I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 739 The Master's Kindness is Inexhaustible

After hearing Kamiyagawa's conclusive words, Hoshikuma and Inao both felt in a subtle mood, but their opinions and attitudes towards their leader rose instead of falling.

Although Hoshikuma tends to be a pacifist at heart, he is a ghost after all, and he somewhat worships the strong.

From her perspective, the strength between the Takamagahara forces and the Iyo local forces is completely unequal, and there can be no fairness between the two in the chaotic world.

Kamiyagawa did not directly choose to crush the place with his troops and use violence to conquer and enslave this place. Instead, he personally sat in the Tanuki Palace and listened to the speeches of the leaders of the raccoon and fox tribes who were just Arakami.

Regarding this kind of behavior, rather than saying that he is domineering, it is better to say that he is quite magnanimous.

Not to mention Samurai Inaba.

With just one sentence, the Master took away the fault caused by his poor judgment a long time ago.

He was now both ashamed and grateful.

At the same time, he didn't dare to say anything else, lest it would be self-defeating and disrupt the communication between the Master and the raccoon and fox clans.

Inayo Heitaro's loyalty has quietly increased significantly!

As a special "death warrior group", the imperial ministers were willing to do whatever they could to Kamiyagawa.

However, the bond between the emperors and their masters is not limited to this subordinate relationship.

Although the emperors will forget what happened after entering the Living Fish Hotel after their death and reincarnation, this does not prevent them from remembering Kamiyagawa's kindness.

After all, they have the drone Kasahara as their "external memory brain."

Just like this time.

After leaving the Tanuki Palace, Inao will definitely let Kasahara record his oral description.

Even if you are really "reborn" in the future and your memory is reset, you will definitely watch the past video records over and over again after your resurrection.

This goes on and on, the Master's kindness is endless.

There’s simply no way to finish it!

On Kamiyagawa's side, they had just finished explaining the "capital technology export and trade exchange for the Iyo region" support policy to Yabaibari and Kitsururo, when they suddenly felt the inexplicably intense gazes from their subordinates behind them.

He didn't turn around to check the situation.

He just reached into the [Mirage Bag] and fumbled out a four-rotor black drone.

The drone that Kasahara is attached to.

Before Kamiya came to Iyo this time, he specially put it in a cloth bag and brought it with him.

Since you are negotiating business, of course you should show the PPT to your target customers.

If you don’t have a PPT, you can at least watch the promotional video.

The rotor rotates and the drone takes off silently.

The metal shell shimmered slightly, and the body was made of black and white. The ghost Kasahara floated out of it with short to medium curly hair and a mournful expression on his face.

"Show me, Kasahara."


A holographic projection was projected from the drone's camera, and three-dimensional surround sound resounded throughout the empty Riku Palace.

The images displayed by Kasahara spread out like a scroll——

The initial perspective is from high in the sky.

The night fell, and stars dotted the dark sky.

Looking down, you can see a brightly lit monster market.

The high-hanging lanterns sway in the wind, colorful and dazzling, making every corner of the market look dreamy.

The stalls lined with stalls are filled with a dazzling array of products.

Whether it's materials, finished props, or all kinds of weird gadgets. Or there are "luxury goods" that have no practical value in this world, such as kebabs, desserts, and fine wines.

A strong man with four arms, as dark as an iron tower, held an iron pick in both hands, and took several skewers of hot grilled fish from the food stall with the other two hands.

A petite girl in an origami dress held up a colored stone under the lantern stall. The clear jade reflected the charming brilliance under the light.

In a wine shop that sells seaweed wine, crabs and ghosts are gathering together, toasting and drinking.

All kinds of monsters and ghosts just shuttled between the stalls. Their appearance may be mighty, charming, cunning, or terrifying, but they get along well with each other here, talking in low voices, negotiating loudly, and it is noisy and lively.

Among the various sounds, there were also the sounds of shark singing and wooden instrumental music coming from the market stage.

The Paradise Market is bustling, noisy, eerie and full of fireworks.

The camera turned and the picture turned into a blue ocean.

The angle of view was still slowly descending from the overlooking state, and what came into view was a newly-rised monster town on the island.

The streets are spacious and clean, with bluestone paved roads extending in all directions, and monsters coming and going.

The buildings on both sides of the road are based on heavy stone and exquisite wooden structures, with cornices and carved beams. The layers of tiles shine softly in the sun, like golden fish scales.

After all, it is a product of the fusion of the skills of divine craftsmen and Dajiangshan ghost craftsmen. In terms of architectural aesthetics, this town is several levels higher than the rough Tanuki Palace.

In the picture, the blacksmith responsible for urban construction holds a blueprint and directs her monster craftsmen to build a new area.

On the coast, several large sailing ships are moored.

The first one is the towering Da'an house on the side of the ship.

The iron armor and sails are swaying like a mobile fortress on the sea.

The ship's spirit ship girl "Anzaya Maru" swings her legs on the sail, watching the monsters carrying goods to the ship, waiting to get ready and set sail to transport supplies.

The Kingdom of the Sea is one of the key construction areas within Kamiya’s influence.

This place is rich in resources and is one of the few regions in the world that can produce decent food. And because of the unremitting efforts of the forger, a town of considerable size suitable for monsters to live has been formed, and it is also equipped with docks and shipbuilding factories.

At this point in the video playback, the drone stopped operating and descended quietly.

After the projectionist Kasahara finished the work assigned by the leader, he also reattached himself to the machine.

Words are not enough, seeing is believing.

Since Kamiya Kawa came with the purpose of talking and communicating, of course he had to let the foxes see the situation in the Takama-ga-hara territory.

This is more convincing.

Of course, the promotional video should be limited to a certain extent.

Show the prosperity of the commercial and residential areas within the Takama-ga-hara forces, so that the unnaturalized ghost story monsters will yearn for it.

Some confidential areas are naturally unnecessary to show.

As for this "Takama-ga-hara territory style display promotional video", Kamiya Kawa actually asked Kasahara to take the lead in filming it a long time ago.

Previously, with the help of [Hello World], Kamiya recruited some docile electronic ghost stories.

Counting Kasahara and adding some other members of the ghost story, it is not a problem to put together a small external publicity team.

The promotional video is well shot.

After all, it is a professional match.

The Tanuki Palace is unusually quiet.

The tanuki and foxes stared at each other, and seemed to be immersed in the atmosphere of the two prosperous monster cities displayed in the hologram.

In the end, it was Kamiya River who spoke and broke the silence: "As I said, Takama-ga-hara will give you compensation and help you build Iyo. Let the tanuki and fox tribes live the same life as the monsters under Takama-ga-hara, and live and work in peace and contentment."

Yabaihatan rolled his throat: "God, do you mean... to help us build Iyo into what we just saw?"

"Why, too urbanized?"

"No, it's better to say it's too good."

Yabaihatan was sealed for a long time. Even though he slowly escaped in the ordinary world, he stayed in the Iyo area and stayed in his own way.

What he saw and heard was not much different from a thousand years ago.

According to the old raccoon's cognition, the most prosperous city it has ever seen is Matsuyama Castle, which was once built by humans.

But just now, the monster city shown by the God is far more prosperous than Matsuyama Castle.

"Well, it takes time, and it will definitely happen in the future."

Kamiya does intend to build Iyo.

But as he said, it takes time.

The core of urban development must of course be placed in the core territory of Takamagahara.

As for Iyo...

In fact, Kamiya has already classified Iyo as a material resource production area in his mind.

Resource development will definitely be carried out.

Resources must be obtained here and transported to their core territory.

As for the urbanization development of Iyo, there is no need to rush.

According to the law of development, when I absorb enough resources and labor from you and make the core territory prosperous enough, some monster processing factories will definitely be gradually relocated.

The sooner you join, the sooner you can enjoy this treatment.

Kamiyagawa: "So, what do you think of my proposal, the raccoon and fox tribes?"

"All listen to the God."

"I have no objection."

Facing external threats, the raccoon and fox tribes originally wanted to unite through marriage.

But Kamiyagawa did not give them too much time to prepare. He parachuted in directly. Not only did he sit in the raccoon palace in a dignified manner, but he also considerately helped Yaoba Tanuki and Kitsune Juro to recognize the reality from many aspects such as military force and financial resources.

Takama-ga-hara is definitely not something Iyo can resist.

It would be a blessing if the raccoon and fox tribes were not crushed and destroyed by this huge force.

As for aid and support, it is even more like a fairy tale-like word.

Anyway, it is impossible to resist, and it is impossible to refuse.

And it seems that there is no reason to refuse.

In Yaoba Tanuki's view, no matter what this Lord Kamiya wants to get from Iyo, he can get it easily through violence, and there is no need to go to great lengths to achieve his goal through deception.

So what he said is quite credible.

As for why this lord did this, Yabaiba Tanuki actually couldn't figure it out.

Maybe... he really wanted to pay for his subordinates' past mistakes.

How upright and kind.

Perhaps this is the magnanimity of the gods.

Seeing that both the raccoon and the fox agreed with his proposal, Kamiya Kawa nodded with satisfaction: "Okay. In this case, let's put an end to Inao's affairs in Iyo."

"Of course."

"Don't worry about me, you raccoon and fox are doing what you just did, you can continue now."

After a combination of kindness and force, except for not seeing the big moon with his own eyes, Kamiya's purpose of coming to Iyo has been achieved.

Later, he can gradually arrange for the cat shopkeeper and the blacksmith to come here to plan resource development.

"Goddess." Yaoba Tanuki spoke again, and the old raccoon's attitude seemed much more respectful than at the beginning. "My daughter Fukuhime and Jushiro have arranged a marriage. Today is the day they meet for the first time. If you don't mind, please stay and watch the ceremony."

"Okay. I came here in a hurry this time, and I will find a chance to give you raccoons a gift later."

Since the raccoon and fox tribes have already bowed to Takama-ga-hara.

For them, there is no need to fight against foreign tribes now.

However, it seems that the marriage of Jushiro and Fukuhime will continue.

Kamiya River didn't care much about this kind of thing.

Or rather, it would be better if it could be like this.

In the Iyo area, whether it was resources or the monsters themselves, Kamiya River had already targeted them, and he planned to gradually assimilate and absorb them according to the policies that had been formulated long ago.

Therefore, he didn't want to see the raccoon and fox tribes go to war again-

If you kill all the high-quality labor force under your command, then I came here in vain?


The storm subsided, and Kamiya River and others became guests of honor in the raccoon palace.

A group of transformed female raccoons entered the hall, singing and dancing.

After such a lively time, the raccoons invited "Fukuji" out to meet her future husband, Fox Juroro.

Kamiya River seemed to be unintentionally staring at his eyes and glanced at "Fukuji" more.

He knew that the current raccoon cat princess was not the real Fukuji, but was replaced by Ahei, the daughter of Dangoro raccoon.

As for the real Fukuji, she had escaped from Iyo because she was dissatisfied with the marriage arrangement.

Now no one knows where she is.

"If I hadn't known this information in advance, even I wouldn't have seen this drama of a raccoon cat replacing a princess." Kamiya Kawa took his eyes off "Fukuji" and thought so.

He really couldn't tell that "Fukuji" was a fake.

After all, Kamiya Kawa had never seen the real Fukuji before, and didn't know what Fukuji's aura should be like.

And whether it was the raccoon cat princess Afu or the current Ahei, they were all transformed female raccoons in his eyes.

Of course, Kamiya has now memorized the characteristics of Ahei's aura.

The fox tribe didn't seem to notice anything either.

It was that "Fukuji" seemed shy throughout the whole process and didn't get too close to Fox Shiroro, but the result of this meeting between the male and female protagonists went smoothly. Under Kamiya's witness, the raccoon and fox tribes also finalized the date of the official marriage.

Kamiya Kawa didn't think of exposing the matter of "Fukuji".

Perhaps, the eight hundred and eight raccoons can find their daughter to make up for it later, or they may not be able to make up for it, so they will make the best of it.

In short, as long as it does not affect the operation of Kamiya's power in the Iyo region, this kind of thing does not seem to matter much.

Changshi, the Shikoku region outside Iyo.

Several raccoons shuttled swiftly in the mountains and forests, led by the black bear-like Dango Tanuki.

After letting his daughter replace Fukuhime, Dango Tanuki followed the instructions of the Eight Hundred and Eight Tanuki and went out secretly to find the real raccoon princess.

And the people he brought out were all his confidants who had the ability to visit the strange.

As for what happened in the Tanuki Palace today, Dango Tanuki naturally did not know.

"Boss, this way."

The raccoon with the most sensitive sense of smell seemed to have smelled the scent left by Fukuhime.

It seems that it will not take too long to find the raccoon princess.

Then he can follow the instructions of the Eight Hundred and Eight Tanuki and bring her back...


How could he take Fukuhime back to Iyo again?

"Chi Chi——"

Dango Tanuki was a little excited, stood up and shook his head, his pupils flashing like fire.

The news of the marriage between the raccoon and the fox was known to Lady Fu Ji in advance by all means.

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