

training room.

The big dog clenched his fist and roared: "This is Zoe, dodging in front of others is equal to sending out!!"

"Two heads are stable, ez has only stolen money twice now, leading by up to 200 yuan." Zoom supported.

"I would say PP is definitely proficient."

The big dog stared at the game screen with a bright smile.

Over 7 minutes.

Zoe has two heads.

This record basically declared the end of Ryze's laning.

And through the camera, Toothpaste's eyes, which seemed not to be awake, were inexplicably widened a little. When he found Zoe coming out from the side of the passage wall, he knew that this wave would be a bit difficult to escape.

As Zoe's unique skill brother.

Of course Toothpaste knows the commonly used Poke points. The problem in the middle is so big that it is impossible not to give it a chance. What's more, he thought Zoe went to the bottom lane and just wanted to push the lane quickly.

in voice.

A sigh came out.

Looking at the toothpaste made me feel a little uncomfortable, and Clid also felt uncomfortable. He could picture himself being fucked.

Compared to Nakano, IMP feels weird...

After all, in last year's S game, the handler had an advantage in the middle, and he kind of forgot how to play the game when the middle didn't have the advantage.

In other words, Godv and Penicillin are two extremes. The former wants to be one step ahead before playing in a group, while the latter often relies on details to accumulate advantages.

Look at your teammates again.

Ornn was slightly suppressed by Gnar, and Mantis didn't dare to look for the blind monk. IMP was thinking at the time: My teammates were like this, and if I didn't put some pressure on myself, the opponent would definitely have a comfortable time...


It seems that I haven't had this sense of responsibility for a long time.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Sillin had such a realization when he first came here.

Stare at the hero's portrait on the panel.

IMP jumped decisively, predicted his position to avoid Titan's Q, and then hit Jinx with W to trigger acceleration. A made two accurate moves to hit Q, forcing the [Fire Chewer Grenade].

Correct line for so long.

IMP feels that the frequency of the opposite floor is not enough, and the movement will be stuck. Of course, his impression of smlz was that he had average suppression power and was able to exert his strength in team fights. He didn't think there was anything special about suppressing the opponent.

at the same time.

Kuma and Cvmax were backstage, and they also talked about IMP.

"It's not that he can't stand boredom, he's just a little gloomy and lacks a sense of belief." Having led IMP for a year, Cvmax is certainly qualified to make such a judgment.

All of last year.

PYL, Eimy, and Penicillin would relax and play other games in search of freshness, but IMP was the only one they were not interested in.

But when it comes to loving the game, I don’t seem to have it.

To be serious, Cvmax feels that IMP doesn’t know what to do. Even if I'm bored, I'm used to playing solo to pass the time.

The problem is that IMP's ranking content is very boring. He doesn't like to change positions and doesn't have the research enthusiasm of Penicillin.

So you would think that people like IMP are very boring. Apart from lighting mosquito coils and drinking some wine, nothing seems to impress him.

Smoking and alcohol will affect career life span.


IMP's popularity is very good, but he rarely responds to fans as enthusiastically as Penicillin, and there is not much "emotion" in him.

They say Penicillin has a big heart and plays like a robot.

But when asked by Cvmax to comment, he felt that IMP was the one with the least emotions, both inside and outside the game. Obviously Penicillin came later, but his teammates liked playing with Penicillin the most, which explains the problem.

Even if they live under the same roof.

Most boys also like to play with people who give feedback and get emotional value.

Dun Ma stared at ez for blood and said: "Those who can become professional players are more or less autistic."


"Mata put too much pressure on him at that time. He lived in an environment of being denied in the early stages of his career. His habits were boring and he had a tendency to self-destruct..."

Cvmax paused: "But he is the big brother in JDG, and the amount of training is not that much, so it may be better. To be honest, if IMP is half as optimistic as C Bo, his achievements will be higher."

Cvmax's words reminded Kuima of Bang.

The outside world says that Bang has a good attitude, but in fact Bang does not have that strong endurance. He is just restrained enough to know that some things are not good for his career and live a more transparent life.

After winning the championship, there was also not enough belief to maintain motivation.


The motivation to maintain Faker lies in the sense of responsibility in the competition area, and he will blame himself for not playing well. So what is the motivation to maintain Penicillin?

Staring at the face at the bottom of the screen.

Thinking about what I have seen and heard these days, I came up with a sentence: Humility makes people progress. Others who have achieved such results are somewhat arrogant, unable to listen to opinions, and have a stubborn personality.

But Penicillin doesn't seem to take his achievements too seriously, so he keeps moving forward.

When the buckle horse turns the head.

Ryze returned to the middle, but lost more than 200 blood after receiving a short Q plus A.

"It's a bit difficult to line up."

Hao Kai commented: "The Lost Chapter and Killing Ring were made on the right, and their development was a bit ahead of schedule. In addition, Ryze himself is not very good at exchanging blood with Zoe. Brother Hao only needs to make a big move to start, and Ryze will not have time to finish the fight even if he returns to imprisonment. combo."

This is where Zoe comes in.

Other heroes came up to exchange blood, and Ryze had a chance to pull away, but Zoe came up to exchange blood, and Ryze did not have the distance to counterattack.

"The opponent's support should come over to push the lane. Wait until he leaves before you move in."

While Qin Hao was widening the gap between last hits, he stared at the small map to see if there were any changes on the opposite side.

At this point, Ryze can only play in the tower, and Ornn's level 6 wave is looking for opportunities to be avoided by Gnar. From the opposite angle, even if Mantis reaches level 6, all he can do is control wild monster resources. , find an opportunity to help.

It's the same as Qin Hao thought.

When he controlled a large wave of lanes and poured into the defense tower, the opponent Thresh came to the middle to help. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Hao went to the opposite red zone to give him a look.

at the same time.

The old thief calculated that when the opponent came back, he chose to quickly advance the tower to take over the wave of troops. Before, he actually didn't have such a sense of smell.

But after the guidance of the training team.

The old thief has some sense of clues. Just like in this wave, Thresh will move back after it is down. Zoe is already looking for Mantis' position. All he has to do is to contain ez before Thresh moves back down, and then disgust the opposite jungler.

After all, as long as you know where the praying mantis is.

The blind monk can quickly plan a new jungle route to benefit his own side, because during this period of time, the one who can rely on first will always be Zoe.

Old Thief: "Kill the melee soldiers."

IMP, who was huddled in the tower, frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He communicated a few words.

Remind Clid to be careful.

Later, the mantis was seen passing by the F6 open space. After using the divination flower to eliminate the eye position, the blind monk moved one step ahead to the position of the blue toad.

Next 50 seconds.

The blind monk counterattacked a group of wild monsters, took advantage of the opportunity to replenish his eyes, and then went to harass Ornn on the road, forcing Ornn to miss Baonar and return to the city;

Jinx stood in front of the blue square tower and used her cannon speed to clear out a new wave of soldiers. Before the mantis could finish the stone beetles, she ate the river crabs and then went back to deal with her own toads.

that's all.

Clid entered the river and jumped into nothing. He passed by the blue zone and saw no wild monsters. Similarly, Ryze has average health and is useless when caught. Mantis can only go shopping.

The audience watched as the mantis with its ultimate move circled around the lower river channel, lined up the real eyes of the grass behind the wall, and then waited for F6 to refresh.

While waiting.

The blind monk updated a wave of equipment and rushed over the pass.

"Refresh in 3 seconds, the blind monk has arrived."

"Brother Hao has a line in the middle. Mantis has only suffered a loss when he went up to the wave, so he doesn't dare to stay."

F6 is reversed.

Blind Monk passed through the middle line to the blue area of ​​​​the blue side openly and continued to follow the mantis.

"What do you say about the blue buff? Jin Gong is exchanging blood with Orn and wants to prevent Moyu from coming."

Look at the middle road again.

Zoe used her big move to launch a long-distance flying star. After being twisted, she quickly released her E to suppress her position.


Toothpaste: "I can't go."

Ryze's health line dropped to one-third, and when the blue buff was close to the killing line, the blind monk pressed forward and patted the floor to slow down, forcing Mantis to use his ultimate move.


Hao Kai saw that Mantis was stealthed with Q and got blue, and withstood the damage of Tianyin Wave, half-blood E crossed the wall and ran away. He commented: "Mantis is not big, and it takes nearly a minute to get better...it feels like it will be a foreshadowing."

As a jungler, it's hard to bear the anxiety of being ridden in the face.

Clid would rather not help lane than be downgraded.

On the other hand, Little Peanut looked at the other side trying to grab blue, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a sunny smile.

[It’s so comfortable to batch peanuts. 】

[Damn, let him have fun. 】

【This mantis is a human. Does he have to hit residual health online before he can help? 】

[Mantis doesn’t look like this. It’s better to scold Ornn than to scold him - Moyu, why is Ornn so eager? Bobo wants to hit him and exchange blood. 】

[Except for the bottom lane, JD is a poet in other positions. 】

Clid was still in the rotation last year.

After the regular release this year, the impression given to netizens is that Blind Sin plays well and is relatively life-saving.

Not to mention toothpaste.

This is my first year playing LPL, and I played against IG the day before yesterday. I had a good performance using Zoe, but in that BO3, JDG lost 0-2 to IG.

The focus of the discussion after the game was also TheShy's 1-1 Jayce. In a certain wave of jungle attrition, he produced the highest output of the team, scoring three kills in four-on-five. Among them, Silk Blood Hidden Grass was also used to evade vision and show off the wave of counterattacks. The background board for this wave is Clid’s jungle barrel.

The director stared at Mantis.

After grabbing the blue, Clid looked for an opportunity to wipe out the three wolves, and then went to the lower half to develop. However, Clid calculated the speed of the blind monk and wanted to counterattack the toad, but the little peanut did not use his own F6, and the variation came to the lower half.

"We meet in the jungle, and the support on both sides is rushing!"

On the road.

Titan was harassed twice by ez, but as Jinx leveled up and could push the line first in the cannon-cutting form, Green Hair could only look at the other side and lean in first.

"...Mantis is not big enough to dodge. Can Thresh give me a lantern?"


Seeing Zoe approaching, Little Peanut used Q and R in the second stage, sending the mantis into the river with one kick, followed by Zoe and connected with the flying star from a long distance to complete the kill.

Head count 0:3.

"Mantis was a little greedy this time, and he was caught rebelling."

"Flash is only 20 seconds away, but it's hard to run even with flash, Nautilus is following."

Just thinking about the director giving a replay.

Haokai suddenly found that Thresh returned to the bush and didn't move, while Ezreal came over after clearing the line.

"This position seems dangerous."

Get rid of the jungler.

Nitar and Jinx were about to return to the tower, and right here, Thresh hit Jinx with a Q in the aisle with blind vision. The moment the hook hit, Ezreal followed up with damage, and Thresh reversed the pendulum to follow up with the ultimate.

"Good hook! Lao Ze healed and lifted it up, and used flash to pull away."

"In this case..."


The JDG duo didn't dare to climb the wall.

In the screen.

Facing Jinx's escape, IMP took two steps and pressed the ultimate at the position close to the wall in the open space, and the angle just happened to touch Jinx.

At this moment, Lao Ze's smile disappeared instantly.

Haokai: "This accurate barrage is too accurate!"

"Fuck, what is the old thief doing." At the same time, C Bo raised his voice: "How many soldiers can you kill if you go around."

He muttered: "I was fooled by this bastard."


After a while, Eimy said: "Get the kill, the mid and jungle are already collapsed."

"I know to get the kill, but he doesn't have to go here."

"You are being mean, how could he know that Thresh would hook. He has no vision."

"Forget it, I won't argue with you."

Eimy:? ? ?

But just like Eimy said.

This is a mid and jungle game after all.

After taking the Mantis kill, the ring reached the second floor. At this time, Ryze only needs to eat the long-range flying star to lose half of his health.

Ryze's condition has always been unhealthy.

Peanut, however, took the time of F6, Toad or buff refresh and went in to find Mantis.

What can Clid do in this game?

He was fighting Lee Sin's warrior jungle knife with scattered equipment, and he couldn't win. If he delayed a little longer, Zoe would definitely come.

After a lot of peace, Ornn was hit by Gnar's ultimate in the top lane. After more than ten seconds, Ornn was leapfrogged while defending the tower, and the head was taken by Lee Sin.

That's it.

JDG was at a disadvantage and could only rely on Ezreal to occupy the middle, and asked the top laners to group together, hoping to reduce the number of players through the connection of skill groups to delay the disadvantage. However, Zoe's flying star damage was too high, even if the top support helped to block it, it was very painful.

"Another E is coming."

"One flying star, Thresh lost half of his health."

"Gnar pushed down the next tower, and Ornn won't come back?"

Ornn just showed up in the bottom lane.

Lee Sin rushed out from the flank, Q to Thresh, touched his eye to avoid the hook that locked the angle, and kicked out. The next shot, Zoe, who was elusive, followed up with RQ to complete the kill, and used E to sleep Ryze, forcing him to flash.

【Turtle, what a good match. 】

【Except Ornn, no matter who Lee Sin kicks, Zoe will follow up and kill him instantly. 】

【The arm is too long, this flying star is like Jhin's ultimate. 】

Until the 22nd minute.

JDG barely relied on Ezreal to clear the line and Lantern to rescue, and was only taken down by TOP in the middle tower.

At this time.

The head count of the two teams was 1:9, among which Thresh and Mantis died 2 times each, and Ryze died 4 times.

Watching JDG try every means to avoid flying stars, netizens laughed.

【Laughing to death, playing like a lottery game. 】、

【The designer should have some NT, this Zoe's damage is too explosive, and she was killed as a pig when she met her in the ranking. 】

【I know the benefits of Unseal. Ignite increases strength in the laning phase. It can be replaced with Purification and Healing in the middle and late stages. In addition, Unseal has a fast CD and a short cooldown of Flash. Even if JDG seizes the opportunity, they must force Zoe's skills out first. 】

【I feel so sad, all the teammates are pigs. 】

【This Ryze is still building tanks, it's really amazing. 】

Very quickly.

A wave of cannons and carts pushed towards the middle tower of the blue side.

TOP was still led by Gnar. Qin Hao saw Lee Sin walking towards the red zone, and stood on the side wall of the blue zone by himself.


Jinx stood behind the line of soldiers and threw W. The skill sound effect sounded a bit annoying to IMP.

At the same time.

Lee Sin exposed his position to attract Ryze to guard the side cut in. Jinx switched to cannons and output Thresh, forcing several people to retreat behind the tower.

Seeing Jinx was about to grind the tower.

Qin Hao inserted a true eye and occupied the three wolf area. He found that the opponent did not make vision and Mantis was not on the small map.

"My position is good."

As soon as the voice fell.

The old thief saw a bubble pass through the wall and hit Ezreal by the defensive tower. At this moment, his eyes lit up. Thresh's first item, Iron Sun, could not remove the control.


Facing the commentator's roar, when Zoe used RQ to make up for the damage, Lao Ze saw Thresh going to block and immediately shouted: "Take it, I can kill."

Jinx pressed the ultimate, and Titan flashed the ultimate to lock Ezreal.

In Haokai's excited tone.

Thresh first got hit by the flying star and the passive basic attack, and lost two-thirds of his health. Just when he had time to open the Iron Sun, he was knocked away by Titan and hit by a rocket.

"Thresh...this amount of health can't hold up at all."

"Jinx triggered Guilty Pleasure, and while Titan was holding the tower, he wanted to chase. Lee Sin was right next to him, Ezreal used E to enter the high ground, and could only watch Ryze being forced to flash."

Accompanied by a sound wave flying from the side.

Titan Q Ryze missed, hooked the high ground wall behind him to attract new hatred. In the back, Jinx opened fire at full power, but Ryze stood a little close to Ezreal and was hit twice in a row.

When IMP chose to pull away.

Ornn was finally able to use his ultimate at a certain distance, and the next second, Gnar T-ed the minions at the second tower, and after his sheep was knocked out, he was unable to knock Jinx away.

"Mantis jumped in to cover, and was kicked away by the blind monk. Jinx's output environment was very good, Brother Hao picked up the flash, and then hit Ryze with a short Q!!"

Accompanied by the sound of a sheep passing by.

The old horse was weak, and Ryze couldn't escape, so he could only output the support on his face with his backhand.

"Jinx is running!!"

"Ez, you are being chased. Jinx rushes into the high ground. There are only the two of them around." This is an unfair duel. Jinx has a deadly rhythm. She chases Ez in front of her front teeth and then turns around to cooperate with her teammates to output Austrian magic. kindness.

"Four kills! Is there any five kills?"

"Clid is walking up the road alone. I don't want to give this pentakill."

Battle seat.

IMP rubs the face with some warmth. In the training room, C Bo laughed: "Did you see, IMP's face is really red!"

Four kills in one wave.

TOP went back and took down the second tower and the high ground, and made up a wave to prepare for the baron.

At this point.

Qin Hao holds a 15-layer murder book.

Seeing that JDG had to approach the Dalong Pit, Yutong stared at Zoe.

"Only Ornn can detect vision, but Zoe can draw. It's really difficult for JDG to catch this wave."

A flying star hit Ornn's W.


Gnar took the initiative to force the formation, and then, in order to deal damage, IMP chose to pull sideways to the dragon pit.

"Nar's anger is very good, JDG can't enter the river."

The camera turned.

ez was slightly alone, and Blind Sin used his Q to force a jump. The next second, a hypnotic bubble hit ez through the wall.

This time no one helped.

Under the gaze of netizens, Zoe took two steps back and threw Q, then pressed up to approach the wall of the dragon pit, and then flashed up the wall to deal full damage.

Like a balloon being popped.

ez was instantly bleeding, and his body was also set on fire.

"Hahahaha." C Bo laughed extra loudly: "What's the use of growing up? I'll be killed immediately!!"


Very joyful.

Paired with IMP's round face, C Bo's stomach hurts from his smile. At this moment, after IMP was pressed and treated, he was burned to death and even reached out to scratch his face.

"ez fell down!! Such a big ez was evaporated directly!!" Hao Kai shouted as loudly as the audience, "Gnar is still chasing, getting bigger, flashing his ultimate move to shoot back two, Jinx pursues without pressure!"

"Jinx gets another triple kill, and JDG is going to be hit by another wave!"

The army was defeated like a mountain.


On to the second one.

JDG continued on the blue side and took the initiative to grab Zoe. Qin Hao thought about it and took out Jace.

Until 7 minutes.

Toothpaste was not willing to use a flat knife. After removing the cannon cart with a purifier, two-thirds of the blood was like Yin Yi Bo Jies.

"Toothpaste is waiting for Brother Hao to come out..."

Hao Kai lowered his voice subconsciously, as if he was afraid of disturbing the game.

Before the lines of troops had gathered, Jace had already reached the middle position and wanted to connect in advance.

Next beat.

Zoe pressed against the wall and charged out. Qin Hao didn't panic at all. He decisively put E at his feet and opened W to pull away A.

Jess moved very fast, and Toothpaste wanted to move away, but the frequency of hitting the floor was too high, so he could only rely on feeling. Just like that, Q failed first, and the bubble less than 200 yards away was also twisted.

The ultimate move forces a return.

Jace took advantage of the situation and fired a shot, beating Zoe until she only had more than 200 health left.


Toothpaste muttered, but seeing that his position was squeezed, he could only go back to the defense tower and other lines to come in.

"With this amount of blood, Brother Hao seems to have an idea."

God's perspective.

After the line entered, Jess entered the upper river pass and came to the side. A few seconds later, Zoe almost handled the tower knife, and the next wave of soldiers had reached the second tower.

Zoe was just about to return to town.

Jace fired a shot and accelerated his attack.

"Zoe's remaining blood... bubbles were dodged by Dodge!!"

This is what Qin Hao is guarding against.

He knew that Zoe didn't dare to let him get close with her limited health, so he walked to a position about 350 yards away, flashed E, and then used his ultimate move to hit WA.

If you do this, the worst result will be exchange.

It's just that after Zoe handed in her E, she was flashed for a second, so her death was a bit uncomfortable.

In the lens.

The toothpaste squeezed out made him look like he was constipated, and his brows could kill a fly. If anyone noticed, he pressed the keyboard with his left ring finger and pressed Tab like crazy.


At 31 minutes and 06 seconds, the JDG main crystal was broken.

After the game, a GIF of ez being instantly killed by Zoe began to circulate.

Kangba even posted the title - [Lose My Love Forever! 】.

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