I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 513 Do you know how many galaxies there are in the universe?

"Please forgive our previous offense, and thank you for your help." Harov coughed a few times, and opened his mouth to ease the slightly awkward atmosphere on the field.

"It doesn't matter, it has always been our long-cherished wish to solve the empire and the church." Bohr said with a smile.

"I have another question, what is that godhead? Why can't even the power of a nuclear explosion destroy it." Aurora said solemnly.

"The only thing that can withstand a nuclear explosion is a more microscopic force!" Albert Einstein answered.

Lin En had experienced and witnessed the strangeness of that godhead, so he could naturally answer this question to a certain extent.

"Quantum?" Vittorio whispered the word created by Lynn, and thought of the double-slit experiment they had witnessed in the morning, which can only be described as weird.

Before, he thought about whether to let go of the exploration of the microscopic field. Now it seems that not only can't take it slowly, but also must obtain new breakthroughs as soon as possible. It is best to find a way to destroy the godhead.

"Then who killed that powerful moon god?" Harov was even more puzzled by this question.

Ayla spent hundreds of years ruling the continent to gain faith in order to seize control of the godhead and replace Diana, the moon god.

The power possessed by the other party can be seen, it is definitely stronger than the Ella they have faced before.

But such a powerful existence was actually killed, which made Harov feel a little fear in his heart.

"Did the person who killed her also come from outside the gate of time and space?" Vittorio asked eagerly.

"We hadn't become wizards when Diana, the god of the moon, died, so we knew very little about her. We only knew that the other party's death was very sudden. After those believers lost the protection of their divine power, the church collapsed in a short period of time. Within a few years." Bohr answered based on the little information he obtained from the library.

But he knew very well that they had to say something different in order to distinguish it from the information obtained by the council from the holy city books and increase their credibility.

Ever since, Isaac Newton on the side took up the conversation. "If it is said that the existence that killed her came from the other side of the gate of time and space, then that is not necessarily the case. The universe we live in is not as simple as you think."

Vittorio looked at several people very confused, not quite understanding what they meant.

Isaac Newton didn't mean to explain immediately, but looked at Aurora. "I hear you know a lot about astronomy?"

"It's just some experience." Aurora shook her head. Looking at this huge small universe, she knew that Isaac and others' understanding of the universe and stars was far beyond what she could match. In front of these people, she dared not easily say that she understood this. word.

"Then do you know how many galaxies there are in the universe? And how many planets like eternal stars are there in these galaxies?" Isaac Newton continued to ask.

Aurora frowned, but she hadn't counted them carefully, because there are too many stars in the sky, just like the water drops in the lake, they are inexhaustible.

"You mean that there may be human beings in every galaxy we see?" Vittorio quickly realized the meaning hidden in the other's words.

"It may not necessarily be a person." Isaac Newton said.

"The evolution of life is actually not that easy. According to observations, most of the stars are barren, and there should be no conditions for the birth of life."

"But there are too many stars. There are trillions of them just what we can see. Even if only one in a million, or even one in ten million has life, there are probably countless civilizations in the universe. Hundreds of billions!"

Hundreds of billions of civilizations, this indescribably huge number, shocked Vittorio and Aurora.

Harov also had a shocked expression on his face. He never thought that the threat would come from the endless starry sky above his head.

"But those stars should be far away from us." Aurora said with a little hesitation, even the sun that is closest to them and visible to the naked eye is 100 million kilometers away.

"In the universe, distance is sometimes not a problem." Isaac Newton said with a smile.

Aurora fell silent for a moment, and immediately thought of the time-space gates erected all over the continent.

After using probability theory to successfully divert the thinking of several people, in order to prevent them from continuing to ask more about the battle of faith, Lynn secretly asked the brain to start interrupting the supply of magic power here.

The bright starlight in the small universe is gradually dimming, and Harov and others are also awakened from thinking about the civilization of the universe.

It is not the first time that several people who have entered here understand what this means.

"It seems that today's discussion will come to an end." Bohr said with a sigh.

Harov and the others are also quite regretful. He still has many questions that he wants to get answers from Bohr and others, but it is a pity that time is running out.

About ten seconds later, the light brought by a star explosion has completely dissipated, and the whole body was shrouded in endless darkness again. The five people in it also felt this repulsive force, and actively disconnected from the magic field. Link.

"It's finally over..." In the capital, in the residence of the Iyeta School, Lin En took off the ring of secret magic in his hand, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the [Secret Law Society] has helped him solve many problems since its establishment, the troubles it has caused are really not small, and if there is a bad trouble, there will be a risk of exposure.

It is not an easy task to fool Harov and others. If he hadn't actually given out a lot of knowledge beyond his own ability, he would have been exposed by suspicion long ago.

Fortunately, after this time, most of the troubles have been resolved, and the whereabouts of the legends in the [Secret Society] has also been explained.

Lin En thought carefully about the omissions in his words, and felt that most of them should be corrected. The more likely problem was the death of Diana, the God of the Moon.

Anyway, according to the probability, there must be aliens. As for whether they did it, who knows?

He just said it was possible!

As for the parliament breaking into the gate of time and space in the future, will anyone want to find the whereabouts of Bohr and others... That was all hundreds of years ago. In such a long time, anything can happen. It should be easy to prevaricate.

Thinking of this, Lynn relaxed, and picked up the research notes on the table, on which a huge signal tower was drawn.

This is the prototype of the magic base station!

In order to realize the mass production of the Wizard Project, this thing and quantum computer technology must be integrated.

Just as Lynn was thinking about how to improve it, the entire kingdom was already arguing about the duality of quantum fluctuations and probability waves he proposed...

There is a happy event at home, the angel is engaged today! I am so busy today that I can't stop, I can only post a limited number of saved manuscripts (part-time job plus engagement preparations, I really can't save much), please forgive me. It will be updated as usual tomorrow, and it will not be affected. I also wish everyone to find the other half they like as soon as possible...

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