I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 512: The Origin and New Changes of the Secret Law Society

At twelve o'clock in the evening, in the royal capital, the rustling magic clock was turned upside down by 180 degrees, heralding the arrival of a new day.

Aurora, who had been prepared for a long time, also activated the ring of secret magic at the same time.

Accompanied by an inexplicable gleam of light on the ring, the witch's perspective was immediately divided.

In front of him is an endless darkness, vast, vast, and without end, and in the depths of the darkness, countless bright spots of light are flashing.

Aurora understood that each dot of light represented a star.

Although this is not the first time she has arrived here, Aurora is still amazed by the magnificence of this small universe, and how she can reproduce the scene of the stars moving so perfectly.

The figures of Harov and Vittorio soon appeared beside him, and Lynn was naturally among them.

Just after several people arrived, in the dark cosmic void, the nearest light spot suddenly began to expand rapidly.

The next moment, an incomparably bright light covered everyone's field of vision. It was the shattering of a distant star, spilling a lot of light and heat into the empty cosmic space.

After an unknown amount of time, the powerful radiant light began to subside, and just as Aurora regained her vision, she saw four figures slowly emerging in the void.

"Welcome to Beyond Time..."

A low voice rang in everyone's ears. The one who spoke was an old man with disheveled white hair standing on the right. Aurora naturally remembered that the other person's name was Albert Einstein.

"Everyone, it's been a long time." Harov calmed down and greeted him enthusiastically.

Due to the need to face the Imperial War, they have been busy with battle preparations and promotion to the Legendary, and have not had much time to hold the Legendary Meeting. It seems that it has been more than a year since the last time they met.

The most important thing is that after completing the legendary promotion, Harov has enough confidence to face the leaders of the [Secret Society].

Isaac Newton nodded, and then said with a smile. "I heard from some members of the [Secret Society] that you have already defeated the empire and disintegrated the church?"

"It's great, Ella is not so easy to deal with." Bohr on the side also said with appreciation.

"Indeed, the power of that pseudo-god has completely exceeded our expectations. If she didn't have some problems suddenly, I'm afraid the outcome of that battle would be hard to say." Vittorio said somewhat fearfully.

Whether it is the projection of the kingdom of God that can limit their domain, or the ability to control the space with a raised hand, they are extremely terrifying.

At best, they could barely drive him away...

"It's a pity that there were only four of us when we attacked the holy city. If we can add a few more legends, maybe we can solve that false god once and for all." Aurora looked at the four people in front of her, quite regretfully. Said, there is a hint of complaint in the words.

Obviously, she has deep resentment towards Bohr, Isaac and other [Secret Society] legends.

Destroying the empire and killing the false god is extremely beneficial to the entire wizard community—that means that from now on, their spellcasting will no longer be restricted, and they will no longer need to hide from the church to hunt them down.

So in Aurora's view, all capable wizards should contribute to sending Ella to hell...

However, these are also legends, who were promoted earlier than them, and even the more powerful leaders of the [Secret Society] had no intention of making a move at all.

You know, they are fighting Ayla on the front line. Facing such an enemy, even if they become legends, they may perish.

"It's a pity. Although we are willing to do our part, I'm afraid we won't be able to help much..." Mrs. Curie shook her head and said with a sigh.

Hearing this, Harov, Vittorio, and Aurora frowned slightly.

"Before you said that it is not convenient to make a move in the current state. Could it be that you have suffered some kind of heavy injury?" Vittorio asked bluntly.

He wanted to ask this question at the beginning, but when Bohr suddenly pointed out their pseudo-legendary identities, he was shocked for a while, so he couldn't go further. He only got a vague explanation-Isaac and others were not in this area. on the mainland.

But after becoming a legend and understanding the strength of this realm, Vittorio refused to accept this reason even more.

They have already calculated the circumference of the planet under their feet, which is about 40,000 kilometers. This distance is an astronomical figure for wizards below the legendary level, and it is far beyond the maximum limit of ordinary people's imagination.

But the legendary wizard can fly at the speed of sound, and can fly thousands of kilometers in an hour. From any corner of the planet to the kingdom, flying at full speed for one day is enough!

Even if you count the break time, you can arrive in a few days at most.

As long as the other party wants to come, the distance is never a problem.


Vittorio suddenly thought of a possibility, and then heard Albert Einstein speak.

"We haven't suffered any trauma, but we can't leave this small universe at all! Because what stays here is just an aggregate of part of our consciousness, magic power and knowledge!"

Einstein's words shocked Harov and the others present.

Isaac Newton on the side was like a riddler, asking rhetorically. "I think you should have some guesses about our identities."

Harov looked at each other with Aurora and Vittorio, and after pondering for a while, he spoke confidently. "If I'm not mistaken, you should be one of the oldest wizards who experienced the battle of faith hundreds of years ago."

This is the only possibility he can think of, because there are too many legends in the Secret Law Society, four in total, such power can already pose a substantial threat to the church, and conflicts between the two sides are inevitable.

Moreover, the growth of any legend will inevitably consume a lot of resources, and the possibility of being unknown is extremely slim.

So there is only one possibility, the other party did not rise in the era under the rule of the church.

Combined with the words of Albert Eins, then the answer is already obvious. The only way to have such a dense gathering of legendary wizards is in the chaotic period before the establishment of the church.

"Not bad!" Isaac Newton nodded in satisfaction, and then continued following Harov's words.

"The Great Wizard of the Six Rings is the limit that human beings can reach, but the power of the Moon God far exceeds this limit. In order to break through to a higher level, some wizards have obtained a lot from the legacy of the Moon God Church. According to the secret, the method of becoming a god has been created, but it cannot solve the problem of the poison of belief."

"A large number of awe-inspiring wizards have become maddened evil gods because of this, and the only solution is the remnant of the Moon God, a godhead..."

Lynn manipulated Isaac Newton to talk about the history of that period, most of which were pieces of information he pieced together from the collections found by the church, and some of them were speculations.

But in any case, this history has been buried in the years and the cleaning of the church, and it is obviously impossible for Ella, the only one who knows everything, to give them an answer.

"We did not participate in this dispute, and we also witnessed that period of crazy years. We did not recognize this way of stepping into a higher realm, so we gathered many like-minded people, hoping to find a brand new one that does not require Relying on faith and soul plundering can be promoted to a legendary method!" Bohr replied out of words.

"It seems that you have succeeded?" Aurora looked at Bohr and the others in front of her. Under her perception, the people in front of her were shining like stars.

"It was successful, but it was not successful. Our breakthrough was not perfect, and it failed to solve the key energy supply problem, so it has many defects." Speaking of this, Bohr glanced at Harov, Aurora and Vittorio continued speaking. "Fortunately, you guys seem to have sorted that out."

Harov and the others turned their heads to look at Lynn. Their promotion to the legendary energy supply relied on the nuclear fusion furnace built by Lynn!

"My nuclear fusion reactor and the promotion method for building a body of energy and magic power are developed on the basis of your theory." Lynn also explained in a timely manner.

The reason why he deliberately came up with the [Secret Law Society] was because he knew that the progress of his magic research was unbelievably fast, even completely contrary to common sense.

Although there are many all-round geniuses in history, such as Newton, Tesla, Da Vinci, etc., they are good at a wide range of fields and can make extremely amazing achievements in these fields.

But genius also has a limit. A complete set of theoretical innovations in scientific research cannot be accomplished by one person.

What's more, not long after he broke through to the great wizard, he came up with a plan to promote the legend, which solved the problem that the entire wizard land hadn't been researched for hundreds of years, and he also had a very good understanding of the microscopic field, which was obviously extremely unreasonable .

With the [Secret Law Society] as a cover, the whole process becomes more acceptable by introducing new ones based on existing ones.

Lynn was thinking, while manipulating Bohr to continue speaking.

"By the time we figured out a way to break through the legend, Ayla had already won the godhead and began to clean up all wizards who could threaten her rule. The society we formed was also targeted."

"Even though the method of becoming a god by faith has all kinds of flaws, it is far from comparable to the method of promotion we have researched in terms of improving power."

"In order to find a way to defeat the opponent, and to find a suitable energy source for promotion, we finally chose to enter the other end of the space-time gate." Bohr said succinctly.

This answer is undoubtedly beyond the expectations of Harov and others, but it is normal when you think about it carefully. It is the beginning and end of everything, and the origin of the Moon God.

In the absence of a fusion reactor, if there is a place where enough energy can be obtained, it must be the side of the time-space gate!

"What's on the other side of the time-space gate?" Vittorio asked curiously.

Both Harov and Aurora were also interested, and this was a question that they had always been quite puzzled about.

Bohr shook his head. "Unfortunately, we didn't know it before we set off. None of the personnel sent out to investigate has returned, but due to the situation at the time, we can only take a risk on our own!"

"Everything on the road ahead is unknown, and it will be accompanied by great risks, and we are prepared for the worst possible outcome!" Madame Curie added.

"That's why you left this small universe?" Harov gradually understood.

"Yes, this is a fire seed, and it is also a gift for those who come after!" Isaac Newton answered. "We jointly created this magical field, and left part of our will and all our knowledge here, and recruited capable and talented wizards to come in, hoping to deduce a complete, replicable, legendary promotion that belongs to the wizards. Law."

"In the beginning, it was just an empty dark space, but with the knowledge and research brought by generations of scholars of the Arcane Society, the scene you see now has been formed."

Aurora looked around the vast cosmic space, and she could imagine how much painstaking effort it would take to create such a magical field whose basic rules were the same as the real world.

Einstein, Bohr, and Marie Curie also each said a few words, making a round of improvements to the existence and setting of the [Secret Society].

As bodies of knowledge and consciousness, they cannot leave this small universe, and can only deduce based on the existing knowledge. The iteration of knowledge needs to rely on the recruited members of the [Secret Society], and they also need to use computing power for Maintain the operation of the mimic universe and stars.

It will only appear briefly before and after the world undergoes changes.

For example, a star is dying, or it has sensed the call from the outside world...

"The [Secret Society] has been dormant before, unwilling to have a large-scale conflict with the church, because it is meaningless at all. If you can't find a way to promote to the legend, it is almost impossible to completely defeat Ayla and destroy the church. It will only expose itself in vain!" Bohr finally explained.

It took Harov, Aurora, and Vittorio a while to sort out all the information, and the dissatisfaction and complaints about Bohr and others were immediately swept away.

After all, the opponent really has no way to make a move, and being able to show them the path to legend is already the limit of what they can do.

"It seems that Lynn is the one you have chosen!" Aurora said thoughtfully.

Isaac Newton nodded. "His talent in the field of magic is extraordinary, and he is also the person who is most likely to deduce the legendary promotion method, so I suggest that he try to go to the rumored wizard's land, maybe he can find some help there, get More novel knowledge!"

Hearing this, Harov and the others looked a little embarrassed.

The land of wizards has developed for hundreds of years without the interference of the church. As a result, the theory of magic is still very "backward" compared with the [Secret Society], but the appearance of Lynn has brought new changes to the land of wizards. ...

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