Chapter 107: The Flying Sky Appears in Malin Fando, and the performance is pushed to a climax!

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This sudden move of Uranos made everyone on the battlefield of Malin Fando stunned.

“What’s going on? How did that monster suddenly stop attacking? ”

“Why is it looking at the sky over there, where there is obviously nothing?”

“Looking at that monster’s expression, how does it feel like you’re afraid of something?”

“Is there anything that can make the king of heaven, Uranos?”

“But why can’t I see anything in that direction?”

“What the hell is going on here? It feels a little weird! ”

“I don’t know what’s wrong, but we seem to have escaped because of this…”


The pirates looked up at the anomalous king Uranos above the sky. While wondering about his behavior, the pirates were also silently relieved. Anyway, fortunately, the Black Dragon’s attack did not fall.

Otherwise, they don’t know what kind of end they will end up with. On the other hand, the Navy and the world are on the side.

The Five Elder Stars also noticed the anomaly of the Heavenly King Uranos for the first time. They looked up with a puzzled look on their faces, looked at the black dragon hovering above Marin Fando, and said in a somewhat displeased tone, “Uranos, what are you doing?” ”

“Don’t you hurry up and get rid of all these pirates!”

The questioning voice of the five old stars reached the clouds.

But Uranos did not react to this. It was still staring dead into the sky in the distance.

Although there seemed to be nothing there at the moment, there was a deep look of jealousy in its eyes. Even the huge body was trembling slightly!

It’s as if there’s something there that scares it! Seeing this, the face of the five old stars could not help but become more difficult to see.

His brow furrowed, and he shouted again with some displeasure: “Uranos, don’t rub it again!” ”

“I order you to destroy all these pirates below now!”

“Otherwise, Lord Im would be to blame you!”

This time, the Five Old Stars directly moved Lord Im out. As the Heavenly King, the first of the three ancient weapons, Uranos not only had extremely strong strength and destructive power, but also possessed extremely high spiritual intelligence.

It is completely at the mercy of Im and will not have any revolt against Im’s orders. Well, that’s the way it should be.

However…… This time!

Even though the five old stars had moved out of Im directly, Uranos was still indifferent.

Its huge body seemed to be frozen in place. A pair of eyes stared dead at the distant sky, and their pupils were constantly trembling.

“Damn! What’s going on with this beast? ”

“Didn’t even listen to Lord Im’s orders?”

“Why has it been staring dead in that direction, where there is obviously nothing?”

“Could it be that something we don’t perceive is coming?”

“At this juncture, does anyone dare to run to their deaths?”

“More crucially, I felt fear in the emotions released by Uranos!”

“What kind of existence would make Uranos, the king who is second only to Lord Im, feel afraid?”


The five old stars were extremely puzzled by Uranos’s reaction.

With such doubts, they also turned their eyes to the position that Uranos was looking at. Try to see what is coming from there.

However, no matter how they investigated, even if they used the domineering spirit of seeing and smelling, they still couldn’t detect any abnormality from the high sky.

This strange phenomenon can’t help but make the five old stars feel more and more strange. And the other side.

At a time when everyone is confused about this. There are so many people on the field, and the reaction is not the same as that of others.

Roger, Zeffa, Luffy, and the Straw Hats and the others also looked up at the place where Uranos’s gaze was focused. Their faces were not doubt, but respectful!

It was as if they were sensing the coming of their king! However, because the attention of the people around them was attracted by Uranos at this moment, the abnormality of their looks was not noticed by others for the first time.

“It’s coming!”

“The real protagonist is finally coming out!”

“This performance is finally going to be pushed to a real climax!”

Roger, Zefa, and Luffy all suddenly began to murmur in their mouths. The look was extremely respectful, and there was a little excitement.

Meanwhile. It’s not just Marin Fando.

At this moment, the audience gathered in front of the live screen around the world is also extremely curious about such an abnormal situation.

“What is the situation now?”

“I thought the black dragon would wipe out all the pirates below with a single breath, just like the previous explosion of a bottomless pit on the surface of the sea.”

“Why did that black dragon keep staring at the sky in that direction, where there was obviously nothing?”

“Could it be that the king of heaven, Uranos, had the special perception that there was a new enemy coming?”

“Look at it like that, it’s like my pet’s reaction when it faces a beast more powerful than itself…”

“That is, this black dragon is afraid?”

“But even the powerful ones such as Whitebeard, Roger, and Red-haired Shanks have nothing to do with it, and is there any enemy that will make the Heavenly King Uranos feel afraid?”

“This war is really full of reversals all the time, and until the last moment, I never know what the end will be.”


In front of the live screen around the world, there is also a variety of discussions and speculations. Everyone was also full of curiosity about the next progress.

What kind of existence would make Uranos, the king who possessed the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, react in this way?

In the curiosity of all.

Marin Fando is high in the distance.

Where there was nothing but clouds, it was finally starting to change!

Only to see that the space in that place suddenly twisted strangely. Immediately after that, above the originally empty sky, a huge figure suddenly appeared! That’s a huge pirate ship!

It is large enough to rival Uranos, like an island.

At the very front of the pirate ship, there is a golden statue of a lion’s head.

“That’s… The Flying Sky of the Golden Lion?! ”

Many people on the battlefield of Malin Fando below recognized the identity of this pirate ship at the first time.

“So, is the Golden Lion guy coming?”

“Why was there no sign at all?”

“And, if it’s just the Golden Lion guy, why would Uranos show such fear?”

After seeing the appearance of the Flying Sky, the doubts in the hearts of the people were not solved.

In their opinion, a golden lion was not enough to frighten the king Uranos. But soon, they found out something was wrong!


“It’s not just the golden lions coming!”

“And Kaido and Big Mama!”

“How did this happen, how did they get together?!”

In the crowd of Marin Fando, there was a sudden burst of exclamation. Right now, in their sight!

At the front of the deck of the Flying Sky that suddenly appeared. There are three figures standing proudly!

It’s the Golden Lion, Kaido and Big Mama!

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