I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 401 Do you still want fighter jets to fly as fast as light?

While Orlando and the others were eavesdropping, Lydia, who controlled the first-generation fighter jet in the sky, gradually became familiar with the big toy below her, and soon began to test the battle!

Lydia pressed the wrench controlling the engine to the bottom, the speed increased to the limit, and then dived down.

The entire fuselage is like a huge eagle, falling from the sky at a high speed, causing a huge sound of breaking through the air, but it is covered by the sound of machine guns on both sides of the wing in the next moment!

The stone pavement reinforced by magic on the ground was immediately riddled with potholes. Lydia stretched the body with great excitement, and changed from a rapid fall to a rapid ascent. The fighter jet passed only 30 meters above the ground. Seeing Orlando and the others tremble with fear, for fear that this thing would get out of control and fall down...

Their worries did not come true. Although Lydia was flying a real fighter jet for the first time, her operating skills were not weak. She easily completed the dangerous maneuver of flying close to the ground, and turned on the aircraft before completely leaving the ground. The bomb bay at the bottom of the body dropped several incendiary bombs...

Accompanied by bursts of ear-piercing explosions, about a quarter of the runway surface was instantly covered by violent white phosphorous fire!

In pursuit of extreme speed, fighter jets have a limited load capacity, and the bombs they carry are only enough for one attack.

However, according to their original design, this thing should not have a bomb bay. After all, the mission of the first-generation fighter jets was to eliminate threats from the air, and leave the rest to the airship.

It was apparently made to deliver another big killer...

In the valley at this moment, Vittorio, Orlando, and a group of alchemists who were on the sidelines watched it for a while, and they were all extremely satisfied with the performance of this new aircraft.

Only Lin En looked helplessly at the runway that was on fire and covered with bullet craters.

You blew up the runway, what about landing?

Lydia, who was proudly admiring the shooting results in the sky, also suddenly thought of this. As the designer and producer of the fighter jet blueprint, Lydia naturally knew very well that this thing must be lifted and landed on a very smooth road. Be careful and you will end up with a plane crash.

And this valley, apart from the runway newly repaired by magic, is full of soft and uneven soil, and there are trees blocking it, it is not a place to land at all.

Lydia could only continue to wander in the sky, waiting for the wizards below to repair the runway, but after wandering around in the sky for several times, there was no movement.

Just as she was getting angry and was about to fly back to the capital and make an emergency landing on the city square, Lynn used magic to dispel the burning flames and restore the damaged runway.

After the fighter jet landed successfully, Lydia, who was still excited before, was only left with fear.

"The speed of a fighter jet is extremely fast. This is its advantage, and sometimes it is also a disadvantage. At extremely high speeds, even hitting a bird may fall to death..." Lynn reminded solemnly.

Lydia's talent in engineering is self-evident, but she gets carried away easily when she is happy, which is a big taboo for pilots.

It should be considered to add a parachute or something in case of emergency. With magic such as slow fall, it can allow the pilot to save his life when he encounters danger.

Most of the time, the person who controls the weapon is more important than the weapon itself...

The higher the industrial level, the more so.

"The ascent and descent of this new type of aircraft needs to rely on the runway, which is not a small defect." Vittorio suggested that since the aircraft is made of metal, maybe you can try to add electromagnetic waves to the fuselage. Magic, using electromagnetic propulsion to send fighter jets directly into the sky.

"You mean electromagnetic ejection?" Lynn immediately understood what Vittorio meant, but still shook his head and vetoed it. "The speed of this aircraft is too slow, and the instantaneous acceleration is far from enough. It will be sent directly into the sky, and falling down is the only result!"

Those who can use electromagnetic ejection technology are hypersonic fighters with a speed of several Mach per second, or even tens of Mach. Using jet propulsion, they can instantly accelerate to the point where they can support the flight of the aircraft.

Let's save money on this kind of propeller plane!

Seeing that Lynn rejected his proposal, Vittorio didn't care. What really made him feel a little incomprehensible was that Lynn felt that the speed of the new aircraft with a speed of 360 kilometers per hour was too slow.

If all this is called slow, what else can be called fast?

Could it be possible to expect this steel box flying in the sky to run like light, circling the continent seven and a half times per second?

Orlando and others also put forward various suggestions for improvement, which is why Lynn invited them to come.

Some of these proposals are fanciful and illogical, but there are also some practical ideas.

For example, optical invisibility has been realized on airships and laser launchers are added to fighter jets

Both of these can greatly improve the survivability and combat capabilities of fighter jets without adding too much weight and affecting the performance of the aircraft.

The happiest one is naturally Lydia. In her opinion, the biggest shortcoming of this fighter is not the need for a runway to land, but the poor battery life!

Only one round of explosive ammunition can be used. If the machine gun is used continuously, the amount of ammunition is only enough to fire for one minute. After it is used up, it loses the ability to attack.

This is the so-called flying hours, happy minutes...

But if it is equipped with a laser launcher, it will be different. After the ammunition is finished, it can still fight the enemy in a 'close-to-person' manner, just like a bayonet on a musket.

That is the battle that can make people's blood boil!

With the brains and suggestions of a group of alchemists, the magic improvement plan was released in just two hours.

Of course, it will take another week to draw the alchemy formation on the body, plus subsequent debugging.

"Wouldn't it be that we won't be able to catch up with the next battle?" Lydia said rather depressingly. She stayed up late for several days in a hurry just to catch up with the first battle!

"To regain the kingdom, you can't use something as high-end as a fighter jet." Lin En said with a smile. Their opponents were just a group of nobles from the kingdom who were jumping around repeatedly and playing with the wind.

It's time for this thing to show its power when it really invades the empire.

And what is the use of a fighter jet? If you want to ensure air superiority, you need at least one formation!

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