I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 722: Deep into Jinseki Town

"...What!? You propose to burn down the entire Kamiseki Town? Bastard! That's a whole town, and there are people in it!"

"Idiot! Haven't you seen the situation over there? Those ghosts have completely occupied Shenshi Town. How can there be any living people there? There are only those monsters. I just suggested to do the right thing!"

"Stop arguing! That's not the problem at all. Didn't the Green Willows first appear from the town's sewer system? Even if the buildings on the ground can be destroyed, the underground pipes have not been treated at all."

"Listen to me, everyone... Qingliu, I mean the Qingliu in Shenshi Town, they don't seem to be so afraid of ordinary flames. Our blockade is currently achieved by relying on the cooperation of the magic flames of the spiritual masters. ...And the current blockade, I don’t know how long it can last..."


More and more people are arriving at Shenshi Town.

People in the countermeasures room, people in the government... People were arguing endlessly about the solution to this fallen town, but they were noisy and couldn't make up their minds for a while.

Among the people at the scene, Kamiyagawa was a senior person with a strong say in the countermeasures room.

However, he never expressed any opinions and just made some preparations on his own.

Facing the extremely heated debate among the people, Mr. Kasuga, the head of the Tokushima Prefecture Countermeasures Office Branch, frowned. Finally, he walked to Kamiya River and asked carefully: "Mr. Kamiya, what do you think?"

"You just have to figure it out."

"But your opinion is important."

"I..." Kamiyagawa loaded the iron bullets into [The Banshee] and flicked his wrist, "Didn't I tell you when I just came here? I want to go to Shenshi Town for a visit. As for other things, just It's up to you to worry about it. But no matter what you do, don't let anyone go."

He knew very well that the senior officials here would be unable to achieve any results from the debate for a while.

Instead of spending your time here, it's better to do something practical.

Moreover, unlike the worries of the senior officials at the moment, Kamiyagawa was more worried about the God of Darkness and Beauty than the "Green Willows".

An entire town occupied by the Curse Bearer... This is too much like a "container" suitable for the arrival of the Curse Dragon God.

Things are moving in a bad direction, and Anyu Jiamei may really come to the world.

So whether he wanted to stop him or intercept him, Kamiyagawa had to take action quickly.

Time waits for no one.

"You want to go to Shenshi Town? But... people from the government just proposed to burn that town down."

Mr. Kasuga's face was full of confusion.

Kamiyakawa, on the other hand, looked at ease: "It's okay, don't worry about me."

No matter how you say it, he is still an Aragami, and he is a much stronger Aragami than a normal Aragami.

There are even leaders of the Sea Kingdom like Hua Jing under his command.

Within the scope of an entire town, ordinary fireworks that humans can control cannot trap him.

In the same way, if Angui Jiamei really comes, the flames of the world will most likely not be able to do anything to Him.

"However, if you have something planned, remember to contact me through the scout at any time and let me know in advance." Kamiyagawa added, and pointed at the appearance of a little old man who was following Mr. Kasuga.

"I see……"

Mr. Kasuga didn't say anything more about Kamiyagawa's actions.

After all, the disciples of ghosts and gods are talented and bold.

Even if you have to go deep into the dragon's pond and tiger's den, you can still do it so lightly.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Mr. Kasuga has heard a certain rumor. The rumor that only a few people knew about said that the disciples of ghosts and gods are now so unfathomable that they can rival ghosts and gods, and can handle even fallen gods.

So instead of worrying about him, it's better to worry about yourself, the people on the outside.

At this time, Kamiyagawa thought of something else and asked additionally: "By the way, I just heard them talking about pipelines. The green willows on the ground are temporarily blocked in Shenshi Town. What about the underground pipelines?"

"It's also blocked."


Kamiyagawa responded and looked at the time again.

He had been in contact with Jiecheng Zhenjianyou just now.

The latter is also about to arrive at Shenshi Town.

At that time, with the identity and status of Uncle Yu, he will definitely replace Mr. Kasuga and become the actual commander of the operations here.

Kamiyagawa doesn't know Mr. Kasuga, but he has great trust in Yusei Shinkenyu.

As long as Jiecheng Zhenjianyou is guarding the rear, he will feel much more at ease on the front line, and he won't have to worry too much about the sudden collapse of the rear, which will hold him back.

"Keep in touch."

Kamiya left such a sentence, and then left the crowd without looking back.

Mr. Kasuga opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say anything more and could only watch the ghost disciples drift away. He saw——

The setting sun is like blood.

The bright red twilight penetrated between the sky and the earth, but it only further amplified the lingering and deep-rooted atmosphere of gloom and terror hovering above people's heads.

The back figure holding a long knife exuded determination. The hem of his clothes and broken hair were blown by the smelly cold wind. The lonely but handsome figure was reflected on the ground by the last remaining sunlight, and a long silhouette was drawn. And in the direction he was going, the huge flesh-and-blood town was shrouded in darkness, its twisted outline like a living creature, still squirming in the haze.

Kamiseki Town, which was once just a normal town, has completely changed.

It has become a terrifying place where modern architecture and flesh and blood intertwine.

On the street, sticky blood flowed between the broken bricks and stones, slowly converging into scarlet streams. Bloody red pieces of flesh clung to various parts of the building like moss, and were connected by black lines that looked like meridians.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which was nauseating.

Kamiyagawa walked to the entrance of the road into Kamishi Town with the boy Kiriyasu Tsuna in his hand.

The two accompanying people, except for the spiritual master and Ai Saotome, were all staying on the periphery under his orders.

For spiritualists, a single "green willow" is easy to deal with as long as they master the correct treatment methods.

But it's different here in Kamishi Town. An unknown number of green willows gather together and blend into the whole town...

The situation here has gone far beyond what ordinary exorcists can handle.

Moreover, judging from the known information just obtained——

Perhaps it was a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change. The green willows that appeared in Shenshi Town seemed to have a certain resistance to flames within the ordinary range.

Even if the official personnel involved in this operation possess flamethrowers, it will be difficult for them to penetrate deep into the town.

We can only barely hold on to the perimeter.

At the entrance of the town, Kamiyagawa stopped, narrowed his eyes again, and raised his head to observe this flesh-and-blood town at close range.

"The situation here is somewhat similar to Ciji Hospital in the previous life."

Standing alone like this, considering that the size of a human being is a bit small compared to an entire eerie town of flesh and blood, it feels inexplicably a bit desolate and tragic.

But Kamiya is not here to die generously, nor is he "a person" in the true sense.

"Aba whined."

Dressed in the garb of a void monk, a reliable and loyal little old man is standing at Kamiya's feet.

"Hannya." "Inugami."

While Kamiya looked at Kamishi Town, he called out like this.

The next second——

Prajna with purple and white undergarments, together with the charming empty female body, outlined around him. Smiling face, jealous face, and Nuo face, three lifelike and ferocious masks, floating up and down in the air.


A low growl.

The ferocious black giant dog loomed out, its hair flying, and it hummed hot white mist and sparks from its mouth and nose, its scarlet pupils like lanterns swaying brightly in the night. In terms of appearance, Gouzi fully reveals his true body, with a domineering body shape comparable to the size of a dump truck, which gives him a sense of security visually.

Both Hannya and Inugami can attack Aoyagi, so before officially exploring the fallen Kamishi Town, Kamiya called out the two of them.

"These must also belong to Qingliu's meat...but the smell is different from the Qingliu I met before."

In front of him, the end of the road leading to the town was completely covered in flesh and blood with a strong fishy smell. These squirming pieces of raw meat, red and white with black meridian lines connected between them, cover the road surface and blend with the broken road surface.

The green willow that Kamiyagawa had dealt with before carried a weak supernatural aura and cursed aura that could be detected.

But the flesh and blood exposed here in Shenshi Town is different. You can "see" that there is a strong curse smell on it, and it seems to be getting stronger.

There are changes indicating that Anyujiamei may be taking action.

"Try dealing with these first."

Following Kamiya's order, Hannya and Inugami all took action.

Prajna raised his hand to put on the Nuo mask for Kong Xiang, and a large number of cursed black threads slipped out from Kong Xiang's gorgeous cuffs, twisted into a creeping black tide, and surged towards the flesh-covered area in front of him.

The hair all over the Inugami's body was lit up by blazing fireworks, and he spit out karma fire from his mouth. The flames gathered into dragons and snakes dancing with fire, roaring wildly, and rising into the sky.

Prajna's curse line is, to a certain extent, "learned from the same school" as Qingliu.

But in the end it's still better.

Those thin black threads hooked into the squirming flesh were pierced and picked out by Prajna's cursed threads, devoured and nibbled away, and finally rolled back into the cuffs of Kong Xiang's garish clothes.

And the flesh and blood that lost the support of the curse thread quickly withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for Inugami's karmic fire, it is wild and unruly, sweeping and spreading with endless destructive power. The heat wave is like a torrent of hot steel, mercilessly impacting the surroundings, devouring everything crazily. For a moment, there were burning sounds, a burnt smell, and smoke and ashes turned into flesh and blood flying everywhere.

The effect of ordinary flames on the green willows and exposed flesh and blood in Shenshi Town is no longer satisfactory.

But the fire of karma still works.

In addition, Kamiyagawa himself also tried to summon Yang Lei to attack the front.

His brilliant fire thunder is still effective against exposed flesh and blood.

Although it is not as strong as when dealing with a single Qingliu before, the suppression effect can still be achieved.

The situation with Hannya and Inugami is not much different.

After confirming this, Kamiyagawa temporarily stopped Yang Lei: "Little old man, find the place where the green willows are concentrated in this town."


The scout patted his chest and played the shakuhachi.

In the desolate music, numerous bodies condensed into shape.

Since the attack by Kamiya and others is effective and the little old man has a master to open the way, exploring this flesh and blood town will not be a problem.

At this time——

Rustle, rustle.

There was a slight friction sound, something was rubbing Kamiya Kawa's shirt.

I saw several black hairs weaving and gathering on his shoulders, finally forming a small human figure. And swinging his legs on Kamiya's right shoulder, sitting upright.

It was true that Saotome Ai did not follow into Kamishikawa.

But the black-haired doll that was in contact with Takiyashahime was brought in by Kamiya Kawa.



The black hair was outlined in the air, weaving into characters.

[You didn't let Ai follow you into Kamishikawa to die, which is good. Besides, I'm on my way to Tokushima. ]

"Oh? You're coming too?"

[The Dragon God is probably coming. I have no choice but to stop Him. Now I can't avoid meeting you. ]

"When you arrive, I will ask the people in the outer countermeasures room to let you pass."

[Don't die before I come. ]

Takiyashahime said this, and the little cursed doll disintegrated into black hair and disappeared.

Kamiya Kawa still doesn't know what the strength of the "exiled princess" is.

However, she has successfully performed the Ugly Hour Worship and carries the power from the Dark God.

It should be a good thing to get the help of Takiyashahime.

Everything is ready, Kamiya and others began to explore the fallen Kamishi Town.

At the same time as he officially entered the town, the sound of birds flapping their wings was faintly heard in the dark sky, and the light of the blue lantern appeared and disappeared in the clouds, guiding him on the way.

The Yatagarasu, who was originally staying at the Sanzu River, had received the notice from Kazuki Fumio, so he arrived at the real Kamishi Town as agreed to provide assistance to Kamiya Kawa.

In addition, Mary has not yet appeared.

After all, Yatagarasu and Mary are gods. Even if there is no attribute suppression, they can still fight the Cursed Dragon God with their hard power.

In general, Kamiyagawa's lineup for this in-depth visit to Kamishi Town is still quite luxurious.

"The only pity is that the promotion ceremony of Tengu has not officially ended."

Before the action, Kamiya also paid attention to the progress of the ceremony of Karasu Tengu's transformation into a god.

The two weeping blood candles were actually almost burned out. The promotion process was quite smooth and was only a little bit away from the end.

But it happened that at this time, Qingliu and others made a big move.

Even if they waited for two more days, they could have another god to help.

But now there is no way. It is common for plans to fail to keep up with changes.

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