"Huh, I finally ran out."

Fang Bai turned around and looked in the direction of the ruins with lingering fear.

After losing the suppression of the White Tower, the scope of the terrifying dragon's power has even spread from the ruins to the mine deposits, including most of the deposits. The total area can be imagined.

It's absolutely terrifying.

After being out of danger, the tide of beasts gradually dissipated, and Fang Bai watched each beast disappear into the forest.

No wild beasts are taking action here. They all seem to be worried about turning from hunters to prey after being injured. They all seem to be quite harmonious.

However, Fang Bai still noticed that some ferocious beasts quietly followed some wild beasts out. Obviously, the hunter's hunting was about to begin.

Not long after, all the beasts were gone, and Fang Bai returned to the blast furnace.

When Fang Bai returned, he did not forge or start studying. Instead, he sank his consciousness into his mind and quietly stared at the small white tower that suddenly appeared in his mind.

Fang Bai didn't have time to check within the range of Longwei, but as soon as he came out of Longwei's range, Fang Bai found that the small white tower that had disappeared suddenly appeared in his mind.

The small white tower floated in the center of his mind, domineeringly occupying the original position of the spell slot, but the spell slot was directly pushed down and slowly rotated under the small white tower.

Fang Bai stared at the small white tower and tried to perceive it with his mental power. Along with it, a piece of information emerged in his mind.

"Please select a territory for placement as soon as possible."

"Choose a territory for placement?"

Fang Bai was slightly startled.

"Territory placement?"

Fang Bai thought for a moment, then pointed forward with an idea.


"Hey, the territory ownership test failed, and the placement failed. Please select all your territories for placement."

A piece of information circulated in Fang Bai's mind.

"All my territory? Does that mean I have to own a territory of my own before I can place it?

But what exactly is my territory? If I write a flag myself and put it up on the ground, does it count as my territory? Or is there some ritual that needs to be performed? Do you need the approval of national power or divine power? "

He tried some random methods, but found that it was useless and could not be regarded as territory. Fang Bai had no choice but to use his mental power to test it again and again.

But this small white tower was like a solid stone, with no reaction at all, and no sound.

Mental power cannot penetrate, and fantasy space cannot be scanned.

Not only the small white tower was like this, but also the stone ball that was taken out immediately.

It cannot be scanned by mental power or fantasy space. It looks like an ordinary stone.

But the inability to scan the mental power and fantasy space is enough to show that it is extraordinary, not to mention that the stone ball did not change at all under the flames that could melt the White Tower.

At this moment, Fang Bai felt as if he had found two golden mountains but found there was no way to enter.

After running around the forest and mineral deposits for a long time, Fang Bai could not place the small white tower no matter where he was. After repeated attempts, there was really nothing he could do, so Fang Bai could only temporarily forget about it.

After putting the stone ball away, Fang Bai glanced at the time.

"Nine-thirty, still early."

After pondering for a moment, and remembering the message Su Shiping sent him before, Fang Bai immediately logged off and left the rental house, and walked into Haihang University.

Although I haven't been here for more than a month, there are still no changes in the school, and the girl is still beautiful.

He walked into the classroom where Su Shiping applied by familiar means. However, when he opened the door, he didn't see Su Shiping. He only saw a beautiful girl sitting inside.

The beautiful girl wearing a brown beret turned her head when she heard the door open. Fang Bai was stunned when he saw this.

"You are? I remember there are no girls in this project team, they are all old men."

"Who are you?"

The beret girl asked rhetorically.

"I'm looking for Su Shiping and the others. Isn't this the activity center that Su Shiping applied for to support the armor project team?

Did I go wrong? "

Fang Bai couldn't help but doubt himself. He first left out in confusion and took a look at the house number. After confirming that it was correct, he walked in again.

"Did they go out? My name is Fang Bai. They should have mentioned me, right?"

"Oh, Fang Bai, I heard them say that?"

The girl reacted immediately and said immediately.

"Hi, my name is Jiang Nan. I am their senior sister in the same major. I have had discussions with them for a while before. Today I came here to check the information and find some inspiration.

They have all gone to find Professor Lu now. If you want to find them, you can wait here and they should be back in the morning. "

After Jiang Nan finished speaking, he went back to drawing his own drawings, but the pen was spinning in his hand and he couldn't start writing for a long time.


Fang Bai didn't say anything after hearing this, and walked forward by himself. When passing by Jiang Nan, he found that she seemed to be drawing a design drawing of a mechanical armor. The armor was very beautiful, especially the mechanical part, which was practical, simple, and beautiful. But it's not finished yet, there's still a part to go.

Fang Bai took one look and then withdrew his gaze and walked straight over.

Hearing Fang Bai passing by, Jiang Nan looked up and then focused on the drawing again, frowning slightly.

Fang Bai walked straight to a whiteboard. Various mechanical structures were drawn on the whiteboard with a black marker, and various formulas and derivation results were written next to it.

Power transmission formula.

Design of unloading path.

Looking at the derivation results, there seems to be some conflict between the two.

There was a large pile of manuscripts and a stack of experimental records next to them. Fang Bai was flipping through them while waiting.

Most of the recent manuscripts seem to have similar problems. This problem must have troubled them for a long time. They have done a lot of discussion and analysis but have not come to a conclusion.

Time passed little by little. Jiang Nan, who had been thinking for a long time without success, raised her head and found that Fang Bai was reading the manuscript and experimental records. She had also read through them before in order to seek some inspiration.

"It contains some very professional formulas and derivation. Can he understand it?"

Jiang Nan remembered that Su Shiping said that Fang Bai was not very professional.

"Maybe just for fun, right?"

This thought flashed through my mind, and then I put it aside, lowered my head again, and started to use the computer to look up information.

Time passed little by little, and the classroom was quiet. Only the sound of two people turning pages could be heard from time to time. Occasionally, they raised their heads to take a look, and then they were immersed in the thinking in front of them.

After a long time, Fang Bai browsed through all the manuscripts and rough drafts and began to think.


Fang Bai thought silently in his heart.

After thinking for a while, I saw a few blank whiteboards next to me. I immediately picked up a marker and recorded on the whiteboard while verifying what I was thinking.

Jiang Nan, who raised his head to move around, saw what Fang Bai was deducing and looked at it boredly.

Quietly watching Fang Bai calculate and deduce all the way. Looking at the derivation process, Jiang Nan's beautiful eyes widened slightly, her cheeks became hot, and she thought to herself.

"Jiang Nan, Jiang Nan, do you still doubt whether people can understand the manuscript? Are you just looking at it?

Fortunately, I didn't say anything to him, otherwise I would be too embarrassed. "

Jiang Nan couldn't help but continue reading until he saw Fang Bai's final calculation result. He watched Fang Bai take out a rough draft based on the result, slightly adjusted it and added a small structure to it, and then stopped.

The new drawings look much more coordinated and beautiful.

"This problem has actually been solved. It's amazing. The drawings have become much more beautiful."

Jiang Nan opened her mouth slightly in surprise. She had also read this manuscript and tried to solve this problem before, but failed. In the end, she had to recommend Su Shiping and the others to ask Professor Lu for help, but she didn't expect Fang Bai to solve it directly. .

Just as he was surprised, Jiang Nan heard the sound of opening the door, and Fang Bai also put down the marker and looked back. He immediately adjusted his expression and pretended that nothing happened.

She is a senior sister, so calm down, it is embarrassing to be so surprised, but she cannot let her junior brothers see her.

He lowered his head as if he had been looking at the drawings.

Hearing the noise, Fang Bai looked back and saw that Jiang Nan was still thinking about something with his head down as before. He turned to look at the door, and Su Shiping led someone in.

At this time, Jiang Nan also happened to hear the sound and raised his head.

"Senior sister, eh, Brother Bai, you're done. Long time no see."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Fang Bai nodded slightly, and seeing that Su Shiping was in a good mood and holding some documents in his hand, he continued.

"The problem is solved?"

"It's solved. Professor Lu takes action. Isn't this easy?"

Su Shiping said happily, and was slightly startled just after he finished speaking.

"Huh? Brother Bai, how do you know? Did you see it? Okay, Brother Bai, you won't go home secretly to read, right?"

Su Shiping glanced at the manuscript next to him, said slightly surprised, and then raised the document in his hand.

“Professor Lu’s manuscript, Professor Lu not only gave us ideas for solving the problem, but also made some comments on the mechanical armor we designed and put forward some optimization suggestions.

This time I have made a lot of money. If you come and see it, it will definitely make your eyes light up. "

When Fang Bai heard this, he immediately became interested. He put down the marker in his hand and immediately took the document stapled on A4 paper. There were some very random drafts and sketches on it, but the ideas reflected in it were very good. Fang Bai could see it. Can't help but sink in.

Su Shiping casually glanced at the data on the whiteboard and had no reaction.

Jiang Nan, who was secretly paying attention to Su Shiping's expression, was stunned.

Not surprised? Why am I not surprised at all when I see this derivation result?

Isn't this a problem that has been bothering them?

Could it be possible that you didn't see it? Did not notice?

Jiang Nan was immediately hung in the air, unable to move up or down.

It’s uncomfortable.

Could it be that she was the only one surprised?

Jiang Nan was stunned.

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