I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

134: Crazy Consumers, Start A New Tour Plan!

Fear, it seems, can also be addictive!

After the extreme tension, Bach actually fell in love with this exciting feeling!

he lasted for an hour

In the end, because my heart was beating so fast, I felt it was difficult to breathe, so I took off my glasses.

"I assure you, this is the most exciting and scary horror game I have ever played, no other horror game can compare with it!"

"The sense of reality brought by VR glasses is unmatched by other horror games."

"And this glasses, I can only say that Xinhuo's technology is too strong!"

"It's very light, you don't feel dizzy when playing, and the picture quality is particularly good, and it's easy to use. I highly recommend it."

After the first batch of players got the fire glasses, the game became very popular unexpectedly.

The unique Chinese-style horror has taught foreigners who have never seen these things a solid lesson.

On the cloud platform, many players came up to leave messages.

"I bought this game for my son. He used to be mischievous. After playing this game, he suffered from severe depression. Now he is much more stable. Thanks to Xinhuo Studio!"

"I really want to send something to Mr. Gu, this broken game made me have nightmares for three days in a row!"

"I want to ask, Mr. Gu, can you add a function, I want to carry that Buddha statue on my back, okay?

The protagonist walks too slowly, people are chasing you, don't you know how to run quickly? I pick up faster than him!

"The strongest horror game, when you wear VR glasses, you will enter a new world!"

The game was only half done at the time.

Gu Qiu wanted to release the game with the glasses, so he divided the game into two parts.

This weird old house is the residence of the Yin family.

The old house has two floors, the first one is the moment you go upstairs.

On the stairs on the first and second floors, there is an evil ghost hidden. Players need to find the vajra and suppress the evil ghost through QTE.

In fact, it is not difficult. After the total process, it will be over in four or five hours.

Soon, some players got through the game.

As the plot unfolds, the secrets of the Yin Mansion are gradually revealed.

In this mansion, it seems that everyone hides their own secrets, everyone has difficulties and last resort, and they have all done wrong things.

They also paid the price for what they did.

The accountant, who was greedy for money, was beheaded and knelt with his hands tied to make atonement.

The corner of the mouth of the talkative and jealous old lady was torn.

The maid who wanted to seduce her master had her lower body cut off, soaked in sewage, and suffered forever...

In everyone's story, there is also the ultimate secret of the Yin family.

After the players got used to it slowly, they finally discovered the fun of the game. Through the fragmented narrative, the whole story was finally deduced.

But just halfway through the reasoning, the whole story came to an abrupt end!

The players couldn't sit still!

They ran to Gu Qiu's Weibo to urge updates!

"Half of making games? You really have it!"

"Please, please do it quickly! I can't see the ending, and I can't even fall asleep!"

"I said a number, three days, I want to see the second half!"

"You think I can't afford it, huh?"


There are probably several thousand comments from players who came to urge updates.

As for Xinhuo's latest Weibo comments, the number of comments at this time has reached more than 100,000.

Except for reminders, the rest are for the shipment of VR glasses!

VR glasses are completely sold out!

The power of old perverts should not be underestimated.

The first batch of 1.5 million was sold out!

The next one million produced sold faster, and they were all sold out in less than half an hour.

Crazy consumers came to Xinhuo's Weibo one after another, urging the production of VR glasses as soon as possible!

That's called a shortage!

Everyone in the industry is dumbfounded...

They are all making VR glasses, and others are half dead when they make them. When I come to Gu Qiu, I can’t wait to work overtime every day!


Gu Qiu is also very busy... 0

He didn't expect VR glasses to make money at first, he just wanted to lay a solid foundation for the future full platform.

Unexpectedly, the consumers are too generous.

The VR glasses alone have brought him hundreds of millions of dollars in income, and he is soft on collecting money.

No matter how jealous the outside world is, Xin Huo is still advancing his plan in an orderly manner.

"Paper Dolls 2" is already under development, and the development is almost complete, and the fire glasses are also being produced. Gu Qiu simply invested an additional 50 million and added two production lines!

Under such a strong effort, VR glasses are still in short supply.

Gu Qiu already has a plan in mind...

Originally, he was planning to wait a little longer before promoting large-scale VR games, but looking at it now, this time may be brought forward!

The sales of glasses are so good, it is enough to support the player base of large games.

He checked his system.

In the system, the popularity value that was consumed before has increased little by little.

The previous games are still gaining popularity, and the popularity of "Paper Dolls" is also rising rapidly!

Every purchaser of VR glasses is a potential "Paper Doll" player!

But the increase in popularity doesn't seem to be based on the sales of glasses, but on the number of people who have actually played the game.

4.7 is the case, and the popularity value provided by "Paper Doll" is also very impressive.

It has been more than a month since it was released, and its popularity has risen by hundreds of thousands!

In the system, there are several technologies that require popularity points to unlock in advanced permissions. Gu Qiu took a look. If the plan is normal, wait until "Paper Doll 2" is released, and then wait a month, maybe you can start. Production of large-scale VR games!

He now has a preliminary idea of ​​the specific mode of the game!

Among the black technologies, there is a technology that can use mobile phones to interact in reality.

Gu Qiu thought of a whole new game mode.

He is confident that if this kind of game is made, it will be popular all over the world!.

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