I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 776: Above the Moon

After observing the ten thousand year old bamboo forest that inserted into the sky for a while, Shen Gu turned his head to look at the eight hundred and eight raccoons beside him.

"Are you okay?"

The Moon Palace hanging in the air has an impact on the raccoons and foxes in Songshan. The raccoons and foxes bathing in this bright moonlight will have a certain degree of confusion, and in severe cases they will go crazy and attack the objects around them indiscriminately.

The old raccoon, bloated like a mountain of fur and flesh, shook its big head: "I'm fine, Lord Shen Gu."

Because the eight hundred and eight raccoons have the power of the wild god, they can barely resist the invasion of moonlight in the current situation without illness or injury.

"Do you want to go up and take a look together?" Shen Gu asked again.

"No, no." The old raccoon shook his head more quickly.

"I thought you would want to find out, and it's not a solution for Iyo to keep it like this."

The "big bright moon" suspended between the ten thousand year old bamboo forest is a sacred object for raccoons and foxes.

The Moon Palace, which is connected to the big bright moon, is also the faith of raccoons and foxes.

But it's really strange.

The raccoons and foxes in Iyo Matsuyama are all believers in the "Moon Palace Faith", but the real Moon Palace appeared in the sky, which had a negative impact on them.

Kamiya Kawa originally thought that as the leader of the raccoon cat clan, Yaoba Tanuki would want to find out what's going on and restore the Iyo old house to normal as soon as possible.

But this old raccoon's current behavior is not like that.

"It's better to use the Moon Palace only for worship. And Iyo... Iyo's current situation is obviously not something I can solve, so I won't get involved."

"Haha, if you don't solve Iyo's problem, you and your people will have to live in the territory of Takamagahara forever. Is that okay?"

"Sir Kamiya, life in Takamagahara is very good. Not only me, my people, but also my daughter are all living well. For example, the seaweed wine is so sweet... I have never tasted such good wine. Sir Xingxiong said a few days ago that he would introduce me to the winemaker from the Sea Country."

The old raccoon grinned, revealing fangs in his big mouth and spewing out the smell of wine.

He looked like "I am happy here and don't miss my homeland".

Kamiya Kawa secretly observed the mood of Yaoba Tanuki when he said this--

He was pretending to be stupid, but it seemed to be sincere.

It is not difficult to understand why the old raccoon behaved now.

Originally, Takamagahara was powerful, but the raccoon tribe suffered misfortune and is now basically in a state of being merged into the Takamagahara forces.

All its tribesmen were arranged to work in Takamagahara, and even its daughter became a follower of Isohime, but even so, the raccoons still live a much better life than when they were in Iyo.

In addition, Isohime is vigorously implementing the ideological and cultural policies, and it is inevitable that the raccoons will be slowly assimilated.

In this regard, Yaoba Tanuki has no way to resist.

Moreover, the sharpness of this old raccoon was beaten away by Ino a long time ago.

Maybe for it, there is nothing wrong with being a dog in Takamagahara.

In this case, Kamiya River is of course happy to see it happen.

As the leader of the naturalized forces, it is better to be content.

The reason why Kamiya did not choose the Killing Pillar at the beginning was that he did not want to put an ambitious person who might cause trouble at any time in the team.

And here in Iyo.

Yaoba Tanuki now looks unwilling to intervene.

But Kamiya River has to be managed, after all, he has his eyes on the large tracts of exploitable resources in Iyo.

If Iyo can be restored to normal later, and Yaoba Tanuki remains so honest, Kamiya plans to send it back here directly.

As a wild god to guard this territory.

At that time, I will let Isohime select a few capable and trustworthy monsters to "help" Yaoba Tanuki handle the daily affairs of the area, and this area will be included in the actual control of Takama-ga-hara.

"Since you don't plan to go to the Moon Palace together, let's take the Kisaragi train back first. The train that brought us here before is still at the platform. If there are any new changes in Iyo, I will let someone notify you."

The Kisaragi train is an extremely convenient means of transportation for monsters, and the raccoons and foxes have long been familiar with it.

Although Yaoba Tanuki is huge, it is proficient in transformation and it is very convenient to take and use the train.

"Okay, Lord Kamiya, I'll wait for your good news."

After hearing Kamiya's words, Yaoba Tanuki felt as if he had been pardoned, and he didn't want to stay here for a moment.

For the demons and ghosts, Kamiyagawa is indeed a strange and bewitching existence, but this does not mean that he cannot give them a sense of oppression.

Although they are both wild gods, Yaoba Tanuki still feels pressured in front of him.

Let Yaoba Tanuki leave first, and Kamiyagawa looks up again.

The black jade-colored bamboos are entangled with each other, extending to the huge full moon hanging in the sky.

These bamboos do not grow straight up, but are about 60 degrees from the ground. The interlaced bamboo groves are like a huge green bridge connecting the ground and the Moon Palace.

"It just happened to be now."

Even if we put aside the troubles related to the "impostor" in reality.

After a head-on battle with Tianjin Mara and Jinshan Bikoshin not long ago, the little Tengu is still recuperating at the foot-selling mother-in-law.

Prajna has just started the ceremony of promotion to god.

Kamiyagawa feels that the god power available to him is a bit short of supply.

The Moon Palace is now completely connected to Iyo.

When arriving in Iyo, Kamiyagawa first went to check the operation of Kamiya in this area.

The result is normal.

In other words, in the Iyo area, he can still rely on the god and the paper man to become an "immortal".

But it's hard to say whether the Moon Palace is affected by the Divine Clan. You have to go up and take a look to find out.

"Since the passage has been opened uncontrollably, even if I don't go up, something will probably come down, right?"

In view of the situation in Tokisori, Kamiyakawa still prefers to take the initiative.

"I can still feel the influence of Shen Tong here. If something goes wrong, in the worst case scenario, at least we can return to Iyo, self-destruct and leave... At least there is a way out for the first exploration."

After pondering for a moment, Kamiya jumped onto this strange flying bridge.

Thousand-year-old bamboo forests are intertwined together. When you step on it, it feels surprisingly strong, but a little smooth.

But for Kamiya, this is nothing.

"What exactly is there in the Moon Palace?"

He began to climb.

The moonlight was so bright that it made the huge bamboo bridge under my feet look pale.

The Divine Valley has been going up for a long time and has long been far away from the ground.

The high-altitude wind swayed his black hair wantonly, and the feather-woven clothes on his body swayed loudly.

Looking down from his current position, he could see that the trees in the Iyo area were gathered at different densities and heights, forming patches of different shades, like green paint that had not been deliberately blended on a palette.

But even so, he still hasn't arrived at the Moon Palace yet.

The huge full moon always hangs at the end of the bamboo bridge, making it difficult to judge the distance.

After climbing for about half an hour, Kamiya suddenly had a strange feeling.

The surrounding strong wind disappeared at a certain moment, and the sky became extremely quiet.

The Moon Palace at the end of the Wannian Bamboo Bridge looks obviously bigger.

“There’s an aura of ‘night food’ here.”

Kamiyakawa slowed down and looked around.

He is still very familiar with the scent of "Night Food", having been exposed to it before when he conquered the Kingdom of the Sea.

At that time, Haiguo was wrapped in the aura of "Night Eclipse" and fell into a long reincarnation of overlapping reality and reality.

The power of Night Eclipse can continuously rewind the entire sea country, which is extremely powerful, so it is speculated that it should be the power of "Tsukiyomi" who originally belonged to one of the three noble sons.

And now, a similar aura appears on the path leading to the Moon Palace.

Then it is basically certain that the so-called Moon Palace is the third divine residence "Yonoshihara", which is the promised land where Izanagi once gave Tsukiyomi his destiny.

"No wonder the Tengu and the Whale couldn't actually reach the Moon Palace before."

Previously, Kamiya had asked his shikigami with the ability to fly to try to approach the Moon Palace.

But it was not successful.

It's no wonder, the Moon Palace is wrapped in a space of virtuality and reality by the aura of "Night Eclipse", and it is definitely difficult to access it with ordinary methods.

"Now I have probably officially entered a space similar to the 'sea kingdom where reality and reality overlap'. I have probably reached the gate of the Moon Palace... Is there a traceback here?"

Feeling the breath of the night food, Kamiyakawa made this judgment in his heart. He didn't have to worry about being trapped in the space of virtual and real reincarnation.

The divine weapon Tian Tail Yu Zhang in his hand has a "special attack" on all bizarre and unpredictable spaces.

Back when I was in Haiguo, there was only a piece of the sky where all the tail feathers broke out.

Not to mention that what Kamiyagawa currently holds is "three-quarters of the Ten-no-Obaku Habari", and only the last fragment is missing to complete it. It is no exaggeration to say that any weird spatial divine valley can be broken open, bricks will fly with great force, and there is no place that can trap him.

In this way, the way back to Iyo is still not blocked.


The full moon at the end of the Wannian Bamboo Bridge is getting bigger and bigger.

Kamiyagawa had actually stopped at this time, but this change continued. It didn't look like he was approaching Yuegong at all, but rather that Yuegong was crushing towards him.

The moonlight became extremely rich, as if it had an entity, able to penetrate clothes and directly penetrate into the bone marrow. The radiance gently penetrated the surroundings like filaments, bringing about a strange feeling that transcended daily life and was almost dreamy. It was an almost dreamy feeling. A sense of desolate tranquility.

Shrouded in such moonlight, Kamiya found that the bamboo bridge beneath him had reached its end without realizing it.

Ahead is a vast, solid and white land.

Looking back, the emerald-green Ten Thousand Years Bamboo Bridge still exists, like a dragon, majestic and winding toward the dark sky below.

Such a scene seems dreamy and majestic.

"It seems that this is the Night Food Plain, like a huge island floating in the sky."

Kamiya jumped off the bamboo bridge. The area he was in was a vast plain, and the rock and soil were all pure white.

Further away, the outline of a building can be vaguely seen.

Narrowing his eyes, Kamiya could see more. The building complex in the distance is a holy building, crystal clear and white.

Every brick and tile of the building seems to be made of the purest jade, and has been carefully carved by the moonlight. The lines are smooth and elegant, shining with a delicate and soft luster.

It is so cold and otherworldly, and at the same time, it shows a sense of magnificence beyond comprehension.

Ordinary people may be speechless for a long time after seeing such a shocking sight.

But Kamiya was different. He was used to big storms, especially the close contact with the Jinshan Bigu Giant made of molten gold not long ago. His reaction could be considered calm, and all he could think of was-

"There should be some kind of extraordinary creatures living in the Moon Palace."

"It's gorgeous here, and it looks rich, so... it looks very valuable."

Retracting his gaze from the distant building complex, Kamiya River suddenly sensed something, and the unsheathed Tongziqier turned over in his palm in an instant: "Come out."

Kamiya's eyes fell on a place on the white plain, where many huge crystal-like rocks were piled up and growing.

As his voice fell, a petite figure swayed from behind one of the crystal rocks.

It was a girl.

The girl held a jade branch of gold and silver in her hand; she wore a dark blue fur coat, and it was unknown what animal's fur was made of, soft and gorgeous, with golden light at the tip of the fur.

Her long white hair was as white as snow, and it was tied into a complex and gorgeous bun on top of her head, and decorated with a strange emerald green round bead headdress. When it was loose, the ends of her hair were shining.

Not only her hair, but also the girl's body was emitting warm light.

"Who are you?"

The girl in the Moon Palace asked.

She looked petite and soft, and she was innocent and smart like a girl.

Maybe it was because Kamiya didn't pull out the Doujiqi directly, the girl's tone was more curious and ignorant about the stranger who suddenly appeared.

But even so, this girl on the moon still gave people a feeling of coldness and alienation, and also had a sense of holiness and majesty.

Kamiya Kawa was not suppressed by the other party's majesty.

But he could judge that this girl was a god. She might not be the top S-level god, but she was definitely a goddess.

"Are you Kaguya-hime?"

Kamiya did not answer the question directly, but asked back.

The girl emitting light in the Moon Palace.

There are also the accessories and items on her body, which are suspected to be the Fire Rat Fur, Penglai Jade Branch and Dragon Head Jade.

These three treasures are all related to the legend of Kaguya.

And Kamiya is undoubtedly very familiar with myths and legends.

"Do you recognize me?" The curiosity in the girl's eyes became stronger, "It's strange, I haven't seen you before."

"After all, your story is very well-known."

"My story? I don't understand..." Kaguya blinked, and seemed to not understand the meaning of Kamiya's words. She tried to learn more from the stranger who suddenly appeared in front of her, but after a few glances, she found nothing, so she could only ask again, "Also, you haven't answered my question yet."

"Oh, my name is Kamiya Kawa, and I'm here on behalf of Takamagahara."

"Kamiya Kawa? It's a bit strange, but it's a nice name." Kaguya didn't seem to care about the word "Takamagahara" at all, and only focused on Kamiya's name when she continued, "Well, and you are also very beautiful."

She praised Kamiya without any teasing.

The tone of the second half of the sentence is exactly the same as the first half, as if it is just a pure and straightforward statement of objective facts.

As soon as Kaguya finished speaking, a faint bloody mist was slightly surging around Kamiya.

He has seen many female demon goddesses, but there are not many who express their feelings so directly as soon as they meet.

"Calm down, Mary... I don't think she means anything else by saying this."

Kamiya hurriedly used his consciousness to comfort Mary.

I don't know if it's because Prajna is not here now and there is no one to check and balance her, Mary seems a little irritable. (End of this chapter)

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