I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

168: Analysis Of Ace Venture Capitalist, Gu Qiu's Real Strength!

Soon, Spielberg got the answer.


A company that he should be unfamiliar with, but somehow familiar with.

"All People Pets" is so popular, there are people hunting monsters everywhere in the streets and alleys, even the crew members are no exception~.

He also punished several employees who were obsessed with catching monsters and neglected their work.

"It turned out to be them."

Spielberg suddenly realized that only those who can make such an imaginative game as "All People Pets" can make such a huge and gorgeous effect.

In his mind, an amazing idea and creativity suddenly appeared.

There is one thing he never said to anyone. Back then, he had a movie idea, which was about VR game movies.

Originally, the filming was already planned, but then something happened suddenly, which made him shelve this idea for the time being.

In recent years, VR technology has been changing with each passing day, and now there is a VR game such as "Sumeri Mirage", which is extremely open and eye-catching.

It seems that it is time to restart the VR game movie that was originally shelved!

The more Spielberg thought about it, the more excited he became. He felt that as long as he cooperates with Xinhuo, he will definitely make this film perfect, making the already extremely sci-fi idea more outstanding!

We must strive for the cooperation of Xinhuo!

He silently decided in his heart...

If we can join hands with Xinhuo, this movie will definitely be a big success!

He has already thought of the name of the movie.

"Ready Player One"!

Even a top director like Spielberg is attracted by live-action videos, let alone a Common player.

When they saw the video created by many UP masters with secondary processing and accompanied by various music [the whole person was dumbfounded.

Shocked to speechless!

"Is this the latest promotional video for a blockbuster movie?"

"A new Lord of the Rings book coming out?"

"Which special effects company did it, it's too ruthless."

"At this level, I see the hope of the rise of the film industry in the next era!

When they knew it was a game screen, they were even more frightened.

"No way, I don't read much, don't lie to me!"

"Game? How is it possible, which game can make such real-life special effects!"

"If this is a game, I'll buy it and play it if I sell everything!"

Then, these people stepped into the pit of "Sumeri Illusion"!

The sales of VR glasses are like a rocket. As long as Gu Qiu releases a batch of finished products, they will be wiped out immediately.

Not even one left.

All major dealers, who can get the fire glasses, can be used as bargaining chips to attract buyers.

Salary battle!

Gu Qiu kept his feet on the ground.

This scene also exceeded his expectations.

What he began to think was that the quality of "Xumi Mirage" and the affordable price would definitely further drive the sales of VR glasses, so he invested 50 million ahead of schedule to build additional factories and production lines.

He expected that sales would increase, but he didn't expect that the increase would be so fast!

This is still due to Sister Zhou's coquettish operation, which attracted more than a thousand players in, which directly led to the deduction of the small world, turning it into an epic battle between the players and the beast horde.

Video works great.

So Gu Qiu urgently added a production line, preparing to continue to expand VR glasses.

Now in this situation, he doesn't have to worry about dropping the goods into his hands at all, as long as he can manufacture the product, it is equivalent to picking up money!

Many venture capitalists in the industry have been stunned by the speed of the rise of Xinhuo Glasses.

At the beginning, no one was optimistic about the Xinghuo glasses, but unexpectedly, in just one year, the Xinghuo glasses slapped them seventeen or eight times on the face.

Xinhuo has several popular national-level games in a row, making glasses the most popular item in the electronic field.

Until "Sumeri Illusion", the enthusiasm of the players was completely ignited!

Isn't it just over two hundred yuan!

The whole set is only over a thousand!

Not only can you play "All People Pets" for free, but you can also play "Sumeri Fantasy" for tens of dollars. Isn't this money a free gift?

Xinhuo has created many miracles.

VR glasses are just one of them.

In the eyes of venture capitalists, Gu Qiu's brilliance is more than that!

Wansheng Investment, known as the top angel investment institution in the industry, has invested in many potential companies over the years and has made countless profits.

At the internal analysis meeting, several so-called ace angel investors expressed their opinions on Xinhuo.

"I don't need to state the value of the firewood anymore."

…0 for flowers……………

Dressed in a suit and leather shoes, Song Geyi, full of elite style, talked to the screen.

"During the start-up period, we failed to get a share of the salary, which was already a major mistake.

"At the beginning, I proposed several times that no matter what, no matter what the price was, I had to board the boat of Gu Qiu. At that time, there were still people in the company who opposed it. What about now?"

"At that time, you said that Xinhuo is just a small game company, and it is not worth spending a lot of effort. How about it? Do you still say that now?"

"When the Penguin's momentum was thwarted again and again, we should get a part of the shares of Xinhuo no matter what the cost!"

"That way, by now we have already doubled it a few times, and we don't have to sigh anymore!"

Song Geyi frowned, he was really upset.

Back then, he was particularly optimistic about Gu Qiu, he felt that he saw a kind of hope called a miracle in this young man!

This young man seems to be omnipotent!

When Penguin's first investment failed, he had already made a plan, and the conditions he gave were far more generous than the second conditions given by Penguin later!

Unfortunately, his proposal was rejected by the company.

Many people also ridiculed him, saying that he was wrong, Xinhuo is a small company, how can it be worth the price?

And now, not to mention their top venture capital company, I am afraid that the old men on the street know that Xinhuo is the most famous technology company recently!

If they want to get in the car again, the price they will pay may not even be bearable by themselves!

After Song Geyi's violent spray, some people's faces gradually became unbearable.

They are usually big bosses who are admired by countless people, but they are caught and sprayed by Song Geyi just because they misunderstood the salary once, who can bear it?

"It's just a pair of fire glasses, and it's not worth your attention."

"If you miss it, you will miss it. There are still so many potential companies, so why bother to stare at the salary?"

"Gu Qiu's current size can be regarded as the end. A small company that is fighting alone, no matter how it develops, what can it do? Can it become the second penguin?"

Several people defended at the same time, but Song Geyi directly raised his eyebrows!


"Now you still can't see the real strength of Gu Qiu, you are so stupid!"

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