I Make Games To Restore Chinese Civilization

241: So Many Ghosts, Who Can Resist

"Drip, drip, drip!"

A strange siren sounded suddenly above Teacher Park's head!

"What, what's ringing!"

Old Pu backed away in fright, looking around for the source of the sound.

At this time, the ceiling started to spray water down, and it sprayed him all over the face.

In the sight of Mr. Park, the Japanese version of water mist.

He looked up blankly. There was a smoke alarm with a red light on the ceiling of the corridor, and there was a fire sprinkler next to it that kept spraying water.

He fell silent.

The fire nozzle kept spraying water, splashing everywhere, Lao Pu stepped back, and his vision became clearer.

He looked down at the ground.

The burning brazier was quickly extinguished.

Even the green flames were extinguished!

The water friends were dumbfounded.

Then there was a burst of wild laughter.

"What the hell is going on, how about physically exorcising ghosts here?"

"I knew it, you can always trust Ningke!"

"No, I really can't hold it anymore hahahaha, ghosts never thought that times have changed!"

Lao Pu shook his camera and shook off the water droplets contaminated by his sight.

Nima is a water mist effect, why make it so real?

He really didn't expect that the game could be so realistic that even the alarm could be triggered and water could be sprayed!

The roots of his teeth itched and his hair began to itch.

"Easy to decompress the studio, don't let me know who makes the game!"

"This grudge is forged with you!"

But what he didn't expect was that after the flames were gradually extinguished, the familiar figure of the uncle appeared at the stairs again.

The road ahead, it seems, can go again.

Lao Pu felt that he had grasped the essentials of customs clearance.

"I understand, sir, don't rush.]!"

"That's it."

He climbed up to the eighth floor directly without looking back, feeling ruthless in his heart.

"I'd like to see what tricks you're up to!"

"Just to scare people, don't worry!

Lao Pu felt that he was full of momentum and was fully prepared.

As soon as he stepped on the eighth floor, he was stunned.

A woman stood not far away and stared at him. Her pale face, wearing a cheongsam, is another paper figurine.

He took a few deep breaths and said silently: "It's okay, I'm not afraid!"

The paper figurine moved suddenly and rushed towards him at a fast speed!


No matter how psychological construction is useless, he screamed and covered his eyes.

But the paper figurine didn't stop, and rushed downstairs.

Old Pu sat on the ground frightened and rolled over to the stairs.

He tightly covered his eyes, pretending to be snow.

After a while, he found that nothing happened, and slowly let go of his fingers, trying to see what was going on.

Through his fingers, he saw a pale face sticking in front of him again!

Those gray eyes stared at him firmly, it was the dead uncle again.


Old Pu screamed and fell backwards!

This time, he didn't fall down the stairs, and the perspective rotated around, and he found himself falling directly on the flat ground.

He waited for a long time before gradually calming down.

This uncle has already frightened him several times, every time is not the same.

Just such a ghost, played by the designer.

Does he sincerely want the player's life?

Teacher Park turned his head to look around, and found that this was not the eighth floor just now!

"What's the situation, did I teleport?"

After he saw the environment around him clearly, he immediately got goosebumps all over his body again.

This is the fourth floor, and the opposite is the door of the uncle's house!

There are still familiar photos and red apples on the ground.

The water friends were terrified.

"Ah, I don't dare to look at it anymore!"

"Playing in the underworld, rushing to kill people!"

"Scared the child to death... How did you go back to the fourth floor? Could it be that those just now were hallucinations!"

"々`Don't worry about hallucinations or not, I think Lao Pu can't bear it anymore.

"The ambulance phone is ready."

Teacher Park felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body was covered with cold air. He didn't want to stay in this building anymore.

If you are ashamed, you will be ashamed.

But he didn't dare to take off his glasses, who knows what tricks the designer will come up with.

He had no choice but to go downstairs, but just as he was about to turn around, he found the paper figurine of White rushing past him in a whirring week.

He was already numb, and the constant shock made him unable to even make a sound.

The paper figurine stopped at the door of the uncle's house, facing him, with a weird smile on his face.

Teacher Park looked at the paper figurine staring at him, his legs trembling.

He didn't dare to move, and he didn't dare to walk.

They stared at each other for a while, but the paper figurine (Wang Liaohao) did not move.

But going on like this is not an option, he decided to move slowly and leave.

He had already moved to the stairs little by little, and just as he was about to raise his legs at the right time, he ran downstairs.

Suddenly, the uncle's face appeared in front of him again.


He screamed and took a few steps back in fright!

He felt like he was going to cry, what a crap, it's endless.

At this time, he was even more alarmed to find that on the other side of him, there was also a figure of the same uncle.

Two identical people surrounded him.

In addition, there is a paper man.

Three ghosts, in the shape of an angle, surrounded him.

Old Pu was completely numb now. .

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