I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 42 Small Tower, Dragon? !

"Huh? Why do you feel so much changed?"

Fang Bai looked at the somewhat changed building and frowned slightly.

As if there had been a major earthquake, all the intact ruins and buildings collapsed and were completely reduced to ruins.

Fang Bai clenched the handle of his arm shield and hammer, his face was serious and he was careful.

As he entered the ruins, the feeling of panic surged into his heart again, as if there was a wild beast crawling in front of him, which made people feel heart-stopping.

"This pressure is stronger than before."

Fang Bai said softly, fortunately he was much stronger now and could barely resist.

Step by step, Fang Bai got closer and was shocked when he could see the scope of the square.

The originally flat square has now collapsed into a large pit. The tall white tower in the center of the pit is leaning on the spot, seeming to become even more dilapidated.

Some bones were exposed where the base of the tower collapsed.

The bones are huge, like gold and jade, and each bone is thicker than Fang Bai's waist. The entire skeleton lies at the bottom of the pit, with only some corners exposed.

When Fang Bai stared at the skeleton, suddenly, a high-pitched moo sounded in his mind.


The bones in Fang Bai's eyes began to spread with blood, tendons, skin, and scales. In the blink of an eye, a living giant suddenly broke free from the soil and rushed towards Fang Bai.

Fang Bai stared at the giant beast with wide eyes. When the giant beast rushed in front of him and was about to touch it, it suddenly disappeared.

It turned out to be just an illusion.

Fang Bai's face turned pale and his back was wet. Unknowingly, his back was wet with cold sweat. Even so, Fang Bai couldn't help but think about the illusion just now.

"The head is like a camel, the horns are like a deer, the eyes are like a rabbit, the ears are like an ox, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a carp, the claws are like an eagle, the palms are like a tiger, and the cry is like a high-pitched cow mooing."

Fang Bai opened his mouth slightly and spat out a word in disbelief.


"Phew, it's so beautiful."

After a long time, Fang Bai took a long breath and woke up from the hallucination, but he still couldn't help but be obsessed with the magnificence of the dragon.

Looking at the golden and jade-like dragon bones, Fang Bai wanted to get closer, but just taking a step forward felt the pressure surge.

In just a moment, Fang Bai's thinking slowed down and his face turned red. His spell slot made a clicking sound and was on the verge of breaking. His heart seemed to be squeezed by a hand and would explode the next moment.

Fang Bai suddenly took a step back and fell to the ground, panting heavily, looking at the dragon bone in front of him with horrified eyes.

"Although the dragon is dead, its power still remains. I can't get close at all. If I take even one more step, I will die.

And it is death that annihilates both the spirit and the body at the same time. "

Fang Bai didn't dare to get any closer, reluctantly glanced at the dragon bone, and then walked towards the collapsed white tower next to it.

At this time, the white tower became more dilapidated, and Fang Bai didn't react at all even if he approached.


Fang Bai turned his head and looked at the keel, and then looked at the white tower. This time, even if he walked to the top of the tower and looked in through the window, there was no reaction or sound.

Looking into the white tower through the window, nothing can be seen, only a gray patch, but there seem to be ferocious cracks on it.

This white tower seemed to be just a hair away from completely collapsing.

Bang bang!

Fang Bai couldn't help but pat the white tower twice, but there was still no reaction.

After thinking about it, I tried to use the fantasy space to scan the white tower, but even if I touched the white tower, I couldn't scan it, and I couldn't scan it into shape in the fantasy space.

"Is it really broken?"

Fang Bai was a little disappointed. The job transfer token was obtained here. He originally wanted to come here again to see if he could get any benefits. After all, he had first-level authority.

Unexpectedly, when I came over and took a look, I found it was broken.

Fang Bai couldn't help but take a few photos, and continued to scan with fantasy space and mental power. At this moment, a sudden intermittent voice caught his attention.

"Beep, network connection failed."

"Oh, 100% damaged."

"Dip, check.Permissions"

"Dip, enter. Emergency. Restore to factory settings. Repair."

"Hey, the human race Chang'an. Fa. Long-term, Taling No. 09527, has been on duty for one year. Goodbye after the mission is completed."

Then the white tower floated up silently, and the flames spread on the white tower from the inside out.

Fang Bai didn't notice any temperature leakage, but the space above the white tower was violently distorted and shattered by the burning.

Under the flames, the shell of the white tower melted into white liquid bit by bit. The liquid rolled and repaired the cracks on it bit by bit.

During this process, the tower gradually shrank, and the tower floors fell one after another. In just the blink of an eye, the tower fell from the ten-story tower to the seventh and sixth floors.

It was not until it turned into a six-story tower that it was completely repaired and the changes stopped.

The flames continued to burn, and the tower did not melt anymore. The number of floors remained the same, but it continued to shrink.

Dozens of meters high, tens of meters high, several meters high, dozens of centimeters high, in the blink of an eye the white tower turned into a delicate little tower nine centimeters high.

At this moment, the small tower became brand new, the flame disappeared, and then floated in front of Fang Bai.

During the smelting process of the tower, a fist-sized stone bead fell from below. After the small tower levitated, the stone bead was about to fall. Fang Bai quickly reached out to catch it.

Looking at the stone beads that were not melted or heated in the flames, Fang Bai put them into his pocket, and then looked at the exquisite little tower in front of him.

After thinking about it, Fang Bai stretched out his hand to catch it, but the moment his hand touched it, the small white tower disappeared.

Fang Bai had no time to look for it, because as soon as the small tower disappeared, the ground suddenly shook.

earthquake? !

The violent shock caused Fang Bai to stagger and almost fall. Looking back, he saw that the source of the earthquake was the large pit where the keel was.

Before he could take a closer look, an overwhelming terrifying pressure swept over him. Fang Bai felt his whole body stiffen and his hands and feet became weak, as if he was facing a natural enemy.

Feeling the pressure that was getting stronger at a rapid speed, his heart rate continued to accelerate and his thinking reactions continued to slow down, which made Fang Bai's face suddenly change.

He forcibly controlled his body and ran outside, and the pressure was slightly relieved.

as expected!

“Before, the White Tower should have suppressed the pressure of the dragon bone, so the fatal pressure could only be felt within that range.

Now that the White Tower has disappeared, the pressure of the dragon bone will return to its normal range and intensity!

If you stay any longer, you will definitely die! "

Fang Bai didn't dare to stop for a moment and ran towards the outside at full speed. Even if he was slower, he might be crushed by the terrifying pressure.

It wasn't just Fang Bai who was running, there were also a group of various beasts, some of which he knew, and some of which were strange and strange that he didn't recognize at all.

A small beast tide was formed, and there were even several beasts in the beast tide that made Fang Bai aware of the danger. They were definitely extraordinary beasts at the same level as those who had changed jobs.

This made Fang Bai realize the danger hidden in this forest.

But at this moment, no one had any intention of conflict, and they were all running for their lives.

From time to time, slow-running beasts behind him fell into the pressure and could no longer run. They were directly crushed to the ground, with bleeding from their orifices and exploding eyes. Finally, they exploded into a ball of blood mist under the terrifying pressure!

Behind him, a shadow rose into the sky, and a high-pitched cow moo sounded that shocked the world.


Thanks to "131S" for the 100 starting coin reward, thank you for your support.

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