I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

133: Overseas Players Don't Want To Escape, Accept The Baptism Of Chinese Horror!

After the game was tested, Gu Qiu took it home and gave Gu Feng a try.

Ten minutes later, the pale Gu Feng took off his VR glasses and looked at Gu Qiu with dull eyes.

He had lingering fear on his face: "Where did you get this thing?"

Seeing his father like this, Gu Qiu was stunned and didn't dare to say that he made this game.

If you say it, I'm afraid there will be a bloodbath

The domestic platform is occupied by "Paper Man", and foreign countries are not idle.

Although horror games are niche, they still have a group of loyal fans.

Many Chinese players, after seeing the power of "Paper Dolls", went to the live broadcast room of foreign anchors and recommended this game with a mentality that watching the excitement is not a big deal.

Some were curious, so they went to search, and they were surprised when they saw that it was a Xinhuo game.

The popularity of Xinhuo is already very high, with two consecutive hits, Xinhuo is famous overseas.

After they watched the promotional video, they were even more overjoyed!

They have never seen such a unique style of painting.

Coupled with the relatively cheap price of "Paper Dolls", these foreign anchors bought the game without even thinking about it.

After the live broadcast started, many foreign anchors who had experienced countless horror games were terrified by "Paper Man".

Overseas platform, the guy took a moment.

However, without VR, it is always less interesting.

The fire glasses are too difficult to buy, and many anchors waited for a long time before they got the first batch of goods.

There are many people who have been waiting for the title of VR horror game.

Like Bach.

He thinks that Gu Qiu is a talented producer, and the horror game Gu Qiu made is also worth a try.

What's more, he claims to be an expert in horror movies, and any horror movie has never frightened him.

Especially those well-known Asian horror films, such as those from Japan and Tai, he watched them several times and almost fell asleep.

As soon as the fire glasses arrived, he couldn't wait to open the live broadcast room.

"I heard that this "Paper Doll" is doing pretty well recently. My glasses arrived today, and I specially gave them a try."

"To be honest, when others were playing before, I took a few glances, and it was really okay.

"Just to me, it's not that scary."

"Today, I'm here to give you a trial broadcast. If it's only to this extent, then I will be a little disappointed."

Bach put on the VR glasses and entered the game.

Five minutes later.

His breathing became heavy.

The old woman killed her face, and he let out a sharp howl!

"What is this!"

"It's horrible! My God!"


He already wanted to give up, but after thinking about it, he decided to persevere.

With a simple QTE action, he drove away the old crone and evil ghost, and after hiding in the safe house again, he entered the second secret room.

There he found many finely crafted little dolls.

The little doll is very cute, with a round belly and a lovable face, as if it popped out of a New Year picture.

But the problem is, every little doll is incomplete...

Some have no arms, some have no legs!

The originally cute doll has also added a lot of weirdness at this time.

Bach held it in his hand and muttered in a low voice.

"Kind of gross, man."

"Worse than the dolls in Dead Silence."

These dolls are used to solve puzzles, hang the dolls on a scale, and judge the weight of missing arms and legs by tilting the weight at both ends, so that the two ends of the scale are balanced

After much difficulty, Bach endured the discomfort in his heart and balanced the scale.


There is a key hanging on the mechanism that pops up.


Bach felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart, and the joy brought by deciphering made him take the key and rush to open the cabinet.

"As expected, there may be something scary in here."

Bach's nervousness raised his throat.

He now regrets saying that he is a horror film expert. To be honest, when watching other people play, it is actually the same thing.

When you know that what is shown on the screen is false, you will be less afraid.

But VR is different...

This sense of substitution is simply too strong!

The all-round three-dimensional package makes the whole person seem to be thrown into this weird old house, facing all the ghosts alone...

The sense of the unknown, and the strong sense of immersion, made his hair stand on end!

Especially when he was chased by that paper man with a big knife, he felt like his heart was about to jump out!

…0 for flowers……

It's so exciting, more exciting than any escape game...

The feeling of not being able to resist was so oppressive that he could only run away desperately.

He really didn't want to experience this feeling again.


The cabinet was slowly opened, and his tension reached its peak!

He felt that if he was a designer, he would definitely arrange a scary plot here.

But, no.

The cabinet was safely opened, which contained the pass for the next level, a scarecrow full of silver needles, and clues about the old woman's life experience.

He opened the note and read it.

Xin Huo's translation has always been good, he can read it without any obstacles, very smooth.

"Oh, I see, that old lady just now seemed to like to gossip behind her back.

"She despises the wife of this family, thinking that she is too beautiful and disobedient.

"Because of this, the corners of her mouth were torn open?"

Bach reasoned up, and he thought seriously.

"This note said that the old lady had gossiped with the headless man in the front hall. That headless man seems to be the property manager of this family."

"Huaxia is called Mr. Accountant.

Bach became more and more excited, he felt that he had cracked part of the secrets of this old house!

If the scarecrow is placed in the original position of the candlestick, the next mechanism will appear!

He was nervous and looking forward to it, and quickly put the scarecrow on it.

Sure enough, with a click, the box popped out.

"The key should be inside!"

Without further ado, Bach opened the box.

Inside the box, there is a human head upright!

Open your eyes wide and look at him straight!

"Fack Fack Fack!!!"

Bach threw the box away. He really didn't expect that the designer's routine was so ruthless!

The blood in his whole body froze almost instantly!

All the hairs on my body stood up...


He panted heavily, his hands and feet were a little weak from fright.

For a moment, he felt a little wronged.

Designers are too much!

When it was time to be scary, nothing was released, and the key props for customs clearance were made into a head by the designer!.

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