I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top

I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top Chapter 136

"Although it's very interesting to single out the entire Five Emperors Group, it makes my blood boil. I rarely feel this way. After all, there are not many opponents. However, it is impossible for all members to arrive without injury! Even if I If you single out the nine of you, it's impossible for you to arrive uninjured, and it's even impossible for you to go to Marlin Vanduo."

In the beginning, the Straw Hats were not allowed to go because they simply wanted to attack the Straw Hats, but now, Kaido wants to vent his anger, and he wants to stop the Straw Hats more and more.

Lu Fei said lightly: "Although I'm in a hurry to go to Marlin Fandor, it's not enough for the whole group to deal with you alone. It's too bullying for you."

Hearing this, Kaido's face darkened again, and his anger rose.

Who is he, the strongest one-on-one, the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air, and the Five Emperors have a total of nine people. Is it too bullying for me to fight with all of them?

Kaido is very angry, this is still a contempt for himself!

Luffy arranges: "Soron, Sanji, Usopp, Franky, Chopper, let's do it. There are three hours before the execution, and the two of us... no, we will beat him to the ground within an hour." , and then to Marin Vandor."

"it is good!!"

For a while, Sauron and the others became more aggressive.

Especially Usopp, Franky and Chopper are excited, because all along, the opponents they have encountered are not very strong.

In Luffy's battle, he fought against the general many times.

Zoro and Sanji have also teamed up to fight against the general. Only they have not yet fought against such a top powerhouse, but now, the opportunity has come.

"I can use my stronger technological combat power. I can't wait. But, let's warm up first. I think I will go all out in Marlin Vanduo and show off all my high-tech weapons, making cooler and stronger transformations."

Franky's words made the eyes of Chopper and Usopp shine, and they were looking forward to it.

Same for Usopp and Chopper.

"Then, let's warm up first, Marin Fanduo is the main battlefield."

When Kaido heard this, he was extremely angry, and the Straw Hats were one by one, it was so hateful!

"You are really challenging my limits!"


When Kaido roared, a dragon's roar sounded faintly.

In an instant, his body was huge, and he transformed into a dragon in the blink of an eye, lying across the sky, looking down at the Five Emperors.

After transforming into a dragon, it is extremely huge, occupying the sky, and has a stronger sense of oppression.

Although there is no boat and no place to stand, it can still fight in the air. After all, it is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air.

"Stop talking big! Don't try to get to Marlin Vandor through my obstruction, let alone go uninjured!"

After Kaido roared, the dragon's mouth suddenly opened, a terrifying heat wave burst out, and the flames condensed.

"Hot breath! 々.!"

Whoosh! !

In the next moment, a flame spurted out and fell from the sky, several kilometers long, with a huge coverage area and extremely high temperature.

Sauron jumped up, holding the autumn water with both hands, and slashed out.

Zheng! !

Slashing and chopping out, under Kaido's horrified gaze, the protruding and powerful heat was sprayed, and it was directly cut in half.

The heat parted, did not attack Luffy and the others, but fell on the sea surface on both sides of the Meili, the sea water continued to evaporate, and the fog filled the air.

Kai Duolong's eyes shrank suddenly, because in the mist, the giant fists surging with karma rose into the air and slammed fiercely.

Kaido quickly condensed his heat again, spit it out, and collided with Luffy's fourth-gear Karma Gun.

In an instant, there was a stalemate in the air, but Kaido was shocked, because his heat was constantly dissipating, and the giant fist of karma continued to rise.

With Luffy's low growl, the giant fist of Karma completely collapsed the heat, and the giant fist hit Kaido's face hard again.

Kaido, who was transforming into a dragon, had his face deeply sunken again, with blood gushing from the corner of his mouth, and he groaned in pain.

The moment Kaido was hit by this punch and fell into a brief dizziness, his brain suddenly roared again.

boom! !

"Sure-kill stun bomb!!"

It was Usopp who attacked, so he seized the opportunity and didn't give Kaido time to recover.

Even being bombarded by Luffy's punch, a brief stun of 0.01 second is enough for Usopp.

The powerful firebird soars, explodes, and the impact is extremely strong, and the stun is not only due to the impact, but also contains the stun smoke, which Usopp developed and added to the bullet.

In the teaching space, for Usopp and Franky, there is a good thing, that is, to realize all kinds of plants, ores, etc. suitable for them, so as to develop various bullets and various technologies.

This is why it is better for Usopp and Franky, because other things can be obtained from it to improve their combat power.

Weapons cannot appear in the teaching space, so Sauron cannot obtain weapons in it.

The impact and the heavy stun the smoke, although Kaido is the strongest creature, but he will be dizzy for a short time, even if it is 0.1 second, it is enough.

For the strong, negligence of 0.1 second is fatal.

At this time, Chopper has been stepping up on the moon step. When Kaido fell into a brief dizziness, Chopper was ready to attack with all his strength.

"The biggest round, Six Kings Spear!!"

While bombarding, Chopper thought to himself, "I'm sorry, Teacher Kai."

I said sorry in my heart, but the attack was harder than anyone else.

boom! ! !

Chopper's blow directly made Kaido extremely painful.


Even Kaido let out a more painful cry.

Chopper's largest six-king gun, combined with the fruit ability, is extremely powerful.

After all, the fruit's ability is very well developed, it's huge like a monster, its own strength is already terrifying, not to mention the combination of powerful physical skills, and Liuying, and when it went up, it also took pills, so the bombardment power of this punch is extremely powerful .

Two deep depressions directly appeared on Kaido's bombarded face, and even the shock wave burst out from the other side of Kaido's attacked face visible to the naked eye.

puff! !

Kaido vomited more blood, several teeth in the dragon's mouth were shattered, and the white eyes were briefly rolled up, bloodshot all over.

Just now, he rolled his eyes because of a brief dizziness, but now, he was hit hard, and his mind buzzed.

Even so, Kaido has not fallen, and the dragon's body is still in the sky.

Meanwhile, Zoro and Sanji have arrived.

The muscles of Sauron's arms swelled, and the words "He Dao" in his hands were entwined with the color of Qiushui Bawang, and he slashed through the air with all his strength.

This time, it's not about avoiding God, but...

"Double God Fear!"

Pooh! !

The two swords slashed out, surpassing the terrifying slash of God's Avoidance, and slashed towards Kaido's face.

In an instant, two streams of blood splashed out.


For a while, Kaido let out a more miserable scream.

Sauron's two slashes caused the most trauma to Kaido. The two wounds were wide and deep, and the flesh and blood inside could be seen. It was also Kaido's most horrific scream until now.

But it wasn't over yet, Kaido's cries of pain continued.

"General Franky Cannon!!"

Franky fired from below, still aiming at Kaido's head.

The terrorist bombing made Kaido more painful.

"Devil God Wind Foot!"

Immediately afterwards, it was Sanji who kept kicking Kaido's head, especially the two deep wounds.

The opened flesh was touched by the blue flames, making it even more painful, causing Kaido to scream incessantly.

All this happened within three seconds.

First, Luffy's bombardment made Kaido dizzy for a while, and then Usopp, Chopper continued to make Kaido's mind concussion and severe pain.

Zoro slashed fiercely, Franky bombarded, and Sanji kicked the wound continuously.

The terrifying kick made every part of his head ache, especially the two deep wounds, the blood was continuously splashed out by the kick, and even the opened flesh was scorched by the terrifying blue flames.

At the same time, the dragon's body lying in the air was already shaking violently, as if it was about to fall, and it was difficult to hold it in the sky again.

After Sanji Demon Kazun's last kick with lightning burst into flames, he faced Kaido's Tianling Gai.

This made Kaido completely unbearable, and he fell directly towards the sea as a dragon.

At this time, the red-haired pirates had arrived, not far away, and saw this scene.

Redhead, Beckman and other cadres were all shocked and terrified.

The Straw Hats didn't have all the members to do it, so Kaido was so miserable.

Watching the huge Kaido fall, the dragon's head was covered in blood, they were extremely shocked.

Pooh! !

Crash la la la...

Kaido's huge dragon body fell into the sea, and Luffy and others landed on the boat.

In the sea, Kaido's head was in severe pain, and the pain continued, mainly due to two serious wounds.

Falling into the sea, Kaido turned into a human form, touched his face, his hands were covered with blood, and most importantly, he felt two deep wounds, which made Kaido think of the beheading that Kozuki Oden caused to himself. blow, leaving a permanent cross scar on the right side of his abdomen.

Then these two wounds...

This made Kaido feel uneasy, ashamed, and furious. If he really left permanent scars, it would be even more serious and humiliating. He is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, but he ended up with two horizontal scars on his face. Shame on.


Kaido was furious, and felt that it was his turn to fight back, and he must say that all members of the Straw Hats were severely injured.

Aboard the Sunnymery.

Usopp looked down, thinking he could leave.

"It's over. As a capable person, he fell into the sea and was severely injured by us."

Lu Fei shook his head: "It's not that simple, after all, it is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air."

With a puff, the sea water splashed, and Kaido's figure jumped out of it, standing on a wooden plank floating in the sea.

Kaido didn't look up immediately, but looked down at his own reflection in the sea, to be precise, at his own face on the sea.

Kaido was stunned, his eyes widened, and his pupils shrank for a while, with a shocked expression, it was difficult to accept himself like this.

I saw two deep horizontal wounds on my face, spreading horizontally from the right side of the face to the left side of the face. The two wounds were located above and below the nose respectively.

Such a wound, let Kaido know that it is impossible to fully recover, even if it heals, it will leave a permanent scar.

"` ~Damn it!!!"

Kaido is in pain, his face is hurting, and his heart is hurting even more. It is difficult to accept that there will be two permanent scars on his face.


Kaido raised his head suddenly, his eyes glared, his expression frightening, like a demon god angry, staring at Luffy and others on the boat.

Looking at the angry Kaido, Luffy said: "It seems that it is unacceptable."

Sauron smiled: "The strongest creature in the sea, land and air, but I cut off two permanent scars on his face. Naturally, he is very angry, ashamed, and unacceptable."

Sanji sneered: "This is the best way to stop us and underestimate our price."

Usopp said: "We haven't all done it yet."

Franky: "There is no need for all the staff to do it."

Chopper: "That's right, it's just one of the Four Emperors, we don't need the Five Emperors to fight together."


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