I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 400 New Magic Fighter

In the southern part of the capital, in a hidden valley, hundreds of official wizards who are proficient in elemental science worked together to use a ring of magic to turn mud into stone, and built a three-kilometer-long, extremely neat runway overnight!

And at the end of the runway, a huge fighter jet is standing there, the overall shape is streamlined, beautiful and delicate, just like an eagle spreading its wings...

"I didn't expect this kind of aircraft to be built!" Orlando said with emotion.

Two years ago, the scene of Lydia's test flight in the port of Iyeta is still in his memory. At that time, it was just a very crude framework, which looked like a big childish toy full of fantasy.

The result was as he expected. After flying into the sky, the entire aircraft fell apart in just a few seconds. If Master Herram hadn't rescued her in time, this halfling girl would have been smashed into a meatloaf long ago...

However, the improved version of the aircraft in front of him is different. The entire structure has been changed from wood to steel.

"Captain Lydia reported that all parts of the first-generation fighter jet have been inspected, and everything is normal!" After inspecting the aircraft, Lydia pretended to report.

In fact, she couldn't wait for a test flight, but Lynn ordered her to check every important part of the entire aircraft before boarding the plane.

Lydia couldn't help muttering to herself that the dean was too careful, obviously she had checked it carefully yesterday.

"Let's get started!" Lynn nodded.

"Okay!" Lydia, who received the instruction, immediately climbed into the cockpit, put on various protective gear, and moved the switch.

Under the supply of a powerful hydrogen-powered internal combustion engine, the propeller at the front quickly turned rapidly.

The fierce wind kicked up the dust on the ground, and under the watchful eyes of the wizards, the first-generation propeller plane rushed out quickly...

"It's so fast!" Vittorio on the side squinted his eyes, and couldn't help saying that in just ten seconds, the speed of the fighter jet had already exceeded the maximum speed of the alchemy cart.

It was as fast as a gust of wind, and when it passed by, everyone could feel the powerful pressure.

Lydia, who was inside the fighter jet, felt even more strongly. Everything around her was rapidly moving away, turning into afterimages. This was much, much faster than the airship...

The propeller in the front section even had a visual reversal phenomenon, and the next moment the fighter jet began to climb, and it rose into the sky in an instant.

Lydia quickly discovered the difference between flying a fighter jet and an airship. It is very light and not bulky at all. She can turn and climb in the air whenever she wants.

She seemed to have transformed into a bird, soaring freely in the sky, having a great time.

"How fast can this new type of aircraft be?" Orlando couldn't help asking, looking at the propeller plane that was speeding up in the sky, and it seemed that it hadn't reached its limit.

"Theoretically, the limit speed should reach about 360 kilometers per hour..." Lin En said in a deep voice. After all, this is the first generation of fighter jets, and its performance is relatively conservative.

"It's too fast!" Orlando said in shock. The speed is three times that of the airship, far exceeding any known flying beast. It can be said that nothing can catch up with this new type of aircraft in the air. You can't even eat ashes behind.

Lynn smiled and didn't reply. If this thing is compared with a jet fighter, it can only be said to be as slow as a snail, but it is already a proper air supremacy in this different world!

Vittorio on the side looked at the fighter jets flipping and jumping in the sky, and suddenly asked. "Are you planning to use this new type of aircraft to match that kind of nuclear explosion magic?"

Yesterday he experienced the power of a nuclear explosion across the entire mine. While shocked by its power, he also felt rather worried, because the scope of this thing is too wide. How to use it effectively to protect himself while killing the enemy is a very important issue.

Now it seems that using this kind of extremely fast aircraft is a good way. Lydia can be responsible for driving, and Lynn can cast spells beside him, casting magic from the sky, and when it explodes, relying on the extraordinary speed of the fighter jet, Get out of that area before the blast wave catches up...

"This is the last solution. If it's not a last resort, it's better not to do that!" Lynn shook his head and said cautiously.

The big nuclear explosion is best used only on Ayla alone, or when the situation is very critical, it is used to destroy the main army of the empire, while the role of fighter bombs is limited to the latter, or it is used to destroy cities.

It's cool to do so, but the sequelae are also extremely serious.

After all, they are here to lead the people of the empire to resist the fools of the church, not to continue the tyranny and create more panic and anxiety... This is simply to add obstacles to themselves and increase the pressure of governance.

"I think it's best to throw nuclear explosion magic into that place... In this way, it won't have any impact on the outside world!" Lynn said in a deep voice.

"You mean?" Vittorio thought about it, and immediately thought of the gate of heaven, the gateway connecting the kingdom of God and reality.

If you can find a way to project nuclear explosion magic into the gate of the kingdom of heaven when those legendary priests open it, and kill the caster at the same time, then the nuclear explosion will only be launched within the Kingdom of God, which is indeed the best This kind of high-destructive, wide-range magic can be used without any scruples.

"It's not easy to master the timing so cleverly." Vittorio said with a solemn expression.

Listening to Lynn and Vittorio talking about the use of new magic, Orlando and the others all pricked up their ears and eavesdropped.

They are very interested in the new magic developed by the dean, or no one in the entire council does not want to know. The magic of false gods!

I don't know if the sudden earthquake yesterday is related to this new magic...

It's a pity that both Lin En and the speakers are hiding very tightly, and they don't mean to reveal it at all. Even their words are in the cloud, which is really confusing...

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