I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 721 They occupied an entire town

Jinseki Town, Tokushima Prefecture.

A sewage treatment plant located in the suburbs.

Furukawa Toda is an inspector here. His daily work is to check and maintain equipment, inspect the environment and safety of the site, and record data related to equipment operation, water quality testing, and abnormal handling.

In the afternoon, Furukawa, who was working, took the record form and walked to the side of the sedimentation tank for inspection.

He has always been in charge of the sedimentation tank.

The sewage transported from the town pipeline will be initially treated here. The water enters the sedimentation tank, and when it is still, the suspended solids are settled to the bottom of the tank by gravity.

Because it is the primary treatment area, the sewage quality here is undoubtedly the worst.

It is turbid, mixed with disgusting solid debris, the water color is weird, and the smell is very unpleasant.


Furukawa stepped onto the platform of the sedimentation tank and paced here.

When he was working, he was fully armed according to the regulations of the treatment plant, with a helmet, mask, gloves, work clothes, and safety shoes. Because the sewage treatment plant where he worked mainly treated domestic sewage from several surrounding towns, not industrial wastewater, he only needed to wear a general dust mask.

"Strange, the state of the water here..."

As usual, Gu Chuan stood by the guardrail and looked into the sedimentation tank.

The water in the pool was a little different from before.

It was hard to say what was different, but it just looked weird.

Today's water was still viscous and heavy, but the water color tended to be a strange dark red. Standing still in the open-air sedimentation tank, a layer of greasy foam appeared on the surface, and under the afternoon sun, it flashed a strange luster.

Gu Chuan was not sure if he was perceiving it wrongly. It felt like the sewage was slowly creeping?

The dark red turbid water was like a hotbed vessel that bred some evil existence. They were creeping and multiplying underwater, rolling out sticky bubbles and making a dull gurgling sound.

In addition, the stench emanating from the water can be clearly smelled even with a dust mask.

And it is said to be a foul smell, but it is actually more like a... strange fishy smell?

Some kind of meat smell.

Furukawa felt strange.

As an inspector here, he has been accustomed to disgusting sewage.

But like today...

I can't say, facing this pool of sewage, I always feel a little uneasy.

He planned to go to the other side of the sedimentation tank platform to check the equipment data to determine what problems there are with the sewage quality in this pool today.

But before he took a step, Furukawa suddenly heard a sound--


It was like the hoarse sigh of an old man, rough and dry.

Furukawa turned his head suddenly.

The sedimentation tank was still the same as before, and the dark red sewage was nothing more than uncomfortable and disgusting.

"Did I... hear it wrong?" Furukawa comforted himself.

Damn it.

It was bright daytime and the weather was hot, but he didn't want to stay in the sedimentation tank for a moment.

Then, before Gu Chuan looked away from the sewage, he saw a bubble rolling up from under the dark red water.


The bubble, wrapped in a layer of strangely shiny oil film, floated to the surface of the water, burst open, and made a sticky sound.

The bubble burst, and the gas inside diffused into the air.

At this time, Gu Chuan heard very clearly——


A sigh belonging to a human.

However, this sound did not sound like an old man, but rather a painful groan from a young woman.

At this moment, Gu Chuan's body froze, standing on the railing of the sedimentation tank as if he was bound by invisible chains and unable to move. The indescribable fear made his heart beat wildly, and his breathing became heavy and rapid.

That's right...

That's right, that sound just now.




The next second, more and more turbid bubbles surged from the sewage in the sedimentation tank.

Every time a bubble burst, there was a sigh and groan.




Those voices were old or young, male or female, and they sounded completely different, but they were all very clear.

It was like countless suffering souls were imprisoned under the sticky sedimentation pool.

Gu Chuan was horrified. He saw that the dark red sewage became thicker and thicker. The sewage gathered together was like a huge piece of rotten meat that would wriggle.

He saw bright eyes in the bubbles that kept rolling out from the water.

There were pairs of pupils wandering under the sewage. The expressions attached to those densely packed eyes were clear, deep, and gentle.


Gu Chuan finally screamed and ran away.

But it was too late.

From the dark red water, wet human arms rolled out.

Those arms were dirty red, with no skin covering the surface. There was only red wriggling flesh growing on the white bones, and they were entangled by black lines like blood vessels and meridians.


A terrifying group of hands passed through the gaps in the guardrails and grabbed Gu Chuan's work clothes!

"Let go! Get out of here!"

Gu Chuan screamed and struggled, but the arms holding him pulled harder and harder.

Finally, Gu Chuan fell into the sedimentation tank and was soon swallowed by the turbid sewage and disappeared in an instant.



The things that grew under the water were still moaning and sighing.

Distorted faces were outlined in the water that slowly squirmed like raw broth. The facial features of those initially formed faces are not exactly the same, only the eyes, and those eyes have the same softness and depth.

The sewage from the sewage treatment plant in Kamishi Town is under the water, in the air, and even in the sewer pipes of the entire town...

Countless "green willows" are piling up flesh and blood to be resurrected.

"Prajna, end it!"

Following Kamiyagawa's order, the female body behind Hannya put on the Fangxiang mask, becoming more ferocious and charming in appearance.

Countless thin black curse threads slipped out of Kong Xiang's gorgeous cuffs, entangled with each other and spread, quickly entangling the target "Qingliu".

As the carrier of the curse, Aoki is immortal to a certain extent.

But when encountering Aragami Hannya, who also controls the power of the curse, this ability to resurrect and proliferate after "death" no longer exists.

The skin, flesh, and even bones of the "green willow" were dismantled by the curse power that was stronger than it, and soon became the nourishment of Nuo Mian, and was drawn into the cuffs of the empty phase of the female body.

"I'm doing well, I'm getting better and better."

After cooking the newly discovered Aoyagi, Kamiyagawa put away the boy Kiriyasu Tsuna.

Kamiya and his party are currently located in Yamagata Prefecture.

The target that was just dealt with was also found here.

After completing the work these days, Kamiyagawa felt vaguely uneasy——

Judging from the current situation, the number of "Green Willows" has exceeded expectations.

There are too many of them.

Previously, the Countermeasures Room had indeed compiled data from police forces in various places.

It is said that among the more than 3,400 homicide cases that occurred in the past three years, 52 were related to Qingliu.

But this is only officially recorded data.

In fact, there must be far more Aoyagi who have blended into human society and been killed without the official's knowledge than imagined.

So now that we are conducting a blanket investigation, we can find an unusually large number of such non-artificial objects.

The very existence of green willows seems to arouse the desire for destruction in ordinary people, and after they are killed, the remaining flesh and blood will transform into new green willows.

To be honest, this ability is somewhat "supermodel".

In addition, Takiyashahime also clearly gave Kamiya the chance to pass——

Perhaps it's because the God of Darkness and Beauty can't wait to break free from the shackles and come. In the recent period, both the activity level and the speed of regeneration of the green willows have reached their peak.

Under such circumstances, Kamiyagawa has reason to worry that these green willows will directly cause a large wave in unexpected places.

After the Qingliu people in Yamagata County were dealt with, the team of spirit exterminators led by Kamiya took a short break.

At this time, he received a call from Jiucheng Zhenjianyou.

Uncle Jiecheng himself is also leading the team to deal with Qingliu, so it is not surprising that he would call to communicate with each other's progress.


The call is open.

"Boy, something happened."

Uncle Jiecheng said this, and his tone sounded quite serious.

In recent times, Kamiya would be mentally prepared every time he answered the phone.

Because Kamiyagawa knew that if there was any bad news, it would be delivered to him from Uncle Jieying as soon as possible.

But now, something bad might really happen.

Kensuke Yusei didn't pause, and finished what he was about to say in one breath: "The Tokushima Prefecture has fallen."


"Yes, green willows appeared in large numbers overnight. By the time the countermeasures room in Tokushima responded, those things had invaded the entire town. I am already on the way to Tokushima."

"I understand, I will go to Tokushima right away."

After a brief exchange, Kamiya kept on the phone while calling several spirit exterminators, including Ai Saotome, to get into the ghost car first, and then directly asked Shunma Oishi to go to Tokushima Prefecture in the Shikoku region as quickly as possible.

I am really afraid of what will happen.

Even though the countermeasures room and Takiyashahime were working hard to deal with the hidden Aoyagi, what Kamiyagawa was most worried about still happened——

Those things are out of control.

On the way, Kamiyagawa briefly inquired about the situation on Tokushima.

The fallen town was called Kamishicho.

It’s hard to tell what exactly happened, other than it was very sudden.

Lian Cheng Zhen Jianyou has not yet grasped the most specific information...

Kamiseki Town.

Kamiya arrived here quickly, and it was now evening.

Because he took the ghost car, he arrived much faster than the real Jianyou.

The outskirts of the town are filled with official personnel armed with live ammunition and fire-breathing equipment, and even armored vehicles can be seen.

After showing his ID outside the closed circle, Kamiyagawa quickly met the head of the Tokushima Countermeasures Room branch.

A middle-aged man with a nervous face.

With an entire town under his jurisdiction falling, he probably felt like he was doomed.

But when he saw the ghost and god disciples appearing in front of him, the man breathed a sigh of relief.

Kamiyagawa had no time to consider the other party's feelings at this time, and just said in a routine tone: "Tell me about the situation in Shenshi Town. Also, let your people prepare, I want to enter the town."

"Go in? Mr. Kamiya, that side is now completely occupied by Qingliu. There may be... there may be no living people there..."

According to the person in charge of the Tokushima Prefecture Countermeasures Office, we can only know that the Aoyagi who captured Kamishi Town first emerged from the town's sewer system.

A large number of green willows appeared, causing the entire Kamishi Town to fall into chaos in a short period of time.

The citizens fell into a state of restlessness and fanaticism, and the streets and alleys were filled with bloody killings.

The killed Qingliu resurrected on the flesh and blood remains and became a brand new curse bearer.

The countermeasures room's response was already rapid, using all available manpower, including the army, to blockade Shenshi Town.

This prevented the chaos caused by Qingliu from spreading further.

But even so, the entire Shenshi Town seems to be hopeless.

It is also thanks to the fact that the countermeasures room has a large degree of autonomy in handling special events.

Otherwise, depending on the reaction of Japan's top politicians, the situation in Tokushima Prefecture may get out of hand.

Japan's top politicians are indeed good at bowing and apologizing, but they are obviously not good at handling emergencies.

After the fall of Kamiseki Town in Tokushima, the first thing they did was to block relevant information on the Internet and stop communications from Tokushima.

Kamiyagawa also learned that this afternoon, when he was still dealing with Aoyagi in Yamagata County, there were indeed a lot of news and videos on the Internet about a large amount of humanoid flesh and blood emerging from the sewer pipes in Kamishi Town.

But now they have all been suppressed.

In this world where there are strange forces and chaotic gods, it cannot be said that it is wrong to prevent the spread of fear.

However, although what happened in Shenshi Town was forcibly stopped from spreading, it is likely that it has entered the vision of a considerable number of people.

Kamiya feels that, judging from the frequency of weird incidents happening nowadays, the existence of weird things in this world will sooner or later become known to the world, and this may require some guidance.

But from his perspective, the most important things now are not these.

He had to actually deal with emergencies in Shenshi Town.

Kamiyagawa had a feeling that the God of Darkness and Beauty, who was planning everything behind the scenes, was really impatient and wanted to do whatever he could to come to the world.

"The whole town is controlled by Qingliu..."

Outside Kamishi Town, Kamiyagawa stared in the direction of the town.

It was dusk, and the setting sun sinking to the western skyline was blood-colored, reflecting the sky and the earth in a bright red.

The outline of the town in the distance was wrapped in the dim twilight, with thick smoke billowing from several places. Scarlet flesh was squirming on the buildings, like some huge living creature panting and rolling.

The atmosphere of uneasiness and fear that filled the air, carried by the night breeze with a burnt smell, spread from Kamishi Town to the blocked area where Kamiya River was located.

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