skillfully and professionally began to perform CPR and artificial respiration on Ms. Liumei.

Someone took out a walkie-talkie and communicated with the employee center.

It seems that the NPCs in Ciji Hospital are quite familiar with this kind of situation.

Seeing that the NPCs are so professional, Shengu felt that there was no need for him to stay where he was.

He looked apologetically at Miss Liumei on the ground again, and then begged, "Please take good care of her."

Then I planned to leave the morgue scene.

Because of the special circumstances, none of the sack men chased him.

Kamiyagawa calmly chose a passage to enter.

The path he chose was not the correct path taken by the muscular man Shiratori, but the wrong path taken by the "corpses" who took Wenfu away in the coffin.

In theory, it will lead to deep scenes and encounter more terrifying performances and challenges.

And the reason for walking this way is because Shen Guchuan had just confirmed it when he memorized the map at the entrance of the corridor, and that road was the fastest way to pass through the third floor of the hospital.


Ciji Hospital Staff Center.

The center is located on the second floor inside the haunted house, connected by several employee-only passages.

At the same time, it is also the monitoring center of the entire haunted house.

The effects fed back by all the surveillance cameras are presented on several large screens in this room.

This is the core and brain of the entire haunted house, responsible for paying attention to the movements of tourists, dispatching actors in real time, and creating scares.

A total of five people work in the staff center.

"Two people came out of the first aid station and went to the morgue scene at the entrance to support Group A, where a female tourist passed out."

The employees stared at the monitor, constantly communicating and coordinating everywhere.

In the monitoring just now, they saw with their own eyes that Miss Liumei was staggered by the iron frame bed, she was about to lose but managed to stabilize her body, and then she collapsed and fainted from fright.

Because Xiao Yuan has not only appeared to Liu Mei for a long time, she cannot be seen in the surveillance.

The staff at the center didn't think much of it.

It's just that the performance of his own haunted house is too vigorous, and Miss Liumei's psychological quality is too poor, so she can't hold on after two waves of scares.

After some communication, it can be seen from the surveillance that the fainted female tourist was properly dealt with.

The employees of the command center began to chat off-topic——

"That college student sister is really bad. She passed out within seven or eight minutes of coming in. She's so timid, she shouldn't come to our haunted house to play."

"It's not you yet, commanding group B to take away his boyfriend, you are too bad a kid."

"Hey, anyway, I can't see these little lovers who have entered the haunted house sticking together."


"Speaking of which, among the tourists in this group, the couple is not very courageous. You see, the couple who were taken away by group B were obviously too frightened to bear, and it is estimated that they will call the safe word to quit soon. "

"Well, but the rest of the muscular man, and that little boy, seem to have a lot of guts. Especially the little boy, I am a little impressed. I thought he would be the first to leave the stage."

"The little boy is courageous, but he misremembered the route. You guys see, he didn't go right at all. The road he took was guarded by Huangban."

"Huh? Is Arata guarding that road today? That's a good show."


After chatting for a few words, the topic of the employees was interrupted: "Hey, stop chatting and pay attention to the situation of the other three tourists."

The person who spoke is the current actual operator of this haunted house.

His name is Kido Kazuji.

Mr. Kido is about 30 years old, and he is always meticulous. He is used to combing his hair, and his hair and beard are well-groomed. At this moment, he was sitting in front of the computer, staring at the flickering monitor screen seriously.

"Okay, Mr. Kido."

The staff began to concentrate on their work again——

"Hey. Attention, group D on the second floor. The muscular man among the tourists walked towards you through the stairs, ready to scare you."

"Hello. The person in the locker at the stairs on the first floor is ready. The youngest tourist is about to pass by you."


A room deep in the second floor of Ciji Hospital.

There was a strong smell of formalin and a smell of rotting meat.

Many iron shelves can be seen in the room, filled with glass jars.

Various animal carcasses, as well as human organs and tissues were soaked in chemical potions in the jars.

These animal specimens, as well as human organs are all real. It was purchased from some hospitals that are still in operation, using relatively gray means.

In the depths of the bottles and jars, there is a person sitting. Wearing a torn and dirty doctor's uniform, the clothes were covered with animal blood and grease prepared in advance, and the smell of blood was strong and pungent.

His face was wrapped in bandages, only his mouth, nose and eyes were exposed.

Those eyes have a very gloomy temperament, like a wolf's gaze. Most people will instinctively look away when they see such eyes.

This person is the Arban mentioned by the staff of the command center just now.

He is the most important actor in the entire Ciji Hospital.

The effect of the show, is extremely realistic and... morbid.

Generally, tourists who run into him will be scared into the emergency center.

Shen Guchuan had seen such a comment on the Internet before - "The actors in Ciji Hospital don't act like acting, but seem to be really abnormal."

Tourists who leave such comments are usually left behind in haunted houses.

In fact, Mr. Arabata did have some psychological problems.

Growing up, he loved seeing other people terrified and helpless.

The more frightened others are, the happier he will feel.

Pleasure to the point of an intracranial orgasm.

So Arata ended up looking for a job in a haunted house.

In a sense, this is also a professional counterpart.

In Ciji Hospital, he can frighten tourists at will, acting in his true colors.

It doesn't matter if the tourists who come in to play are scared to cry or faint. As long as no actual bodily harm is caused to tourists, there is no need to be held responsible.

That was enough, and Arata was satisfied.

Anyway, what he enjoys is the kind of fun and pleasure of defeating others psychologically, like a cat catching a mouse. You don't have to do things that actually hurt other people's bodies, and it's still illegal to do so.

"There are not many people who can break into my side today."

Arata sat in the herbarium, bored.

He didn't work a few times tonight.

Next to Aragata, there was a bloody prop chainsaw.

The character he plays in Ciji Haunted House is called Doctor Chainsaw, and it is set to be the most powerful assistant to assist the dean in conducting human experiments.

Because of long-term anti-human experiments and killings, Doctor Chainsaw's heart has become extremely twisted and sick. It is the strongest ghost in the background story of the haunted house.

This insane character is very suitable for Araban.

Because waiting was really boring, he started to fiddle with the chainsaw, when he suddenly heard noisy footsteps coming from outside.

Based on the command conversation in the center of the walkie-talkie just now, it should be the colleagues in group B who played the role of the corpse, who forcibly broke up the boys in a couple and came here.

"Come to live."

Arata became excited.

But just as he got up, he heard another sound coming from the corridor outside.

It was a trembling male voice: "Good luck, good health! Good luck, good health! I give up, stop playing, stop playing!"

It sounds like a tourist shouted out the safe word.

"Oh, it's really boring." Araoban sat down again in disappointment.

Waited for another ten minutes.

Aragata's walkie-talkie rang: "Hey, Aragata! The youngest boy among the tourists is moving towards you. This kid is too bold. The people in front of him can't scare him at all. It's up to you! Show me Fuck him with all your might!"


Araita suddenly became interested, and grabbed the chainsaw beside him.

Sounds like an interesting visit.


The setting deep in the corridor on the second floor of Ciji Hospital is that visitors must enter the specimen room.

Because a corridor outside was completely sealed off. You have to enter through the front door of this horror room and exit through the back door to explore backwards again.

Going out the back door leads to the stairs on the third floor.

The herbarium was dimly lit and smelled bad.

Holding a chainsaw in his hand, Aragata hid his figure at a fixed point, waiting for an opportunity to move.

After a while, he saw a figure walking in swaggeringly.

Here comes the fun tonight!

Aragata became excited, and seeing the opportunity, he bumped with his body and pushed the iron frame in front of him to the ground.

In the entire herbarium, only the "glass jar" on this shelf is a prop. The jar is not glass, but made of sugar.


Several cans fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

Acrid chemicals flowed from inside, and minced meat and disgusting animal carcasses were scattered all over the floor.


At the same time, Arata pulled the chainsaw in his hand, making a loud, menacing noise.

Generally, after entering the specimen room, facing such a sudden appearance, tourists will basically be startled, and then run away in panic.

However, tonight's guest seemed a little different.

Seeing the other party, Araba just stood there in surprise, and heard his voice: "You smash props like this... Selling me a ticket for 2,000 yen, will you really not lose money?"

Now, it's a bit difficult to fix the waste board.

He was a little dazed, and it took a few seconds for him to regain his composure, and rushed forward waving the chainsaw in a fury.

The smell of engine oil filled the nostrils, sparks splashed from the chainsaw!

The little tourist who didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth finally gave up face, went straight through the specimen room, ran towards the back door nimbly, and quickly returned to the corridor outside.

Aranoban didn't chase after him, but dragged the chainsaw and sneaked into the staff passage beside him.

Through this internal road, he can quickly and accurately appear at the next section of the road that tourists must pass through.

Disappearing for a short time, let the opponent relax a little bit, and lead him to have the illusion of "should be just a scary NPC fixed in a room just now".

Then suddenly an ambush appeared, following like a shadow.

This is a cliché scare routine, but it is very direct and easy to use.

run, boy.

Your nightmare has just begun tonight!

At the next intersection, I have nine ways to scare you into paralysis! Nine types!

Araban quickly walked through the narrow and long staff passage and climbed upwards. In front of him was a movable secret door, through which he could appear on the third-floor staircase.

Collide with tourists!


A colleague's voice came out of the intercom again: "Get ready for Araramoto, he's about to turn up the stairs, he doesn't look too prepared. Use your best skills to deal with him!"

"Yeah." Arata replied simply.

In the employee passage, the sound insulation effect is very good, so you don't have to worry about being heard by the outside.


The intercom rang again: "Okay, he's about to appear in front of the next camera. Get ready, three... eh? Wait, wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" Arabata was impatient.

"The camera in front of the secret door suddenly lost its picture. I'm not sure if that kid came up from the middle of the stairs." On the other end of the intercom, the colleague's voice seemed surprised.

Arabata: "What do you mean? What do you mean you can't see the screen suddenly?"

"I don't know, there seems to be something blocking the camera."

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