I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 741 The Second Moon

"Hey, don't block the tracks."

An unfamiliar voice sounded from behind, and Fu Ji turned around suddenly when he heard the sound.

All she saw was a human-shaped silhouette that was more than two meters tall, tall and tall, standing like an iron tower behind her.

Before hearing the sound, Fu Ji didn't notice the other party's existence at all, and didn't know how the other party appeared.

Is this... a ghost?

Such thoughts flashed through Fu Ji's somewhat groggy mind.


Ghost clan.

This is a big, ferocious ghost.

The big ghost had a dark complexion and was wearing a brown hunting coat. He was not very well-dressed, with his clothes open and unkempt.

The strong chest and thick arms are exposed, the muscles are tangled, and the lines are smooth and powerful. Such a body full of violence and strength is like a bronze statue that has been tempered thousands of times.

The big ghost has a pair of asymmetrical golden ghost horns on its head, and two fangs exposed on its lips, which are obvious characteristics of the ghost clan.

But his facial features are no different from those of humans, except that they look particularly vicious. Especially the pair of eyes the size of copper bells, whose pupils are as bright as fire, reflecting the fierce light in the night, making people feel chilled in their hearts.

"I'm going to die..."

The moment she saw the golden-horned ghost, Fu Ji, who was already twitching, was so frightened that she burst into tears.

Why is this happening?

Not to mention that when I went out on my own, I was attacked by monsters outside.

On the way home, he was ambushed by his tribe for no apparent reason.

After finally escaping back to Iyo, there is still a terrifying golden-horned ghost ambushing him.

Will it be eaten?

The kind with no bones left.

Fu Ji didn't want to die, especially in such an unclear way.

But the situation is so desperate.

The next second——

From the body of the golden-horned ghost, a burst of extremely violent and terrifying power burst out!

If the terrifying aura had substance, it would be like a violent storm that could easily tear the fragile civet princess into pieces.

There were many black iron chains wrapped around the body of this big ghost. At this moment, those heavy chains seemed to be alive, colliding with each other and making a clattering sound, like black pythons raising their heads and biting at Fu Ji. Come!


At the last moment of her foreseeable life, the civet princess was unable to resist and instinctively closed her eyes in horror.


Death did not come as expected.


Those chains made a terrifying sound as they whipped the air, grazed Fu Ji's body and fell, hitting her in front of her.

The evil wind stirred up caused Fu Ji's hair to fly, and even made her stand on top of her head, and her furry and soft right ear was blown over.

The tanuki princess noticed something was wrong and opened her eyes.

In front of her eyes, dark iron chains were flipping up and down, and arrows curled up at the tips of several chains.

There were many arrows that were broken into two pieces scattered on the ground.

And among the trees in the distance, there were more than a dozen pairs of scarlet civet cats' pupils flashing.

It was Dangoro Tanuki and the others who were chasing after them.

Before Fu Ji could react, what was going on now.

A black shadow pressed down, and the burly body like an iron tower leapt in front of her.

"Tsk, it's really troublesome. No matter whether it's a civet cat or a fox, you are not allowed to die here!"

The golden-horned demon couldn't help but completely blocked Fuki, Dangoro Tanuki and the other tanukis.

"What the hell..."

The civet princess looked up blankly.

Only the broad and solid back was visible. The brown hunting clothes on his body were blown by the night wind, and shrouded in light from the strange building not far away.

I saw pitch-black chains flying and stretching, colliding with each other and colliding with the two "rails" on the ground, causing sparks to fly dazzlingly.

"He, he is..."

Fu Ji finally realized what was happening now——

The monster outside wanted to eat me without any explanation.

Even my tribe members want to kill me without knowing why.

But this ferocious golden-horned ghost, he...

He is saving me.

"Tsk, you ran away so fast."

Dangoro Tanuki's group of raccoon cats are naturally no match for the Golden Bear.

His Aragami aura was domineering, and it was enough to scatter those raccoons like birds and beasts without even having to fight.

The golden bear did not kill any tanukis.

Deterrence and expulsion are enough.

Kamiyagawa told him not to have a bloody conflict with the raccoon and fox clans while guarding Iyo Kisaragi Station.


Naturally, Golden Bear would not obey that guy from Kamiya.

I do this simply because...


Because I just want to do this myself!

It's all purely personal preference.

After driving away Dangoro Tanuki, the golden bear dragged the chain and jingled back to Fuki's side.

Princess Civet Cat reluctantly sat up from the ground, wiped her tears, raised her hands to push back her open ears, and then just looked directly at the golden bear with her pink eyes.

She wasn't sure what the big ghost who had saved her would do next.

Then, Fu Ji heard Jin Xiong speak rather coldly: "And you, if you want to die, stay away from here before you die."

Because when I was traveling as a child, I had the humiliating experience of being hit by a male raccoon with the "light of the bright moon".

Golden Bear doesn't like civet cats very much.

Although female raccoons do not have the light of the bright moon, they are still raccoons.

After hearing this, Princess Civet Cat felt inexplicably at peace.


He really didn't mean to kill me.

"Thank you for saving me." Fu Ji said timidly.


Jin Xiong didn't seem to intend to quarrel with Fu Ji anymore. He waved his hand and prepared to go back to the platform.

At this moment--

"Aba whined."

A little old man dressed as a void monk appeared on the shoulder of the golden bear and said something to the golden bear.

After all, after working together for a long time, Golden Bear understood what the scout meant.

"You said she is the princess of the tanuki?"


It can't be wrong.

The little old man saw what the fake Fu Ji looked like in the Yuri Palace.

The one in front of me has a slightly different aura than the "Fake Fu Ji", but the appearance is exactly the same.

She must be the real Tanuki Princess.

The golden bear stopped and turned around to look at Fu Ji again.

Fu Ji also quickly introduced herself: "Well, my name is Fu, and I am the daughter of Matsuyama Eight Hundred and Eight Rhinoceros."

But after the words fell, there was no reply from Jinxiong.

Because Golden Bear is planning at this time——

I accidentally rescued the real raccoon cat princess, so I should be able to earn more contribution points in this mission, right?


Seeing that the communication between the ghost and the raccoon had stopped again, the little old man jumped down from the golden bear's shoulder.

He moved flexibly in front of Fuki, made a few simple strokes on the ground with the end of the shakuhachi in his hand, and wrote:

[Golden Bear Boy]

Then he pointed at the golden bear himself.

Finally, maybe because I felt that this introduction was not enough to reflect the style of the Golden Bear, I added:

[The King of Dajiangshan, Gao Tianyuan Model Worker]

When Fu Ji was a child, she was mixed in human society and could read and write.

With the enthusiastic help of this little old man, he finally knew the name of his savior.

It's just that the "King of the Country, Gao Tianyuan Model Worker"...

Fu Ji could understand the first half of the sentence.

But what exactly the so-called "Gao Tianyuan model worker" refers to is a bit unclear.

After thinking about it, it was probably the same title as "King of Heaven", a very powerful and glorious title.

Therefore, his savior is a great ghost.

"Golden Bear...Master?"


Fu Ji thought it was right to call him that.


The little old man was very satisfied after helping both parties exchange names.

He found the developments before him interesting.

When Princess Civet Cat was first rescued, the way she looked at the Golden Bear was completely captured by the keen scouts.

Generally speaking, some monsters of the opposite sex have this look in their eyes when they first meet their master.

"Aba whined..."

Also out of enthusiasm, the little old man turned around and chirped to Jin Xiong and said something.

"You're talking about her injuries? She only injured her thighs and shoulders, and she can't die."

Although he said, "If you want to die, stay away and die", but Golden Bear had obviously confirmed the condition of Fu Ji's injuries.



The old scout was noisy like a nosy elder, and Golden Bear had no choice but to compromise.

And considering that the civet cat princess is related to her own contribution, it is indeed wrong to leave it here all the time.

So Golden Bear leaned over and lifted Fu Ji up from the ground.

This not-so-gentle movement made the already injured civet princess scream in pain.

The little old man: "Whew!"

Golden Bear: "Okay, okay."

Purely just for contribution points.

The chain on the golden bear's body dropped, and he slowed down his hand movements to avoid the wounds on Fu Ji's shoulders and thighs, and held the petite tanuki princess in his arms like a princess.

This time, Fu Ji was quiet.

He curled up his body slightly, and the big ears on his head trembled slightly and drooped down.

Golden Bear planned to take Fu Ji to the shrine. As long as he called Miss Prajna to appear from the shrine, he could use the white powder to help Fu Ji stop the bleeding.

But he had only taken a few steps in the direction of Shen Chu.


Fu Ji, who was in the golden bear's arms, screamed again.

This scream was even more tragic than before.

"Hey, I didn't touch your injury..."

Jinxiong lowered his head and felt something was wrong before he finished speaking out his complaint.

Fu Ji was twitching at an extremely weird frequency. Her originally pink eyes turned blood red, as if she had lost her mind for a moment. Between the two small lips, the beast's fangs were exposed and growing.

And her wounds...

Some slightly shimmering, gauze-like purple mist appeared in the air at some point, and boiled like boiling water.

The light mist seemed to smell the smell of blood, lingering around Fu Ji's wounds, further tearing her skin apart and burning into her flesh.

But the golden bear himself did not feel that the light mist had any impact on him.

"Hey! Old man!"

"Abba whining!"

"You said that all the tanukis and foxes in Iyo are..."

Golden Bear didn't know what was happening now, but something was wrong.

The little old man's body is scattered all over Iyo. According to his insight, it's not just around Kisaragi Station, and it's not just Fuki.

At that moment, a thin haze of light filled Iyo without any warning.

These mist are obviously aimed at raccoons.

All the tanukis and foxes in Iyo were affected at the same time.

"Old man, have you reported it to that guy from Kamiya?"


The clones of the little old man were scattered, but the main body remained with the master.

If anything unexpected happens on Iyo's side, Kamiyagawa will of course be notified as soon as possible.

Golden Bear knew that Kamiya was coming.

Just when the golden bear felt a little settled, he suddenly felt something and raised his head suddenly.

He saw it, the moon.

A full moon pressed down from the sky. Even in the weird ordinary world, its size was still too large to be normal. Its outline was particularly clear in the night sky, and it weighed heavily on the horizon, like a huge and heavy silver wheel. .

The air in the mountain forest seemed to be distorted by the oppression caused by the appearance of the giant moon.

The moonlight fell in a mighty and extremely strong way, pouring down like a silver torrent. It was no longer the usual gentle and peaceful, but cold and dazzling, clearly cutting through the darkness, shrouding the entire Iyo in a pale whiteness.

But that's not the weirdest thing.

Because there is a moon in the sky above Iyo tonight.

The giant moon that suddenly appeared did not replace the original moon.

Two months on the same day.

On the sacred coffin beside the Kisaragi platform, fluorescent light dances, and a gorgeous gold-patterned feather fabric is outlined among the yellow-green light flakes.

After receiving the news, Kamiyagawa quickly descended on Iyo.

At the same time as he appeared, a moon-like train roared over and stopped at the edge of the platform.

The car door opened, and out came Star Bear and seven people.

Kamiya had fully understood the situation through the little old man, and as soon as he arrived in Iyo, he quickly assigned tasks to his men.

He first glanced at Fu Ji, who was howling in the golden bear's arms.

Compared to the other tanukis and foxes in Iyo, Fuki, who was originally injured, was in the worst condition. Even if Hannya had given her the "medicine" first, the situation would still be the same.

"The giant moon only appeared in Iyo, and there were no abnormalities in other places in the world. It was speculated that this moon affected the raccoon cat and the fox-Golden Bear. He sent Fu Ji to Ciji Hospital by train and asked the foot seller to check her condition. , you will accompany me throughout the whole process without coming back to ensure the safety of the foot seller. "

"The Crab Princess is organizing and dispatching the samurai crabs and ghost soldiers. They will arrive in Iyo on the next train."

"Others listen to the news from the scout clone. If Fuki arrives at the hospital, can get rid of the influence of the giant moon, and the situation improves and is controllable - then, cooperate with Crab Princess and use the Kisaragi train to kill as many of Iyo's tanukis and foxes as possible. Move to the deserted Inunaki Pass."

After all, Kamiyagawa was the leader of the force. Although the situation was unexpected and unknown, he still quickly provided countermeasures in a short time.

After ordering his men, he himself headed towards the area controlled by the Fox Clan in Iyo.

Fox Juliushiro, it can only be him.

In the entire Iyo area, only the ruins of the ancient city occupied by the Fox Clan were not completely monitored by the scouts.

Tonight, Kamiyagawa only knew that Fox Juliushiro had entered the ancient city and had not yet come out.

Then this happened.

"Kushijuro, what is that fox doing?"

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