I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top

I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top Chapter 138

Now, the Whitebeard Pirates have not yet appeared in Marin Vandor, and the meeting between the two emperors is the most eye-catching.

Sales are still brisk and people are scrambling to buy.

After seeing it, I was still shocked and unbelievable.

"It turned out to be such a situation..."

"I imagined what it would be like. I thought it was Kaido's power, and it was the Straw Hats' turn to be deflated, but I didn't expect that Kaido would still be deflated, and even bigger."

0····Ask for flowers····

"The injury is serious! The Straw Hats are not all members, they are too strong!"

"Shooting down Kaido, who has transformed into a dragon, from the sky, not everyone."

"Turning into a dragon, I thought I was going to show off my power, but I was shot down."

"There was blood all over his face."

"Look at the photo below, the photo of Kaido returning to his original appearance, the wound!"

"There is no doubt that there will be two permanent scars on the face."

"In this case, it would be even more shameful and shameless. If other people are okay, leaving scars is nothing, but it will add charm. However, Kaido is known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, and he is the strongest creature in the end. There are scars everywhere, and there are two eye-catching scars on the face, which is too shameful."

"The Straw Hats really took it beyond expectations."


People all over the world shook again.

The supernovas didn't even expect this to happen.

I thought in my heart, would it really be like the straw hat said, rushing to Marlin Vandor without injury?

People in Chambord discussed it.

"Can the Straw Hats really arrive without injury?"

"It's still impossible. Next, Kaido will be even more angry and fierce. He is the strongest form of the dragon? That's overthinking."

"Yeah, the Straw Hats can't arrive uninjured, Kaido is going to attack more powerfully."


Navy Headquarters.

The elite of the navy was shocked, and they knew more about the strength of the Straw Hats, and they were even more afraid of the Straw Hats coming to Marin Fando.

..... ... 0

"Good... so strong..."

"Kaido is too embarrassed..."

"I won't really come here, facing the White Beard Group and the Five Emperors Straw Hat Group..."

"I used to think that if we face it, it's okay. The Five Emperors are not as scary as the Four Emperors, but now, I clearly know that the Five Emperors are just as terrifying!"

"Should still be unable to catch up. Kaido is still very strong. It's hard to say whether he will win or lose, but I believe the Straw Hats won't be able to do it when they arrive at Marin Vandor."


The Navy once again worried briefly, feeling that it was still impossible.

Sengoku, likewise, is not very worried.

Kaido must be even more angry. After all, there is a permanent scar on his face. It is impossible to end the battle like this. He will definitely launch more fierce attacks and revenge.

"Fortunately, we were stopped by Kaido. Otherwise, the Whitebeards and the Straw Hats, even if there is a strategy against Whitebeard, it is hard to say that they will win." Warring States is glad, but fortunately, the Straw Hats met Kaido.

At this point, Ace is also worried.

Haibing is worried about facing the Straw Hats, and Ace is worried that Luffy and the others can really catch up.

Ace cursed inwardly: "Kaido, you have to stop Luffy and the others, they are the Four Emperors, the strongest creature, don't be too inferior."

Instead, Ace encouraged Kaido. He really didn't want Luffy and the others to participate. He wanted Luffy and the others to defeat Kaido after the war and then retreat. This was what he expected most.


At this time, Luffy and others were about to leave.

"Continue sailing and approach the Gate of Justice!"

Luffy finished speaking, and Frankie took the helm.

Kaido did not leave, and still had an embarrassed and unwilling expression on his face.

It was good that there was no scar on his face, and he retreated rationally.

However, not only was he embarrassed, but he also left scars on his face. It was hard to accept and shameful to leave like this.

The Sunnymery sails, approaching the Gate of Justice.

Luffy came to the stern, looked at Kaido who didn't leave, was very unwilling, and didn't plan to do anything, and said coldly.

"Are you unwilling? Can't accept the trauma on your face? I will help you."

This made Kaido startled, help yourself? Help yourself heal? Obviously impossible.

Kaido frowned, always felt that it was not a good word, and asked in a low voice: "Boy, what do you want to say?"

Luffy is majestic and cold.

"Help you to hell. After you die, you won't be able to care about the scars on your face."

These words directly made Kaido's whole body tremble with anger, the veins on his face popped up, and he was extremely angry, but he was helpless and unable to do anything.

Luffy said awe-inspiringly: "If you don't do anything, let's end the battle here. Next time, we will have a real fight and decide the result. Go back to your ghost island, I will find you. When you are in ghost island, I will help you, Kill you!"

Luffy actually wants to say:

On Ghost Island, open fifth gear! The sun god destroys Kaido! Inch.

Chapter 140: White Beard Do It! The top war begins!

Now, Luffy is not in the mood to fight Kaido to the death, it is not the time yet.

The most important thing right now is to participate in the battle, to decide the outcome of the battle with Kaido, and then start after going to Onijima.

Kaido didn't go after him, and said in a deep voice, "Let me wait on Onigashima and take my life, kid, then wait for you to come and see who will die on Onigashima."

The Sunnymery is approaching the Gate of Justice, and if it goes to war, it will surely catch up.

Looking ahead, the shadow of the Gate of Justice can already be seen, and Luffy's fighting spirit is rising.

It is finally about to start, and the change and improvement is mainly for this moment.

Not only Luffy, Zoro and others are also fighting. This battle will be the biggest training since the voyage, and Ace must be rescued.


At this time, the Navy Headquarters.

All the combat power of the navy was waiting, and I felt in my heart that it was impossible for the Five Emperors Straw Hats to come.

Ace felt the same way, and continued to pray in his heart: "Luffy and the others can't come anymore, that's great, Dad, don't come too, it's the best."

Ace doesn’t want Luffy and the others to come, it’s best if they don’t come, let the execution go smoothly, and die like this, don’t implicate anyone, and don’t want relatives to be involved in this war .

At this time, the inner sea of ​​the harbor and the outer sea were very calm, and the calm even made the elite of the navy panic, just like the calm before the storm.

The sea soldier in charge of the investigation became more and more nervous, standing on the watchtower and watching carefully with a telescope.

The ocean in the distance is faintly foggy, making it difficult to see clearly.

But, suddenly, the face of the scouting soldier changed drastically, his pupils shrank, and suddenly a pirate ship appeared in the sea fog, followed by more and more black shadows of the pirate ship.

"Come... come!! The Whitebeard Pirates are here!!"

The scouting marines reported immediately, and in an instant, the siren rang through Marin Fando.

woo woo woo...

With the sound of the siren, all the elite marines were shocked, their hands holding weapons were clenched a little bit, and their heartbeats accelerated.

Because the "May 43" war is about to begin! ! The Whitebeard Pirates have arrived!

In other words, the war has begun!

"Everyone is ready to fight!!"

The lieutenant general gave an order, and the elite navy and other combat forces were all ready to fight.

All heavy artillery began to rotate, aiming at the sea ahead.

Standing on the execution platform, Zhan Guo's face changed suddenly, heavy and puzzled.

"It suddenly appeared. Where did it come from? The Gate of Justice didn't see a pirate ship entering, but just entered a group of pirates who escaped from the city of advancement."

The Warring States didn't understand, they appeared completely like ghosts and ghosts, and there was not one ship, but more than ten ships.

As the pirate ship approached, it became clearer and clearer. It was no longer the shadows of black ships in the fog, but could be seen clearly. Various colors and shapes were pierced by pandas, such as bows, red bull bows, etc. A big pirate ship.

As they approached the harbor, the navy saw clearly that there were as many as forty-three pirate ships!

This means that all the pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates are here!

"It's the large fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates!! The 43 affiliated pirates are here!!"

"The battle of the Whitebeard Pirates is not much inferior to ours!"

"Look, where is the Mobidi, the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates! Where is Whitebeard!"

"I haven't seen it yet!!"


This made the navy even more panicked.

The large fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates has appeared, but Whitebeard has not yet appeared, which makes the atmosphere even more tense. If you see the most terrifying man in the world, it will be better, but I am afraid that I don’t know where it is.

Now that the fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates has come, it means that Whitebeard must also be here. This kind of unknown feeling of not knowing where it is, coupled with the fact that it is still Whitebeard, makes them even more panicked.

Shampoo ground.

Their eyes widened, watching intently, it was about to start!

"The fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates is coming!"

"So suddenly, so many."

"Yeah, it was quiet just now, but it suddenly appeared."

"The battle of the Whitebeard Pirates is no worse than that of the Navy. There are so many pirate ships, and there are so many pirates!"

"It's definitely a big war, a big war beyond our imagination, and it's about to begin!"

"Whitebeard hasn't appeared yet!"


Soon, he calmed down and watched intently, not wanting to miss this unprecedented battle between pirates and the navy.

Even the supernovas are watching intently.

"Although it's a pity that we can't see the Straw Hats coming to Marlin Vandor, the battle between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates is enough to make people excited."

"It's finally about to start."

"While Whitebeard hasn't appeared yet, he's definitely coming."

"The Navy assembled the highest and most elite combat forces, and Whitebeard did not give up, gathering all the combat forces."

"It's a big war beyond imagination, and it will last for a long time."

"It will definitely last for a long time. I must watch it intently, even if it lasts for a day and a night."


At this time, the navy in charge of the investigation looked carefully with a telescope, with a heavy tone, and saw many famous pirates.

"Whitebeard and the captains were not found, but there is no doubt that these are the pirates under Whitebeard's command."

"There are Rangers, Doma."

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