I Made Scientific Magic

Chapter 514 Changes outside the gate of time and space.

[Electrons are both particles and waves! ], [Magicism may not exist at all], [Thinking carefully, microscopic particles may have consciousness, and elemental ghosts are wandering around everyone! ], 【Truth also rolls dice】...

Under the operation of a group of magic newspapers, the experimental results of the magic seminar were quickly announced, causing an uproar in the entire wizard community.

Although there are tens of thousands of wizards attending the seminar this time, they only account for half of the entire wizarding group, not to mention that there are nearly 100,000 wizard apprentices, and not everyone has enough time to go to the seminar. In the capital, not everyone is keen on magic research.

But as long as you are a wizard, you can't be indifferent to Lynn's theory of probability, because the logic at the bottom of magic is order and law!

However, this regularity has been broken now. This kind of shock and panic is almost suffocating, followed by massive voices of doubt.

Although Luo Er was very happy with the surge in newspaper sales again, it also caused a lot of troubles. Within a day, the Magic Daily received tens of thousands of letters from all over the kingdom.

Even if Luo Er didn't open these letters, he would know what was said inside.

It is nothing more than refuting and cursing the quantum theory of the magic star, thinking that volatility and particle nature can never exist at the same time, and the fallacy that probability waves violate common sense and magic logic!

The assistant at the side looked at the envelopes that almost filled the room, and said hesitantly. "Master Luo Er, what should we do with these letters? Should they be sent to Speaker Lynn?"

Judging from the messages on the envelope, only about one-tenth of the replies were sent to the newspaper office for publication, and the rest were sent to the lord.

"Who's going to deliver it? Are you going to deliver it? We're not in charge of delivering letters." Luo Er rolled his eyes, and then asked his assistant to dispose of these letters, so as not to be an eyesore here.

Get rid of it, is it really okay? The assistant glanced at Luo Er, hesitated to speak, if word spread, they would definitely be killed by those angry wizards.

But he didn't have the courage to send these to the mansion of the magic star, so he could only temporarily vacate a warehouse for storage.

After throwing this big trouble to his assistant, Luo Er turned his attention to an important manuscript.

The person who wrote the letter was naturally the person who set off this magic storm, the famous magic star, and the title of this paper is [The World of Probability——Quantum Mechanics]!

In this paper, Lynn explained in detail what is called probability, and re-improved the internal structure model of the element, which is no longer the appearance of star orbits, but changed to a probability cloud.

The electrons located in the atom are not moving along a specific orbit, but are distributed around the nucleus with a certain probability.

In addition, the uncertainty principle is also proposed, the position and momentum of the particle cannot be determined at the same time, the smaller the uncertainty of the position, the greater the uncertainty of the momentum, and vice versa.

The following even uses a large number of Olympian equations to express the uncertainty relationship between position and momentum.

Luo Er's level of Mathematical Olympiad can only be regarded as mediocre, and he can't understand the meaning expressed by these Mathematical Olympiad equations at all, but he can see one thing.

Whether it is the wave-particle duality of microscopic particles or the probability theory, it is not the imagination of the magic star to explain the phenomenon of double-slit interference. On the contrary, it has a very rigorous theory.

"Let's use this paper as the layout tomorrow." After reviewing it, Luo Er handed over the manuscript to another assistant and asked him to copy it as soon as possible.


Outside the gate of time and space, in a desolate and dead God's Domain, 100,000 Moke people are kneeling among the magic plants [blazing mushrooms], praying routinely.

It's just that the god they call has changed from the great moon god Diana to Ayla. It's not that no one has noticed something wrong, but this has become their only hope for survival.

Only by praying with your heart and offering your faith can you get precious food and calories.

About an hour later, the prayer ceremony officially ended, and as usual, countless breads fell from the sky and landed beside them.

The Moko people, who were devoting themselves to praying, grabbed the bread excitedly and gnawed it, expressing their gratitude to the great Lord for his gift from time to time.

And those Moko people who were not firm in their beliefs and did not pray sincerely were frozen in place by some powerful force, unable to move, and could only watch other people enjoy the delicacy bestowed by God.

Ella, who was hiding in the dark, watched all this silently. Several days had passed since she entered the gate of time and space. In addition to recuperating her wounds and merging with the godhead, she also gathered all the surviving wisdom species here. .

The number of people is much smaller than she imagined, and coupled with the lack of resources in this dilapidated God's Domain, it is extremely difficult to rebuild the divine arts system here.

Ella vaguely regretted that she chose to recruit all the God's Punishment Knights who had explored this place before, and they were killed and injured in several wars with the council, otherwise at least some helpers would be available now.

"Lord of the Undead—Danatus!" Ayla muttered the name silently in her heart, not daring to say the name of the god directly to avoid being known by the other party.

This is undoubtedly the biggest trouble she has to face now. This lord of the undead possesses medium divine power, and his divine domain covers several planes. His strength is much stronger than that of the moon god, and he is by no means the current self. able to contend.

The only good thing is that this plane has a large area, and the [blazing mushroom] bush they are in is like an insignificant stone in the hills, not very eye-catching.

As long as she doesn't use her godhead to try to seize control of this god's domain, she won't alarm the other party.

Of course, this is all temporary. Once the lord of the dead successfully infects the elements of the entire plane with divine power, no matter where they hide, they will be exposed instantly.

The time left for her is very limited.

Ella kept thinking about countermeasures, and soon had an idea in her mind.

Although she did not dare to appear in front of the lord of the undead, and was unable to return to the gate of time and space due to the problem of moonlight, it was not without chance.

Ella, who has part of the memory of the moon god Diana, knows very well how attractive a new plane is to a god, not to mention that it is a very huge and vibrant world.

Only by driving the tiger and devouring the wolf can she have a chance...

(PS: Everyone’s blessed angels have been received, thank you very much! The second chapter will be posted at night. I’m too busy these days to save the draft. It’s all in cash, sorry.)

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