After Kaguya used [Swallow's Zi'anbei], about six or seven minutes later, two jade-carved spirit swallows flew back from the direction of Moon City.

Kamiyagawa's vision is already extraordinary.

Yuyan is small in size and flies very fast in the air, but he can still see clearly——

The two swallows were crystal clear when they flew out, but when they flew back, the color of the jadeite seemed to be darker, and there were invisible cracks on their bodies.

Kaguya lowered her head and checked the situation of Yuyan: "They attacked my swallow."

"Has the relationship between you and your tribe gotten so bad?" Kamiya asked.

Even the messenger who went to deliver the message was beaten twice?

"No, it shouldn't be. They have no reason to do this." Kaguya quickly gathered the two damaged jade swallows back to Amber and shook her head, "Besides, it seems a little strange. The Daiyous want to banish me, Originally, they should have come here as soon as the bamboo bridge was formed... But actually, I had been waiting here for a long time before you showed up. "


Before Daqing saw him, Kaguya had been obediently waiting here for her clansmen to be punished.

The little goddess on the moon city was still hanging her head and worrying about herself. Kamiyagawa, who was very perceptive, was attracted by the outline of the moon city in the distance. He raised his finger and pointed there: "Kaguya, you I said, as an unclean person from underground, I had better not get close to Moon City..."


"Can't this situation pass now? Or is this situation actually normal in the Moon Palace?"

"What did you say?"

Kaguya looked up when she heard this.

The sight of the Moon City in the distance made the little goddess' beauty pale, and even the warm glow on her body became unstable for a while.

I saw that the flawless white moon city was decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye, rapidly losing its luster and becoming gray and mottled. An unprecedented dark aura surged out from within Moon City like a tide, desperate and filthy.

The transparent masonry spread into black and gray, and the shining tiles fell off in large areas. The gorgeous appearance of Moon City disappeared without a trace in just an instant, and was torn apart, revealing only the blurry, twisted and rotten core.

"how come……"

Faced with such a change, Kaguya didn't react for a while.

She had no idea what was going on.

As a visitor, Kamiyagawa was much calmer——

I’ll just say it!

If this shrine is really as holy and pure as we first saw it, how could it possibly make all the Iyo Foxes who believe in it go crazy just by appearing in the sky?

Now it seems that the dark atmosphere erupting from Moon City is the culprit that caused the civet cats and foxes to become abnormal.

There must have been a problem with this place for a long time.

Kamiyagawa narrowed his pupils to the maximum extent and looked at the decaying Moon City in the distance again.

He noticed that the darkness that suddenly overflowed in the Moon City, although filthy, did not seem to be the aura of Huangquan that he was familiar with. The main reason was that the iconic black maggots of Huangquan could not be seen.

It's not clear yet what those are.

The aura of darkness is still spreading wantonly, and after decaying Moon City, it is still spreading outwards.

With Moon City as the center, the white plains in the distance began to be stained with decaying black.

"I have to go to Yuecheng."

Even though she was about to face exile, Kaguya obviously didn't intend to stay out of the situation and quickly rushed towards the dark turbulence.

Kamiyagawa once again checked the status of the three pieces of Tian's Tail Yuzhang fragments. After confirming that there was no problem, he also followed.

Moon City is a huge city covering a wide area.

What I saw from a distance before, those gorgeous, cold, refined, flawless, any beautiful words have no connection with this place.

The eternal darkness was deeply penetrated into the interior of this big city, and the breath of darkness roared, like the endless blood flowing from a wound.

The city gate in front of you was ajar, like a weathered, dry mouth, with bursts of rotten smell crowding out, making it uncomfortable.

Kaguya stopped in front of the Kamiya River on the left.

She waved the Penglai jade branch in her hand, scattering an arc of gold and silver colored glaze. Then, the dragon head jade on the top of her bun rotated, and the emerald green luster became even more intense.

The decayed and filthy black aura around him was pulled away from the wall and floor, forming several thick black lines that spiraled towards Kaguya, were melted by the warm glow of her body, and were finally absorbed.

Thanks to Kaguya's remedial actions, the spread of corruption in front of Tsukijo City Gate was quickly stopped.

"What is this black energy?" Kamiyakawa asked upon seeing this.

Little Shenji just shook her head: "I don't know, I just feel that I can control them."

Although I don’t know what it is, I can control it...

Kamiya was noncommittal, but did not continue to ask any more questions. He just gently rubbed the handle of Dojiri's knife at his waist with his fingers, and temporarily withdrew his subtle gaze from Kaguya.

At this time, a figure suddenly shook out from behind the rotting jade city gate.

The man was tall and slender, holding a jade tablet in his hand. He was wearing a set of white hunting clothes similar to those worn by priests during rituals. The material was like silk woven by moonlight.

Her long hair is tied high and she wears a tasseled crown.

Such a costume can easily remind people of Kaguya's words "people of the moon who perform rituals all day long and never rest."

This must be her tribe.

The face of the Moon People was covered with a mask.

Thin eyebrows and eyes, the overall color was white, with only a touch of bright red on the lips.

The mask covered the face, and the slender body was covered by a wide hunting robe. The Moon People gave people a very feminine feeling, but it was not easy to judge their gender.

And Kamiya just focused on the breath of the other party.

Well... the one in front of him was not a god, not even a wild god.

The previous judgment was correct, the Moon People should be a group of "human grass".

The Moon People, who were dressed in plain white, were surrounded by black air at this time.

Kamiya could not feel too much of the other party's emotions. His inner self was empty, even after being stained with filth, it was still empty, like a puppet with a delicate appearance, allowing the black air to manipulate.

The eyes under the mask of the Moon People only stayed on Kaguya, a member of the same tribe, for a moment, and then locked onto Kamiya Kawa, who was a "strange person".

Having too high a charm value for ghosts and gods is not always a good thing.

The Moon Citizen raised the jade tablet in his hand and swung it down.

A ray of decayed moonlight condensed into a sharp blade in front of him and slashed towards Shen Gu!

The eyes under the thin eye sockets of the white mask were half closed, and the Moon Citizen watched the decayed moonlight tearing through the air. If nothing unexpected happened, the sharp moonlight would tear apart the extremely eye-catching target in the next second.

Then, the expected sound of flesh bursting did not sound.

In the field of vision of the Moon Citizen, a strong and translucent ghost arm whizzed out. This arm that appeared out of nowhere was strong and violent, with a solemn killing intent, but the lines were smooth and extremely feminine.

Along with the sound of the extension of bones and muscles, pieces of dark ghost scales stretched out tightly, and were surrounded by thick black light and red halo.

The sharp blade formed by the decaying moonlight was too insignificant in front of it. The arc of light hit the hard scales of the ghost hand, shattered into powder on the spot, and dissipated into the air.

The momentum of Ibaraki's hand did not decrease at all, just like a train continuing to roll forward.

No room for people to react.

The ghost claws opened and closed, grabbed the head of the Moon People, and pressed it down suddenly.


The slender body of the Moon People turned over and hit the ground hard.

The white mask was smashed and cracked, revealing a beautiful and delicate face of a young woman without any expression.

Kaguya also did not react immediately at the scene.

There was no way, Kamiya River's attack was too fast and too unexpected.

When Kaguya realized what happened, her people had been pressed to the ground.

"Wait! Please don't kill her! My people are not that bad, they are just..." Kaguya hurriedly cried out for mercy.

Before she finished her words, Kamiya loosened his hand.

Generous and magnanimous.

Although the Moon People were the first to launch the attack, Kamiya was still measured and did not intend to kill them all.

On the one hand, the Moon People were indeed controlled by the black air, and on the other hand... because he wanted to see how this special tribe in the Moon Palace could work around the clock.

Seeing Kamiya Kawa loosen his hand, Kaguya hurriedly approached the tribe.

She waved the Penglai Jade Branch in her hand again, and with the dragon head jade on her bun, she eliminated and absorbed the black air lingering on the Moon People. After doing all this, the Moon People were still alive, but they fell into a coma and fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Kamiya pulled out Onikiri with his ghost hand and asked, "Kaguya, what are you going to do next? Go into the Moon City?"

"Although I don't know what happened, I want to go in and take a look." Kaguya nodded firmly.

Kamiya didn't reply immediately, but since he was here, he was also going to follow him to see what was going on.

Anyway, the Moon Palace has always been hanging over Iyo, and the problems that occur here will sooner or later affect Changshi below.

The power of the gods under his command is a bit lacking, but this is also relative. In any case, he still has two A-level gods, Mary and Inugami, who can provide assistance at any time.

If the situation in Moon City is not good, consider using Tianwei Yuzhang to break through the space barrier of the Moon Palace and withdraw to Iyo.

Then see if Kaguya can be taken down with him.

If this can be done, it will be worth the trip.

After entering Moon City, Kamiya did not call out Mary and Inugami for help for the time being, probably because he still had a little distrust of Kaguya.

In fact, there was no need for the shikigami to help.

Those Moon People who were affected by the black air entrenched in Moon City could be dealt with by him alone.

Thinking back to the experience in Tianhu Rock, Kamiya's single-player combat level is unquestionable.

Although his strength rating on paper is that of a wild god, and he is not possessed by Prajna, he summoned the Ibaraki Demon Hand, manipulated two famous swords to kill demons, and controlled the four-color thunder. He was invincible when he rushed into the Moon City.

Kaguya, who was in the temporary team, naturally helped.

But although she has the strength of a god, she seems to be inexperienced in fighting, but she is like a fish in water when dealing with polluted black air.

The Moon People she met along the way fell asleep after being purified by her.

In about half an hour, with the help of the rampaging Kamiya River, Kaguya purified half of the huge Moon City.

Even though he said he had no idea about the current changes in Tsuki City, Kamiya had a feeling that Kaguya was born to deal with this kind of strange pollution.

Sure enough, there were many suspicious points about this little goddess.

Under Kaguya's guidance, the two cooperated to enter the central area of ​​Tsuki City.

This looked like an altar.

Judging from the scale, this altar was probably very grand and sacred, but because of the erosion and erosion of the filthy black air, it had become corrupt and twisted like other places in Tsuki City.

"The black aura here is thicker than other places."

Kamiya roughly glanced around.

If something happened in Tsuki City half an hour ago, it must have erupted from here.

Before he stopped for a moment, he heard the sound of fighting coming from deeper in the altar.

He signaled Kaguya with his eyes, and the two followed the sound.

In the depths of the altar, there stood a tall statue, probably the statue of Tsukuyomi. However, due to the erosion of filth, the image of the statue is no longer sacred. The surface is mottled, and the body is twisted as if it has melted.

Under this decaying statue, four people are fighting.

To be more precise, the battle is three against one.

The four people are like other Moon People, all of them are slender and slender, wearing white sacrificial hunting robes, short boots on their feet, and masks with thin eyebrows and eyes on their faces.

The only difference is the tassels on their heads. The tassels of the Moon People who were knocked down before were all in various colors, while the four people in front of them were pure colors -

three purple and one white.

These four Moon People seem to have strength no less than that of the Wild God, but they do not have the oppression of gods.

And the one with the white tassel on the ceremonial crown looks the most special, and there is no sign of black air lingering on his body.

The four Moon People are fighting fiercely.

Whether it is filthy or pure, the moonlight is drawn by them, like the Milky Way pouring down, or like a filament entwined.

Intertwined with each other, weaving into an airtight light net, each ray of light shone with a cold and chilly light, cutting the air and making a subtle and crisp sound.

"Dayou and Gongshi... Gongshi, we have to help her."

Kaguya said a word, and explained the situation of the battlefield ahead.

The three moon people with purple tassels were the Dayou she mentioned earlier; and the Gongshi with a white tassel, who had not been eroded by filth, should have a higher status.

The Gongshi was fighting one against three, and was now in a clear decline, but was just struggling to hold on.

"Finally found someone to ask questions!"

Seeing that he finally saw a moon person who was not eroded by the black air, Kamiya Kawa raised his double swords and rushed into the battlefield.

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