I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 777 Princess Kaguya

Mary has a problem with Kaguya.

But she is the shikigami of Kamiya River after all, and it is impossible for her to rush out and kill people without Kamiya's permission.

The scarlet blood mist was quickly calmed down.

Kaguya on the other side tilted her head: "You seem to be angry. This is the first time I've seen someone angry, but...why?"

"I didn't." Kamiya shook his head.

Others are angry.

"Really?" Although Kaguya is a goddess with a kind of alienation, holiness and majesty in her temperament, her conversation is like a curious baby, "Kamiya River, why did you come to the Moon Palace? "

"This bamboo bridge, together with the underground, grows on my territory. There is also the Moon Palace. The Moon Palace hangs in the sky. The light it emits will make some of my men who believe in the Moon Palace go crazy or even go crazy. So, I came up to take a look. It depends.”

Kamiyakawa pointed to the Wannian Bamboo Bridge behind him.

He directly referred to Iyo as his territory, and said that Iyo's tanukis and foxes were his subordinates.

In this way, visiting the Moon Palace seems justified.

Moreover, the actual situation is quite different.

"That's it." Kaguya didn't seem to have any doubts about Kamiya's words, and a trace of shame naturally appeared on her face, "I'm causing trouble for you. I don't know why Yuegong makes your men crazy, But this bamboo bridge is what my people plan to use to banish me. I’m sorry that the bamboo bridge rashly connects to your territory.”

It sounds like the Ten Thousand Years Bamboo Forest will grow in Iyo. It seems that Yuegong took the initiative to take advantage of the appearance above Iyo.

Then, there was another point in Kaguya’s words that surprised Kamiyagawa——

"Exiled? Are you exiled again?"

"Huh? Why do you say 'again'? I have never left the Moon Palace."

Very strange.

Princess Kaguya's story "The Tale of Bamboo" is widely circulated in Japan.

Kamiyagawa also deliberately studied it again. No matter which version of the story it is, the process is generally like this:

Kaguya, the goddess on the moon, was exiled to the mortal world for unknown reasons and was born in a bamboo in a bamboo forest. Later, she was discovered by a kind-hearted bamboo cutter, who took her home and raised her as his own daughter.

As Kaguya grew up, her stunning beauty attracted many admirers.

Among them were several princes.

But Princess Kaguya loves no one. In order to reject these entangled suitors and make them quit before the difficulties, Princess Kaguya gave the princes a difficult test.

That is to ask them to find the five most precious treasures: the Fire Rat Fur, the Penglai Jade Branch, the Dragon Head Jade, the Stone Bowl in Front of the Buddha, and the Swallow's Zi'anbei.

Take the "Swallow's Son Anbei" as an example.

The conch is actually a conch that midwives put in the hands of mothers during delivery in the old days of Japan. It has a slender and shiny shape, allowing the mother to hold it tightly to help exert force during labor.

It is common practice for mothers to use Zi'anbei, but of course swallows do not use conches to lay eggs.

Therefore, the five treasures that Princess Kaguya asked her suitors to find are simply unobtainable in the human world.

The princes couldn't find the treasure, and many of them cheated, but the clever Kaguya saw through them one by one, and finally they all left in despair.

At the end of the story, the time limit for Kaguya to be exiled to the human world is up, and the being on the moon descends to earth to take her home.

Although Kaguya was reluctant to let go of her adoptive parents who raised her, she could not disobey destiny and eventually flew to the moon and left the world.

The image of Princess Kaguya in the story is consistent with the goddess in the moon palace in front of her.

Even among the five treasures that appear in the story, three of them have traces in the real Princess Kaguya.

It was also because of this that Kamiya recognized the other party's identity as soon as he came up.

And in this way, the story of "The Tale of Bamboo" seems more reasonable——

Princess Kaguya in the story originally used the name of treasure hunting to reject those suitors. The treasures she asked people to find were actually held by herself.

You won't give others a chance at all.

All the above show that the story of Princess Kaguya spread in human society is not groundless and has certain basis.

But now the goddess herself says that she has never left the Moon Palace.

And observing her emotions, Kamiya felt that she didn't seem to be lying.

So how did her story spread?

Could it be that the author who originally wrote "The Tale of Bamboo Tori" only referred to the image of the Moon Palace Goddess that he obtained without knowing it, and that all other story experiences were fabricated?

Regarding this question, seeing the confused look on Kaguya's face, she definitely couldn't answer it. Therefore, Kamiya could only try to ask others: "Why do your people want to exile you?"

"Because they are unclean, the people of the moon have no desires, no pursuits and no dirt. They live in the moon palace and cannot be contaminated with any dirt or affect the sanctity of this place. But I am already unclean and can no longer stay in the moon palace."


Kamiya narrowed his eyes and looked at Kaguya again.

In his opinion, the goddess in the Moon Palace was normal. She had the aura of an orthodox god, and there was no pollution similar to the underworld.

I don’t know what “unclean” actually means.

"Emotions, unnecessary thoughts, and messy thoughts are all unclean and will disturb the purity and holiness of the Moon Palace. Only people on the earth have these things. My tribe said that I also have these things and am different from them, so I have to be exiled to the earth. ”

Kaguya explained further.

After hearing this, Kamiya was a little disapproving.

What a mess.

"I also have emotions and many thoughts, so according to your tribe, I am also unclean?"

"Well, you're unclean."

Kaguya nodded extremely seriously and firmly.


Irony fails.

It's really unnecessary for me to ask such a question.

After being silent for half a second, Kamiya re-understood Kaguya's words in a way that was more suitable for his own constitution.

In fact, we can almost understand it. The so-called "impurity" in the Moon Palace is probably similar to "the god-man who was supposed to be free from emotions and desires has moved on to ordinary thoughts", right?

"Actually, after meeting you, I understood something... Sure enough, I am different from my tribe, but more similar to you, more similar to your underground people. If they were my tribe, they would not be like me , spend time chatting here," Kaguya continued while looking at Kamiya River.

"What are your people like?"

"How should I put it? Let me think about it... They never have any expression on their faces, they speak coldly, and they act coldly. They don't consider anything that shouldn't be considered, and they always repeat the ritual work they have to do. , every day is the same.”

"Wait a minute. Repeating the work forever, don't they get a break?"

Kamiyagawa nailed the odd dialogue point.

There was light in his eyes.

"Rest? In the Moon Palace, I am the only one who would find time to be in a daze and think about useless things. My people can truly be free from desires and demands, so they never rest."

Never take a break?

And such a good thing! ?

Kamiyakawa thought this in his heart, but when his words came to his lips, he turned into: "Is there such a thing?"

There was just the right amount of surprise in his tone, without any flaw.

Kaguya: "So it's always boring to stay with the clan. Sometimes I also wonder if it would be better to leave the Moon Palace."

According to Kamiyagawa’s current judgment, the tribesmen mentioned by the Moon Palace Goddess, the so-called “people of the moon”, are not all gods.

If there were really a large number of gods gathered in this moon palace, Kamiya would have sensed such a huge aura of gods.

It is estimated that the people of the moon are either completely degraded god-born monsters like Crab Princess and Isabel Princess.

Or they are "human grass", which are the same as those seen on Huangquan Hirazaka, a "transitional species" between gods, demons and humans.

It doesn’t matter which one it is, the point is——

It’s true that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people.

Kamiya originally thought that it was extraordinary that his Kaidans only rested an average of four hours a day.

Unexpectedly, there are extraordinary species that can spin around in the ordinary world.

I really want to open my eyes.

So, Kamiyagawa asked: "Where are your people? That building over there?"

"Hmm... However, although you have come up to the Moon Palace, you can only go here and can't go any further. Don't go to the Moon City. The tribe plans to banish me, let alone welcome those who come down from the underground. The unclean one.”

Since the people of the Moon believe that objects with emotions and thoughts are unclean, they will not welcome visitors from underground.

Kamiya had no chance to be invited to visit the moon city in the distance.

However, it's not a big problem.

Let’s talk about the reality from Princess Kaguya, and confirm the overall level of the People of the Moon.

If the conditions were right, Kamiya might not be able to spontaneously insist on visiting the moon city.

At this time, Kaguya lowered her head slightly and spoke again: "The bamboo bridge has been completely formed. It won't be too long before the clansmen will ask me to go down below. What is the ground like? I heard the clansmen say, The world below is full of filth, filth, filth, nothing but chaos and killing.”

She looked worried.


The people of this month probably don’t study journalism.

What kind of thoughts do you usually instill in Princess Kaguya?

But having said that, looking at the look of this goddess, she seems to really know nothing about the world below.

"The world below is divided into the permanent world and the present world. Generally speaking, it's not that good, but it's not that bad either." After a brief thought, Kamiyagawa answered truthfully.

Of course, there is no need to say more in this world.

As for the eternal world...

Now Kamiyagawa has set up a flag and tried to re-establish order in the eternal world, and has achieved good results.

So there is nothing wrong with such an evaluation.

After hearing Kamiya's words, Kaguya seemed to calm down a little.

At this time, Kamiya changed the subject: "You just said that your people's daily uninterrupted work is to perform sacrifices. So, who are the objects of their sacrifices?"

"Of course it's Tsukuyomi-sama."


Kamiya was not surprised at all when he heard Tsukiyomi Ming's name.

"Is Lord Tsukuyomi currently in the Moon Palace?"


"Was He ever here?"

"I have no idea."

"Then, his whereabouts?"

"I still don't know. It is a natural thing for us to offer sacrifices to Lord Tsukiyomi. No one has ever mentioned it, and no one has ever asked why. Even I have never thought about this before. Sure enough, you are strange I have more ideas than I do. Sorry, I really can’t answer your questions.”

"There's nothing to apologize for."

"Oh, and you said that the bamboo bridge connects to your territory, right? If you don't welcome me there, I will leave soon after I go down and try not to cause you any more trouble."

"That's not the case. On the contrary, I would rather say that you are very welcome there."

"Is that so?" The cold and distant little goddess smiled slightly, "As expected, although I don't know why... but in fact, I have always felt that things like emotions are not as bad as my people say. After meeting you, I seem to be more convinced. It feels very happy to chat with you. You are from the lower world, but you are not as bad as my people say."


After talking with Kaguya for a while, Kamiya Kawa actually still had a lot of confusion in his heart.

For example, Kaguya, she is obviously a god, and she also has the holiness and majesty that a god should have.

But relatively speaking, she seems a little too simple and ignorant.

I always feel that something is weird.

In addition, Kamiya's purpose of visiting the Moon Palace this time has not made any progress.

He still didn't understand why the Moon Palace appeared in the sky, causing the raccoons and foxes who originally believed in the Moon Palace to go crazy.

This is too unreasonable.

Under the pure and holy surface of the Moon Palace, I don't know if there are any unspeakable secrets.

"Kaguya, you said I shouldn't get close to the Moon City, right?"

"Well, my people will probably regard you as pollution. So, I think at most you can only walk here and stay with me."

"Then if I stay here, can I see those people of the Moon? I have some things I must figure out."

"Is it for your people who went crazy because of the Moon Palace?"

"Well, my people... I guess so, and my territory, are all under the adverse effects of the Moon Palace, and I have the obligation to make everything return to normal." Kamiya said with certainty.

Kaguya looked a bit troubled now. After hesitating for a while, she hesitated and spoke again: "Perhaps, I can find Dayou and others."


"Well, Dayou manages the Moon Palace, and the tribesmen have to listen to them."

It seems that the "Dayou" Kaguya mentioned is not a name, but a job title, probably the current management of the Moon Palace.

And it does not refer to just one person, but several people.

As the voice fell, the goddess in front of her took out a glimmering treasure shell from the soft blue cuffs. The shape was slender and very shiny.

She held the treasure shell in her hand and shook it gently.

The next second, two spiritual swallows, as clear as jade carvings, flew out of the treasure shell nimbly.


Shingu looked at the two jade swallows chirping and flying towards the distant Moon City at a very fast speed.

Is there really such a thing as "Swallow's Zi'anbei"?

The information is true.

But this is too weird, isn't it?

Kaguya-sama...has she really never been to the underworld? (End of this chapter)

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