I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

167: The Surprise Of The Top Director, You Call This A Game Screen?

After the fall of the Beastmaster, the small world created by sister Zhou officially cleared the level.

But the shock on the Internet has just begun.

Many players recorded the live broadcast video of the day and uploaded it to major video websites.

There are also many UP masters who re-edited the video and added exciting music to create a second creation.

On Xiaopozhan, Douyin, and YouTube channels, countless videos about Sister Zhou's beast horde battle that day emerged like a flood.

Go viral!

The scenes were so lifelike, they were so shocking!

Many people can't believe their eyes when they see it for the first time.

The picture is so real that even top-notch CG synthesis cannot produce such a realistic effect.

Even Hollywood blockbusters can't do such a surprising effect

The great Hollywood director Spielberg was reading the script of a new play when his assistant suddenly came over.

"Director, I think you should watch this video."

The assistant's face was full of excitement, as if he had discovered a new continent, his hands were trembling slightly, and his mood was extremely high.


Spielberg didn't like being disturbed when he was working. He frowned and looked at his assistant unhappy.

He happened to see the most tense moment, the script was well written, the climax was wonderful, and it happened to be the most critical part.

The result was interrupted by the assistant.

He had already figured it out, if the assistant had nothing special to do, he would definitely scold the little assistant.

You can't interrupt his work so presumptuously.

"Director, look."

The blond assistant girl, her face flushed with excitement, handed the tablet in her hand to the big director.

With a sullen face, Spielberg took the tablet and clicked on the video that was playing.


Boom boom boom!

Countless bombardments exploded in the ears of the great director!

Gunpowder smoke was everywhere, and there were thousands of psychic cannons firing at the same time. The light effect and the earth-shattering explosion instantly made the director's eyes widen!


He looked at the screen on the tablet in disbelief...

This is war?

The artillery fire scattered, bombarded among the beasts, the flesh and blood flew like a meat grinder, the scattered flesh and blood, the howling of the beasts, the shouts and anxiety of the people on the city wall...

It is indeed war...

But what battle is this, humans... and orcs? Or monsters?

What kind of city is this... In his memory, there is no city in history that can have such a scale.

Big scary!

There are also the densely packed cannons on the city, all kinds of strange things, strange shapes, and the power is so shocking!

This cannot be the scene presented in the movie.

Spielberg made a judgment in an instant. Based on the number of films he read, if there is such a beautifully produced film, he cannot be unaware.

However, this can't be reality...Could it be that a dark horse company has appeared in the industry recently to produce such amazing animations?

The second round of artillery fire had already started, but it failed to stop the monster's attack.

The monstrous beasts rushing in like a tidal wave, impacted on the city wall, even if they smashed themselves into pieces, they were not afraid of death.

Steel and flesh are intertwined, forming a picture with great visual impact!

The kind of flesh and blood flowers blooming like Black's iris gave Spielberg goosebumps all over his body!

He never thought that just watching a video can make him feel the shock from the depths of his soul!


He was dumbfounded, he had directed countless shocking scenes, but compared with this video, it pales in comparison!

Countless behemoths surround a city wall, eyed inward like a tide, but the city is like a reef standing on the sea level, and it will never fall down!

Even, those gigantic beasts that looked ferocious and ferocious were scattered until their flesh and blood flew everywhere!

"Which company made this war scene?"

Spielberg couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked aloud.

He can only be sure now that this must be a CG picture made by a special effects company (DAE).

However, he didn't know when a special effects company with such top technology appeared in the industry.

If he can cooperate with such a special effects company for the next movie...

"Director, this is a live-action shooting video of a game!"

The assistant responded with the same tone of disbelief.

The assistant who has watched it many times can't believe it, this is just a game video.

But, it is true!

"Game?" The big director looked confused: "Game video?"


The assistant nodded fiercely: "This is a new VR game developed by a game company. During the game, someone took a video and posted it on the Internet. This is the... real scene in that video.


Spielberg felt as if he was dreaming: "How is this possible!"

"Even if it is the top special effects company in the industry, it will take a lot of time and energy to produce such a video."

"How can a game's real scene picture reach this level!"

The assistant said helplessly: "Director, I can't believe it either, but this is the truth."

At this time, in the video, the players just started charging with Lu Chao!

More than a thousand players jumped off the city wall and rushed towards the monsters collectively!

Spielberg's eyes widened instantly!

pebble hit rock....

This was his first reaction.

The number of monsters in the beast tide may be in the millions!

A mere thousand players, in front of millions of monsters, are as insignificant as insects!

But judging by the attitude of the players, they are moving forward!

Spielberg straight up from his chair!


This is the chivalry he tried to express hundreds of times in the movie!


He felt that his already aged body was on fire!

Give up life and forget death, regard death as home!

This is the chivalry he wants!


The charging player's body suddenly lit up with colorful light, which is the special effect of various advanced equipment.


Spielberg was stunned suddenly, the knights...how did they suddenly become Superman?

The spirit of chivalry is indeed still there, but, he believes now, this should, really be the actual scene of the game!

Those players, each of them burst out with superhuman energy, and countless magical effects emanated from their bodies, hitting the beast tide.

Let the monsters suffer heavy losses.

Spielberg was silent.

After a while, he asked out of breath.

"Which... Which game company is this, can make such an effect?"

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