I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 702 Kamiya River, the God of Wilderness!

In this world, the activities of shrine integration are still in full swing.

After Kamiyagawa negotiated cooperation with several large shrines that were regarded as core targets, he entrusted the integration of the numerous small shrines and temples that could be used to Onizuka and the Juqiong Shrine behind Onizuka.

In this way, our own shikigami have another stable and sustainable way to provide faith.

In the eternal world, there is the Ainu Missionary Group, which conducts missionary work within its sphere of influence and gains the faith of the Kaidans under its rule.

In this world, we can seize the available shrines with complete systems and collect the faith generated by human believers to worship the fallen old gods.

Finally, there is GENIE Studio, which is still under development. It relies on entering the cultural industry to cultivate "new concept believers" who can also provide faith power to shikigami.

Focus on one more bloom.

Normally, if Aragami wants to transform into a true god, it will be very difficult. Strength, talent, and luck are all indispensable. Even if these three elements are present, the process of becoming a god must be extremely long.

But when things come to Kamiya River, there are two things to say.


The Kamiya Group exists, and it is gradually growing.


There seems to be no shortage, both the big and small goddesses of fortune are on Kamiya's side.


If the shikigami's innate talents are not enough to be promoted to gods, then they can rely on strength and luck to defeat other gods and even gods to obtain materials to enhance their acquired talents as shikigami.

Finally it's time.

Relying on the operation of the belief acquisition system in the eternal world and the current world, as well as gathering the wool of the fallen old gods, and the belief resources needed by the Aragami to advance to the gods, the Kamiya Group has also made a lot of money.

Take the Wutengu that is currently being cultivated as an example.

His statue has been determined to be enshrined in Shiratori Shrine and Mitsumine Shrine, in order to gain the faith that should originally belong to Waken Ming.

Let’s wait for the release of the new series tailor-made for Wu Tengu by GENIE Studio.

As long as we can achieve good results and attract enough fans to the exclusive image of Wu Tengu...

Then there is hope that the little Tengu will receive the skeleton of Sarutahiko, the God of Destiny, and be promoted to A-class god.

Even when the Karasu Tengu really accommodates the skeleton of Saruta Hikomei, the belief system that originally belonged to the Tengu ancestor god in this world will be fully accepted by the Karasu Tengu.


In fact, it wasn’t just the Kamiyagawa shikigami who won along the way.

Including Kamiya himself.

Nearly two months after bringing back [Izanagi's Hair Comb] from Hirazaka, news came from Tsunei's sister Kaku—

The construction of the Renzhu Grand Shrine has been completed.

The completion of this shrine means that Kamiya has officially become an Arakami and entered the realm of ghosts and gods.

First, the shikigami "achieves the Tao", and then the master is finally able to follow and "ascend to heaven".

In the eternal life, I will pay my funeral to my hometown.

In the courtyard belonging to the divine craftsman, Shen Guchuan finally met Sister Jue, who had been in seclusion during this period.

She looked a little tired, but in high spirits.

In addition to sleeping, the foot seller is also here and looks like she has been waiting for a long time.

"How is it, Kamiya? The shrine built for you is very grand, isn't it?"

Next to Sister Kaku, Kamiyakawa saw his own big shrine.

It is still a small shrine that can be transported. But perhaps because it is integrated into the core of Sanfenzhusha Shrine, the size of Renzhu Shrine is relatively larger than that of other shikigami shrines.

Although it is a small shrine, it is still complete, solemn and gorgeous.

The Renzhu Grand Shrine built by Kaku has the main shrine as the center and is surrounded by more than 20 independent wooden buildings, including a hall, a bell tower, a drum tower, a mountain gate, and a towering red five-story pagoda.

The architectural layout of various shrines is quite elegant, with red pillars, white walls, black tiles, cornices and corners, connected by Fudao, and bells and drums. The red corridor connects and surrounds the main shrine main hall.

Looking at the overall situation, the building complex of Renzhu Grand Shrine has four corners with high eaves, like a phoenix fluttering about to fly, elegant and agile.

On the square of the main hall, there stood a red copper incense burner, and the smoke rising from the incense burner was blurry.

A piece of shiny Magatama hangs high in the main hall of the main shrine. The original [Izanagi's Wooden Comb] has been dismantled by Sister Kaku, and now it has become four ebony columns supporting the main hall.

From the Renzhu Grand Shrine, one can feel the surge of emotional power of reconciliation. The misty smoke that permeates everywhere seems to have an aura that breathes with the heaven and earth and shares the fate of the world.

The master of emotions, the master of the human world.

This is the authority of the first shrine in Kamiya River.

"Kamigu, look at this side hall."

Sister Jue gestured with her hand to the side hall of the main shrine.

This shrine has three main shrines of the same size.

"Although the theme of this shrine is the master of the human world, one of the three cores that built the shrine comes from you. Although you have not officially become the co-master of ghosts and gods, you are ultimately the master of Takamagahara who controls ghosts and gods. . Therefore, any kind of god can be enshrined in the three side halls of your shrine."

It sounds like the main hall of Kamiya Shrine is universal and fits any ghost story.

It’s similar to Little Tapir’s Shrine of Terror.

That's not bad.

There are three more Tiger Balms from the god slot.

After a brief explanation, Jue took out a statue of a god with a pure white silver luster from his bosom.

This is a statue of Kamiya Kawa.

It is made of Tianyin ore and a few strands of hair taken from Kamiya.

"Would you like to offer yourself in?" Jue twisted the silver statue and shook it in front of Kamiya Kawa, "According to the last physical examination of you by me and the old lady selling feet - the ghost and god power fed back to you by your subordinates, plus the thunder nurtured in your organs, and the Ibaraki ghost hand... all kinds of superposition, your current flesh and blood strength is no problem to be offered in the shrine."

According to the step-by-step path of becoming a god of "flesh, spirit and bones", only when the "flesh" is strong enough to a certain extent can the "spirit" be further strengthened.

According to the previous "expert consultation" results of Jue and the old lady selling feet, Kamiya Kawa has successfully reached this step.

"Offer it in."

Kamiya nodded happily.

He still trusts the craftsmen.

"I will take care of Lord Kamiya."

The old woman selling feet beside him also spoke at this time.

Beside her were many bottles and jars filled with special oils, which seemed like medical staff guarding the scene, ready to respond to emergencies and provide assistance at any time.

Although this flesh and blood craftsman was born in a wild way, he was particularly reliable when he was a "personal doctor".

With her on the scene, Kamiya River could offer the statue to the Renzhu Taisha Shrine and officially become the ceremony of the wild god, which could also provide more protection.

Everything was ready, Jue leaned over slightly and put the small silver statue into the main hall of Renzhu Taisha Shrine.

The silver statue stood upright in the center of the hall, and the magatama hanging above its head kept changing colors. The four ebony columns supporting the hall also instantly had a turbulent breath. The misty smoke with a special breath that permeated all over the shrine began to slowly gather towards the hall.

Although Renzhu Taisha Shrine had just been built, it had already begun to gain the power of faith.

After all, Kamiya Kawa's name had long been spread among his own forces.

Almost all the ghosts under his rule could be regarded as his followers, and there was no one who did not revere and love this leader.

At the moment when the statue was enshrined in the main hall, Kamiya heard the sound coming from the main shrine into his mind.

First, the bell tower.

A bronze bell hung high above the bell tower, its color was bronze, and the surface was mottled. At first, it was a gentle, slight sound, like a wind chime swaying in the distance. But soon, the sound became clearer, louder and more melodious, carrying an unspeakable sense of vicissitudes.

Then came the drum tower.

The big drum on the drum tower was round, the leather was tight, and it also sounded by itself. Every time it was struck, it was passionate and powerful, like the heartbeat of the shrine, accompanied by the bells on the other side of the bell tower, with a smooth rhythm.

In the sound of the bells and drums, Kamiya Kawa's sight seemed to be pulled out of his body, overlooking his own shrine from top to bottom.

In the smoke of the Hitoshu Shrine, he seemed to see many blurry figures.

He heard the overlapping of pious prayers, accompanied by some other familiar voices——

"He is the leader, but he is also my best friend!"

"I am willing to sacrifice myself and everything for the master."

"Master Kamiya is a great and kind man!"

"Master is wise and powerful! Great fortune!"

"Our boss is the strongest!"

"Really, the trash should care about me a little more..."

"Master will definitely be safe and live a hundred years. No, no, no, living a hundred years is far from enough!"

"Teacher Kamiya..."


All the prayers and words turned into positive upward force, mixed with the sound of bells and drums, and poured into Kamiya's body. Like the spring water of a hot spring, gentle and warm, this warm current quickly flows along his meridians, and wherever it goes, it is full of numbness and pleasure.

But soon, this warm current became hot, as if a raging fire was burning and raging.


Kamiya's consciousness was still a little hazy, and the tearing pain on his body made him unconsciously arch his body.

His teeth were clenched, his body was shaking, turbid sweat oozed from his cheeks, his skin was red and hot, and every inch of muscle was spasming and twisting. The blood was boiling, the fascia was torn, and it seemed that even the bones were being reshaped, "crackling".


Although from a theoretical point of view, Sister Jue believed that there would be no problem for Kamiya Chuan to move into the Human Lord Shrine.

But the actual changes, coupled with Kamiya's slightly painful reaction, still made Jue a little worried.

The foot-selling grandmother picked up a small can of grease and walked quickly to Kamiya, but soon retreated and shook her head at Jue:

"Master Kamiya is fine."

"...Is this really fine?"

Jue was not very sure.

But after dozens of seconds, Kamiya Chuan's reaction was indeed eased.

The clenched teeth loosened, accompanied by a few low gasps, and the body stopped spasming and twitching.

The pain in his body gradually subsided, replaced by a strange feeling of relief.

His originally red skin exuded a faint luster like jade. His muscles did not swell significantly, but his lines became clearer, smoother, and more powerful, and even his bones seemed to have been tempered and become harder.

His sight and consciousness gradually fell away, and Kamiya Kawa's body was becoming lighter and lighter, as if he had gotten rid of some kind of restraints and shackles.

The changes in his body completely subsided. From the outside, except for a thin layer of sweat on his body, which made the soft fabric of the feather weft slightly stick to his skin, everything was the same as before.


With a final gasp, Kamiya Chuan's consciousness was no longer hazy, but clearer than ever before.

He opened his eyes again and saw Jue and the foot-selling woman in front of him.

"Congratulations, Lord Kamiya, your flesh and blood are now more powerful."

The woman frowned and smiled flatteringly.

And Sister Jue put her palm on Kamiya Chuan's chest and touched it.

Kamiya Chuan:?

Jue said seriously: "The process of human beings being promoted to the God of Arakan is indeed different from the ghost stories. It seems to be of great value for reference and research."

"...Aren't you going to stop?"

"Heh." Jue's sister raised her lips teasingly, and patted Kamiya's chest twice, then retracted her hand, "It's quite strong."

Although Kamiya's facial features, body shape and even temperament have not changed significantly, he seems to be more handsome and heroic.

The charm that can attract ghost stories seems to have deepened.

Jue has a hunch that with his boss's promotion to the God of Arakan, the possibility of his forces joining female ghost stories or gods in the future...

It may have increased again.



The sea country, the office that Isohime is in charge of.

The burly and strong Jinxiong Tongzi stands like an iron tower in the office.

"What's going on?"

Jinxiong's voice is low and loud, but there is a hint of expectation.

"Wait a minute."

Isohime, who is in charge of the office, took out a stack of information and handed it to the little clerk Suanpan Xiaoseng.

Since she was promoted to the God of the Wilderness, Isohime's figure has moved closer to that of "Otohime".

The pair of small light red horns on her head are translucent, like coral gems, with a slight luster.

Her skin has changed from the original gray to white, and the dark scales have also become colorful.

Because she is moving on the ground, Isohime's legs are naked under the hem of her gorgeous dress, with tight and soft lines extending from the waist to the ankles.

Crackling, crackling.

The abacus monk hit the abacus loudly, and soon handed the stack of information back to Isohime.

"Lord Isohime, the points are enough."


Isohime nodded coldly, and the dragon tail hanging behind her was thin and powerful, dragging on the ground, but it just swayed lazily and calmly twice.

"Congratulations, Master Jinxiong. Once the formalities are completed, you can follow the process to challenge the master."

As for the matter of Jinxiong challenging the master, Isohime has been dragging it out for a long time by relying on the points system.

Now, the master has become a wild god, and has also said that the first "single challenge" with Jinxiong can be put on the agenda.

Isohime just needs to do as she is told.

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