I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top

I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top Chapter 137

This made Kaido even more furious, unprecedented fury, even if Kozuki Oden left the permanent scar on himself back then, he didn't have such anger.

And now, he was the angriest he had ever been in his life.

"Not only is it impossible for you to get to Marlin Fandor without injury, it's even more impossible for you to go to Marlin Fandor. You will all be stunned by me and sink into the sea!!"

Kaido's body is ready to expand again, transform into a dragon again, and attack the Straw Hats fiercely.

Luffy and others are going to fight again, if they don't give way, they will continue to fight until they give way.

Suo Long said in a cold voice: "Just leave a few more scars on his body. Let me think about it first. Where will I cut it? If there are scars on the face, then the upper body or the lower body."

Usopp suggested: "You can cut off a pair of his horns."

Sauron smiled: "Not bad proposal."

Sanji said: "Don't, cut it elsewhere, let me break his pair of horns."

The conversation between Zoro and the others caused Kaido to be bullied and furious. (Li Mo's) felt that every cell in his body was full of anger and shaking.

"You are looking for death!!"

Kaido is ready to do it, but Luffy and others are not afraid at all.

At this moment, the red-haired pirate ship sailed in, which made Kaido stop, frowning.

Luffy didn't expect the red-haired pirates to come, because in the original plot, the Beasts and the red-haired pirates met during the battle on the top, and the red-haired pirates finally arrived at Marlin Vandor without injury.

It's just that they arrived at the end of the summit.

As for myself, not only must he not be injured, but he must also arrive at the top not long after the start.

Redhead didn't let the boat get too close, nor too far away.

Not too close, there is a reason, now is not the time to meet Luffy.

Of course, there is another reason, which is a warning.

Kaido suppressed the anger in his heart. He is not a reckless man, but a rough man with a fine grain.

Seems rough and crazy, but very shrewd and scheming.

Even though he was furious now, in such a situation, he calmed himself down and calmed himself down.

The red-haired group came, neither approached nor far away, let alone planned to leave, but just stopped there.

Kaido pondered, this is a warning.

I can continue to fight with the Straw Hats, but what about after that.

Even though Kaido is confident that he can defeat the Straw Hats, it will definitely not be easy. Although he is furious, he has seen the combat power of the Straw Hats, but he still hasn't done everything.

Then, it is very difficult to completely defeat and defeat them, even in the strongest form to fight, it is also very difficult.

Even if he wins, he must have exhausted himself a lot, so how do he face the red-haired group?

The meaning of the red-haired group stopping here is an obvious warning. If you choose to stop fighting, you may fight with the red-haired group.

If you don't choose to stop, then you will fight against the Straw Hats first, and then the Red Hairs.

Although both are troublesome, obviously, the former is better.

Luffy saw that Kaido did not transform into a dragon again, nor did he intend to transform into other forms. He knew that it could be over.

They can go on, near the Gate of Justice, to Marin Vandor.

Luffy shouted in his heart: "Ace, wait a little longer, I'm here to save you!".

Chapter 139 On Ghost Island, destroy Kaido in fifth gear!

Kaido looked embarrassed and hesitated.

The reason why he hesitated was because it was too humiliating to go like this.

Even if we continue to fight for a while, the Straw Hats will suffer and become embarrassed, unable to go to Marin Fando without injury, which can relieve some of their anger.

But now, he was embarrassed first, and two permanent scars were left on his face, which was even more unacceptable.

Kaido didn't want to just leave like this, he was talking about himself.

However, continuing to fight is very troublesome.

Lu Fei said in a cold voice: "If you want to continue fighting for a while, come as soon as possible. You don't want us to go to Marin Vandor uninjured. We want you to face Shanks and the others with more trauma."

This made Kaido look embarrassed and contemptuous.

But, more, I think it is a reminder. After seeing the strength of Straw Hat and others, I don't feel that I underestimated them before, but have this ability.

Luffy said: "I don't want to waste any more time. If we want to continue fighting, let's be cheeky and bully you, the Four Emperors, together."

Although it sounds good, Kaido sounds very uncomfortable. He is the Four Emperors, so what if we go together? How could the Four Emperors be bullied? Only the weak will appear to be bullied when they face many people. I am the strongest creature in the sea, land and air.

Kaido's face became more and more embarrassing. It wasn't all the strength of the Straw Hats just now, which made him feel tricky. Now if all the members do it.

It is impossible to make them all unscathed in a short time.

However, in a long-term battle, one-on-one with the Five Emperors Straw Hats, you will definitely consume yourself and injure you even more.

Then when the time comes, we will have to face the red-haired pirates.

Kaido thinks he is strong, but he doesn't think he is stupid. It is impossible to deal with the Five Emperors, and then the Red Hair.

It's even impossible to single out the red-haired group, and they will choose to sell the red-haired group to save face and make way.

So far...

This made Kaido look ugly, and cursed secretly: "The red-haired bastard came at this time."

Kaido felt very upset, but he himself blocked the way when the Straw Hats were going to Marin Vandor.


At this time, the new newspaper has been printed and circulated, and it is still extremely popular.

Because, everyone wants to know what will happen after the meeting between the Straw Hats and the Hundred Beasts, and the current news is the follow-up.

There are many eye-catching titles that dominate the headlines.

[The Straw Hats and the Hundred Beasts met and fought against each other. Five Emperors VS Four Emperors, who is stronger? 】

[Five Emperors Luffy VS Four Emperors Kaido, the battle has begun! 】

【Shock! ! When the two emperors met, it was the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts who were defeated first! What happened? Please read it in detail! 】

[The two emperors are fighting! ! From the very beginning of the fight, it was shocking to the point of unbelievable! ! 】


The headlines made people go crazy, and they bought newspapers without hesitation, and kept scrambling for them, wanting to know what happened when the two royal groups met and the first time they fought.

Could it be that the Five Emperors were deflated? It turned out to be a group of beasts.

People all over the world are amazed, and they can't take their eyes off the newspaper after buying it.

Watching at the same time, everyone was dumbfounded and extremely shocked.

"My God, the Hundred Beasts were severely damaged as soon as the battle started."

"Half of the crew of the Hundred Beasts was stunned by the overlord's color, and the rest were swept away by the collision storm, and the ship was sunk by Luffy's punch, and the rest sank into the sea."

"The picture in the newspaper is what we can see in Chambord, the picture of the sky cracking. However, it was not caused by Kaido and the straw hat, but with Zoro!!"

"My God, this is the most shocking thing! I thought it was the first collision between the five emperors Luffy and the fourth emperor Kaido, which caused the sky crack, but it didn't! It was the Straw Hats. Second power, Roronoa Zoro!"

"Does Sauron have the strength of the emperor?! Not the emperor's deputy!?"

"The emperor's deputy is more than that. With powerful swordsmanship, he also has the overlord's color, and he can also be entangled with the overlord's color. When he collides with Kaido, causing a sky crack, it is definitely not just the emperor's deputy."

"My God, the Straw Hats are just like the Redheads, one ship with two kings!"

"Indeed, it's just like the red-haired group, it's too strong."

"The Straw Hats really shocked us time and time again, giving us a new understanding of their combat power every time, and making us feel stronger every time."

"What a terrifying pirate group, they will definitely become stronger in the future."

"First, they took away the title of the most balanced iron wall pirate group from the red-haired group, and now, like the red-haired group, they are also a ship with two kings. Then, will they surpass the red-haired group again in some aspects in the future?"

"You mean... the red-haired duo, the double emperors, the straw hats are not just the double emperors, but... the three emperors?!"

"It's... possible, Blackfoot Sanji is also very strong, one of the three major strengths of the Straw Hats."

"Yeah, it's possible, it's really possible to have three emperors in one boat!"

"No, maybe the Straw Hats won't end up with three emperors! Anyone who knows the Straw Hats knows that he wants to become... Now that I think about it, it's not impossible!"

"He wants to become One Piece!! If he does, the Straw Hats will be kings and kings!"


Thinking of this, everyone was shocked. If the Straw Hats continue to grow, they will definitely create unprecedented fame.

All over the world, the people of Chambord are shaking.

The supernovas also vibrate, too strong.

In particular, the sky crack turned out to be caused by Sauron facing Kaido, not the Straw Hat.

Immediately, everyone was even more impatient and looking forward to the follow-up.

The crew of the Hundred Beasts, and even the drought Jack of the Three Plagues, all sank into the sea, so Kaido singled out the Five Emperors, what will be the follow-up?

"Hurry up and continue reporting."

"Can't wait to find out."

"Kaido singles out the Five Emperors, what will happen?"

"Kaido must be furious. Although it is a one-on-one fight against the Five Emperors, it is hard to say who will suffer."


Navy Headquarters.

The atmosphere can relax a little bit, and it is determined that the Straw Hats are unlikely to come, at most the Whitebeards will come.

Newspapers are scattered, facing the headquarters of the navy, you don't need money, the news agency under the navy.

Seeing the newspaper, the sailors were shocked, and their reaction was the same as that of civilians all over the world. They were shocked and unbelievable, but they were a little more worried.

"too strong……"

"One ship with two emperors..."

"Kaido, can you stop it... After all, it's a one-on-one fight against the Five Emperors."

"It's hard to tell the outcome, but it should be able to stop it. Although it's a one-on-one fight, it's Kaido after all. It's easy for Kaido to stop the war until the end."

"Yeah, the execution is less than three hours away. Kaido will definitely be able to single-handedly stop the Five Emperors for three hours, so don't worry. We will only face the Whitebeards in this battle."

"Knowing that the Straw Hats are so strong, I don't want the Straw Hats to come. Facing a Whitebeard Pirates is scary enough. If there is another Five Emperors Straw Hats..."

"Don't worry, it's Kaido after all, and I'm glad it's like this, because Kaido must be even more angry, and it's impossible to let it go. It's impossible for the Straw Hats to catch up with the war."


After a short period of worry, the sailors breathed a sigh of relief, thinking so, it is even more impossible for Kaido to let it go and let the Straw Hats go to Marin Vanduo. Although the follow-up report has not yet come, it is conceivable that a more intense battle must have begun.

Warring States also thought the same way. He knew Kaido's strength. After all, this monster attacked the Navy headquarters many times, but he couldn't be solved every time.

It is impossible for the Straw Hats to catch up with the top war.

Akainu was still scolding Kaido in his heart, because of Kaido, it was impossible for him to solve the straw hat in Marin Fando.

Ace trembled, and was briefly worried.

"I don't need to worry too much. Kaido is very strong. An angry Kaido is even more terrifying. It's impossible to let it go. The battle will continue. Great, Luffy, it's great that you can't come."

Ace didn't want Luffy and others to be involved in such a dangerous battle because of himself.

After knowing the latest information, I feel relieved.

Soon, new news spread, which was still the follow-up of the Hundred Beasts Group and the Straw Hat Group.

This time, it will be even hotter.

It can be said that the further the future, the more impatient people are, wanting to know the follow-up.

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