I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 740 Find Fu Ji and kill her

The Shikoku area outside of Iyo is vast.

Dangoro Tanuki has always been aware of this. Even in the ordinary world, he always feels that tanukis should develop outward.

No matter in the eternal world or in this world, the civet cats should rebuild their former glory and control the entire four kingdoms.

Dangoro Tanuki has proposed to the Criminal Tanuki on more than one occasion to break through the nirvana that blocks the road, and then integrate the Tanuki demons who already have the ability to "foreign visit" to expand outward and control more territories.

But this development proposal was never adopted.

Dangoro Tanuki was very disappointed with this. In its opinion——

Now General Civet Cat is no longer the convincing and outstanding leader he once was.

The eight hundred and eight raccoon dogs just wanted to stay in a corner of Matsuyama huddled in Iyo.

That old civet cat was old, confused and weak, and even its backbone had been beaten away.

That's why Dangoro Tanuki made the decision he made now.

Cooperate with the fox clan and cooperate with Fox Juliushirou.

In Iyo's world, when the former Nirudo still existed. The area where the Tanuki Clan and the Fox Clan live is blocked by the Bhikshuni Aragami, who is as tall as a mountain, and there is basically no communication between the two sides.

As for the Tanuki clan, Dangoro Tanuki and his men are responsible for patrolling the mountains and forests and monitoring the movements of the Nilu.

He is the only civet cat leader who may occasionally have the opportunity to have contact with the fox tribe.

On the day when Ni entered the way and was expelled by outsiders, Dangoro Tanuki secretly received the information from Fox Rokuro.

They have a plan.

It was Fox Juliushiro who proposed a marriage to Eight Hundred and Eight Basilisks.

The eight hundred and eight raccoons are now strong on the outside but weak on the inside, weak and mediocre in the dark.

It seems that there is a foreign threat ahead. In order to avoid an all-out war with the fox tribe, the old civet cat has a high possibility of a marriage between the two tribes.

Later, Dangoro Tanuki sent someone to "inadvertently" inform Fukuji of the marriage news in advance.

According to the character of the tanuki princess, she will take the initiative to run away from Iyo with a little encouragement.

Dangoro Tanuki could use this to propose to Yabaiba Tanuki that in order to achieve an external alliance between the two clans as soon as possible, his daughter Ahei could temporarily replace Fukui.

When an alliance is formed, the pleasure-seeking Yababai Raccoon will definitely slowly lose its dominance compared to the Fox Juliushi who works hard to govern.

At this time, all you need to do is push "Fu Ji" to the front.

The Eight Hundred Raccoons have not cared about the internal affairs of the tribe for a long time. Dangoro Raccoon can unite with other civet leaders to further evade power over the Eight Hundred Raccoons.

At that time, the center of power of the fox and fox clans will be transferred to the couple Kitsuriro and "Fukuji".

And Ahei, who replaced "Fukuji", is Dangoro Tanuki's daughter...

Through this, Dangoro Tanuki will slowly become the actual leader of the Tanuki clan.

As a tanuki princess, "Fukuji" is married to the fox clan. She can serve as the face of the tanuki clan and can stabilize the upper echelons of the tanuki clan.

The alliance between the raccoon and fox tribes can also deflect internal conflicts.

Whether it is fighting against foreigners or organizing a coalition of foxes and foxes for external expansion, it is feasible.

Dangoro Tanuki firmly believes that in order for the tribe to develop better, the tanukis do not need a weak leader like Yabaiba Tanuki.

You should replace it yourself!

Most of this plan was proposed by Fox Juliushiro.

That fox is really smart.

So far, things are going as planned.

The real Fu Ji has fled.

When Fuki was still at Tanuki Palace, Dangoro Tanuki naturally couldn't attack her.

But now Princess Tanuki is outside Iyo.

She shouldn't come back.

This is a necessary sacrifice for the sake of the tribe.

"Find Fu Ji and kill her."

Dangoro Tanuki gave the order and quickly shuttled through the mountains and forests with his close men.

Iyo's matter has come to an end for now.

Kamiyagawa led his men back to the territory of Takamagahara.

The first thing I did when I came back was to give the little old man an extra instruction: "Keep an eye on Fox Juliushi with your body for a little longer. That fox may be planning something. There may be something unexpected on Iyo's side." Something else happens.”

As a human master who can see emotions, Kamiya can be sure that during the conversation at the Tanuki Palace, neither Yabairi nor Kitsururo lied.

However, in the second half of the conversation, Fox Juliushiro's speeches obviously became less frequent.

His mood swings... can't be described, but it's a bit strange anyway.

Compared to the Eight Hundred and Eight Oriole, Fox Juliushiro is obviously more difficult to see through.

Combined with the ruins of the town occupied by the fox tribe, the little old man could not approach.

Kamiyagawa always felt that Fox Juliushirou seemed to be holding back some kind of plan that he was not yet aware of.

We don’t know yet what he wants to do, maybe it’s just Kamiya being paranoid.

But it never hurts to keep an eye on it.

Kamiya didn't want anyone to disrupt the interests he was about to gain in the Iyo area.

Tokishi, Shikoku region.


Terrifying howls sounded from the dense mountain forest area.

A huge, strip-shaped monster that was several meters long was writhing and circling in the forest.

This monster is said to be an insect but too long, and it is said to be a snake but it has densely packed hands and feet.

At the end of its head, there is a human-like face, which is hideous. At this time, a pair of eyes were spinning above the head, seeming to be looking for something in the forest.

This is a terrifying monster called "Hundred Foot".

It is not too unpopular in traditional Japanese monster stories.

Tawara Tota, also known as Fujiwara Hidego, who once defeated Taira Masakado and was called the "ancestor of Eastern martial arts", was famous in the Heian period for killing a big centipede.


The centipede in the forest rolled over, but it seemed that it did not find the target it was looking for. It swung its densely packed hands and feet, whistling and crushing the trees, heading deep into the forest.

After the centipede left, the surroundings became quiet.

The cold mountain wind blew the tall trees, causing the shadows of the trees to sway.

In the woods, an inconspicuous short deciduous tree also shook its branches.

About twenty minutes later.

From the trunk of the short deciduous tree, a barely audible human voice came from a girl's voice: "It should be far away."

The tree is talking.

The short tree shook twice and turned into a girl.

She has long eyebrows, a pair of pink eyes, furry animal ears on her head, and a big tail behind her.

She wears a yellow yukata, which was originally gorgeous and bright, but now it is ripped everywhere, gray, and no longer beautiful.

The princess of the raccoon cats in Matsuyama, Fukuji.

"Why are there monsters like Nirudo everywhere outside that attack people as soon as they see them... It's so dangerous."

Fukuji took off a leaf on her head and held it tightly in her palm, with lingering fear.

She was just a little bit away from becoming food for the centipede.

Fukuji didn't want to stay in this dangerous forest any longer, so she fled quickly.

Like her tribesmen, she ran very fast in the forest terrain.

The direction she was running now was no longer the direction of escaping from Iyo, but approaching Iyo.

The raccoon cat princess wanted to go home.

The outside world was too dangerous.

She lived in human society when she was a child, and after entering the ordinary world, she stayed in the raccoon cat tribe.

Perhaps the princess was too well protected. Before this, she had never seen the true face of the world.

This is a disordered, chaotic, and bloody world of monsters.

Fu Ji wandered outside for a few days and was in a miserable state. Fortunately, she was proficient in transformation and was able to survive and protect herself.

But she had been attacked by monsters many times and had already begun to think about retreating.

She had to go home.

Compared with escaping marriage, it was more important to save her life now.


Fu Ji was in a mess after running and being frightened for a long time.

However, as a monster in the mountains, she had a good sense of direction in the dense woods, and now she was very close to Iyo.



Fu Ji's ears on her head trembled slightly while she was running.

She heard a sound coming from somewhere nearby. It should be something approaching her.

The raccoon cat princess, who was already a frightened bird, immediately took materials from the spot and tore a leaf from her side and put it on her head.

She once again transformed into the shape of a tree and blended into the environment.


The sound was getting closer.

Fukuji held her breath and stared.

From the depths of the woods ahead, a round black shadow emerged.

A torn straw hat on his head and a small wine bottle on his waist.

A raccoon cat.

The raccoon cat looked around, twitching its nose to distinguish the smell in the air, and whispered: "Lady Fukuji? Are you here?"

Fukuji, who was in disguise, breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she couldn't call the other party's name, she recognized the male raccoon.

It was one of Uncle Dangoro's men.

"I'm here."

Fukuji showed up and took off the leaves on her head.

It's safe, it's a tribe member.

It's probably sent by my father to find me.

The male raccoon smiled and said: "Lady Fukuji, you made it so hard for us to find you."

"I'm sorry, I..."

Fukuji was a little ashamed. It seemed that her willful escape really made it difficult for these raccoon cats.

My father is in a very bad mood now, and he will probably vent his anger on them.

But before Fu Ji finished speaking, the male raccoon on the opposite side suddenly shook violently.

The "Moonlight" under its crotch was thrown out, and it swelled in an instant, like two heavy hammers coming straight at Fu Ji.


Two huge balls of "Moonlight" hit Fu Ji, but the impact was wrong, it was light.

Fu Ji's figure turned into a white smoke at the moment of being hit, and a green leaf slowly fell in the smoke.

The raccoon princess dodged the attack in time and reappeared two or three meters away from her original position, staring at her pink eyes in disbelief: "What are you going to do?"

"Hehe. Fu Ji, if you run forward, you will be Iyo. Your father wants you to marry a fox, you can't go back."

The male raccoon grinned, and at the same time, a pair of "Moonlight" turned into hammers again and hit Fu Ji.

Fu Ji was confused and could only avoid it as much as possible.

After dodging another attack, Fukuji seized the opportunity to swat a leaf over her head, transformed into a small sparrow, and flew into the air with the flap of her wings.

The "moonlight" of the male raccoon turned into a large net, sweeping over.

Fortunately, Fukuji was agile and managed to dodge.

She didn't understand what was going on.

Why was she attacked by her own people?

Did something happen at home?

She flew over the sky, and the male raccoon on the ground shouted loudly: "Fukuji is here, she wants to go back to Iyo!"

In the forest, there were more and more noises.

More raccoons were gathering here.

From the perspective of the sky, Fukuji could clearly see a figure like a black bear, crashing through the trees and rushing over.

A big black raccoon.

Uncle Dangoro.

In the air, Fukuji and Dangoro met each other's eyes, but saw a fierce and cruel look in each other's eyes that she had never seen before.

Compared with those ferocious monsters outside.

Dangoro, you want to kill me?

"It hurts...hiss..."

Fukuji stumbled and ran in the forest.

She could no longer maintain her changing posture.

Her right leg and shoulder were pierced by the arrows shot by Dangoro, and now they were still bleeding, and the blood dyed the hem of her yukata red.

It hurts a lot.

But Fukuji had no other choice but to continue running in pain.

Dangoro and the others were still chasing her.

She could even vaguely hear the shouting and cursing behind her -

"You useless bastard, you can't even catch the female raccoon kept in the Imperial Raccoon Palace!"

"Boss, she can't run far."


She is obviously one of her own people, why would she want her life like those monsters outside?

The injury made Fukuji's brain chaotic, and she felt so cold.

Then, her body felt a slight blockage and passed through a thin film of water wall.

This was the feeling of passing through the "air wall" that separated the areas in the ordinary world.

Fukuji knew that she had returned to Iyo now.

But it was still a long way to Songshan.

"I can't run anymore...I..."

Fukuji struggled to distinguish the direction and ran a distance.

I didn't know if it was hallucinations due to blood loss or something, but she saw the outline of a strange building in front of her that she had never seen before.

The building was not big.

The bottom surface was made of extremely regular gray-white stones, forming a platform.

On the platform were metal brackets and roofs.

The weak but stable white light illuminated the building, which was particularly obvious in the forest at night.

In Iyo... is there such a thing?

Fukuji, who was already at the end of her strength, struggled to get closer to the strange building.


Her feet softened and she was tripped by something.

"Ouch... it hurts..."

Fukuji looked down.

What tripped her was a strange metal frame.

There were two long metal strips, laid on the ground, extending parallel to the distance of the forest.

After falling to the ground, the intense pain and the heavy feeling of physical exhaustion made Fukuji unable to get up again.

And Dangoro Tanuki and the others were about to catch up.


The poor Tanuki Princess fell to the ground, desperate, sobbing for her tragic fate of being killed by her tribe members.

At this time, Fukuji suddenly heard a sound coming from behind her.

Dinglingdang, noisy.

It was like the sound of heavy metal colliding and rubbing against each other.

Then, a deep and deep male voice sounded.

The voice sounded somewhat disgusted and impatient:

"Hey, don't block the tracks."

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