I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 701: Integrating the resources of the current shrine

This time, Kamiya and Onitsuka Kirihotaru came to Itsukushima Shrine after informing them in advance.

However, Kamiya had no previous contact with Itsukushima Shrine, so this visit was a formal meeting and conversation.

In a formal setting, as outstanding young representatives of the exorcism circle, the two behaved very appropriately.

Compared to their high school days, they are now much more stable.

After all, they have experienced a lot in these years.

Needless to say, Kamiya has not only made a name for himself in the world and accumulated a family business, but also become the overlord of the power that controls gods and ghosts in the world of immortals.

As for Onitsuka, due to the physical condition of the blind woman, the little shrine maiden who is the successor has been trying to gradually take over the affairs of the Giant Shrine in recent years.

In addition, at the beginning of this year, the Tianhu Rock incident occurred, and the "God's descent" power of the Giant Shrine completely disappeared. The Kyoko Shrine suddenly lost its most important support, and Onizuka, who held the Chihiro Bow and brought back the talisman notes of Abe Haruaki, naturally had to take up the responsibility of his own shrine.

The main family of Itsukushima Shrine is the Saeki family.

The current shrine chief is named Saeki Akihisa, an old gentleman with elegant temperament and bright clothes.

He warmly welcomed Kamiya and Onizuka who came to visit.

The three sat down in the tea room and exchanged greetings for a while.

As the child of the Kyoko Shrine, Onizuka Kirihotaru has some knowledge of shrines and temples in various places. In such a formal contact with the local shrine, the conversation can be much smoother with her presence.

Of course, Kamiya Kawa can also speak beautifully.

The two sides had a pleasant chat until Mr. Saeki changed the subject with a smile:

"The visit of the disciples of the ghost god and the son of the giant god today really made Itsukushima proud. I wonder if you two came to Itsukushima to relax, or... to make some arrangements?"

Kamiya and Onitsuka looked at each other and exchanged glances briefly.

"It's like this, Mr. Saeki. The giant shrine wants to exchange some skills with other shrines in the exorcism industry. It's mainly about the talisman notes of Abe Haruaki that the giant shrine has newly obtained. I came here this time to invite the Itsukushima Shrine on behalf of the giant shrine."

The little shrine maiden said this.

This is indeed more convincing when she said it.

"Yes, I have heard that the Kyoko Shrine recently received a copy of the exquisite talisman notes from Abe Haruaki." Mr. Saeki nodded, "Such a precious exchange opportunity, Itsukushima Shrine certainly does not want to miss it, but I am afraid that I will not be able to thank you for such a great favor. I wonder if there is anything we can do for you two?"

Facing the Kyoko Shrine, Mr. Saeki's attitude is still very humble.

Many of the architectural structures of Itsukushima Shrine have been rated as national treasures in Japan.

And there are also precious cultural relics such as "Heike Nakyo" and "Hina Shigehira's Seven-stringed Lyre" inside the shrine.

Its financial strength can be imagined, and just like this magnificent and magnificent sea shrine, it is nakedly displayed, which is particularly eye-catching.

In terms of financial resources, the Kyoko Shrine is actually not inferior to Itsukushima Shrine.

However, the external manifestation of the Kyoko Shrine is much more low-key, and it has privately invested in and controlled many industries in Kanagawa and even Tokyo.

Although the financial resources behind them are similar, there is a huge difference in the status of the two shrines in the exorcism industry.

The Juqiong Shrine, which is proficient in the kiyomi talisman technique and has the "divine descent" as its support, has always been a leading force in the industry.

Although the "divine descent" power is no longer there, the specific process is unknown. However, the Juqiong Shrine has a set of high-level talisman techniques directly inherited from the great onmyoji Abe Haruaki himself, and there are rumors that the Juqiong God Son has a divine artifact.

In addition, some factional changes that can be seen by discerning people in the industry-

The ghost disciple Kamiyagawa, who is in the limelight, has become the leader of a newly rising faction, with a very strong momentum, and has obviously begun to stand up for the Juqiong Shrine.

So the influence of the Juqiong Shrine is still there.

On the other hand, Itsukushima Shrine is indeed very successful in the tourism industry, but its presence in the exorcism industry is relatively marginal.

Since its establishment, Itsukushima Shrine has been controlled by the powerful.

The powerful and wealthy who controlled this place include:

The Taira clan in the late Heian period.

Kamiya's old acquaintance in the Sanzu River, the Genji clan that destroyed the Taira clan.

Mori Motonari, who dominated Chuzhou during the Warring States period.

And so on.

Because it has always been controlled by the powerful and wealthy, Itsukushima Shrine has not developed any decent exorcism skills after several iterations. Instead, the most impressive thing is the gagaku performances for the entertainment of the dignitaries.

Even today, the water gagaku stage of this shrine is still a must-see.

Itsukushima Shrine has been prosperous since its development. But after all, its main function is still a place for the dignitaries to rest and entertain. Its rise and fall, whether it is the former Taira clan or the Genji clan, can be completely changed by a thought.

And in terms of property, although Yoshikoji Temple in Ibaraki Prefecture is far inferior to the two shrines of Juqiong and Itsukushima, it is not bad.

But before sending the temple's daughter Tsurumi Aoi to Kamiya River as an apprentice, Yoshikoji Temple had declined greatly in the exorcism industry.

It can only be said that some things cannot be solved by "having money" alone.

Kamiya Kawa could see that although Mr. Saeki kept his words calm, he was already interested in the "learning exchange" with the Juqiong Shrine, so he spoke more directly:

"Mr. Saeki, you know that Kaidan needs worship after becoming an Aragami. So we really need some help from Itsukushima Shrine. I hope that Itsukushima Shrine can enshrine my Aragami, just like Yoshimitsu of the Tsurumi family in Ibaraki Prefecture. Like a temple.”

"Same as Yoshikoji Temple?"

"Yes, same."

Kamiyagawa repeated rather firmly.

Of course Mr. Saeki knows that Yoshimitsuji is also a member of the Kamiya faction.

And as a result, he regained a certain voice in the spirit removal industry.

Now it seems that Yoshikoji's relationship with the hot ghost and god disciples was not entirely dependent on sending his daughter to Kamiyagawa as his apprentice.

Well, the bargaining chips on the negotiating table are now very clear——

As long as Akihisa Saeki agrees to enshrine the Aragami under Kamiyagawa, Itsukushima Shrine will have the opportunity to exchange talisman skills with Jujun Shrine. And he will get the platform support of ghost and god disciples in the spirit removal industry.

Both virtual and real interests exist.

It is impossible to say that you are not moved.

"If you want to build an additional temple for your Aragami..."

"No, it doesn't have to be that troublesome." Kamiya shook his head, "As long as the statue is erected somewhere in Itsukushima Shrine, it doesn't need to affect the daily operations of Itsukushima Shrine."

"In that case, Itsukushima Shrine is happy to accept your proposal." Mr. Saeki, who was kneeling across the table, said this while personally refilling the tea cups of Kamiyagawa and Onizuka Kirihotari.

He couldn't find any reason to reject this guaranteed profit-making deal.

Of course, what Kamiyagawa wanted Itsukushima Shrine to enshrine was a whale.

In addition, there are Isohime and Crabhime who are already Aragami.

The specific things to be done are also simple.

Just like Mary taking control of Yoshikoji Temple and Satoru settling in Denden Palace.

Inside Itsukushima Shrine, just have the spirit-encrypting metal statues made by Sister Tachikaku with the hair of the whales and the others integrated into them.

The three little whales are the "ancestral images" of the three ocean goddesses, and they are inextricably linked to the three goddesses.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to control Itsukushima Shrine, which is dedicated to the three goddesses Munakata in this world.

Moreover, Itsukushima Shrine has developed extremely well due to the tourism industry, and it is a treasure place for cultivating secular beliefs.

As long as he takes this place, the whale's sprint to the A-level god threshold will definitely speed up a lot.

That's right.

The purpose of Kamitani River's trip to Itsukushima Shrine is to integrate the resources of the shrine in this world.

There are two successful cases of sisters Mari and Satoru taking over living shrines and temples and obtaining the incense of faith from them. With Kamiyagawa's character, it was only a matter of time before he attacked the shrines in this world.

Moreover, he had already thoroughly researched it before officially starting the "Integration of Living Shrine Resources" plan.

In a shrine in the real world, the faith it gathers will eventually flow into the eternal world if it is not utilized.

For example, the Tsurumi family's Yoshikoji Temple has a Mahakala Temple in the eternal space corresponding to the temple.

However, among all living shrines, the Denden Palace where Satoru resides is a special case.

The Electricity Palace was established only a few decades ago. Edison and Hertz were indeed worshiped there, but the so-called God of Strong Electricity and God of Weak Electricity had never existed in the ordinary world.

In modern society, the IT industry is developing rapidly, and there is a group of new-age believers in the Diandian Palace. As a result, the accumulated accumulated beliefs cannot be dissipated in the ordinary world, which will lead to the birth of [Hello World] and cause riots.

This situation is really special, so the countermeasures room had no expectation that "the accumulation of beliefs would cause riots" before.

After all, normally, the invisible and intangible power of faith will not accumulate in large quantities in the real world.

In short, the large and small shrines that exist in Japan today have their own beliefs and worship, and they are completely ready-made resource treasures!

But now, the gods in the eternal world have fallen, and the power of faith from the real world has not been well utilized at all, that is, a small part of the supply has been given to the followers of the corresponding gods.

In addition, some Aragami with relatively gentle temperaments and connections with the Countermeasures Room will also go to certain shrines and temples to gain faith.

The nature of this behavior is not much different from that of gods obeying gods.

Most of the faith is wasted after it flows into the ordinary world.

Kamiya has a kind heart and can't tolerate sand in his eyes. He really can't stand such a waste of natural resources.

Instead of wasting it, it’s better to use it for me!

After the "Integration of Living Shrine Resources" plan was launched, the most fundamental goal was -

Completely taking over the belief system of certain gods.

It would be too petty to cautiously take a piece of the existing huge belief system of gods, just like from gods.

If Kamiyagawa wants to be fucked, then naturally he has to do something big!

Just like Mary inherited the faith of Mahakala throughout Japan.

Now not only does Yoshikoji Temple belong to Mary, believers who believe in Mahakala are essentially followers of Mary.

The belief in Mahakala has become a vest of Mary's belief.

Mahakala, the Japanese god of good fortune, is actually "Miss Mary, the goddess of good fortune who controls joy and anger."

This is also the ultimate goal of Xiaowu's settling in the Dendian Palace.

Her Cyber ​​Shrine is built with the core of "Hello World" produced by Denden Palace. When Satoru becomes a god in the future, the Denden Palace belief system will naturally be completely owned by her.

What "strong electric god" and "weak electric god" are essentially Xiao Wu.

Now that Huajing, Isohime, and Kanhime have settled in Itsukushima Shrine, the most real purpose is to prepare for the three of them to completely take over the belief system of the three goddesses of the present world in the future.

Anyway, the plan for the three gods of the sea country to be promoted to gods in the future originally included the bones of the three goddesses of the sea.

It is more appropriate for them to inherit the "belief system of the three goddesses of the Munakata".

Of course, this is not all.

Kamiya and Onitsuka visited Itsukushima Shrine today, and plan to go to Shiratori Shrine in Kyoto tomorrow.

And they will use the same method and the same benefits to interact with Shiratori Shrine.

As for the god enshrined in Shiratori Shrine, it is Takenoko Yamato Takenoko.

According to legend, after Takenoko died, he turned into a white bird, so "Shiratori Shrine" was named after it.

The divine legacy of Yamato Takenoko is one of the cores of Karasu Tengu's construction of the shrine.

In the present world, Takenoko's belief system was naturally planned by Karasu Tengu.

Moreover, Kamiyagawa's "Plan for the Integration of Current Shrine Resources" is very broad, and some shrines of gods have been targeted by him, including but not limited to --

Ifukamozumi Shrine, Daisenmo God Worship.

Yanma King Shrine.

Ibuki Daimyojin Shrine.

Sarutahikomi Shrine.

Even the Anyukami God who has not yet fallen. If this cursed dragon god can be killed, then Kamiyagawa also wants to take over his Kibune Myojin Shrine and the corresponding belief system.

These shrine beliefs can be absorbed by Kamiyagawa's shikigami, and there is also the possibility of completely taking over in the future.

In short, there are still many things to do in the "Integration Plan".

Moreover, there are many shrines for the same god in Japan.

Like Yamato Takenoko, it has a great reputation and many stories. There are also many shrines of Takenori Yamato Takenoko, which was widely believed by the samurai class in the old times. Even the largest of them, in addition to Shiratori Shrine, there is also Mitsumine Shrine.

In line with the principle that even the smallest bit counts, Kamiyakawa wants to integrate all the available shrines.

In the past, when he was unknown, or even when he was just emerging, it was impossible to do such a thing.

But now is different from the past. Kamiya is now very influential in the exorcism industry, and no decent shrine or temple will not give some face to the disciples of ghosts and gods.

However, if you want to integrate the resources of the current shrines, it is a big project, time-consuming and laborious.

Kamiyakawa does not have such time.

Therefore, he needs the assistance of Juqiong Shrine and Onitsuka.

In this matter, it is most appropriate for the little witch to come forward for him.

The influence of Juqiong Shrine is there, and the industry basically knows that the disciples of ghosts and gods have a good personal relationship with Juqiong's son of God.

Out of personal feelings, Onitsuka is very willing to help Kamiyakawa.

And Juqiong Shrine does not object to its own son of God working for Kamiya.

After all, the entire Juqiong Shrine has completely stood on the side of Kamiya Chuan. Everyone's interests are tied together. What is good for the disciples of ghosts and gods is also good for Juqiong Shrine.

As for those shrines and temples that are listed as integration targets...

Master Kamiya is also a decent person.

In the real world, there is no need to rely on his influence to bully and rob in the exorcist industry.

Shrines and temples willing to assist him can give them certain benefits in return.

For example, Abe Haruaki's talisman notes, this thing was originally shared by Kamiya Chuan and Juqiong Shrine, so he also has the power to control it.

It's not a bad idea to take it out and exchange it with colleagues.

There is no need for Juqiong Shrine to teach the high-level talisman techniques without reservation. They can keep a few tricks.

And among the shrines willing to cooperate, those with great influence and who can provide more faith will communicate more. Those who provide less faith will communicate less.

This kind of thing is controllable.

Why make enemies for yourself when you can make as many friends as possible and achieve a win-win situation through conversation and transaction, thus solving the problem perfectly?

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