[Ao God’s Zoe, looking forward to it! 】

[This hero is quite difficult, it all depends on the accuracy of his skills. 】

[Haha, the commentator’s voice started hoarse before it even started. 】

The barrage is teasing.

Battle seat.

Toothpaste cheered up and was communicating with the coach and teammates. He was certainly no stranger to Penicillin. With IMP here, and everyone being curious about LGD's victory, they learned a lot about it through insinuations.

For example, Mai ÷ is capricious. One moment he is a normal person, and the next moment he is embarrassing you;

For example, in C Bo, IMP is in charge of laning, and the middle lane is in charge of switching lanes, so I will occasionally get dizzy;

Another example is Red Wolf, Bao Dadan, Radar Ka, and the most mentioned genius mid laner Penicillin.


Toothpaste often talks about who is stronger.

Being as short-sighted as IMP, he just said: PP's talent is slightly better than his. Despite IMP's emphasis, everyone still heard the guilt in IMP's tone.


No one will expose this matter in front of IMP.

Just like when IMP is mentioned about Daiput, IMP gets excited and praises Penicillin for being strong, but IMP always shouts and rebuts with one or two words.

Just like that.

Toothpaste has no feelings about Penicillin choosing Zoe. Although he is the first LPL player to use Zoe to highlight, it does not mean that he is the only one who uses Zoe.

"Tsar?" Lu Mao asked.

"This hero is a bit passive." As a unique skill brother, Toothpaste feels that Czar is not easy to beat Zoe. There are no countermeasures in the lane, and it is not easy to avoid Poke in team battles.

If we reduce the number of players, AD has already taken ez, and then chooses a czar, the team battle will only involve the output front row, and the pressure will be greater.

"This one can delay the late game, let's play Xiaoyou in the bottom lane."

Lu Mao spoke firmly. In his mind, toothpaste is a hero coin, and it is even less safe to choose anything else. It is better to choose a weaker tsar, but with a chance to create miracles.

These words did not impress Toothpaste.

What he was worried about now was that the jungler was not feeling well and that his teammates would be under too much pressure. After thinking about it, Toothpaste said: "Ryze, just choose Ryze."

Green Hair: "Ryze has short hands, and it's even harder to dodge his skills."

The doubt in his words made Toothpaste more determined: "I am half-killed with this one, and the second one is justice and glory. It doesn't matter if I am weak in the lane." Speaking of which, Qin Hao started this school, and it is suitable for improving the quality of the front row. Bureau.

See Toothpaste says so.

The coach had no objection either.

On the other hand, IMP saw that Toothpaste was so afraid, and muttered in his heart: Before the game, he was still talking about solo kill, but in the end, he was weak if he didn't enter the game...


Jin Gongkant faced Ornn and locked Gnar.

The lineups of both sides are as follows——

JDG (Blue): Top laner Ornn, jungler Mantis, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane ez with Thresh (ignite)

TOP (Red): Top laner Gnar, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Zoe (ignite), bottom lane Jinx with Titan (weak)

Just look at the lineup.

Both sides are good.

With the convenience of the blue team, JDG has obtained the current version of the OP hero. Whether it is Ornn's knock-off equipment or the money-stealing ez's only play rate, it can be seen that JDG is outstanding when facing TOP.

In the background, I think they are not bad either. As long as the blind monk can drive the rhythm and maintain the development environment of the bottom lane, team battles can be consumed by Zoe's draw, and the situation can be promoted according to the situation.

The final pick is Gnar.

Also to ensure sideband options.

If the front is blocked, Gnar can put a certain amount of pressure on Ornn when he gets up, forcing the opponent to not frequently team up.

As long as Aoun doesn't come forward easily.

If the other side wants to fight for the river channel against Zoe's threat, of course it has to take risks.

"TOP! Come on!!"

loading phase.

The audience at the scene could no longer contain their excitement.


The other end.

LGD club.

Since Mai ÷ left, LGD's training atmosphere has returned to its former self. People can only play two or three training games a week. Of course, no one is willing to take the initiative to increase the amount of training.

What's more, what can we do if we fight hard? Can you win the championship? Without the temptation of honor, there is naturally no motivation to make progress.

But this time.

Everyone was holding a few bags of snacks and watching the game.

In the words of C Bo: Today’s game would be boring if you didn’t watch the live broadcast!


C-Bo just wanted to see IMP being tortured, and it would be best if more people died than him. After losing last time, IMP specially launched a broadcast to laugh at him, saying that he died more than he did in the entire season.

These words were processed by the slicer, causing netizens to call him the "god of death"...

"What are you doing PP? How can you kill Zoe without hitting the electrocution button?"

Not in the game.

C Bo is very anxious.

Although he doesn't know Zoe and has never practiced ranked, he still knows that the most popular style in the Korean server is nuclear explosion.

The main department is electrocution and the secondary department is witchcraft. The first thing is to do Luden and look for opportunities to fill up the murder book. In this way of playing, the C position will be killed when it catches the bubbles, which highlights the violence.

The results of it.

What appears in the PP talent column is unsealing, the mana flow tie and scorch of the secondary points, and it doesn't work at first glance! Moreover, he can steal money, ez thieves, and chickens, but his life-saving ability is there. He is afraid that the IMP data will look good.

"It's not bad to unblock it. It's easy to fill up the CD."

"Full of your warmth."


Listening to C Bo bickering with Eimy, Y4 became more and more uncomfortable with it. He knew that C Bo’s heart was just pfft!

Qin Hao didn't know this.

His idea of ​​​​bringing Qifeng is very simple. First, he can suppress but not kill. If the opponent is more insignificant, he can only suppress the blood line and kill the knife; second, with the W skill, he personally thinks that Zoe needs the summoner skill to fight in a team.

one more.

This version has a high base damage. As long as Zoe is in a good position, she can also have a crispy set with Alley.

Unless he thinks that the opponent will pursue a fight, Qin Hao's unsealing is better than electrocution. He has the confidence to transition well to the laning period and does not need to rely on the burst of electrocution to suppress it.

Wait until Qin Hao buys the Dolan Ring and goes online to stand guard.

C Bo is still outputting: "BP is also messing around. If you have ez, don't choose it. You have to grab the blind monk. I wonder if the priority of the blind monk is not as high as ez."

"In this pairing, as long as the blind monk doesn't grab, the old guy will definitely be very comfortable. I don't know how Titan and Jinx can suppress ez."

"You can only believe Little Peanut, the league will have his say."

In my thoughts.

Going down and online, ez threw Q into the grass blindly and stole a bottle of blue medicine.

"Fuck, this is bad luck..." The blue bottle was a bit comfortable for ez who had just come online.

Includes commentary seats.

Seeing that ez stole something on the first Q, I also praised IMP for being lucky.

The camera pans to the center.

Seeing Zoe swaggering into the flank, Toothpaste certainly knew what the other side wanted to do.

After all, Ryze can't replace Zoe at level one, so he can only rely on it.

The problem of soldiers with residual health cannot be ignored.

So while waiting for Ryze to send E forward, Qin Hao suddenly handed Q to the side and back, and followed the trend to move A forward passively, dealing 67 points of damage.

Immediately afterwards, Ryze returned behind the ranged soldiers. Qin Hao took the initiative to consume the rear row of soldiers, and then chased A with a basic attack, forcing Ryze to retreat.

Eat until consumed.

Toothpaste doesn’t grin.

Zoe's strength lies in her skills interspersed with basic attacks. With the help of such positioning, she can increase the hit rate of Q.

After all, if you keep a very close distance to Zoe in order to avoid Q, most mages will not be able to beat Zoe, and exchanging blood will still be a loss.

Compared to this.

However, the lack of electrocution on the other side made Toothpaste a little confused...

that's all.

Ryze chose to release the line and use E to hit the target. Although in the second wave of lanes, Zoe was still hit by Q at a short distance, but overall, it was not difficult to reach level 4 and go home.

To ensure development.

Toothpaste gave up the blue crystal and chose corruption. In addition, Zoe does not have electrocution, so the short Q plus A can only deal about 130 to 140 damage.

This kind of intensity is within Ryze's tolerance.


Qin Hao's goal was just to press the blood line and not let Ryze push it. With the third wave of artillery soldiers on the line, the opponent will definitely be relieved if they take the hostage.

Thinking of this, look at the little peanut controlling the river crab, and the opponent's support lets it go. All he can do is to lengthen the distance, find opportunities to force TP, and then cover the blind monk to control the second wave of F6 to see if he can force some skills. come out.

At this moment, the blood line in the bottom lane is already at a disadvantage. After all, IMP's ez is considered a signature, and it's not easy for Titan to focus on ez.


The opposite Mantis should be in the top half now.

Glancing at the mini map, he saw that Little Peanut was also planning to scan around to find trouble for Mantis. Qin Hao sorted out his thoughts and calmly pushed the line to give Ryze a convenience.

If you want to open up the last hit.

On the front line of a tower like this, he would definitely have to go up and force him to exchange blood with Ryze. But now, he chose to explore the upper river.

Although he didn't explore very far and couldn't find the specific location of Mantis, Ruiz comfortably made up for the remaining lines, merged with the third wave to launch, and then found an opportunity to destroy the cannon truck. After that, Qin Hao chose to release the line.

See this.

Toothpaste is a little confused.

He thought that if the demassifiers improved, they would all remove the gun carriages from each other. After all, in ranked, everyone plays this way.

"...The blue side moves in from the center line, and the blind monk comes over after brushing the river crabs. However, Toothpaste is very vigilant. He knows that if he is caught in this position, he may not be able to escape even if he dodges."

Ryze stepped back.

The blind monk didn't show his head either, so he went around the pass to the second tower and went back up to slay the remaining wild monsters. In this way, Toothpaste could only watch Zoe show off her basic skills.

"Good tonic!"

Yutong boasted: "Use Q to cripple the four ranged soldiers above and kill them with A, and then use the Deplastizer to kill the back row soldiers who are targeted by the defense tower."

The next red line has just passed the second tower, and Qin Hao has successfully cleared it.

Wait until the army lines meet again in the middle.

Qin Hao decisively used the ice gun he picked up to cross the military line and throw bubbles against Ryze's restraint. With the ice gun around, Ryze, who was slowed down, couldn't move and could only eat the sleeping bubbles.


The toothpaste was also very thin, so he took advantage of the last moment to draw out the shield, preparing to offset some of the damage.

"There is a green light coming from the body, and Ryze's supplies have been emptied."

"But it's okay. The toothpaste has a T, and Zoe brought it to ignite it, so it should be fine."

"Looking at the bottom lane, IMP is very fierce. Look at the right position and jump directly to output... Jinx has less than 200 health left. It seems that the old thief is going home."

This version of ez is really bad.

Unless you can go all in, no combination can beat it.

3 minutes and 52 seconds.

Jinx had 2 soldiers left to deal with, so she could only retreat to prevent ez's skills from getting better, and she could cross the tower with Thresh. On the top lane, Ornn, controlled by Moyu, has average proficiency.

GimGoon saw that the opponent was a bit naughty and was willing to trade blood with him, so he sold a flaw appropriately and was caught by the stone pillar thrown by Ornn.

Moyu's eyes lit up.

He actively used E.

As a player who has been in the A-level league for 2 years, he certainly knows how strong Ornn's ability to trade blood is. As long as he can knock up, he can use W to hit Fragile, and he can't lose at all.

Moreover, the shield value of Ornn's W in this version is not low. From last year to now, it has been strengthened and optimized for four versions, and he is the bully of the top lane.

"Gnar jumps sideways to pull away, and uses Q to slow down and trigger Aery."


After being chased to the tower, Ornn's health was only 230, and Clid reminded the blind monk on top. Moyu couldn't take the initiative to attack, so he could only use T to make up the line.

"This wave of exchange is good."

Haokai praised GimGoon and thought that this old top laner was definitely underestimated.

The example he cited was during the GT period, when teammates not only failed to help the top lane to disperse the pressure, but sometimes often dragged the top lane down.

The difference between teammates is in the words and deeds. You can't always think that GimGoon is easy to bully because he looks honest...

Or so.

As a master of Korean server, Haokai knows what a team is much better than most commentators.

GT's team is too supermodel. Even the three-time champion went there and still shouted "West Eight". They don't know how to snowball in an advantageous game, and they start to play randomly in a disadvantageous game. It's depressing for anyone to go there.

Just like now.

Listening to Xiaohuasheng marking F6, the communication in the middle lane can be relied on, and GimGoon is 100% assured.

During the GT period, he would panic as long as his teammates had a small idea.

"Ornn is out of tank."

"You develop, be careful that the opponent will switch to Ignite at level 6." Ornn also brought Unsealed, after all, it is not easy to touch Gnar.

Mid lane.

Not long after Ryze returned to the line with full health, he was suppressed by Qin Hao and could only wait for the line. At the same time, in order not to alert the enemy, Qin Hao did not rush to send the line in, but picked up the fragments of the push stick and pretended to go to the river to fill the eye.

"Peanut came up from the dragon pit."

Haokai noticed the movements of both sides and knew that Mantis had not returned home. He came here at level 4 to eat the F6 that was about to refresh.

"What do you mean? There is a chance to force a flash at this position!"

Xiaohuasheng hid in the red buff camp and guessed that Mantis might be behind the wall to add a ward.

And in the God's perspective.

Mantis did put a ward behind the wall before waking up F6. 3 seconds later, Clid saw Zoe looking over here, but he ignored it. After all, there were wild monsters to help block, and he didn't think the opponent would have the intention to kill.

Afterwards, Clid took the initiative to pull into the grass to avoid vision, but all this was within Qin Hao's expectations.

Pin out the signal.

Qin Hao pretended to harass, and the belt moved forward to kill the low-health bird. The blind monk suddenly rushed out to touch Zoe, and put a ward in the bush, just in time to see the scene of Mantis punishing the big bird.

This moment.

The blind monk hit with Q, and Mantis jumped E.

Facing the pursuit of two people, when Clid was attacked by the missile of [Spell Thief], he could not tell Zoe's hand was raised, so he could only use flash to get behind the second tower.

"Use flash, want to run..."

Haokai raised his voice and watched Zoe adjust the angle to use the wall to release E, and the position just caught the Mantis retreating to the highland tower.


1.5 seconds later.

Mantis fell into a coma, and Lee Sin pressed the second stage of Q to make up the damage, and cooperated with Zoe's flying star to hit the kill.

At this moment.

Clid touched his wrist helplessly. Looking at the middle lane, he found that Ryze was still dealing with the line of soldiers.

Of course, he didn't mean to blame the middle lane. After all, Toothpaste said that Zoe was down, he just didn't expect the opponent to come so quickly, and he was arrested almost as soon as he hit F6.

First blood burst.

Netizens watching the live broadcast also found that Penicillin was very proficient.

[Awesome! ]

[Little Peanut followed well this time. ]

[After being hit by the flying star, the health bar was gone. 】

The fans at the scene were screaming.

C-Bo also shouted Nice: "Damn, Zoe's head! Peanut didn't kill!"

Eimy: ...

After that.

Ryze could only line up in front of the tower.

Although TOP had an advantage in the mid and jungle, and the top lane had a small pressure point to last hit, Ezreal's development was also very good.

The time came to 7 minutes.

Qin Hao found an opportunity to use a short Q to rub Ryze, and saw that Lee Sin used a true eye to occupy the grass in the lower river. After pushing the line, he picked up the weakness and walked down.

"Want to catch the bottom? But IMP and two summons are there, so it's not that easy to move." Mantis was also in the bottom half. Since he lost the first blood in the last wave, Clid's vision focus was on the bottom lane.

Just talking.

Qin Hao controlled Zoe to go around the position, returned to the passage from the pass, and stared at Ryze who was sending the line. He believed that the opponent reported the information, which can be seen from the fact that Ezreal did not put pressure on Jinx.

At the same time

Ryze's health was quite healthy. Toothpaste knew that he couldn't stop Zoe from pushing the line, so he just wanted to stop the loss and go to the upper half.

But just when he crossed the middle position to join the second wave of lines.

Qin Hao threw Q backwards, used his ultimate to pass the wall and made a normal attack, then saw Ryze's position and started to weaken, Q blocked his footsteps and threw E at the same time.

At this moment.

Toothpaste was a little panicked.

He wanted to imprison and hit a set, but when Q was launched, Zoe had returned to her original position.

"The fight started in the middle lane, Ryze got a bubble..."

Haokai was still thinking that this wave should not be killed, and Zoe had no subsequent burst.

The next moment.

Zoe used the remaining acceleration effect of W to jump into the attack distance, raised her hand to attack the passive, and then moved to interrupt, tricking Ryze's Q.


The shield didn't appear.

It wasn't until this moment that Toothpaste realized that something was going to happen, and retreated under Zoe's basic attack. 5 seconds later, Ryze flashed into the tower with 300 health, leaving flash fragments on the spot.

"Can you run? Zoe's skills should be ready!"

Ryze only had the chance to dodge Q.

But facing Zoe's Q and flash, Toothpaste thought Penicillin would use basic attacks to force him to move like in the last wave, so he simply stayed where he was.

This scene looked a bit funny.

Zoe attacked from a long distance, but Ryze didn't move at all and was taken away by a long-range flying star.

"Single kill!"

[666666. ]

[Is this Papaya Protoss? ]

[This bubble is too accurate. ]

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