Chapter 108: Are you ready for real despair?

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On the deck of the Flying Sky.

The Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama stood at the forefront.

The eyes of the three men first quickly swept through the bodies of the Malin Fando below.

“The Naval Headquarters, the World Palace, the Seven Martial Seas under the King, the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, the Roger Pirate Regiment, the Red-Haired Pirate Regiment, the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment, and a group of fugitives who advanced into the city…”

“Oh, this face is really lively.”

It seems that all the “actors” have arrived. ”

The Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama said in a playful tone.

Immediately, he turned his gaze to Uranos, the king of heaven, who was hovering in the air ahead.

“Is this guy the legendary ancient weapon king Uranos?”

“I didn’t expect the Heavenly King to be a dragon.”

“The strength is really good, even if we used to be, we can never be opponents.”

“But now, under the transformation of the captain, we have long become the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan, and this black dragon is far from enough to see in front of us.”

Between the words, the Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama and the others obviously did not take the legendary ancient weapon king in front of them in their eyes.

“Speaking of which, there are only three of us in the four great monarchs of the Dragon Clan, and there is also a king of the sea and water?”

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, the aunt asked. The first generation of the Dragon Clan was the four monarchs.

King of the Sky and Wind! King of the Earth and the Mountain! King of Bronze and Fire! And the King of the Sea and Water! Today, the golden lion is the king of the sky and the wind. Kaido became king of the earth and the mountains.

Big Mama became the King of Bronze and Fire.

Who is the last king of the ocean and water? For this question, Kaido is also confused. The two of them had only recently returned to Locks’s command, so they had heard from Locks about the Sea and the King of Water. Hearing this, a mysterious smile appeared on the face of the golden lion on the side.

“Well, you two can look forward to it.”

“The King of the Sea and the Water was the first breed that the captain had created after his return.”

“It’s just that for some reason, she has been in a deep sleep before, but if you count the time, you should have woken up now.”

“It shouldn’t be long before it happens.”

Hearing the Golden Lion’s deliberate selling reply, Kaido skimmed his lips.

“Hey, don’t say it, don’t say it, and deliberately sell Guanzi.”

“Isn’t there anything remarkable about returning to the captain’s command a little earlier than we do?”

Even after returning to Locks’s command, the fact that Kaido and the Golden Lion are at odds has not changed. Until now, Kaidoko is still angry about the fact that the golden lion in the country of peace had beaten himself up before. At the same time, he also secretly made a decision in his heart.

Wait for Captain Locks’s revenge plan to be completed, and wait for everything to settle. He must fight with the Golden Lion again and get all the previous accounts back!

Seeing Kaido’s reaction, how could the golden lion not guess what the other party was thinking. Not to be outdone, he replied, “Oh, no matter what you say, it is a fact that I returned to the captain before you.” ”

“It’s also true that you were beaten up by me.”

“If you are not convinced, when this operation is over, I am always welcome to come to me for discussion.”

“I don’t mind squashing you again, hahahahaha~”

The laughter of the golden lion reached Kaido’s ears.

It was directly the strongest creature that blew his beard and stared.


Kaido was about to get angry, but he put up with it. After all, he still knew very well in his heart that the most important thing at the moment was to cooperate with the completion of Captain Locks’s revenge plan. Everything else has to wait until it’s over.

The big aunt on the side saw the situation, and also smiled and said: “Well, you two guys are really old-fashioned, no matter where you are, you can get up at any time. ”

“If the two of you want to fight, whatever you want when the captain’s plan is complete.”

“I can also give you two notaries.”

“But for now, let’s do our job well with the task given to us by the captain.”

Under the peacemaker acted by the eldest mother, the golden lion and Kaido each snorted coldly, and then stopped arguing and turned their eyes back to Malin Fando below.

The arrival of the Golden Lion and others undoubtedly brought a new round of impact to the people present.

“What’s going on? How did the Golden Lion, Kaido and Big Mama get together? ”

“I’ve heard that the Golden Lion’s relationship with Kaido isn’t very bad?” How can it be in the same boat at the same time? ”

“After Whitebeard and Red-haired Shanks, Kaido and Big Mama, the last four emperors, have finally appeared!”

“And there is news that the Golden Lion, which has disappeared for twenty years, has now returned to the peak of its strength, and not long ago has been recruiting crews on the Great Passage.”

“Kaido, Big Mama, Golden Lion… In this way, this war can be three more strong people of the fourth emperor level. ”

“I just don’t know, what kind of position are they standing on until now?”

“Are they simply here to make the war so lively, or are they here to help Whitebeard?”


At this moment, whether it is on the battlefield of Marin Fando or in front of the live screen around the world, it is because of the arrival of the Golden Lion and others that a new wave of discussion has been set off. At the same time, on the battlefield of Malin Fando, on the side of the pirate camp.

The whitebearded man with a broken arm looked up at the sky and looked at the three figures standing on the deck of the Feikong, and his face was also full of doubts and solemnity.

“How did the three of them get together again?”

“It’s impossible…”

Whitebeard wondered in his heart.

As one of the former cadres of the Locks Pirate Regiment, Whitebeard can be said to be the one who knows the Golden Lion, Kaido and Big Mama the most among so many people present. And it was precisely because of his understanding that he would feel even more strange about the scene in front of him.

Big Mama aside, the relationship between the Golden Lion and Kaido has been quite bad since the time of the Rox Pirates. It can even be described with water and fire.

If it weren’t for the presence of Locks suppressing and restraining the two at that time, these two people would have been inseparable long ago.

After the fall of Locks in the Valley of the Gods War, with the disintegration of the Locks Pirate Regiment, the Golden Lion and Kaido had long since died and had no contact with each other, and in Whitebeard’s original estimate, if the two people met, if the two people did not fight, it would already be considered that the sun had come out of the west. Not to mention appearing on the same ship as it is now.

“What the hell is going on?”

“Do you mean that several of them have joined forces?”

“But who else but Locks can bring a few of them back together?”

Whitebeard looked up at the figures on the Feikong and said to himself in great seriousness.

Then, suddenly! He thought of a possibility!

“Is it true that… Is Locks really resurrected?! ”

“Was it Locks who brought a few of them back together?!”

The moment this speculation came to mind, Whitebeard only felt his cold sweat flow out immediately. In fact, it was already in the process of fighting with Zefa.

When Zefa was heard several times mentioning that the real protagonist had not yet appeared. He had such a vague guess.

Could it be that Locks, like Roger, will come back to life?

Could it be that the real protagonist that Zefa has mentioned several times is Locks?!

It seems that only in this way can it be reasonably explained why the two nemesis, the Golden Lion and Kaido, are fighting side by side again.

“If that’s the case, that’s the worst case scenario…”

Thinking of this, Whitebeard couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

In his mind, Locks was even more terrifying than the previous king Uranos! This horror does not just come from the gap in strength.

It also comes from the inherent impression left by Whitebeard in the past with each other! The fear of Locks is as if it were directly imprinted on Whitebeard’s genes and soul.

And Locks is also the only one who makes Whitebeard, known as the strongest man in the world, feel terrified!

“I hope I just think too much…”

680 Whitebeard sighed again in his heart.

Until the last moment, he was still unwilling to accept this fact. Unless Locks does appear in front of everyone next, Whitebeard still has the last bit of hope for everything. In Whitebeard’s view, no matter what, it is better than the resurrection of Locks… At this moment, the battlefield had the same idea as Whitebeard, and there was Cap standing next to Luffy.

As one of the main forces in the Valley of the Gods War, he was also the horror of even Locks.

He also knows a lot about the situation of the Rox Pirates.

Therefore, when he saw the Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama appear at the same time, after a short period of shock and doubt, the same speculation as Whitebeard popped up in his mind. And, too.

For Karp, if Locks does come back from the resurrection, it will undoubtedly be the worst case.

Not one of them! With this in mind, Karp looked worriedly at the Flying Sky floating high in the sky ahead. In my heart, I sighed secretly: “I hope things will not be as I thought…”



Because of the appearance of the Flying Sky and the arrival of the Golden Lion and others.

The atmosphere on the battlefield of Malin Fando suddenly became somewhat depressing.

This repression was not just directed at the pirate side as it had been when the Heavenly King Uranos was about to strike. At this moment, everyone on the field, whether it is a pirate, a navy or a world government, is because of the arrival of the Golden Lion and others to feel an inexplicable and huge pressure! And in this atmosphere, the Flying Sky was also carrying the Golden Lion and others to fly quickly towards Malin Fando. At the same time, the golden lion took the lead in laughing, “Hahahahaha! ”

“Hello to all of Marin Fando!”

“You are ready…”

“Greeting the real despair?”

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